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Posts posted by (PSN)IkariWarrior83

  1. I'm not complaining about free stuff, I'm complainng on not having anything to buy.


    You're absolutely right, you're not complaining.  You are saying "I would have liked getting _______, but I'm happy with what I got."  That is the appropriate attitude.  Folks saying it's a "slap in the face" and "garbage" are the folks that irritate me.

  2. Well its a 1 year anniversary, not some tactical alert or anything that give similar/better rewards. For many dedicated players its considered a very special day. I'm not complaining though, if De decided these rewards are worth 1 year then so be it.

    So, folks would prefer De do nothing?  I understand where folks are coming from.  I wanted Dex Furis or at least a chance at them, or something else that's shiny. I think we should get a PS4 "Renown" skin with the Boar (not just the blueprint).


    But this is what we are given, and I see no reason to complain about not getting what we want (for free) in a game that's free-to-play.


    Heck, my favorite gifts are what I got without a special one year celebration: A kubrow and the last piece of Oberon, lol!


    I guess I'm simply not picky enough when it comes to gifts.

  3. I have to say this is a real slap in the face. Very very disappointed in we got as vet I only benefited from the boar the rest is garbage!

    Wow you have no idea what a "slap in the face" is.


    "I only benefitted from one gun and spent plat on the rest!"


    Get over yourself.

  4. Well I'm going to miss the alerts and gifts. Out of town till next Friday. Fantastic, that pretty much killed my excitement for celebrating. Well happy anniversary anyway everyone.



    Hope you get back before the update ends hollow. Hell take your ps4 with you and log in real quick one day. If I can do anything for you send me a message on psn.

    Actually, this might not be a bad idea.  If there is someone you trust enough, they can log in on your behalf, and then log out.  Of course you'd have to give them your password, or reset the password so they can log in from their system, but if you have someone who can do that for you, all the info is tied to the server, not the console.

  5. I've run two missions in the past 3 days where a bug occurs where the game prompts me to accept a mission invite to the mission I'm already in.  It says "Voting on <mission>" like it does on the map screen in the ship.  This started happening recently (again, in the past 3 days or so).  I used PS Share to capture the footage of the events. As soon as I have an opportunity, I'll upload it to youtube and update this post with the link.


    However, I wanted to bring this to your attention while it was on my mind.


    Note: When it happened to me, it happened to the other players in my squad.

    Note 2: The game seemed to play normally, it just had the mission select thing up at the top.

    Note 3: This seems to occur when the game lags

    Note 4: Accepting or rejecting the mission vote did not clear the error, nor impact the mission in any way.

  6. Edit: <snip>

    I might make some changes to it. If I get you right you want people to use Warframes/Weapons (there are no Companions that follow that rule) that start with V.

    Did you just forget Vauban or did you not include him on purpose?

    I forgot Vauban (almost forgot Volt, lol).  That said, Vauban might make the game too easy, but since you changed my idea to any V weapons including Vectis, then hey, do your do, man.  Other folks can follow your version or mine if they choose to do it at all :)

  7. I've seen previous threads on this before, but I can't locate them at the moment.  In essence: I feel like there's a lot of untapped potential doing combos on the PS4.  Having to mash R1 when I'm in Melee 2.0 is counter-intuitive to me.  Pressing R1 while I have a gun equipped for "quick melee" is good.  I like this, don't change it.  But when I press-and-hold triangle to go melee-only (or the more brash tenno that just bring their Nikatanas into battle), The R1, R1, (pause) R1, and the R1, (hold)R1, R1 combos are counter-intuitive to a trigger-happy game like this one.


    Instead, I propose a combat system that utilizes the face buttons for increased accuracy:


    Square - Light Attack

    Triangle - Heavy attack

    O or L2 - Block

    X - Jump


    Such that R1, R1, (pause) R1 becomes X, X, Triangle and

                    R1, (HoldR1), R1 becomes X, Triangle, X


    Or some variant thereof. In this way, we don't have to think about holding buttons down longer than necessary, and the shoulder buttons can be used for blocking (or the O button), channeling, and give flexibility to a "quick-fire" option.  I.e. R1 while in Melee 3.0 would fire off a quick shot or a quick burst (in the case of automatics) from your side-arm (or primary if a secondary is not equipped).


    In this way, we can have even tighter controls for melee, while not losing anything on the gunplay side of things.  It would also allow for greater flexibility if a stance mod is not equipped.  Sometimes I just want to do a slam attack with my Galatine, but I have to hit Melee twice and use two lesser strikes instead of the slower, more powerful strikes.  With "melee 3.0", I could just hit triangle and cleave my foes in twain.


    Often, I have my Dual Zoren equipped, and with a stance mod equipped, I just spam quick-fire because the stance mod slows my combos down, but if I just want to do a flurry of quick attacks while in melee mode, my "melee 3.0" suggestion would allow players to use square to hit the quick attacks, and then initiate combos with square and triangle.


    In summary:

    -Remapping the buttons gives better control

    -Remapping the buttons gives players more combat options.

    -Separating heavy and light attacks makes combos clearer


    Thank you for your time!

  8. Yeah, I had a blueprint for an arcane helmet, but I was a noob, and I was like "I'm never going to get the thing(s) to make this" and sold the blueprint back for (I think) a full refund of my credits.  I didn't even notice those things were not on the marketplace anymore, lol.  I feel a little foolish for selling it because I could have had like a super powered excal helmet or someting.

  9. At least you can't be called prejudiced against one or the other, equal hatred of all validates it.




    I hate <snip> Limbo's abilities and his stupid hat<snip>

    I hate that Limbo's head looks like a dong.  There, I said it.


    This. There is no way to make Ash look good other than just straight black.

    I dunno, I'm pretty satisfied with the Dark red/green/blue/black chest, and a white head to make the helmet look like a skull.

  10. Idea to add to the Theme:


    "V for Vendetta"

    -Players: 1-4

    -Frames: Valkyr, Volt


      -Vulkar (primary)

      -No Vectis (would be too easy)

      -Viper Secondary (or Duel Vipers)

      -Venka Melee

    -Map: Venus (Venera)


    And it's a defense mission!

  11. I hate that I clearly shot an enemy in the head with my Vectis, but I don't get a crit nor does the headshot count towards my headshot kills for the affinity boost.

    I hate that if one enemy sees you (even if you kill them shortly after) all enemies see you, then they trip the alarm and then you have to disable the alarm, kill the swarm, blah blah blah

    I hate that Sniper rifles don't have Stealth attack damage like melee weapons do.

    The afore-mentioened chain rolling

    The fact that the two planets with neurodes don't have bosses (and good luck finding them in the derelict for that matter)

  12. Frequently (specifically infested missions) I have faced down a Leech eximus, but by the time I have it killed, I've lost over 100 energy. For the Disruptor Ancients, this isn't so much a problem, because when my hud gets all distorted, I know that whatever energy I had is effectively gone.


    However, whenever Leech Eximus enemy types attack me, I don't know they're there until I've killed them.  If I understand the game's mechanics properly, eximus AoE extend through walls, buffing enemies and debuffing players regardless of physical limitations.  For the Leech Eximus type, this is particularly unfair because my energy is bleeding out while I'm dealing with a horde, and the enemy affecting me is on the other side of a wall.


    If we could get some kind of indicator for leech eximus, similar to fire and arctic, just a different color, it would be appreciated.  Dark red, black, dark green, whatever the devs think is most appropriate.  This would help me realize that I'm being affected by an enemy I can't see, and to change my tactics accordingly, instead of trying to Blade Storm and discover I only have 38 energy.

  13. Do you enjoy using it?

    If yes then keep.


    People are too caught up in numbers.

    Grataka is a great crit or status weapon.

    This.  I posted a thread (now buried onto page 3) about whether the Seer pistol sucks.  And what it boils down to is that one player (master-ranked) loves it and thinks it's a great pistol.  Another player (also master-ranked) said that they can't stand it for various reasons.


    I hate using the Seer pistol, so regardless of what those two players (with opposite opinions) say, I will never use the Seer pistol again.  As such, I'm going to be selling it tonight.


    If you don't like using the Grakata, then sell it.  If you do like using it, then mod it differently using the suggestions in this thread, and you'll see marked improvement in your rifle, no doubt :)

  14. As has been said previously, AAA refers to big budget games, which usually results in (objectively speaking) higher-quality games.  "Higher-quality" meaning, shinier graphics, stable (not-crashing) gameplay, bigger/longer games.  There are exceptions to this: Battlefield 4 is a AAA game despite the horrid problems it had at launch.


    Even though Dark Sector had a publisher, I wouldn't say D3 Publishing is well-known (unless you're a fan of Earth Defense Force), and I can't speak to Dark Sector's budget, but I'm going to assume Digital Extremes didn't get Call of Duty money to put that game out.


    Warframe for all intents and purposes is an indie game.  Their publisher is...themselves? And while they had a recent investment deal, $60M is still a drop in the bucket compared to GTA5's $300M budget, or Destiny's $500M budget.

    Edit: Also a good majority of that budget goes into marketing, not necessarily development.  I think $166M was the dev costs for Destiny, the remaining $344M went into marketing.

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