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Posts posted by (PSN)IkariWarrior83

  1. He is meta frame and used by worst players in game. There are few players that can use him properly. Rhino hate didnt come by itself, there is deep background of idiocy and noobism behind it.



    As i always advise new players, build Rhino last.

    Oh yeah, all the hate definitely comes from somewhere.  I'm relatively new to the WF Community, so learning which frames are beast and which are least is still coming to me.  Most folks tend to agree that Ember is the worst, and there's just this general hatred for Rhino.  


    I just ranked up to MR8, so I was MR7 when I built Rhino Prime.  I skipped it initially because it looked boring, like a beefy excal with none of the fun abilities.  Now that I have one, I really like it.  I enjoy the shimmering gold Iron Skin, and with the tips from this thread, I'll be even better with it.

  2. if you want tanky i would take a look at valkyr, with her armor rating you can stack her HP and armor to give her the highest effective HP in the game; much for health effective then rhino.

    -she can go completely invincible on a dime with her ultimate in a "oh crap" scenario as well. 

    Oh I abuse Hysteria maliciously.  Valkyr is my 3rd-favorite frame of the game :)

  3. Did the first rank up with the MK1-Paris. 




    It was nerve wracking.

    I did the first rank-up with the MK-1 Braton.  Burned a revive.  Started with Mag.  Will never forget *shakes fist*


    Advice for the Mastery Rank tests:

    1: Strun (shotgun, can be purchased for credits): Strun puts the Corpus to bed in 1-2 shots and has a decent rate of fire

    2: Lex (Slow-firing, high powered pistol, can be purchased for credits): You're facing Grineer for the MR2 test, and Lex has high puncture damage.  I one-shotted every enemy they threw at me.

    3: Any: I had the Glaive equipped and breezed through it, but "Melee All Enemies" is really freaking easy regardless :) 


    Good luck, Tenno!

  4. I'm a new-ish Rhino player (built prime and it's currently rank 15).  I really enjoy its tank-y nature, but I'm noticing that Iron Skin is becoming less and less useful. Is there any way to increase the viability/durability of Iron Skin?  When I cast it, the skill has a counter of 100.  I don't know if this counter is Iron Skin's hit points or if it's the % of Iron Skin left.  I feel that on the higher-level missions, it's not nearly as durable.  I know it's not the best it can be because it's not maxed yet, but I wanted to know for future reference if I can improve Iron Skin?


    I have had Saryn for a while, and I maxed her to 30 and then stopped using her.  I just haven't found any of her skills useful:


    Contagion: Great for melee, but unless I'm doing infested missions, this ability is next-to-useless

    Molt: The most useful skill, but I feel like the molt's explosion doesn't do any damage

    Miasma: I know this is an AoE skill, but does it affect a cone in front of me, or enemies all around me?

    Venom: I had to look up what it's called because it just sucks so bad I never used it.  It seems to be an inferior viral-based version of Oberon's Smite.


    I don't want to say that Saryn is useless, because I have two friends who use her and love it.  I haven't potatoed her because I have found that I shouldn't pop a reactor in anything that I'm just not feeling.


    I want to like Saryn, but maybe I just don't know "how" to use her?  Any configurations/strategies are welcome.



  5. My current build has her with 35-second hysteria.  It's freaking awesome.  Was the only one standing when Vor decdied to show up in T4 Intercept.  Couldn't use my guns, but was invincible so just res'd everyone, lol.


    Valkyr is great.  Her, Oberon, and Ash are my top 3.

  6. I love Oberon.  If he's not my favorite frame in the game, he's in my top 3 (still trying to decide if I like Ash more).  I haven't put nearly as much into Oberon as some players - only a reactor - but I, too, don't understand why people see him as useless.  Hallowed Ground is great for defense and mobile defense (especially against infested).  Smite is a great compliment to any weapon arsenal (especially if you're leveling weapons and have no primary or secondary equipped).  Renewal is a godsend considering how painfully slow team health restores take and how rare health orbs can pop out, and Reckoning is a fantastic AOE with a chance for more health orbs.


    Anyone who says that Oberon is useless haven't used him extensively, or he just doesn't fit their play style, and they're blaming that on him.



    But all Frames are kinda useless in different missions. We need the Focus System to be linked with the Augment System.

    The only frame that I'm aware of that's "useless" at all is Ember because of her completely offenseive arsenal without Valkyr's armor or Mag's shields.


    It took me 3 Weeks. Because of RNG. 
    He is not a Paladin. He is a goat fairiy King. 

    It took me a while because I wasn't playing for a long time, now I play consistently.  Oberon's name is based on a fairy king, but his "job class" is similar to a paladin from RPGs: Medium-high attack, Medium-high defense, with offensive skills mixed in with healing ones.  If you've never played a classic RPG, scope out Final Fantasy 4; the main character of that game is a Paladin for 90% of the adventure.


    Oberon and Nyx are by far some of the best 'frames to deal with the new Infested units, especially at higher levels. Rhino's good at low levels for sponging their CC, but the fact that Iron Skin scales poorly and that he's still affected by the tar makes him a little less viable.

    That was my frustration playing with Rhino on Orokin Derelict Defense.  Iron Skin crumples like paper when swarmed with that many infested, especially when they throw the parasite eximus at you.

  7. That's a good point.  I considered that as I was writing, actually, but figured "why not suggest it anyway?"  lol


    If implemented, it could potentially have its own slider in the options.

  8. Right now, the only item that makes a noise when it drops is credits.  I think it would be great if the resource drops, mods, and Kubrow eggs all had unique "drop" sound effects.


    Bonus: Rare resources and mods can make a "shimmering" noise when hitting the ground.


    Double-bonus: different resources have their own unique sounds.  Alloy plate sounding similar-but-different to salvage, sounding comlpetely different than Neurodes, which sound completely different than Orokin Cells.  I think it would be kind  of funny if the Kubrow eggs had an "egg cracking" noise as they hit the ground.

  9. I hate to bump this thread, but after doing a lot of Orokin Derelict Defense, I feel the need for such an indicator is more necessary.  A common tactic of the Infested on basically every wave after 5 is to throw, like, 3 Parasitic Exiumus at the group all at one time.  While I understand this kind of mission is not supposed to be easy, and the additional enemies are there to deliberately make it harder, having my energy sap down that fast when trying to cast vortex or rekoning without any sort of indication is becoming less of a nuisance and more aggrivating.


    PLEASE De, change this as soon as you can!

  10. Vulkar with Lasting Purity is pretty nice, too. The +60% dead aim is incredible in boosting damage, and the Purity effect to proc everything with Corrosive is very good against Void enemies.


    I love the Vulkar, too.  I haven't potatoed it yet, but when I mentioned how much I liked it, I was laughed at.  Still have it, though.  I'm a fan of sniping!

  11. Vectis is a fantastic weapon.  It's basically a rifle version of a bow: single-shot, high damage per round.  I'm a huge fan of the aesthetic, too.  You can crank up its base damage really well, and it's decently accurate when fired from the hip (no-scope).


    Note: I'm biased because I really enjoy sniper weapons.  Vectis + hush is great for soloing extermination missions, too.

  12. Cross-Platform between Sony and MS consoles will never happen, unless MS buys Sony.  It wouldn't just mean XB1 and PS4 consoles talking to each other, but also Xbox Live and Playstation Network.


    I have this feeling that, on the infrastruture end, someone just needs to plug a wire from one switch into another switch and they'll all mingle, but that would violate some kind of legal agreement between Sony, MS, De, or all of the above.

  13. What's funny, too, is that if they introduced opposite "gender" styled frames in the future, they'd all look weird, because we're used to seeing the "default gender."  Female Ash might look cool, male Nyx might look weird, and what about a female Oberon?


    I prefer to think of it not as "Male and Female," but as "Masculine and Feminine."  Applying a sex or gender to these frames brings in all kinds of weird questions that I'd really rather not ask or have answered.  Masculine and feminine, conversely simply means "These frames have traits commonly seen in human anatomy that denote their shape one way or another," without saying "Nyx is a girl, Saryn is a girl, and I have the strangest boner right now."

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