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Posts posted by Exillian

  1. I think you're all underestimating the power of attachments. Those 8-foot tall babes of steel, with the right Mods, can quickly turn into a Ballistica. Or Lech Krill, if you're into the hammer thing. A couple more attachments here,  a couple more there... Voila! Angrineer-a Jolie. Mech edition.


    Strange thing is, I always hear them say "Let's go, Tenno!", and my heart swells with hot, sweaty joy. Companionship is a b-e-a-utiful thing!

    You are Genius!lool

  2. I'm willing to bet they add both guns as rare part drops like miter to new Alad and reworked Ruk in U11.

    Like the Frost Prime blueprint reward "awesome.... wait... I need to wait for the update for 3 parts still?"

    That's what the losers will likely be saying after this event when they get their bp.

    I think this sounds more valid :/......oh well Detron grind here I come.....

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