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  1. I‘ve already linked orz It's a problem that despite I do have linked but still I cannot see it in the game :( I'm going to try aruquae's methods later🌟
  2. A few months ago, I bought Asa Phased Syandana and rubedo rhino appearance in steam. Due to it was the first time trying to use steam trading, once I found that they were not appear in my warframe appearances,I thought it would be used in the game in a few days. today I went to check it again and found that these two appearances were still not avaliable in my gameplay. I do searched infos on the internet but find nothing helpful and my steam account and warframe account are linked. What can I do to make the appearance into the game?(I'm new in forums and use translator, sorry if there's any expressions cause confusion :)
  3. 几个月前在steam购买了纱织相位披饰和红晶rhino外观,因为是初次在steam交易购买所以不太明白,以为过几天就能在游戏里使用了,今天突然想起来,去看了一下发现买的这两款外观还是在游戏中看不到。在网上也查询过可能的原因,但没什么收获。我的steam账号和warframe账号是有绑定着的,要怎么做才能让外观到游戏中呢?
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