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Posts posted by Exillian

  1. Just had an idea (which may be wrong but worth a thought.)

    If you join a game that has already started and the others in it have already killed stalker then at the end your own record of stalker provoking gets wiped without you knowing. ie you need to kill another boss to see stalker in a reduced time frame.

    Is it mentioned anywhere that killing a boss would spawn The Stalker? I think its absurb :S...



    BTW thx for the replies GUYS!!

  2. Y'know, I'd jokingly say that the Stalker trolled me when I went off solo to try out my unranked Paris (and pwnd me), but then he did the same when I brought the unranked Kunai and Scindo. And again later.


    I wouldn't be at all surprised if the Stalker actually does gauge your overall power and attacks when you're weaker than usual, as Godplank says there.

    Try bringing an unranked melee weapon or something along those lines.


    I saw him only once in a PUG. And of course he showed up just as I joined and was in the middle of a giant gunfight :P


    Thing was the 1st time I fought him was when I had my Hek at lvl 15-17 and my Lato Vandal at maybe 12? Ether dual at like 10 O>o.....and my lvl 30 VOLT


    I'm running with my lvl 23 Rhino, 27Hek, 21 Lato V, 8 Othros :s....I have no noob weps T.T well I can buy them...

  3. Hey dudes was wondering where I could get the Rhino system to build and the Rhino Helmet I already got the Rhino chasis from Venus Corpus Boss(jackal) are blueprints drops random or is there a specific location I can get these?

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