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Posts posted by (PSN)IkariWarrior83

  1. The opticor was never silent.  Unless you have a silencing mod on it.  The only weapons that are passively silent are bows, melee, and kunai/throwing secondary weapons. 


    Edit: Nevermind, unless the Wiki is wrong, I've been corrected!

  2. LOL ha, no, but if you want, blow through your WiFi cable :-D

    what i was suggesting, was going outside and enjoy the sun(*)



    (*) the "day star"... yellow, bright, common sight to those strange people, who are encountered during daylight

    Hahaha, touche!

  3. Anyone else old and wrinkly enough to remember Commodore64 tapes? You would start the loading of the game, then go outside to play for half an hour and come back to either a working computer game, or some crashed screen on your TV :)

    Atari/NES kid here, lol...


    Are you suggesting the solution to the 9GB update file is to unplug the Ethernet cable and blow in it?

  4. Overall, I believe Vulkar wins. Most presented good points and the ones who didn't had their reasoning behind their choices, but technically I've already got a shoot-reload-shoot-reload weapon (AKA Vectis) in my bow. I may as well have a balance between my Latron Wraith and my bow, plus the zoom may be helpful.


    EDIT: Sorry to be narcissistic and make myself the 'solved' post, but everyone had good points and I'm not going to say any one person was more perfect than another.

    The Vectis has a certain advantage over bows: specifically the massive zoom and it's track-scan.  Arrows have travel time and bows don't have a built-in zoom.  That said, you seem to have made your choice XD

  5. Warframe has crashed on me once since this automatic download patch came out.  It was the first time Warframe has ever crashed on my PS4.  I submitted an error report to Sony.  It was during a Dark Sector defense on Jupiter; I was the only player kicked. I lost my Neural Sensors ;_;


    Anyone else experience crashing?  I don't know if it's because of this patch, but I didn't experience any crashes until this patch.




    "Let's keep going to 40, I got a good feeling, guys!"


    Yeah, that's the worst. Even if you make them all, who needs that many formae?

    The worst would be single orokin cells, lol.  I'm kinda blown those show up as void rewards at all.  Packs of 3, ok.  Single cells? Come on guys.


    I ran out of neural sensors building the forma blueprints that I earned, and I don't think I've built even half of them, lol.  Oh well, I can go to town building all the clan weapons, anyway.

  7. Lato, AKLato, and Braton can all be bought with credits. Even if we had to furnish these weapons ourselves, who doesn't have the credits to buy these weapons outright? How hard is it REALLY to build a Skana? I'm thinking a little perspective is needed before complaining about something that isn't out yet.

  8. So, yeah, every post with abilities doesn't fit me, since I got Ash and all of the gear literally yesterday, so everything is Rank 2 :p. What about Survival missions in the Earth? I've heard they're pretty easy.

    Also, it says that Ash is not very good on Defence missions...

    In general, that's true.  There are no survival missions on Earth or Venus after one of the more recent updates that changed them to Excavation missions.  I recommend the Dark Sector Defense on Earth because, in my experience, there's always someone running it, and you can just hop in with a squad of randoms.  If things get too hairy, extract at the earliest opportunity.  I usually do 10 waves when leveling up new gear.  Whether a frame is "for" defense is irrelevant up through wave 5.  A squad of 4 competent players can kill anything up to wave 5 regardless of what they have equipped.  Getting to wave 10 can be a challenge, depending on who has what equipped, but up through wave 5 is generally pretty easy regardless.


    My rule of thumb is: if anyone goes down before the end of the mission, extract at the next opportunity.  Otherwise keep going.


    Tower defense or Orokin Derelict are good options as long as you have a good squad (from your clan or recruiting tab) and they know you're under-leveled, they'll often pick up the slack until you can get up to snuff.  Thing is: not every frame is ideal for defense, but each defense mission needs just one Frost/Vauban.  Everyone else can basically do what they want offensively as long as you have a good Vauban/Frost at the objective.

  9. Whenever I get new gear, I always grind the Dark Sector Defense node on Earth.  Dark Sector bonus experience plus the chance to farm Neurodes.  I do that up to rank 10, then repeat on Dark Sector Defense on Saturn for Orokin Cells.  You could do Jupiter, too, but Neural Sensors seem to drop way less than Neurodes or Orokin Cells.

  10. I'm not sure about either one. I feel my Rhino's survivability is already very good. Miles better than my other frame Excalibur. It is my small damage to enemy that's holding me back. However I don't "love" Boltor. It is a good gun with great damage but I don't like its spread or the sound/look. Actually I don't "love" Rhino either, it sure is tanky as F*** but it feels sluggish and mindless. I'm just using them to unlock the star chart. 


    I only have the blue potato and I will probably give it to the Quanta after it's crafted. I hope that can bring me further in the galaxy.

    That clarifies things considerably.  What is your mastery rank?  If you're rank 6, you can build the Soma, and that is much better than the vanilla Boltor.  I would recommend building the Soma and put your potato in that, if you like it.


    I'm of the opinion that you shouldn't potato anything you don't REALLY like.  So if you're not a fan of Rhino and Boltor, and are just using them because you have nothing better, then save your Potato for weapons and frames you really enjoy.


    Blue Potato is Catalyst and only goes in weapons.  I assume you know that, but thought I'd clarify in case you were unsure.

  11. Our update cycle speed will not change. 


    It will stop us from downloading an update then launching the game the first time and have to wait while it downloads a lot more files.  Updates will come in one big chunk instead of two.  The 9gb update is more of an uninstall / reinstall to put the files in the correct place.  Our updates will still be need to be ported and will still need to pass through cert.

    Loki1211 is correct. 

    Thanks, Loki, for clarifying, and Drew for confirming!

  12. I would potato the Boltor, but not Rhino because he´s a solid frame, lots of survivavility and the only reason you need potato on him is to increase power strentgh which is not necesary a that point if you have a good weapon in my opinion. Also, don't rush to get your first prime, enjoy the game first before getting tired of grinding :)

    I would suggest the opposite, potato the frame and not the boltor.  Boltor Prime is relatively easy to get with friends, Rhino Prime may be easy-ish to get, but there's no statistical difference between Rhino and its Prime.  Boltor Prime does more damage than Boltor, and has an extra polarity slot which saves time.


    Note that a frame and a weapon take different kinds of potato.  If you have a reactor and a catalyst, you could potato them both if you want.  As it is, Rhino + Potato + Aura mod greatly enhances the frame without requiring the prime version.  Max out your Aura Mod, I have an un-potatoed Rhino with a maxed Steel Charge just for the Mod Points.  You have a lot of wiggle room with 48 polarity.

  13. Amprex basically works like this:


    No Catalyst: Okay

    Catalyst: Good

    Catalyst + 1 Forma: Awesome

    Catalyst + 2 Forma: Great

    Catalyst + 3 Forma: Greater

    Catalyst + 4 Forma: Greatest


    I got it back up to 30 after my second forma, need to pop two more into it before it realizes its true potential.  With just a Catalyst, it's a really good weapon, and I was running around with it at Rank 30 and six mods 'til I could acquire the forma to boost it further.


    Arguably, any weapon with 4 forma in it is pretty great.  The thing about the Amprex isn't that it sucks, it's that it starts off with no polarity slots.  It would be great with just a catalyst if it came with just one polarity slot.  It's an expensive weapon in many ways, but well worth the investment in the end.

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