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Posts posted by (PSN)ArjunHarikumar

  1. it outperform the boltor and most other weapons

    imo it´s the 2nd best weapon in the game ( together with grakata,sybaris)



    dude the boltor out perfoms grakata bro base dps boltor 550 grakata 220 and sybaris is 280 

    and a little trick speed trigger with boltor amazing dmg try it best for high lev voids and no need for bane or ammo mutation

  2. like really i hear people using it it has good stats but how top tier is it



    does it come close to like the boltor prime 


    it does more dmg that amprex and synapse but the crit of the amprex and synapse can actually makes quanta weak in its primary mod of fire



    how good is its secondary mod

  3. yes im finall going to reveal the best place to farm gleaming talon probably 20-30 leech ospreys in 10 mins


    i think this might be a bug because after scaning the leech osprey the regions does not have uranus on its list (ps4)


    and the best place to farm is cupid  uranus yes from the begining itself leech ospreys spawn 


    oh dont worry i still dont have gleaming talon its fricking raree 


    this could also be a bug since uranus isnt on the codex region it may be the cause why i dont have gleaming talon

    but i got mind control a couple times


    uranus is the best place to farm plastids and polymer bundle is in there too

    like insane ur welcome 


    and im out

    and keep this a secret i still want to cash in gleaming talon if i get it dont want people knowing my secret

  4. well i love the current system 

    having weapons in the foundry building gives the hype to play the game even more

    its like its worth the wait

    your level 20  level 20 ithink you have good progress i got my second wep after a 3 days 


    besides everysingle one of us here sucked at warframe in the begining

  5. depends on the order you put it left to right

    so hellfire infected clip cryo rounds


    gives you gas and cold


    hellfire cyo rounds  infected clip


    gives you blast toxin



    in the voids 

    corrosive cold is the best combo so yeah you need three elemental mods

  6. How awesome would it be to give warframes their own back story

    and how having certain warframes can change the entire experience



    each warframe should come with a quest


    for example having nekros can give you a new place called hell or underworld where nekros has to do some quests and he will get a new mod or something that you can get only from there


    you build your warframe and your quest will appear how interesting

    i want mastery ranks on warframes too

     at least on primed ones.


    And the fact that you can get prime warframes only if you have the unprimed ones first. This will improve the quest part

    so primes are essentially a modification to be added on to non prime ones so you have to have the unprimed ones to apply the modification to.


    so if im correct primes are corrupted warframes essentially warframes who left tenno in search of power


    i got another one loki yes his brother ash murdered his familiy he left the bigenner trio (escalibur mag loki) and tenno and went in search for power met vor in the void vor gave him power to murder his brother. and thus loki prime was born aka sasuke


    so post your background warframe story

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