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(XBOX)Lord ChibiVR

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Posts posted by (XBOX)Lord ChibiVR

  1. 8 hours ago, (XBOX)C11H22O11 said:

    Eh, that's not very furry


    That's kinda what I meant...  (The image was meant to prove that not everyone is a furry.)

    VRChat has both weebs that use anime avatars and furries. 

    And no, having cat ears does not make an anime character a furry since they're still human as opposed to a humanoid animal.

    (Fun fact, the picture is actually something I took in VRChat).

  2. 3 hours ago, (XBOX)Architect Prime said:


    "Furries" If you like Warframes, you're already well within that realm. Sorry Wisp mains, you're a part of this. 


    Number 1: from what I've seen most furries are bipedal (except when they go briefly into all fours like Voruna), and number 2:  Wisp players are mostly weebs like Yareli players, not furries. 

    -sincerely, a Wisp playing weeb who has observed multiple furries in vrchat.

    • Like 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Hexerin said:

    You should reread what you just posted, and consider how /facepalm it is.

    You do realize that damage procs last 6 seconds, right? This is basic game knowledge, my guy.

    Again, Wisp's 2 doesn't have a cool down, I literally just have to activate it twice, which isn't an issue when it doesn't have a cast time or animation.  

    So literally spammable rolling guard. 

    (And since you're talking to me about "reading" and "game knowledge," I'll have you know that my original post mentioned a "3 second damage immunity with instant refresh time" which any wisp player would know about).

  4. 19 minutes ago, arkadikos213 said:

    To switch to melee either player need to attack or hold f. If player wants silent switch then only hold f works which is bit too slow.

    In key binding setting there is "switch gun" position on default it's 'y' and it have exactly same functionality as "Switch weapon" even when you hold 'y' it switch to melee as well. My proposition is to change it to switch to only melee equipped.

    It would allow to utilise melee incarnons options with "only melee equipped" buffs a bit better.

    If player want to quickly use only heavy attack without alerting enemy, pressing is faster than holding. 

    It get rid of useless/duplicated option in key binding.

    I know it can seem to be meaningless for many, but it always irritated me that we have two switch weapon key binding option and none of them can switch me to melee without attacking or holding a button.

    Ok and where would you put switch weapon? You said to make y only for swapping to melee but didn't mention where swapping to guns would be moved. 

    At that point why wouldn't they just make "b" full melee anyways because who uses ads to swap to guns?

  5. 6 hours ago, Hexerin said:

    Not comparable. Wil-O-Wisp doesn't cleanse statuses, which is basically the entire reason to use Rolling Guard.

    Remind me how I take damage from statuses when I can cast 3 second damage immunity with instant refresh time?

    Also rolling guard is literally the ability you cast to avoid dying, like when an eximus appears and your shields pop.

    • Like 2
  6. How I would buff Sevagoth's shadow: 

    1 is fine imo, maybe fix the door problem. 

    2 should instakill enemies like during the revive phase. For the sake of my sanity please make it affect eximus unless this has already been fixed. 

    3 should probably get buffed. Personally I think it should be made cheaper. 

    The claws should get that cc from the augment. 

    And the self revive, as I already said, they need to fix it so it applies through overguard because it's impossible to revive when you're getting butchered by high level enemies that you literally cannot even fight back against.

    2 hours ago, Yulfan said:

    Disclaimer: this essay about the state of Sevagoth is quite long. I tried my best to be as much in depth as possible but even with all my proofreading, I do not rule out the possibility of oversights or errors still being present in this document. I'm welcoming everyone to point them out and if there are subjects or details you are curious about, I would be more than happy to discuss about it. Enjoy the read 🤓



    With the coming release of Sevagoth's deluxe skin in the Whispers in the Walls update, we can expect an increase of Sevagoth's interest from the player base. After all, there is a lot of really nice things planned for this bundle: new skins both for Sevagoth and his Shadow, a new skin for his tombstone (maybe a decoration for the Orbiter on top of that), the Gillychap shoulder armor, a new version of "Sleeping in the Cold Below" for the Somachord and the cherry on top: this very same music playing during gameplay when switching to Sevagoth's Shadow. Our own freaking battle theme! Really a very generous and exciting bundle.

    But as much as I love this frame (it's my second most played), let's be honest: there are many criticisms to be made on Sevagoth. There is a lot of very frustrating facts about this warframe that can be a hard pass for many. So, I wanted to list and explain all the issues I have with Sevagoth, to raise awareness about it with the hope some changes could be made before he is put under the spotlights with the next update.

    This review will not really be about numbers, but more about bugs (obviously), as well as behaviors, game feels and usability. Because I believe the crux of Sevagoth's problems lies in these considerations. And I’m convinced that it is quite easy to come up with solutions: all Sevagoth needs is touch-ups and QoL, with only one ability needing a proper rework (guess which one?).

    But before getting into the meat of it, let’s talk about:



    To be totally honest, I didn't have that much of struggles with the farm because, even if I farmed his parts for Helminth, I bought my first copy with his bundle when released. Because I was THAT hyped for this edgy boi. Thus, I was able to do the subsequent farm at a leisurely pace. On top of that, since it was during the release period, a lot of people was playing Railjack missions, so getting on board with players determined to squeeze dry the rewards pool was a lot easier. It's been 2 years now since Call of the Tempestarii, and I must acknowledge and shed some light on the frequent and recurring complaints by players about his ties with Void Storm missions. Being able to get his parts only as bonus rewards at a mere 10% chances clearly make farming Sevagoth a frustrating slog for many players.

    This problem really should be addressed, especially since DE is currently in the process of simplifying the progression path of older content. One of the most requested and obvious solution is to do the same thing as with Lua's Prey and Citrine's Last Wish updates and add a guaranteed currency to passively farm to buy the parts in a store. And this should be the de facto process for each older content that is well past its peak popularity and engagement, and for which aggressive farming is no longer justified.

    With this out of the way, let's begin with:


    The Death Well

    This is the first thing we are confronted with when playing Sevagoth. The Death Well is a gauge which is filled when enemies affected by Reap or Sow are killed (+5%/kill) and passively when enemies are inside the Gloom area (+0.1%/s), while slowly consumed when using the Shadow (-1%/sec). A minimum filling of 75% is required to switch to the Shadow, it can't be filled in any way when using the Shadow and once the gauge empty, we are forced to switch back to Sevagoth.

    There is no buff or mechanics or anything tied to this gauge. It's just a second "energy bar" whose sole function is to limit the Shadow usage and straight off the bat, it's a bad way to do it.

    The 75% limitation is the worst offender since we can get screwed over very often because of it. While it's easy to fill the gauge in SP missions densely populated with enemies, it can be a real pain in early/mid game non-SP missions. And even with a steady stream of enemies, we can often get caught off-guard if we need or are forced to go back to Sevagoth. The most blatant example is when switching back and forth to the Operator: the Shadow is always cancelled because of that and bring us back to Sevagoth instead. And with the 75% limitation, we often get screwed up because of that. This is a long-lasting oversight from DE that never been addressed, and which can be very frustrating.

    Really, the Death's Well limitation is crippling the core concept of this warframe and create very frustrating moment-to-moment gameplays. The availability of the Shadow never was a problem to begin with, since the Death's Well is consumed while using the Shadow. Without this limitation, if we switch to the Shadow at 10% capacity, we can only use it for 10 seconds. No need to restrain something that already balance itself.

    But overall, there is no use or incentive to switch back and forth between the two, other than filling the Death's Well when empty. There is absolutely no synergy between Sevagoth and his Shadow beside Gloom staying active. Even Sevagoth's Aura get deactivated when switching to the Shadow, when it could have been a unique and cool trait for him. But no: for the Shadow, Sevagoth is a mere Gloom turret and nothing more.

    The Death's Well could be way more engaging if it was the catalyst of a meaningful synergy between Sevagoth and his Shadow. For example, forget this stupid 75% infill requirement and play around with it: filling the Death's Well as Sevagoth could give bonuses to the Shadow and consume the Death's Well as the Shadow give bonuses to Sevagoth. It would be then up to the player to weigh the gains and switch from on to another depending on his needs. It would need to review filling values for the Death's Well but at least we would have a real symbiosis, true to his theme.

    But that's just hopium at that point. I would already be satisfied if the anti-fun 75% could be removed. Anyway, next point:



    Sevagoth's first ability. In short: Launch his Shadow forward, doing one instance of radiation damages on all enemies on his path and debuffing them with the Death's Harvest effect (vulnerability + crit chances if augment equipped). If we aim, we can guide the Shadow and if we hold when casting, the Shadow fly faster. Killing affected enemies fill the Death Well (5%/kill).

    To begin with, the hold mechanic is useless. It's not like the effects are stronger or last longer, with an altered energy cost or whatever, or the Shadow has a better steering or anything. There is literally no strategic use to be made of it. Not holding it is just straight up worst, period. The only reason this mechanic exist is because when Sevagoth's release, we complained about the sluggish movement speed, and this bandaid was added when it should have been by default. Reap’s Shadow NEED to be fast, since the whole point of this ability is to be ahead of the players so we can debuff enemies facing us.

    Other problem: the Death's Harvest (DH) debuff don't refresh. Whether we keep Shadow in one place or recast Reap, if enemies are already under DH effect, it cannot be refreshed and need to run out first. But it cannot be directly reapplied either, since an enemy whose DH effect is running out will not get a new one if the Shadow is already over him. The enemy need to be outside of the Shadow range to be eligible for a new DH application. And we must add that the DH effect lasts longer than the Shadow's lifetime. It is therefore even more complicated to track the effects lifespan. There is a visual effect meant to do that (the black tendrils rotating around affected enemies), but it's way too tame to be properly noticeable during real gameplay.

    It makes Reap inconsistent and counterintuitive and once again, we can get bamboozled since DH effect can disappear without able to control anything. And with the new augment, it's even more frustrating to see the effect suddenly vanishing.

    On this subject, let’s talk about Reap’s augment:


    Shadow Haze

    This augment does 2 things:

    1. It gives an additional effect to the DH debuff on top of the increased vulnerability: enemies affected by DH are receiving attacks FROM ANY SOURCES with increased critical chances. It’s a flat buff so with a Power Strength oriented build, you can outsource all your weapons’ crit chances with this. Truly an awesome effect making the augment mandatory.
    2. Enemies affected are spawning additional Shadows (max 3) when killed. Those Shadows are the very same than the one from Reap but can't be controlled while aiming and will automatically seek enemies unaffected by DH instead. It helps a lot for spreading the debuff.

    And one nice detail: this augment is affecting not only Sevagoth's 1 "Reap" but also Shadow's 3 "Death's Harvest", the second source of the DH debuff.

    However, this augment is bugged with Shadow Claws, the Shadow's exclusive melee weapon. When switching to the Shadow, attacking enemies under DH effect with Shadow Claws (his only weapon) does not provide the critical chances increase. And it's the case for both sources:

    • If we apply DH with Sevagoth's Reap first, then switch to the Shadow, it doesn't work. We only get the vulnerability debuff and additional Shadows still spawn from killed enemies.
    • If we apply DH directly with Shadow's Death's Harvest, it doesn't work either. Once again, we only get the vulnerability debuff and additional Shadows still spawn from killed enemies.

    And that’s why this problem makes no sense and is so mindboggling: since DH applied with Shadow's 3 can also spawn additional Shadows, even if the augment is equipped on Sevagoth, it clearly means that the augment is not tied directly to the Reap ability but to the Death's Harvest debuff itself. But for unknown reasons, only the critical chances part of the augment is ignored.

    Unfortunately, in the current state, the only effect this augment offer to the Shadow is to spawn additional Shadows when killing debuffed enemies. But the Shadow doesn't need the spread as much as Sevagoth since Shadow's 3 can, unlike Reap, be RECASTED and thus REFRESHING/REAPPLYING AT WILL the DH effect on a large radius.

    So, if we want to enjoy the critical chances effect, we absolutely must not use the Shadow, which is completely absurd. This augment is antagonistic with the Shadow and is crippling the main feature of this warframe.



    Now, onto Sevagoth's 2. It's very simple: all enemies in range receive True Damages as DoT for the duration of the ability. There is a damage falloff at half range and killed enemies under Sow's effect fill the Death Well (5%/kill). But the catch is: we can't recast it, and that's the problem with Sow.

    Again, let's break it down. Sow has three purposes:

    • The first is to fill the Death Well. Mark enemies, if they die under the Sow effect, it fills the Death Well.
      • Problem: Since we can't recast Sow, it's all or nothing: we must kill everyone affected because if there is at least a single enemy remaining with the mark, we can't apply it on more enemies before the end of the duration, thus we can't fill the DW. Depending on the level design of the area and/or the enemy density, this can put a hard stop on the filling, and so to Shadow's availability.


    • The second is to heal yourself. Thank to Gloom's life steal, each tick of Sow gives health back to us.
      • Problem: Since we can't recast Sow, DoT's ticks are always synchronized. This means that with each tick of each enemy, we regain way too much health (which is completely wasted), and between ticks, we regain nothing at all. And since enemy fire (both from outside Gloom and inside, even if slowed) can damage us anytime, we can get killed between ticks. And if only very few marked enemies remain, then even heal ticks become too low for this purpose.


    • The third is to do damages. The dot affects all enemies in range, and True damages has the advantage to bypass armors and shields. However, Sow damages are unfortunately too low to be meaningful as a damaging ability. But Sow possess an additional effect when used in tandem with Reap: when enemies under Sow's effect enter Reap's Shadow(s) range, they receive a second instance of Radiation damages and detonate, dealing 25% of their current health as Blast damage to all enemies in a 4-meter radius (not affected by mods).
      • Problem 1: The "current health" scaling is problematic because it meant that a single enemy surviving the 2 instances of Radiation damages can't be killed by the detonation (which is very common in high-level missions). We need to overlap the small aoes of A LOT of enemies to expect killing them and as I said before, we can only rely on enemy density in high-level SP missions to do that. And even then, they still survive more often than not. The only way to make the Reap/Sow combo reliable to kill things is by adding armors stripping into the mix, usually by subsuming another ability (and the usual choice is on Sevagoth's 4, cutting completely the Shadow out of the gameplay. I will explain why later).
      • Problem 2: The damage falloff starting at half-range make Sow even less potent than it already is. On top of that, since Sow is working through walls, those enemies can be unreachable for our weapons and Reap's Shadow, thus avoiding all the damages previously explained. Killing a distant enemy who is keeping the last mark on him become even more annoying as a result, hindering everything else. Really, this falloff has no reason to exist.


    In the end, Sow is a Jack of all trades, master of none. Filling the Death Well and healing through Gloom can be done with Reap and weapons alone, and Sow's True Damages are too weak to be useful at killing enemies. Its only purpose is the serve as enabler for his combo with Reap, which is lackluster by itself. We really need to build around this combo with a mandatory subsumed ability to make it kill things. For example, I have 2 builds like this: one Pillage Sevagoth with 400% Strength for full armors strip which makes Reap/Sow my main source of damages, and a Breach Surge Sevagoth with 350% Strength where I still need to attack with my weapons, but the stacking of damages enhancements makes it easier. But other than dedicating absolutely everything to this combo, we can't take it very far.

    But ok: if Sow's purpose is simply to be a combo enabler (as healing tool with Gloom and damaging tool with Reap), then being able to recast the ability at will would be at the very least a very needed QoL change so that Sow can be a bit more effective in this role. Currently, the inability to recast Sow is a frustrating flaw that hinder the gameplay for no good reason. The current workaround is to run Sevagoth with relatively low duration (not too low to keep a manageable drain for Gloom) so that Sow's duration can dissapear faster. But it shouldn't be like that. Modding shouldn't be done to circumvent flaws in the ability's design, but a thoughtful choice based on a strategic use of this ability.



    … ah, no. It's all good. Gloom is a very VERY good ability. So good that, being his subsumable ablity, Sevagoth stayed in the shadows (🥁) for a very long time.

    Well, this ability can be a bit annoying at time when enemies are caught behind walls or with elevated levels, things like that. But here it is only a question of positioning and is very easily adjustable.

    Alright, next! Now, let's tackle the Shadow, the edgy JoJo reference. And the first point I want to address is:


    Movement feel

    Few weeks ago, I had an Invigoration for Sevagoth giving me +100% range (neat), but above all a 75% sprint speed increase. And it was a revelation!

    I can understand Sevagoth having under average sprint speed. He is the caster side of the warframe after all. But the Shadow, a freaking GHOST, the "SPECTER of Death" as his description say!? It's A SLUG!!!! Why his movement speed is so slow, especially when being melee only!? It was SO GOOD to roam around as the Shadow with this sprint speed bonus but now it feels so bad it makes me insane!

    When it comes to moving around, kind of the same way as Wisp ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°), the sprint animation is the highlight of the Shadow. The Shadow moving animation is truly unique: it’s really satisfying to watch the Shadow moving with his big and long arms dragging behind his ethereal body. We should be incentivized to move around like this, but its slowness is ruining the feel. The alternative to move is by Bullet Jumping but as the Shadow, it feels terrible: while the animations feel fluid and connected as a whole with other warframes, seeing the Shadow's big body twisting and rolling look goofy and silly. Also, since we must hold block to glide, the Shadow look plain stupid with his arms crossed in front of him. Even worst: while gliding, if we hold Forward (W) and CTRL to do a fly kick, the Shadow ends up with both arms outstretched in front of him like bootleg Superman or as if he was going to make a flat landing in the swimming pool… -_-



    For real: the Shadow would feel so much better with a substantial buff of his sprint speed. The 75% sprint speed increase I’ve experienced felt very nice, and I don’t think at all it would be a game breaking buff. But if balancing seems needed nonetheless, then it can be done so the buff work only inside Sevagoth's Gloom. It would make a synergetic interaction between Sevagoth and his Shadow (for once). And the Shadow doesn't have any passive currently, so the spot is open.

    Because clearly, the intended way to play the Shadow is within Sevagoth’s Gloom. The Shadow even have his 1 “Embrace” to group and drag enemies in front of him inside their territory. We can still use the Shadow outside of it (and there are cases where it’s needed), but we must deal with the drawbacks.

    It reminds me Kal’tsit and Mon3tr in Arknights (tl;dr: gacha game, hero-based tower defense, characters with rarities and abilities. Nice stories and musics btw). She is a healer/dps who summon her big scary monster, and it’s him who is attacking at melee range while she heals him and give commands from a ranged position. And the thing is, while the summon can be dropped anywhere on the field, his defenses are reduced to 0 if not inside his master’s range (on top of being out of reach of his master’s healing). It’s up to us then to place them strategically to fit our needs. I can't help but see the similarities ^^


    Shadow Claws

    They are Shadow’s exalted melee weapon and, well, there is not much to say about it: they are strong, fast, its “Ravenous Wraith” stance is cool and efficient with very satisfying animations. Overall, the Shadow Claws are stupidly fun to use. And on top of that, they do benefit from the combo counter, which is neat because we can do a Heavy Attack build if we want to.

    However, 2 bugs are hindering this last point:

    The first one is about Primary and Secondary Dexterity. These arcanes should give +7.5s combo duration on all melee weapons, but it doesn't work on Shadow Claws. It works with all other exalted weapons for which combo duration do increase accordingly, but the Shadow Claws remains stuck at 5 seconds.

    The second bug is about Naramon’s combo counter decay trait that doesn't work either with Shadow Claws, while all other exalted weapons are receiving it correctly.

    These 2 bugs are quite detrimental for the only weapon the Shadow possess.


    Ok but now, here come the hot take:


    The Shadow by itself is technically useless

    Don’t get me wrong: the Shadow is powerful and fun… well to be exact, his Shadow Claws are. They can melt everything, including Acolyte, with ease. But let’s be honest: everything can do that nowadays. Shadow Claws are not that special. There were already melee weapons that could do as much (or more) damages, and the addition of the Incarnons versions only reinforced that fact.

    And it's not just his exclusive weapon that can be easily replaced. His abilities too are redundant:


    Death's Harvest

    The first I want to talk about is Shadow’s 3 “Death's Harvest”, which is basically Reap but without Radiation damages. To be precise, the way Reap work is basically Sevagoth summoning the Shadow, and it’s the Shadow who is spamming Death’s Harvest around him for Reap’s duration. Thus, Shadow’s 3 is the debuff Death's Harvest alone, but with range and duration affected by Shadow’s mods instead.

    Of course, the way the debuff is applied differ, but it doesn't make that much difference. As i said before, even with Reap’s augment who can increase the effective range way past the modded value, the Shadow never struggled to spread the DH effect to begin with. The only advantage of Shadow’s 3 is, as previously mentioned, that it can be refreshed and reapplied at will. But it’s only due to the flaws in Reap design I explained earlier. It should not be counted as a legitimate difference.

    However, remember the combo between Sow and Reap, where enemies affected by Sow are receiving a new Radiation damage instance and detonate with Blast damages? Well, the Shadow can't take advantage of that. If you use Sow and then switch to the Shadow to use Death's Harvest, nothing happens.

    That on the other hand is a clear advantage of Reap over Death's Harvest.



    Next is Shadow’s 2 “Consume”. The Shadow lunge forward and if an enemy was targeted, he takes Radiation damages and CC while the Shadow heal itself based on the damages dealt.

    And for this one, the verdict is immediate: this ability is hot garbage, as well as the revive mechanics based on it. Ah, yes: I have absolutely no sympathy for this ability. It has absolutely no redeeming quality whatsoever. It’s so excruciatingly bad that, if I had no choice but to change only one thing in Sevagoth, I would choose Consume without any hesitation.

    This ability is conceptually all over the place. Let’s break it down:

    • The damages are crap, even when buffed with Death’s Harvest. There is just no better way to put it. And it is single target so clearly, we will never use this ability to kill things in regular gameplay.
    • The visual effect is misleading. Seeing the astral projection of the enemy flying away is cool and all, but it’s confusing when the real one is crawling at our feet, especially since we can’t see him very well because of the Shadow’s large body.
    • The CC is completely useless. There is already no point to CC a single regular enemy among hundreds of them, especially since it has no effect on elite mob and bosses, but the effects are laughable anyway: a mere knockdown quickly recovered and a Confusion state lasting barely 2 seconds. It’s not even a proper Radiation proc, just the Confusion effect being briefly forced on the target. On top of that, this Confusion effect is in fact harmful to us because having the enemy at our feet drawing aggro from everything around simply put us in even more danger and can easily get us killed.
    • The healing is redundant and clunky. Really, what’s the point when we already have a very strong life's steal effect with Gloom? The fact that Gloom keeps working when we switch to the Shadow is precisely meant to use the Shadow inside! And why bother healing with Consume which has a travel animation and a recovery animation SLOW AS HELL (even with Natural Talent) when we can simply melee things to death? Not to mention that during the entire execution of the skill, the Shadow is completely locked in the animation but is still vulnerable to damage… So, we can still get killed while we are kissing walls. Really, the healing effect is redundant, impractical, and artificially bloat the ability.
    • And about walls, here is the worst of the worst: the controls are dogS#&$!! I hate it so much!! This is certainly THE MOST FRUSTRATING AND ENRAGING THING I’VE EVER EXPERIENCED IN A VIDEO GAME!! RAAAAAAAAAH!!!!


    If our goddamn aiming reticle is not PIXEL PERFECT on the target, we’ll get yetted at the other side of the rooms as a result. The ability doesn't have any aim assist, and even if the wiki say that the Shadow is homing during the travel animation, it's way too weak to be noticeable, much less to be reliable, and always result in a miss. We can reasonably expect a hit with Consume only on a perfectly still target or if the enemy is literally right in front us. But during real gameplay, enemies are not sitting ducks! They move, run and keep strafing around us when we try to aim at them, and even a tiny little step on the side can easily result in a miss, thus in our death if we are bleeding out.

    Because yes, let’s talk about the revive mechanic. Instead of dying, we are forced to switch to the Shadow with the goal to kill 5 enemies only with Consume to revive ourselves. And seriously, what a pain to execute! Same deal as Inaros: if not enough enemies are around (non-SP missions, already explained earlier) and with this godforsaken ability on top of that, we are screwed!

    And we have no other choice but to use it! We are prohibited from using Operator’s Last Gasp which is an infinitely better way to revive ourselves. In addition, the Shadow is still vulnerable and can get killed, finishing the bleed out timer prematurely. That’s also the case with the Operator, but at least we keep our full kit, including Void Mode. But with Sevagoth, this reviving tool is a complete downgrade and a real handicap during gameplay.

    Consume doesn’t hold even as a meme way to travel since can’t keep the momentum at the end of the animation and hard stop us instead! It's so annoying! Why, DE!?

    So let that sink in: Shadow’s Consume is useless in every imaginable way and Sevagoth’s revive mechanics is not enjoyable at all and make this warframe gaming experience worst.

    In conclusion, Consume is the ability that need a rework the most for this warframe. Not just some fixes or touch-ups like the other abilities but a proper rework.

    Alright, onto the last ability:



    Shadow’s 1 “Embrace” is a grouping ability coupled with a CC effect. All enemies in a conical area in front of the Shadow are lifted, dragged toward us, and keep floating into a cluster for some time.

    Embrace is an extremely good ability. It has a good range and affect a wide area. The CC effect is more than welcome with a good duration and is adding one more status for CO thank to the Lifted effect (and melee attacks don’t break the Lifted state). It’s quite spammable and can be refreshed. Oh, and it also looks cool as hell 🤩

    And that’s why the problems about this ability are even more frustrating:

    • Embrace usefulness is cripple by how the game work. When the enemies affected are dragged toward us, the floating effect break their pathfinding tech and they stop being recognized by doors, which then closes immediately and block the passage of enemies. Because of this, doors are now annoying obstacles and since we come across them all the time in all tilesets, it’s a constant problem to deal with.
    • Embrace going through walls is also a problem. Affected enemies can get stuck inside elements quite easily and remain floating there for a while, defeating the ability purpose. One quick solution would be to add LoD, but it can become a nerf in some cases. A way better one would be to apply the Reap pathfinding tech to the floating enemies. The way the Shadow(s) automatically move around elements in the levels is truly impressive and very effective. It was even one of the selling points of the ability when it was showcased in a devstream. So, yeah, this tech could be very beneficial for Embrace. And while we are at it, I think that many CC abilities across all warframes could also benefit from it.

    But as it is right now, Embrace is heavily hindered by these problems.

    And this is why I said earlier that the Shadow is useless: with more and more regular melee weapons able to compete without struggle with his exalted Shadow Claws, Consume being totally useless and Death’s Harvest being easily replaced by Reap, it's better at this point to simply subsume another grouping ability on Sevagoth's 4 for achieving the same result as Embrace but with way less struggles and micro-managements. And it really pains me to reach this conclusion…

    And finally, on last point to tackle:



    The problem with Shadow appearance customization is about the choice of energy colors. Shadow’s customization menus don’t have the usual Energy Colors space. You can change the Emissive Colors, but the Energy is copying Sevagoth’s instead.

    I understand DE wanted to create a kind of tie between Sevagoth and his Shadow by doing this. But in the end, it’s removing customization freedom to the players, and it’s very annoying. Whether the players want to give them the same or completely different energy colors, it’s their choice to do so. What’s the problem with the little edge of the Shadow’s cloak not being the same colors as Sevagoth’s abilities? Restricting our customization freedom simply for a detail like that is just ridiculous, especially when there already are literally millions of eye-melting fashion frames already roaming around in this game.

    And in the end, this restriction is so botched that we can still change the energy colors as we want anyway. Because it’s not like the Energy Colors option is really gone. It’s still there, but hidden. Thus, the roundabout way is to simply give Sevagoth the energy colors that we want on the Shadow, and then use the Copy Main Colors option on the Shadow to apply these colors to it. Same deal for Shadow’s Ephemera: we copy the wanted colors to the Shadow, then use copy again on the accessory customization menu. After that, revert Sevagoth’s energy colors as you want.

    But we shouldn't have to do that to be able to customize the Shadow to our preference. Please DE: just bring back the option. It's about our tastes, not yours.



    Thank you for making it this far. When I started writing this doc, i didn't expect it to be that long! But I really hope I was able to shed some light on Sevagoth’s state.

    To DE’s devs: I'm sure you guys understand that it's in everyone best interest that you spend some time on Sevagoth’s case before the Whispers in the Walls update drop. He is absolutely not broken but as you can see, almost everything about him is riddled with small but extremely annoying bugs and restrictions. But outside of Consume, Sevagoth only needs little attentions and touch-ups to be truly perfect and be ready to appear in his best light when his deluxe skin comes out.

    So please, please, PLEASE: give him some love. Just a little bit. You’ll not regret it.

    You forgot to mention the self revive having the issue where it doesn't bypass overguard, which means that you cannot revive off of or fight back against eximus enemies (unless this was *finally* fixed, and I didn't know). 

    Also maybe mention that consume instakills enemies during the revive phase as well.

    All in all though, this was a really good analysis on why Sevagoth is in need of some touch ups.

    • Like 1
  7. 8 hours ago, PsiWarp said:

    We've got Health Orbs and Energy Orbs, maybe a Shield Orb can drop from enemies?

    What it could do:

    • Reduce shield recharge delay or allow immediate shield recharge on pick up.
    • Add a flat amount of shields that can stack into Overshields.
    • Also benefit Companions when players collect the orbs.
    • Create Overguard for Health-only Warframes/Companions upon pick up.

    What enemies drop these? Eximus, Corpus, Corrupted, Sentient, mostly the shielded factions.

    Then could perhaps introduce shield orb related abilities, mods, arcanes, etc. Shield Conversion from Simaris, for example.

    Edit: This does exist in some form, ala Revenant's Enthrall + Danse Macabre synergy.


    8 hours ago, (XBOX)C11H22O11 said:

    Nobody calls for a nerf because her shields are her energy, shield orb drop isn't necessary at all.

    If de couldn't be bothered adding it as a new drop, they could add it as a mod for your Warframe.

  8. 26 minutes ago, Olphus said:

    I agree that'd make her fashion potential amazing, but also I hate her deluxe lmao

    I personally just run her Divisa skin on top of her prime skin (it looks super good on the night and neutral forms but again I come across the problem where having cat ears on the day form looks a little silly especially considering that my favorite colors to use with that skin are white and pink).

  9. On 2023-11-05 at 2:15 PM, --Leyenda-yight6 said:

    Loki and mainly Garuda, their deluxe skin seems horrible to me.

    Garuda's I feel is intentional, since the skin kinda fits the "horror vibe" that she gives off considering she puts the M in Warframe's rating. 

    In fact I really like her prime to begin with anyways, but a second deluxe would be nice depending on what the theme is.

    On 2023-11-05 at 6:48 PM, Olphus said:



    Equinox doesn't need a deluxe, she needs to have separate customization for day and night so I can make the night form pretty and the day form cool.

  10. 1 hour ago, (PSN)Unstar said:


    And in terms of AI voices, if Ordis is answering your questions, then presumably that has to be done via an AI voice.  There would be ethical and legal issues to sort through with Ordis's current voice actor, as well as with every other voice actor working on Warframe, since many voice actors take an organized stance against projects that use AI voice-acting.

    I assumed it would be like chat gpt where it just answers with text similarly to the de bots already implemented. 

    As for the wiki concerns... Yeah I don't know all the legal specifics and all that, but considering de made Warframe, they would in theory already have all the data for things without the wiki.

  11. 32 minutes ago, (PSN)Unstar said:

    Unfortunately, AI frequently falls into some manner of morally grey area.  Training data for AI is frequently stolen, while the job of categorizing and tagging data is often farmed out to vulnerable foreign populations for wages that are below the poverty line.  And all of that is before Ordis tells you something racist because the AI wasn't tuned properly.

    I meant it wasn't something as controversial like ai art or voices

  12. On 2023-11-05 at 6:53 AM, PollexMessier said:

     Those giant Condrix ships are just too massive to really be removed, and fixing the torn up landscape would be a horrendously pointless endeavor

    Especially since the Grineer and Narmer factions aren't just going to sit there and let the Ostrons clean it up. 

    But someone please tell me why Cetus still has bloody water everywhere.

    • Like 2
  13. 9 hours ago, Intrication said:

    The fight went on for like 30min because the dog wouldn't die even after downing Alad V.

    Dunno if I was doing something wrong or not but either way that doesn't matter. I'm here because of the other issue. 


    Iirc you're supposed to kill the robot first or else it revives Alad V endlessly (I'm pretty sure Alad V doesn't have to be downed to hurt the pet).

  14. 1 hour ago, Illegal_Squirell said:

    Fish (Talking about a meme or something): 



    Duviri paradox question (Asking if the quest is important or if the rewards are good, it is a question about Duviri Paradox, but OP could've put a more detailed title): 


    I just want to say thank you DE (Talking about Dagath's Movember attachment location): 


    It is if the post is actually thanking DE in general, but the post is about DE's decision to attach Movember moustache on Dagath's forehead.

    Ok maybe the third thread should be moved to off topic (the title isn't misleading tho, the person is thanking whoever at de made the mustache for dagath, it just looks like another "tysm for being the best game ever that also changed my life" posts).

  15. On 2023-11-02 at 7:37 AM, kyori said:

    Making new warframes is part of reasons that keep this game alive. Maybe you are trying to say stop charging plat/money unnecessarily?

    But that's also how the game stays alive. 

    Like seriously if it wasn't for plat discounts, prime access, and other stuff then only a very small minority would spend money on the game, which is very bad when you're maintaining servers and constantly working on the game.

  16. 10 hours ago, (NSW)Royal_Elf_Mika said:

    kick systems seem very abusable in warframe,

    1. -sees a MR 8 player- "I dont want to play with a new player" -kicks MR 8 player-

    2. "that guy isnt using a Meta build" -kicks-

    3. "i dislike that frame/weapon" -kicks-

    "I don't like how this person isn't doing all the work for me" *kick* 

    "I don't like how this person didn't revive me" *kick* 

    'I'm mad because this person died in arbis/archon hunts" *kick*

    • Like 2
  17. 1 hour ago, Malikili said:

    Pablo (I think it was Pablo) mentioned merging is supposed to be included on twitter (screw x)

    Something along the lines of “Merging is the end-goal”

    My guess is cross save would come first. Merging next year.

    Not to mention that you could always just use them in conjunction (one as your main, one as your alt).

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