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(XBOX)Lord ChibiVR

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Posts posted by (XBOX)Lord ChibiVR

  1. 14 hours ago, Dunkelheit said:

    Devs: Here is one of the best reworks of Warframe ever. We need to get rid of puddle, because we had problems with it gametech wise. We really tried to do our best, we feel there is not much left to complain about.

    Players: Hold my beer....

    I mean, it's kinda like Nyx Absorb where it could be situationally useful if you needed a breather or wanted to cast abilities while immune to damage.

  2. On 2023-10-27 at 5:21 PM, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

    I'd pay for a "do-over" of New War: an optional 3rd star chart set directly after the events of New War, where you must liberate the entire solar system from Narmer, as well as a few big railjack battle missions; essentially, the war we were promised that was supposed to justify all the effort put into our umbral builds, the existence of the Paracesis, and reaffirming the Sentients as an actual threat. 

    I would genuinely pay money for this, and I think many others let down by New War would too, as long as we got value for money. 

    I feel like this would be kinda boring if they made it "steel path with narmer and sentients" 

    However, the Murex ships should have become permanent nodes/gamemodes post new war, or it should have been that we had to destroy them all instead of them breaking off screen.

    • Like 1
  3. 17 hours ago, SDGDen said:

     the second is how mesmer skin is practically consistent full damage immunity with very little upkeep, management and interaction. 



    Invisibility frames (most notably Wisp) come to mind, especially since Octavia and Wisp can redirect enemies' aggro like Revenant on top of being invisible. 

    (Not to mention Wisp can still cc eximus and spam her 2 like rolling guard.)

    As much as I like Revenant tho, I will say he's like Nidus but without the downsides, but he doesn't really do as much as (for example) the newer frames so it kinda balances out.

  4. On 2023-10-25 at 1:00 PM, (PSN)drollive96 said:

    Digital extremes needs to take action now, if this disgusting  ripoff becomes successful, Warframe could be in trouble, they have copied abilitys and animations almost exactly from Warframe, THIS IS NOT LEGAL, it needs to be stopped NOW, i dont want Warframe to be hurt by this


    On 2023-10-25 at 1:07 PM, (PSN)drollive96 said:

    The game has copied and pasted Warframe animations And ablities, almost exactly, the Warframe community NEEDS to take action, or the damage could be irreparable, this disgusting shameless rip off of digital extremes property must NEVER see the light of day

    You can't really do that when it's from another country... 

    Not to mention that these types of games either flop, or the game will only be "like Warframe" to draw people in and then it'll turn into it's own game that's unique, so unless the game magically becomes better than Warframe in every single way possible (I seriously doubt every character is going to be highly customizable) de has nothing to fear.

  5. 11 hours ago, Reitrix said:

    My entire playstyle with Hydroid was based on that puddle, Genuinely sad to see it gone. 

    And because I know full well what people expect the puddle to be used for, Thats not how i utilized it. 
    Pretty sure I've posted in one of the Hydroid reworks about it before, But i basically used it in a similar way to Valkyr popping Hysteria. 
    Blasting through the hordes until my health was threatened, slide into the water for a moment to let the augment heal up and trigger shield recharge, then jump out of the puddle into a heavy slam to continue the carnage. 

    Hydroid was basically unkillable even though i only ever spent a few seconds in puddle form at any given time. Occasionally i used the tentacle to pull a high value target into range for the subsuquent slam but mostly i used it as a moment of recovery and easy AoE knockdown whenever i got in trouble. 

    I would absolutely be on board with Pablo returning the puddle to us as a Hold toggle for Tidal Surge. 
    However, I would have all of the secondary aspects to the ability removed. 
    All it should do is transform him into a puddle, be immune to damage and let him pick a target to yeet with the tentacle. 
    Then have the old healing augment effect return, attached to the the Tidal Surge augment to bring back that old squad support option he used to have. 

    If you really wanted to, You could even have it synergize more with his new kit by having it apply Corrosive stacks to anything standing on top of the puddle. 
    That way you could Surge a pile of mobs, terminate the movement by turning into a puddle and beginning to apply Corrosive stacks then pop up, Plunder the stacks and Barrage them. 
    It'd actually be great pirate flavor too, effectively being an ambush. 

    But eh, I can dream. I like new Hydroid as well. Just miss playing in puddles.  

    It's funny because it's like Limbo or Nyx without emptying your energy pool or making your entire team hate you. 

    There was an actual reason to use it, even if you could just use operator mode... 


    But at least we still have Wisp 2.

    • Like 1
  6. 12 minutes ago, SDGDen said:

    man i love this thread. 

    "power creep has caused older exalted weapons to be left behind, what's the solution? buff the S#&$ out of them of course!"


    or maybe fix the insane amounts of powercreep.


    You can't do that when de releases incarnons that turn melee weapons into modded exalted weapons.

    13 hours ago, Raarsi said:

    Thinking about it, I can't remember a single exalted weapon other than Baruuk's and maybe Sevagoth's Shadow that isn't incredibly underwhelming (his claws are still kinda meh), and even then, both of them need their augments for them to be practical on any level.

    Garuda's (prime) talons are really good still, with really high cc and status combined with high slash (on top of garuda's guaranteed slash procs). 

    And Mesa's peacemakers and Titania's dex pixia are also exalted weapons as well, and they're also perfectly fine.

  7. 8 hours ago, (PSN)FirmBizkit said:

    The difference between FFXIV and WF in that regard is FFXIV is supported by a multitude of different players and communities. In particular it’s strong RP community that doesn’t need a story tying them to the world because they are creating their own narratives. Probably half of the FFXIV community is the “second life” roleplayers. WF has no player driven narrative. It doesn’t have strong PvP. It is a purely PvE game in a PvE world without roleplaying that must have its narrative created for the player.


    FFXIV is a theme park with an incredibly diverse set of experiences and an incredibly diverse community 

    I never said that Warframe should have pay to skip. I just mentioned that this is something done in mmos and that Warframe is taking after them, and even pointed out that maybe they shouldn't do that since Warframe doesn't have a 100 hour story + four 50-hour-long dlcs for you to go through to reach the newest quests.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, (XBOX)Knight Raime said:


    I mean Destiny has a MUCH better narrative in terms of structure and pacing (they just drop the ball at telling actual stories with ends,) and this is something D2 struggles to do.  They also cannot make a good onboard experience and trying to catch up to relevant stuff even when streamlined can be a tall ask.  So they are also offering pay to skip options so to speak.  I think WF offering an option makes just as much sense.  The only negative take on it is DE is "asking for more money."  Which like, fine...But DE has done far worse than this.  At least this option is not at all intrusive and WF for the most part is still very F2P friendly.  Certainly much better than most other games that can be comparable.

    I'm currently playing d2 witch queen (I'm at the final mission) and I can say the story is really good, however yeah, multiple of their dlcs (beyond light, which I also bought, comes to mind) end up having the main content be outside the story with the story only being the doorway to it, instead of the major event that has serious long term effects. (For example, beyond light is really easy, I cleared it within like 2-3 hours, and didn't die at any of the boss fights with my gear being the equivalent of the lowest level nightfalls, and it's only really there for you to get stasis and do the raid.)

  9. 6 hours ago, ABlindGuyPlays said:


         * Tweaks would need to be made for the sacrifice since taking on Umbra with the mote amp or even worse... raw no-node operator? Is complete misery. Most everything else CAN be done with a curated loadout, but honestly the sacrifice in specific needs to either be tuned or the loaner loadout needs to involve an amp of ANY sort because literally any of the amps would work better than raw nothing vs Umbra.


    Lies. I did the Sacrifice with only more amp TWICE and it was easy. 

    (If umbra kills you when you confront him for the last time without your frame, he still keeps all the damage you did to him, so you literally just have to shoot him until you can transfer into him.)

    • Like 2
  10. The thing is several mmos have this: despite Warframe not truly being an mmo, it still takes after them on several ways like having in-game trading and class types. 

    Mmos have this so they can make you buy the dlc instead of slogging through all the old content (FFXIV ARR comes to mind) to get to it, which is kinda funny tbh because Warframe doesn't have any dlc or any sort of heavy endgame for people to want to get to (other than clearing rooms of 20 enemies at once).

    • Like 3
  11. 59 minutes ago, Alguien said:

    You already admitted other gacha games do it (which aren't exactly "a few")
    There are also MMOs, Dota-likes, hero shooters, looter shooters (Warframe is here), Militarywank, and many other genres that use the F2P system. Is not "a few". They release updates all the time because that is how they keep player retention and whales throwing money to quick access to the new stuff.

    Warframe does an update every few months yes, but I was saying about how genshin has more frequent compared to other games. 

    Yes gacha games have fast updates but gacha games vary in quality other than a few like pgr or honkai games. There are some upcoming high quality gachas so that's changing soon.

  12. 2 hours ago, (PSN)rexis12 said:

    Genshin literally released several updates in a row that tried to kill one character gameplay type just so that they could sell another character type.


    When did this happen? To my knowledge Ayaka, Ganyu, Hu tao, Raiden Shogun, Nahida, and more are all super good literal years after release, not to mention characters like Xiao or Arataki itto that are still plenty strong despite not being overly "meta." In fact, characters like Kokomi, Nilou, Yae Miko, Fischl, and others literally became better with time, not worse.


    Unless you're saying that Neuvillette is so op nobody else will ever get close... Which is kinda wrong considering most teams in genshin revolve around your support party members, not the dps, to actually be really good. 

    The only hard content in genshin is spiral abyss. You can literally play the entire game with only your starter characters, let alone 4 star characters.

  13. 3 hours ago, Alguien said:

    Is it?
    As an F2P and gacha game, Genshin needs to release updates to remain profitable, I don't know why exactly deserves praise for trying to get profit, I am not praising EA for all the stuff they do in the name of profit, I am not Corpus.

    And kinda funny considering Genshin is getting blasted because of the pitiful anniversary rewards it gives compared to Nikke which is also celebrating its anniversary the same week.

    Genshin is one of the few games (besides Fortnite) that constantly releases updates. 

    Like every 2 months, there's an update which comes in itha new character, new quests, a new area (or two) on the map, and then at least one major event and several smaller events to keep you busy for the rest of the patch. Like that's more free content than most other games (with the exception of other gacha games).

  14. 15 hours ago, (XBOX)Hellsteeth30 said:

    You PC players pay less for everything outside of hardware.  Not that you need tip top to run this game.

    Hell you can pay nothing if you sail your galleon on the high seas.

    That aside, cross save and trade can suck it.  Trade especially will lead to massive inflation with all that extra plat floating around.

    Ironically, gtx 1080ti is still going hard, so assuming you pay a good price for a PC you'll have that PC for longer than a console. 

    Also cross save is probably going to lower inflation (more people that spend plat than people who buy plat are coming from consoles, which is why stuff there costs more pt), but because they are adding pt coupons to console it will eventually cancel out again. 

    Not to mention that inflation in WF has been happening like crazy since we added Prime Resurgence...

  15. 7 hours ago, (PSN)Joylesstuna said:

    "Free". Genshin Impact is free too. Their monetization methods should also be praised.

    Can you get every single genshin character without spending any money? 

    In theory, yes, but in practice, no, because there will always be more characters than you can get unless you are super lucky or spend money. 

    However the fact genshin has regular updates is something to praise.

    • Like 1
  16. 2 hours ago, (PSN)Joylesstuna said:

    Blizzard makes apologies all the time but it doesn't make a difference. Don't put your trust in a company that is owned by one of the largest gaming companies in the world. DE is better then some absolutely, but they are given too much leeway and positivity in regards to this.

    Because it's an entirely free game with all content being free and 99% of paid content being earnable in game?

    Also ever since Reb got the lead position they've actually been fixing the problems with the game and even made some Warframe farms (like Ash) including the new ones a lot more tolerable.

    • Like 1
  17. 1 hour ago, (XBOX)ECCHO SIERRA said:

    So DE is worried about the latest content drops being too hard to get to for new players because they have to do all the old content first. Kinda like how just for example it takes awhile to get to the new war. 

    Well in the latest dev stream theyre considering adding pay-to-catch-up. 

    Holy mother of god please no.


    Jesus christ. This is the worst idea ive ever seen. I havent always agreed with DE and that might sound like hyperbole but it is literally the cringiest idea ive ever seen. 

    The chat immediately was like please no. 

    I really hope this is one of those things where they have an idea and the community is like please no and they *listen*.


    A better solution would be to make more quests co-op enabled. 

    Bro they've already ruined the moment of doing the second dream if you've done Duviri, now it'll literally be *spends $20* "what's this?!"

    Also I literally was watching as a streamer I follow (imstarmi) started getting into Warframe and got to New War within a week or two. The only hard content that takes a while to unlock are Arbitrations/Steel path, and I'm fine if de adds a pay to skip for those, but please not for the story.

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  18. 3 hours ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

    I don't think market discounts exist any more. instead, you're encouraged to buy platinum and get your "value for money" from the extra plat, though it means buying everything at full price.

    I don't mind it too much, since I'm not used to having a lot of plat at once, but there is a downside. changes like this as well as questionable choices like the Heirloom Skins incident are why we should ALWAYS keep an eye on what DE do and NEVER forget to call them out on any BS they try to pull.


    I think it's good because the cheaper plat inflates the market so consoles will have plat become easier to get, similarly to PC. 

    This will also help since cross save is likely going to make plat increase in value by a large margin (more players, but not as much plat coming in from consoles), which will make it harder to sell things.

  19. 10 hours ago, (PSN)Hopper_Orouk said:

    My Major problem for why I'm not hooked on Warframe too much is my playstyle that I call "making the build" 

    it's basically about when I obsess over a new or old Warframe/rework/mods etc...I tend to spend my time farming it, giving it forma, getting the weapons and other miscellaneous items that it needs.

    for example, the New Hydroid rework, made me a big Hydroid fan (despite the weird over the top third ability) so I farmed him, got special weapons for him, put 6 forma, put 5 crimson tau shards, and made him perfect for any content...but where is it?


    I spent all that time preparing for...what? I don't run circuit at all because it practically throws all that effort out the window.

    steel path is the same game but a bit higher leveled, no enticement to stay for longer.

    what exactly am I farming for? why am I farming? why do I need this X weapon to get that perfect build when I have a dozen or so different ones that do the same if not slightly different result?


    How do I fix this endless Cycle?

    To get cool drip and look cool I guess! 

    And get cool weapons too!


    Ok but maybe that's the one thing duet night abyss will have since anime (gacha) games typically have an endgame that incentivize you to actually spend 💰 on characters (genshin is an exception but that's because they actually have characters people care about and even then, people still care about getting characters for builds and doing spiral abyss).

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