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Posts posted by Dalu__Ka

  1. yet again - if you want Dedicated Servers, find someone that can pay the bill.

    How about the company that owns the game? 1000's of other games work that way, why not WF.

  2. Tribes Ascend was one of the best games I have ever played, among many shooters like the once I named

    Yes, "was". But with a good f2p model they could have sustained development for many years to come, yet they chose not to.

    I enjoyed T:A a lot, but because they stopped developing, the game has lost a lot of their player base.

    In this day and age, f2p games need periodical fresh new content.

  3. Are you even serious? Hi-Rez Studios is, basically, single-group PWE. They make a game, they drain it of anything remotely resembling money through OP real-money weapons, they drop it, they make another game...

    Truth has been spoken.

    Tribes Ascend could have been a great f2p game, instead they said "the game is finished now, so we are stopping all further development".

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