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Posts posted by (PSN)IkariWarrior83

  1. I read about half of this (I skipped the basic-basic stuff I know best), and have three update suggestions:


    1) Reactors also double the mod capacity of Archwings; that was omitted in your explanation.

    2) Kubrows are worth 6000 mastery, like sentinels, frames, and Archwings (basically anything that takes a reactor is 6000 Mastery)

    3) Forma'ing a weapon or warframe does NOT grant additional mastery points.  You do have to re-level the equipment, but you already have the mastery for it (as can be tracked in your codex).


    If you mentioned point 3 already, then you can disregard :)



    I suggest breaking down "Experience points" into two sections

    6.1: Affinity

    6.2: Mastery


    Lumping them together I feel makes the concept of affinity and mastery and experience all the more confusing.

  2. If you liked it THAT much, you'd play nothing but jupiter. So you obviously don't.


    To everyone else going "Don't speak for us! We totally agree!", um... yeah. Okay.


    Still haven't seen anyone saying Jupiter is the only tileset they ever play, to the point of refusing to play anything that doesn't take place there.

    ...You might be a great "Master" at Warframe, but your arguing skills are laughable.  "If Jupiter doesn't suck then why don't you play there??"  Because:


    I don't want to.

    I'm good on Neural Sensors right now

    I have enough Fieldron Samples

    My gear is too unleveled

    My gear is too high-level


    Just because Jupiter is a favorite tileset doesn't mean people play there exclusively.  That's narrow-minded and stupid.  My favorite tileset might be the Grineer mining base.  It's easy enough to navigte, has a plethora of choke points and wide-open spaces for truly balanced gameplay, and it's one of the most common maps used in the Solar System.  I'm rather bored with the platform raising and lowering defense map because I use it to farm orokin cells while I level some gear.  Folks use the maps that they're gonna use, there's no two ways about it.



    I used to play when the game started on one tileset, and it's not "scenery" if you never see any other tilesets. Also, all 3 factions shared the tilesets, so there was variety in that.


    It's highly notable because it's always the same corpus, always the same small pool of rooms, the frame freeze thing, the extra parkour needed to check every room for medallions(including at least 2 rooms that have no way to actually "parkour" to all of their locations, requiring air melee and teleporting), the perpetual orange glow, the general repetitiveness of needing to perform the same tasks to kill enemies that have the same routes through the same rooms over and over again, with almost no variety in mission goals.


    I suppose someone who's really bad at the game would get a lot of mileage out of the repetition, but when you're not, once you've mastered the rooms, seeing it(and nothing else but it) endlessly every single mission is exceedingly stale. The devs know that, that's why more than 1 tileset exists(why make more than 1, otherwise?)


    However, it's almost borderline buggy that it has some level of exclusivity going for it in the randomly generated solar system.


    This point is good.  I'm rather tired of fighting the Corpus on Jupiter.  Whenever the Grineer invade, I'll usually help the corpus just so I have something not-corpus to shoot on Jupiter.  The problem, too, is enemy diversity.  Jupiter is still low-level enough that it won't use the higher-level enemies like Oxium Ospreys and Nullifiers.  If you're trying to farm Oxium, Jupiter is kind of a bad place to do it, even though Oxium Ospreys are all over Mars and (to a lesser degree) Venus.


    If you're bored with Jupiter, fine, I understand.  If you're tired of running missions on Jupiter, then don't.  Go someplace else.  I'm not a fan of the Earth tileset (mainly because I hate being nipped at by Wild Kubrows every 10 seconds), but I don't mind running E-Gate or whatever in order to have something different to look at while I kill things.

  3. I wouldn't mind Ordis so much if he said things that were actually useful.  "You have mail" and "things are done in the foundry" are about the only useful things he's told me, and both of those are apparent with icons in the upper-right corner.

  4. There was a time, and I'm sure you played during it, when we didn't need credits. Credits were all but useless. Now? Now credits are worth... money... You see where I'm going with this: DE made credits valuable. The fact that you and others are complaining is a *good* thing.

    Wait, this is a thread about people running out of credits?  I thought the OP was based on the fact that we've earned so much.  The Grineer and Corpus should be OUT of funds because we've milked them dry! lol.


    I'm sitting on 6mil right now.  The biggest dent to my economy was trading for a primed mod card, and that set me back 1mil.  I'm just thankful that set me back an aura mod and a syndicate weapon rather than plat!


    Where?  Not JUST the chat audio, the entire thing.  Audio, the box, the whole kit.


    I have my Ordis volume slider all the way down to 0, and I still get pop-ups.  Did they make it in 16.4.2 that having the Ordis slider at 0 turns off his communications altogether?  Somehow I think the answer is no.

  6. End game? whats that?


    Yeah, this.


    No, the game doesn't need to change just because you fail to recruit a group.


    And This.

    No seriously that is a terrible idea. Go to the corner of shame and think about what you have suggested.


    Also this.


    Ahahahah. No. Every place should give xp, period.




    Gripe comes from playing with pick up group players and not using basic communication to request people bring adequate weaponry.







    This is the gambit you face, good sir.  The harder the mission, the better the XP.  You must stipulate if you want to ensure people are bringing their best gear.  I use the phrase "Sunday Best" whenever I want my clanmates or alliance-mates to equip their best gear.


    Since you're so bent out of shape about randoms, why not invite people to your clan, since you started one?

  7. Jupiter and Earth have the most unique tilesets in the game.  Jupiter is a lot of fun because the different rooms are so expansive and diverse.  It's one of the few tilesets with a lot of verticality.  Only Jupiter has those enormous staircases and that elevator shaft that you can parkour up if you want.


    Jupiter does have a couple of annoying problems, but that can be said of any tileset.  Specifically: tiles are frequently reused.  I remember doing a mission where we go through that large room (multiple consoles, walled off by a glass wall with a cluttered hallway on the other side) down an elevator to the exact same room.  Arguably, this is because the Corpus designed a modular space station with multiple rooms having the same physical designs with different functions (not unlike cubicles...space-cubicles).


    In general, I like Jupiter, and can't think of any changes it needs, except maybe for a few new tiles.

  8. I'm usually the last person to make "this boss sucks" threads, but I feel like when the boss takes an hour+ to kill when you know HOW to beat the boss, something is inherently flawed.  


    It is my hope that De's intention of de-keying this boss was so that more players could access him so they can get more feedback so that he won't be so tedious.


    I can only hope someone in De will see this thread and figure out something as far as adjusting this fight to make it more fair.




    To clarify: I don't want this boss to be "easier." I want it to be fun.  Fun doesn't have to be easy.  T4 Intercept when Corrupted Vor shows up is not easy, but is a lot of fun.  


    An example of a change to make this boss fun while maintaining the level of difficulty would be to decrease the number of non-boss-units that are with him.  Give him like 6 or 10 units, make them Prosecutors, and that makes them as much a threat as he is, without us having to keep killing an endless spawn of health-pods for the boss.


    The simplest change would be to remove his ability to heal.  It is annoying to no end that he can just suck up Grineer juice whenever he wants.

  9. The flying part took me 2 hours. The Frame took me 10 seconds. It's a big let down anyways, so don't anyone say "Oh, he's s'pose to be this tough" because he's not "tough" , he's broken. 

    This. This exactly.  I frequently don't die because I run out of ammo or energy, but because I've lost my will to fight this boss.  Honestly, if you guys just take away his ability to heal himself, this boss would be almost fun and fair.  The tedium comes from chipping away that same 25% health over and over and over again.  It's bad enough his cronies are chipping away at your health, but the fact that he can use them to heal REALLY sucks the fun out of this fight.

  10. Well, Escalation was BAD. For example, imagine a reinforced bulletproof glass wall with a candy behind it. A regular candy that you just eat and forget. If you have a bunch of people with sledgehammers and TNT, you can get that candy in no time. But if you are alone and unarmed, you can bang against the barrier until it breaks, you break or somebody else gets the candy from the other side.

    Perhaps it's a matter of opinion :) I wasn't able to win the escalation, but I understand that it was designed to be simply that tough.


    Take energy and ammo restores and you will be fine.

    The problem is: he can sap my energy without notice and he can heal himself.  It's obnoxious and not fun.

  11. I got the stance mod, but actually like Cleaving Whirlwind better. CW is more practical, but Tempo Royale is way more flashy.  To each his own, alert and stance are well-done, De.  I enjoyed taking my Oberon and Galatine into the mission and wrecking fools.  


    I can't do the escalation.  I'm not going to complain and say "it can't be done," but I feel like it would require me having 3 close friends also at MR14 to form a plan and everyone has all the warframes, etc.  


    To the folks that solo'd the escalation...HOW? Just spam radial disarm and run around capturing everything?

  12. The ones DE announces are Gift of the Lotus alerts. Regular Catalyst/Reactor alerts are actually pretty common.. -ish. In my current time of unemployment, I've picked up at least 5 Catalyst/Reactor blueprints from random alerts. Please give me a job.

    Yeah, I don't play as much anymore, but from what I can tell, Catalyst/reactor alerts are more common after update 15.16 than before.  Or maybe the RNG is just being kind? lol.


    The Gift of the Lotus alerts are definitely manually set by De, but the other ones definitely need to have the alert time changed.  1 hour for a vauban helmet is ridiculous.  While I have Vauban already, I think it's unfair to put him in RNG hell.

  13. A boss that can only take damage from a tiny weak spot AND that weak spot is only open sometimes AND it has an attack with zero telegraph or avoidability that will drain your entire energy bar


    God DE really love piling on BS to try and make enemies "challenging"



    He's just heavily bugged. Sometimes when he as a flyer is low on health, he doesn't summon his Terra Frame. Instead he turtles with face closed until some lancers spawn. He sucks 'em dry of their vital juices, opens his face for half a second and continues turtling. Forever.

    That's the thing, I don't mind him being hard, but THIS garbage is what I consider to be an "artificial" bump in difficulty instead of a legit challenge.


    Again: I expect him to be hard, my soma was modded for crit + corrosive, but I just wasn't pouring enough damage into him. The final phase of the fight where he's in the giant mech is WAY more fun than the rest of the fight. 


    I'm not whining 'cuz it's too challenging and I'm a noob -- I'm MR14, I think my complaints are legitimate because it's not fun.  It's "too hard" not CHALLENGING.  


    Challenging is the heavy blade escalation.  Conclave below 400 with just a melee weapon and level 100-150 enemies that can one-shot me? That's challenging -- a challenge I can't do, but I know they play tested it before they released it. Challenging is Alad V and Zanuka, which might be a gimmick fight, but there's a clear way to win once you've done it one time.


    Too hard is Vey Hek and General Ruk, with teeny tiny hitboxes and invulnerability the rest of the time.  Ruk isn't hard now that I'm MR14 -- I can over-power him easily.  That doesn't mean he's not broken.

  14. After making three attempts to farm for hydroid, I was only ever able to be Hek once, and that was because of one particularly resourceful Nova tenno who primed him at the right moment.


    De, I don't say this lightly about anything in this game...


    This fight sucks.  It's tedious, it's too hard, and it's not fun.  With the exception of Kela and Tyl, you guys seem to LOVE having invincible Grineer.  Vor and Kril (together and separate) are their own brand of annoying, but those fights still feel winnable.  Vor Teleports, but can still be beaten.  Kril is slow and easily out-maneuvered, but will wreck you if he hits you.


    Vey Hek flies, has a mask that pops up and down, can one-shot your energy meter, has a ton of backup and has FIVE SEPARATE PHASES.  The first three phases are an irritating warm-up to the fourth fight.  I like the arena, I like the premise of the fight.  I like the FIFTH phase of the fight when he doesn't have invincibility frames.


    It's hard enough hitting flying targets, especially for us console Tenno.  It's really annoying that only one part of him is vulnerable at any given time, and the part that is vulnerable isn't that way very long.  Meanwhile you have stun-locking Helions, magnetizing Hek, and occasionally wild Kubrows nipping and nicking and destroying you.  It's also very annoying that he doesn't shut up for the entirety of the fight.  I'll usually wind up quitting because his babbling annoyed me into submission (in addition to all the other angering stuff that makes this fight suck)


    When I say the fight is too hard, I mean that I ran through two complete Soma stocks (full Soma ammo TWICE got the boss health down 1/4, in conjunction with two other Tenno).  If I'm pouring that much ammo into a boss, it's possible I have my weapon modded wrong, or his defense is WAY too high.


    Part of me wonders if you guys designed this fight with the idea that it would be long and drawn-out, and in order to ensure that people didn't quit, you locked this fight behind a key.  Now that you've "unlocked" this boss, his flaws are showing and they are really ugly flaws.  When a bunch of people cried for a weapon nerf, you nerfed the weapon.  Now I request you nerf Vey Hek.  I must have spent 30 minutes on each run (hour and a half total) only to come out with one Hydroid part.


    As a suggestion: keep the flying phase in the first 3 times, and give him way less health on those first three encounters.  On the last encounter, give him very low health, as if he's going to die, then BOOM, giant robot. Keep it so that we can shoot it wherever, and just give that phase a bit more health.  The frenetic chase around earth can be left in, but its way less tedious.  

  15. Hey DE,

    It would be really nice if there was a Vauban Helmet alert that didn't occur once every two weeks at 3AM EST.



    I half-agree. There are people playing at 3am, though not nearly as many.

    Believe it or not, but I am just about certain the alerts are entirely RNG.

    EDIT: With the exception of obviously arranged alerts, (Gift of the Lotus for example).

    I'm just about certain, too. De usually announces Catalyst and Reactor alerts, but I think I had a catalyst alert just pop up one day and it was a one hour thing. While such a thing happens rarely (I think this is the first time I've ever seen it happen), it CAN happen, which denotes RNG

    Edit: That said, they can CHANGE the RNG if they wanted to. Change the seed values or what it spits out or for how long. I don't know how it works, but they can change it if they wanted to.

    this problem doesn't happen to me but I would give the OP a +1 thou


    Certain alerts like Catalysts, reactors, event weapons, and frame parts should be 12 or 24 hours every time they appear. Although I think Vauban should be in a quest anyway.

    Ditto, too. Considering how difficult it is to acquire Limbo, it would be nice to have Vauban as a quest reward at some point.
  16. I counted the mods that I picked up and I got 44 mods that game. I got a Forma blueprint, like 3 new keys, and an Orokin Cell. So what just happened?

    Sounds like a good time, to me, lol.


    Mesa either shoots through walls, or her projectiles curve around like that movie Wanted.  I'm not complaining, but I feel like Peacemaker is going to get an unjust nerf at some point in the future.  OP stuff always gets nerfed into boredom :/

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