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Posts posted by JumpStartFartHam

  1. I would say whalecome, but that joke's probably gotten old by now. You get the idea, though.

    Good to see another person from the world of Vindictus around here! I still play a little bit, but I haven't made much progress (still in season 1 - just got to the Fomor raid bosses). Anyways, Warframe is a little different, but hopefully you'll like it! The community is usually pretty willing to help new players if they ask, so you're in good hands, and you're welcome to hit me up or friend me if you ever need assistance.

    Best of luck, Tenno!

  2. My picks?


    Titania - I just love zipping around with her Razorwing, flying by enemies without a care in the world. Plus ragdolling enemies off into the stratosphere with her first ability always makes my day.

    Limbo - I have the most fun with him while I'm playing with friends, mainly because, like my reason for loving Titania, I can pop into The Rift and just waltz my way around the level and just kinda screw around. Following my friend who isn't very good at spy missions but still insists on doing everything by himself through spy vaults and just not caring about the lasers while criticizing his technique is a blast. Although I don't dare troll people like that in PUGs for the sake of being that guy.

    Inaros - He feels like he has a pretty balanced kit, plus playing him just feels so powerful. With Inaros, you're fully capable of running into hordes of enemies without giving a flying fudgerbutter, incapacitating them all with a strategic sprinkling of pocket sand, then gaining back any health you might have lost in the process in a pinch (of their spinal cords with your Covert Lethality Stick ™). Oh, you couldn't get health fast enough? No biggie, just slip into your magic medi-box, zap two or three of the closest unlucky saps with a pure beam of max-rank Provoked, then get right back up and keep knockin' noggins. One of the best bangs for your ducat you can get.

  3. My wish list for Archwing to make it more appealing:

    - Level out keybind. I like the new movement system, but I hate moving around upside -down in a trench run and not having enough room to fly and have the super slow auto-orientation feature kick in because you keep hitting walls. I've seen other flight simulators with a button for that, and Archwing really needs one. Please. Please.

    - More links between game modes. Conclave seems to be moving in the right direction towards this - you can get certain Conclave mods from PVE, and you can get cool stuff that you can use in PVE as rewards from Teshin. I think Archwing can learn a couple of things from that model by letting ground missions give stuff for Archwing, and vice versa. Syndicates, Simaris, and Jordas Golem are getting closer to this, but it's not yet perfected.

    - Variation and gimmicks. In PVE we have mods that do basic stuff like increase health, shields, armor, power stats, and weapon stats, but we also have some other fun stuff like Retribution or Combustion Beam that do other fun stuff and aren't just a straight stat buff. Plus we also have Nightmare and Corrupted mods that have nice little double bonuses, or a big stat increase alongside a big drawback. These are what really make PVE builds interesting, and while augments for Archwings were a step in the right direction, the game mode still has a lot to learn from that.

  4. On ‎1‎/‎30‎/‎2017 at 1:40 PM, (XB1)CannyJack said:

    The doors in relays and dojos say "Hello" when you pass through them. Or at least, once I interpreted the sound as "Hello," I've never been able to unhear it. Happy doors, doing their happy job quite happily, which is (I believe) also a feature of Hitchhiker's Guide. 

    In other quotes/allusions/etc, isn't it Lech Kril who promises to come down on you with "great vengeance and furious anger?"

    Welp, that's probably gonna be something I can't unhear. I guess I'll just never go to a relay again and find out. Save my sanity.

    Anyways, yeah, that is Lech Kril who says that, as a reference to Samuel L. Jackson's line in Pulp Fiction. Speaking of classic 90's movies, I think it was the wiki that mentioned the Buzlok seems to have been inspired by the gun (whatever its name was) from The Fifth Element that's also a homing machine gun, and I really can't deny that one.

  5. Plot twist: Our Wyrm sentinel, in a moment of panic over what it would do without someone to play Wyrmius with it, took possession of our Warframe to save us from our impending doom. This could also tie in to why Wyrm Prime resembles a Golden Maw -- the Wyrms are operator for Golden Maws, like how the Tenno are for the Warframes. Just as the Tenno are able to use transference with Golden Maws, the Wyrms can do the same with the Warframes. The Wyrms were in the cargo hold of the Zarimon 10-0.


    U20: The Wyrm Within

  6. Somehow no one has said Dual Boltors yet, and I just have to say that I'm extremely disappointed. Boltace, AkBolto, and Dual Boltor... Bolts for days. Maybe even a Boltor-frame, with a Boltbrow and Boltor-themed landing craft (Boltset?).


    I mean, that and Dual Opticor, and maybe even Dual Fragors if you wanna extend to melee, but y'know.


  7. Personally, I'm a huge fan of the Danaus skin for the Ack & Brunt. Give that a nice silver and black color scheme with a bright energy, maybe purple or blue... Issogood. On that note, I've always found the Cernos bows to have a very nice aesthetic, from the way your Warframe wields it, to how it's stored on your back, to the look of the default arrows. It seems so much more like a majestic living creature than just a bow.

    Honorable mention: When I discovered what carnage was wrought by a max range Amprex with Combustion Beam, my laughter was like something between a school girl and an opera villain. I had lots of fun with that weapon when there existed a low-tier Void survival. Honestly, it causes one of the most beautiful corpse seas I've ever seen, hence why, despite the weapon's appearance not being very attractive in my opinion, it earns an honorable mention. Ugly weapon, beautiful carnage.

  8. I wasn't exactly sure if I should put this in the bug reports or here, but considering that I don't have much evidence of this being an actual bug, and even less exact information about this possible bug, I figured this was a good place to start. Has anyone else noticed or had issues with companions (specifically Kubrows/Kavats) dying almost immediately while destroying the siphon in Kuva Siphon missions? And I don't mean "oh, wow, they died IMMEDIATELY, so cheap", but as in they seem to die somewhere in the fray without even going into the bleedout state. I feel like I recall this happening once or twice not long after this whole siphon thing was introduced, and I just kind of thought that I must have missed my Kubrow going down amidst the chaos, but after once again experiencing this phenomenon several times as of recent without ever catching the bleedout timer or seeing so much as a death notification, I'm beginning to wonder if this is truly a bug or if I'm somehow missing the notifications (due to the fact that the companion this happened to tonight normally has a bleedout timer modded to last about two minutes, I somewhat doubt the latter). Has anyone else experienced this problem?

  9. 1 hour ago, ChuckMaverick said:

    Pigments are a guaranteed drop from the target enemies, no?

    Not entirely true - I think it depends on the enemy. If I remember correctly, when I was getting whatever color came from Seekers, it was practically a guaranteed drop, but there was a color dropped from I think Moas (or some other super common enemy) and they only had a chance of dropping the pigment. I believe it is determined by the rarity of the enemy. (Which is why someone should explain to me why I haven't gotten a single anti-violet pigment from Zanuka Hunter yet after researching the color for months :clem:)

  10. 12 hours ago, Exlodian_Akitora said:

    Yeah no thanks..already avoiding my clan. Bad enough i'm the warlord of 64 people and I help them and I'm avoiding the hell out of every nidus player. I even refuse to sit on that chair. 


    Besides that i'm already infected..my god damn clan infected me with dem memes...SO DAMN MANY MEMES! ITS GROWING!

    I demand a Memeframe immediately.

    Memeframe, the only cure for Nidus-itis.

    Praise the Memeframe.

  11. Just now, Kaotyke said:

    Tips for the Javlok:

    It Auto-Returns to you when:

    + You throw it at a Cryopod

    + You throw it at a Tar Puddle

    + You throw it at a SotD

    Havent found any other ways atm, but I believe it also works with Specters.

    If I may add, I believe it returns immediately if you use it with Ivara's Navigator as long as you only hit enemies and not terrain, but I haven't tested it extensively yet.

  12. Awesome program! I love it when DE does things like this so the Tenno community can help such a great cause!


    My current wishlist (in no particular order of importance):

    1: Scmitar Kuva Skin (gotta have that fashion ship)

    2: Hyekka gene-masking kit

    3: Gazal armor bundle

    4: Embolist armor bundle

    5: Nightwatch skins bundle

    6: Apoxys syandana

    7: Should all else fail, Formas, Orokin Catalysts/Reactors, weapon slots, noggles, and ship decorations of any kind are things I'm always glad to have. (Thank you so much to @-----iseeu2----- for the ferrite decoration!)

    Oh, and also a PM so I can personally thank those who may gift me. Happy holidays and safe travels to all of my fellow Tenno!

  13. Personally, I believe the fact that the voice calls us "Kiddo" regardless of the choice that we make is no accident - the writers want us to think that the voice is our father, the person who called us that in the earlier flashbacks, not to mention the only person who has EVER referred to us as "kiddo". Now, to me, that could be one of three things:


    - A, The obvious choice being our father, who is somehow in our head, or, as controversial of an idea it may be, is actually our Warframe - the idea has been thrown out there that the adults on the Zariman became the surrogate bodies that our Warframes are built upon, so maybe that's a potential answer?

    - B, The Elder Queen, which is another popular idea. Considering she seemingly mimics the father's dialogue during that flashback where he talks to us (I'll have to find the exact quote later), it could be some piece of her mind left inside of us, taunting us. However, the dialogue wouldn't make sense (Why do we owe her? Why are we nothing without her? Why does she sound like a man?), so I'm not a firm believer in this one.

    - C, The Void itself. I feel like this one is a safe bet - as mentioned before in this thread, the things the voice says would make sense for this theory, as well as the background during the cutscene. Perhaps the voice is someone inside of The Void like other people have mentioned - perhaps Ballas, or, as I mentioned earlier, your father.

    Whatever the case is, the voice seemingly has some pretty sinister motives, so we should probably be ready for some serious stuff to go down.

  14. Personally, I'm going continue with my Second Dream loadout, the stuff that's carried me through most new content since then. The frontrunner 'frame would be my mainstay, the first Warframe I built after I got though the tutorial, majestic Oberon, king of the death carpet, shiny shield of justice, savior of those Kavats that go down several rooms away and the owner can't get to in time.

    Alongside him I'll bring my other regulars, my trusty Latron Prime, owner of headshots; Sonicor, the handheld ragdoll simulator; and Ack & Brunt (Final Harbinger obviously included), AKA my hittin' stick & throwing tire.

    Oh yeah, and I'll probably have the Itzal, the Rathbone, and Fluctus the magic space bow.

  15. Though maybe not the most effective method, I personally enjoy going in with Feyarch skin Oberon and letting loose all of Deer God's pent up anger (due to his Earth being infested) in the form of a flurry of hooved face pain.

    To answer the question, though, Atlas probably has the best passive and theme for hand-to-creepy-infested-tendril combat, but Valkyr with her innate handspring and general berserker vibe also feels good to use (in my own opinion, of course).

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