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Posts posted by (PSN)IkariWarrior83

  1. After playing for a while, I have seen the excellent work that the tiles/graphics team has come up with for the Tenno to run their operations.  However, I feel that there are a few conspicuous Solar objects that could definitely be taken advantage of:


    Luna - why is it that Phobos is a planet, and our own moon is not?  Some folks may say "Go play Destiny, if you want the moon!"  To that I say, if I wanted to play Destiny, I wouldn't be playing Warframe.


    Story idea: The Corpus have set up a forward base to assault the Grineer on Earth.  This location could even been introduced using a questline, where the Grineer have contracted the Tenno to protect an installation which will launch assault ships to the Moon to fight the Corpus (think the Grineer equivalent of NASA).  Conclusion of the quest is an Archwing boss fight on Earth that unlocks Luna.


    Titan - Same mentality as Luna, pretty much similar story.  Titan is such a cloudy, mysterious moon, it's surprising to me that Phobos and Europa are their own planets and Titan is just a node on Saturn.  This is the moon that has intrigued and marveled so many sci-fi kids' imaginations over the years, it's due some respect!


    Story idea: This planet is half-Corpus, half-Grineer, as the Corpus have been mining the moon for resources under the Grineer's noses, and now that they've noticed, this planet has been plunged into perpetual chaos and conflict.  This planet can be unlocked after defeating General Ruk


    Io - Jupiter's moon of ice is its own planet, but the most volcanically active moon in the Solar System is reduced to a lowly node? This shall not do! I propose that Io be its own planet, like Europa.  It can be the fiery equivalent to Europa's perpetual ice fields!


    Story idea: After reigning in the Infested, Alad V is harnessing the geothermal power of Io to power his Mutalist research facilities.  This planet can be unlocked via quest (i.e. defeating Alad V once after collecting the coordinates), or can be dropped by the boss of Neptune, Ceres, or Pluto.


    Asteroid Belt - While Ceres is the largest and best-known asteroid in the Belt, it would be cool to have a collection of missions going between the asteroids.  This would be the only planet where every mission is an archwing mission.


    Story idea: The Corpus are fortifying their positions between Mars and Jupiter.  Given the threat from the Grineer, the Tenno, and the new threat of Alad V's Mutalist Empire, the Corpus are doing everything they can to keep their rivals away from the outer planets and the precious resources.


    Note: I know that none of the above are planets in the astronomical sense.  I'm using the word in the game's context, as it refers to Europa and Phobos as planets too, when they're actually satellites.

  2. I actually wouldn't complain about having strikes. But before you go into saying they copied syndicates and emotes, emotes was a largely requested community feature, and as for syndicates, they may have been planned for a long time like the Liset and relays.

    The Liset was planned for so long, it's in the 2004 trailer for Dark Sector.

  3. The renown pack credit booster is mustard right now im not getting double and thats basically my 10 bucks down the drain thanks devs smh

    If you have a problem with something that you bought not working properly, open a service ticket.  You already spent the money, if you think it's gone down the drain then you're flushing it by not opening a service ticket.

  4. It is better that it isnt giftible.It would be unnecessary because only a very small amount of players would use it.

    The OP's logic is sound, though.  So much of the game can be gifted with plat.  If Prime Access could be bought with plat, it probably would be gift-able, too, though that would never happen since Prime Access CONTAINS plat.

  5. I have a friend who did a T3 survival, but failed the mission after 15 or 20 mins, and the key was consumed.  It was my understanding that if you fail a void mission, the key is not burned.  Did that change in the recent updates?


    I could understand implementing that to prevent abuse (i.e. I didn't get what I wanted so I lost on purpose), but I think it's also pretty terrible when it's "Damn, I lost the mission, and now I have to go farm ANOTHER key."


    So, are keys burned at a certain point (like after wave 5/minute 5/etc?) or is it just an across-the-board "you lose you're screwed" kind of deal?

  6. I think this would be a creative answer to the Grineer/Corpus invasions.


    Game Type: Invasion

    Party size: 1-3 SQUADS


    Reduce the number of NPCs, and then there's more space for Tenno, plus throw in the caches so that folks don't have to run the mission five times.


    Perhaps I'm taking this idea to too-extreme a place, but hey, while we're making suggestions I might as well aim high, right? :)

  7. I see this periodically, going out and back in will refresh, but the PS4 to WF List integration seems not to show initially if the PS4 friend was added to the WF list, but if the WF friend is added to the PS4 list it works.


    e.g PS4 friend starts WF and is auto added as a friend that entry is one that is flaky. But if the WF friend is added to PS4 Friend list there does not appear to be a problem.

    I've noticed that, too, actually.

  8. The bounties in the current Mutalist Incursions Operation are great.  I love looking at the total counts that I have, and then jump into a new mission so I can get the shiny rewards!  I think bounties would be a great supplement to the current alert system, and also would be PERFECT to tie into the achievements!


    Imagine if the Hat's Off trophy was actually a bounty?  "Show the Corpus we mean business, collect 200 of their helmets, and we'll give you a blueprint for an Orokin Reactor."


    Or: "Destroy 200 cameras to show the Corpus their insecure their security system is!" and reward us with a camera sigil.


    I'm excited by the sheer quantity of mutalist incursions and I can't wait to wipe out more of 'em and collect my bounties!


    Just a thought and a friendly suggestion to keep this kind of thing going :)

  9. guys, the option to buy revives for 12plats is already there in the arsenal, and honestly its pointless to be able to buy revives there since we dont need them at the liset (might as well just change our frame for one that has all the revives ready).


    To OP: this makes sense and it should be added, we need new revives at the mission not after we already failed it. Never ran in this problem since i dont use frames that have less than 2 revives just in case but i know this is a big problem specially when someone on your team just stays for the run (AKA leach the team just staying dead) arguing they cant revive since they dont have more revives ready

    I agree.


    This goes too much into the P2W area. The thing is, if the option is there, people, mostly new players, will either be tempted to take them, or walk away because Warframe just rubbed the monetization model in their face (like the market and arsenal already do without clarifying how everything is obtainable without plat).

    I somewhat agree.  I don't think this falls under P2W too much, because you can be killed just as easily once you've burned a revive.  I do agree that this is something that could inadvertently be used to milk newbies.  "You need to buy your 1-ups now. Spend 12p?"  That could piss off new players without proper education.


    Perhaps this needs a middle ground?  Make this an option to players when they've reached MR2 or 4 or so?  That way, you've played the game enough (hopefully) to learn to not NEED revives, and are smart enough not to burn plat needlessly, and you're at a rank where you should have more than one frame, and can switch to get more revives.

  10. So 15.5 dropped on PS4 recently, and I'm having a ball.  I like the bounties alert; they're a lot of fun and there are so many that they tend to time out before I can do the next one, but that's okay because another one drops in quick succession.  I have four bounties to do, plus invasions, plus the Fleet Footed Tactical Alert, plus whatever other alerts like to pop up, for 8k credits, resources, Vauban parts, etc.  I have never had so much going on simultaneously in this game before...and I love it!


    But my gosh!  I walk to the front of my ship and it looks like the monolith from 2001 with 50000 quests written on it!  That's overwhelming to the point where it's visual clutter, and it just plain looks bad visually having this floating black square with white text pop up at the front of my ship.  One of the guys I ran with last night said the pop-up was so tall that it was starting to clip through the window of his ship.


    I have a few suggestions to resolve this:


    1) Change the box/font so it doesn't look like this big, bland square -- I know "change the box" is a really vague suggestion, but I know the talented UI team can come up with something :)

    2) Sub-categorize the bounties -- we have a detailed explanation of all the events occurring in the Solar System when we actually have it up (by pressing R2).  I don't need to know specifics before I kneel down in front of the planets.

    2a) I like having a summary of things available (alerts, invasions, etc). Perhaps summarize it to say "Bounties: 0/4 completed."  

    2b) When I press R2 on the larger screen, you can include a sub-section for bounties, along with alerts, invasions, syndicate missions, etc, or include bounty information under the alerts section (i.e. Mutalist Incursion Bounty - 24/50 Swarm MOAs destroyed.)


    1 will make all events look better

    2/2a will keep that front console from looking cluttered

    2b will give the team flexibility for future bounties if they so desire


    Thank you for your time :)

  11. This has driven me up the WALL since I started playing.  What really annoys me is when a teammate is down and I see the "downed" marker "25m" behind me, so then I run all the way to the hallway and...

    "325m away." Followed by:

    "Teammate has died."


    Thanks game, you screwed over my teammate.


    Also: it bugs the ever living SNOT outta me when I'm on one of the more elaborate tiles, and the "next tile" indicator keeps jumping around spastically because there are so many exits, especially on some of the more elaborate rigs on Phobos.


    This is a big UI problem, IMO, and I'm astounded it hasn't been fixed yet.  I guess it's a bigger problem than I thought, but this is such a big problem that the map has caused me to lose a mission or two.  I know that's a low percentage, but the map should not have caused me to lose at all.

  12. Nothing should be popping up in the central area of the screen when I'm running missions.

    Nothing, it really should be the first rule of UI design.

    Team mate at extraction message.

    Syndicate transmissions.

    Syndicate aura icons when activated.

    Weapon and frame rankups.

    Challenge progress noitifications.

    I'm sure there are more.

    Please play the game and watch how they can obscure the action, which we really need to see!

    "GET TO EXTRACTION" is obnoxious and in the center.  It needs to be moved out of the way.

    Cannot speak to Syndicate stuff yet

    Weapon and Frame Rankups I somewhat agree.  I like to be informed that my weapons and abilities are getting stronger, but this notification occupies a third of the center of the screen when it pops.  The sound and text are rewarding, but it's too close to the crosshair.  I feel like putting that info at the bottom where resource collection is located would be a better place for it.

    Challenge Progress notifications I think are in a fine place.  They basically cover the warframe's legs, which is out-of-the-way enough, IMO.


    With regard to "please play the game and watch how they can obscure the action," I would say that you should consider rephrasing this.  Implying that they don't play the game they're actively building is insulting at worst, and unhelpful at best.

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