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Posts posted by SamuraiPizza

  1. Hi Rebecca. 

    I get that you want to make underused weapons good.

    In concept, this is great. You wanna give me a reason to pull out my Tiberon? YES PLEASE. But if a mod that is randomly obtained can involve NEGATIVE STATS, why on earth will I use it?


    I get that you want to randomize things to keep things unique to a player.

    In concept, this is great. But but again, if spending Kuva on it has a chance to make a mod WORSE, why on earth will I do it?


    I get that you want to want to tweak the system so less used guns will get nicer mods. 

    Again, great in theory. But if I get a Sybaris mod that gives me a 50% damage boost after spending 1900 Kuva on it, and my friend gets a Sybaris mod that gives him a 90% damage boost directly without spending Kuva on it, you know what happens? This little thing called SALT (not saying I'm gonna be salty, I'm not going to bother until the system becomes at least somewhat reasonable with the absurd RNG). Toxicity can be bred far too easily.


    I hope these will be addressed. Cheers!

  2. 19 minutes ago, Kaoru_Sugimura said:

    It doesn't hurt anything :P The game was already easy for geared players. If anything it makes a LOT of the shiet weapons that we never used because they were too weak now viable, which is fantastic. I am actually taking weapons that i never really used after formaing and using them again :D How is that a bad thing?

    Yea, sure, some people want to complain about power creep but what about nara perma invis or the dmg on most of our top tier weapons? Everything in this game was already pretty cheese. These mods just give us the chance to bring out old stuff we never used after they either got nerfed or after new/stronger stuff came out. You also have to consider that these are ENDGAME mods, hence the MR requirement. 

     The fact that they are making old weapons good is GREAT.

    You know what isn't? How much RNG it's stuck behind. You know whta else? The fact that after spending a hard earned resource on it, the stat rolls are random, meaning they can go down. And they frequently do. Spending Kuva (or any other resource) on ANYTHING should ONLY make things better, guaranteed. It's like spending Endo on a mod and there being a chance that the rank actually goes down.  

  3. Riven mods are still the same. PLEASE, folks. Reconsider this mechanic, it's hurting the game. 



    Riven mods are bad because of the sheer amount of RNG involved, and the fact that AFTER SPENDING A FARMED RESOURCE ON IT (Kuva) there is a GOOD chance that the stats will actually become WORSE. Just....no. Please.  

  4. Okay. So I hope you guys are all doing great. I hope you enjoyed the quest. I sure as hell didn't. I'd like to talk about why. SO without further ado:


    1) Underwhelming story

    This is a more subjective thing, I will not delve too much into it. I just felt this did NOT live up to the level of Second Dream. You might disagree, and that's completely fine.

    2) Bugs, bugs, bugs

    So the number of bugs that the thing shipped with (that STILL have not been fixed, judging by the posts on the forum) is inexcusable. I'll give you a few examples:


    a) I kept getting stuck in piles of bones to have that orokin maw gobble me up.  

    b) "Press 5 to activate transference" with the maw did not work until I force quit and restarted the quest replaying the first part of the bone maw part that was already frustrating to begin with.  

    c) THIS IS A BIG ONE: While fighting the Kuva Guardians, I void dashed through them and returned to my frame to stun them, and my Excal wouldn't swing his sword. I'd keep hitting E, but nothing would happen. For him to start swinging again, for SOME weird reason, I had to let them hit me until either I died and wasted a revive or my health hit 2 and Quick Thinking kicked in. Okay now WHAT IF I was running my vitality/steel fiber excal build? What if I had no QT? I wasted a bunch of revives JUST TRYING TO FIX A BUG THAT LETS ME USE MY DRAGON NIKANA. And because I had to constantly fight at the edge of my health, I died far too frequently, and ended up failing the mission multiple times. I even actually ragequit. In addition to the bugs, I get that DE is trying to give players a challenge, but I'd argue that it's trying WAY TOO HARD to be Dark Souls, in the sense that it wants to make players  reach that state of mind where you have to be extremely careful, time your moves etc. But failing rather abysmally. It leads to frustration and ragequitting (and this isn't just me). I like a challenge, and maybe I'd have enjoyed the DS-esque moment if not for the bugs, but I despise bugs that get in my way. Warframe is a game that many people (myself included) play for two main reasons: 1) story and 2) to feel a power trip. Dark Souls-ing this out is a bad idea (again, MY OPINION, feel free to disagree). Dying and failing multiple times also inadvertently causes another issue, and that is....

    3) Unskippable cutscenes

    ....Come on. Really? Yes I know you put in a lot of work into them and YES they are spectacular, But when you have to sit through them dozens of times because of bugs, you don't feel the emotional attachment to the game that the cutscenes aim to elicit: you just feel like..."AAARGGGG GET OUT OF MY FACE" ya know?

    4) Riven Engra..I mean mod system.

    You know why Destiny's RNG system got shat on so royally? You grind for hours to get a rare/legendary engram, then you go to the cryptarch, who then cracks it open and you have A CHANCE at getting some half decent gear. But frequently you will get absolute garbage Sicarus Prime tier gear that isn't worth half your current gear level. Now look at the Riven Mod system. It's kind of the same but kind of different. You get Riven mods from Sorties, based on RNG. That makes them hard enough to get. You get a random challenge to complete which may or may not be completely mind numbing (covered in point 5) and then it can be for a random weapon that you may or may not like, and then it may or may not have negative modifiers, I mean WHAT. Example: I got a riven mod that when I unlocked I found to be a Lanka exclusive mod that gives me more zoom and more reload speed. Now I'm a guy who hates snipers. Why? Because of THE ZOOM. The Lanka already has some pretty obnoxious Zoom. So you give me a mod for A WEAPON I DO NOT HAVE, A WEAPON I DO NOT LIKE, THAT WORSENS THE REASON I DO NOT LIKE IT, BUT OH LOOK! IT NOW RELOADS FASTER. MUCH RELOAD VERY WOW. They feel less like mission rewards, more like cookies. You know, when something is meant to feel like a reward but feels like an insult? There's a cost benefit style of thinking that I generally adopt, and at this point, I simply do not think riven mods are worth my time. I actually debated turning my garbage lanka mod into endo. Simply because I was so furious. I'm not going to be bothering with them until something about it is changed to something at least resembling reasonableness. I'm not THAT masochistic, sorry. Coming to the next issue I have:

    5) Absurd, nonsensical riven mod challenges

    So my challenge was actually rather tame, I had to do a defense with an extinguished key making sure the pod took no damage. It was a decent challenge, and it was nice, I must say. However, some friends of mine got something that I do not even think is possible: SIMARIS SYNTHESIS WHILE NOT USING A TRAP OR ANY ABILITIES. WHAT? 

    6) Shoehorned mechanics:

    Let's look at the Focus system and why it is so good. It's because it gives you actual, tangible in game perks: Zenurik? UNLIMITED ENERGY. Naramon? SHADOW STEP MASTER RACE BABY. Vazarin? INSTANT REVIVES. Madurai? MOAR DAMAGE! Unairu? Erm...it exists.

    What actual in game perk does void dashing and void blast and voidwalking give you? The Focus system had great perks that gave you advantages in game. This new systm thing is cool and all, but seems tacked on, It gives you no actual benefit that I can see, and no, "void dash through kuva balls to siphon kuva" mechanic does not count....it's the definition of shoehorning something into a game. MAYBE there's potential for operator-only missions, but when the best thing about an entire new system is a "MAYBE", something is fundamentally wrong.  


    Look, folks. I love you people very dearly. I love Warframe. I love the community. I've spent between 40 and 60 bucks on this game (which I know isn't a lot but given how little I make it's a significant amount for me. I regret NONE of it, I have sunk more hours into Warframe than I have into every other game I have played combined, so when I say I'm invested in you and I love your game you should probably believe me. And this is precisely the reason I will be so harshly critical of this game when I think it is fair. I defended you vehemently when people raged about the delays. I defended you vehemently when the specters of the rail shipped with all those bugs and you scrambled to fix it all on time. But I also criticized you rather harshly during the vacuum..ahem..."experiment" and I'm going to do so again.  I hope these issues  are addressed, and have a good weekend, people.  

  5. Hi folks.

    I'm fighting the Kuva Guardians. 

    Once I get out of my warframe, stun them, dash through them and return to my warframe, I CANNOT SWING MY SWORD. 

    I don't know if this is actually a bug or a...."mechanic" (which, let's be honest, if it is, it's pretty harebrained). Given the speed at which they move, the ease with which they knock you out of transference mode, this kind of thing causes more frustration than anything else. Did anyone else face this? 

  6. I only started using Excal seriously again recently (played a lot of Frost/Rhino before, abandoned excal after that mind numbing slide blind cost) and I noticed something.

    I'm facing a hyekka master, so I cast blind. Then from around the corner, a heavy gunner shows up almost immediately and starts firing onto me. I press 2 again, only to hear that double-honk-tone-of-NOPE noise with a message at the bottom right of my screen: "POWER NOT READY." I panic, fly away, hit 2 again. "POWER NOT READY." Now I'm thinking it's a bug. So five to six seconds later, I try again. And it goes off. I'm like.....okay. Imma try this again. 

    *presses 2*

    *presses 2 again*


    *waits about 5 secs, presses 2*


    .....WELL then.

    I remember DE saying pretty explicitly that cooldowns are never going to be a thing in Warframe. What's going on with that? The slide blind cost has me quite upset already, and now this? Has this been there for a while and I just didn't notice until now, or is this new? 


  7. 13 minutes ago, Tricky5hift said:

    No I believe both will open up enemies for finishers.

    However, the spin-blind is hilariously underpowered compared to just using the actual Radial Blind ability so I wouldn't really even bother with that.

    No, spin blind does NOT do that. I wanna know if the spin blind OVERRIDES the regular blind. 

  8. 9 minutes ago, Xekrin said:

    Best solution I can come up with is to make Index Points bound to whomever caused it to drop for a short period, after which its free for all.  This isn't the most elegant of solutions and I hope DE comes up with something better.

    Competing in this manner is rather in the spirit of corpus greed so I have a feeling they will want to keep some aspect of it alive, it just needs to be integrated a little better.

    Probably one of the main reasons they are calling this a preview event anyway, so they can iron out little details like this.

    I hope you're right, my friend.

  9. 17 minutes ago, Xekrin said:

    Precisely what I wrote about in the megathread


    There's a megathread? Dang, I didn't notice.

    thanks everyone who replied, I'm glad I was not the only one who felt this way.

    CALLING ANY MODS IN THE VICINITY: Would you be so kind as to please merge this in the megathread? Thank you! :)


  10. NOT an angry rant, just sharing a bad experience I had. Maybe this could be addressed in some form by DE?


    So when I played the Index I actually had an absolute blast.....for some time. Then things went from sweet to sour to just bitter.

    1) The first few matches were GREAT fun! 

    2) Then I played a match where I was basically carrying the team. It was the easiest level at I got paired with fairly low MR players (I'm not an advanced player by any means, just MR9). This by itself is no problem. But then I noticed something: the players were basically following me around with faster frames (I was a Rhino...you know, because tanking FTW...) and basically picking up my index points without actually killing anything. Eh, whatever. Maybe they're really new, and are doing the whole "dash for everything you can pick up" routine. Okay fine.

    3) So for the next match I equip my Ash with vitality/steel fiber/vigor/Armoured Agility/Rush/Maglev/Mobilize (I know absurd build but I needed speed and survivability) and jump into a match. Doing quite nicely, until I notice some advanced players do exactly the same thing. Stealing index points off of my kills. I messaged on the squad chat, saying "yo, I saw that. Not cool, that was my kill man." I expected something like "yo it was an accident, sorry" or something. But what I got was: "stfu, stop whining and lrn 2 play"

    So...okay. One bad experience. 

    4) So the next few matches went on uneventful, then in a high level match I was matched with some advanced players. Midway through I accidentally picked up a point from some guy, or maybe we were both aiming for the same enemy, I dunno. Maybe I screwed up. But I picked up the points. Now the enemy that died had a few points on him, so I picked up 3. So this player starts raging on chat, you know the usual stuff "you're literally cancer" and all that. Since this is a high level match and I'm MR9, I cannot PM him/her and apologise. I focus on staying alive and decide to message him/her later. He then actively tries to steal points from EVERY kill I make, and I could not ultimately reach my 20 point goal. I lost the 35K credit profit from that match. 



    So this is a good concept. But I'm going to say something that will get me a lot of flak: the Warframe community is nicer than a lot of communities because it's a PVE game at its core that rewards you to cooperate, not compete. Here, there's an element of competition and suddenly you have toxicity levels rising. 

    This is NOT to say that the whole community is toxic, it's not. Not at all. These are only a few bad experiences, I have enjoyed many many index matches. But DE, why create a situation where toxicity like this can come up? I'm not sure if others have had similar experiences, but if you have, do share. Unfortunately, this has left a bitter taste. I have my Exilus adapter, and probably will not play The Index further, unless my clannies are up for a team match and I'm off work at the same time that they're online.


  11. 54 minutes ago, [DE]Drew said:

    Draining Gloom (Despair) - 100% chance of Energy Drain explosion, -60% Magazine Capacity, -60% Ammo Maximum

    Did....did....did the Despair finally get a buff? Or is this just....conclave...


  12. https://goo.gl/2jex0J

    Meant to be used with Zenurik, so there's no (Primed) Flow.

    Roar/Ironskin build, with stomp still maintaining a reasonable amount of CC utility for tougher enemies and a medium range trash mob clear. 

    For a FULL CC build, remove Power Drift, Intensify and Transient Fortitude. Move Primed Continuity to V polarity. Add Overextended and Stretch and Cunning Drift to Exilus.

    Does this sound like a good build or am I doing anything wrong? 

  13. 13 minutes ago, Stonehenge said:

    Please, you know that's a very, situational example. How many players, including me, have already been frustrated by th timeout a few times ? Seriously. It's not valid, i'm sorry, it's a very, very minor case.

    A LOT more common than you think. It isn't the MR difference I was emphasizing. There are MANY MANY cases where you'll miss picking up loot because the rest of the team is surging forward. It's not just mission timeouts. What if it's a Sortie where a rare mod drops but you need to be in range of your Blessing Trin to survive, and isolation, even if for a few seconds, means death? Yes my specific case was an isolated one, but the not-being-able-to-pick-up-loot-because-team-blazed-forward is a real thing. 

  14. 36 minutes ago, Stonehenge said:



    Stonehenge, I've been following your posts for a while now, but despite the few good points you make (regarding the Gazal, etc) I'm sorry to say that almost everything you said about the Vacuum nerf is basically the "git gud" equivalent in a QoL sense.

    I HAVE tested the new vacuum in game, and I'm not happy. Here's what happened. I ended up getting grouped with a bunch of MR18+ players who wiped the map and headed to extraction (I guess they were farming for syndicate rep) and I was stuck running around picking up loot (I was looking for polymer bundles). The mission timed out and autoextracted me and I missed a few drops a couple yards away. I was not happy.

    What people are upset about is that they feel like they've been punished for asking for a universal vacuum. I will echo that sentiment, since there is no ACTUAL reason to nerf the range down to HALF of it. I understand nerfs like Excal's 4 and stuff, it was game breaking in a way, but this vacuum thing was just making the grind a little less unbearable. The nerf actually seems a little spiteful, as Nariala put it.

    I'm hoping you don't reply to this in an aggressive/passive aggressive manner, but real talk man: your argument is basically "git gud." Not a very strong argument. 

  15. WHOA thanks for the answers folks!

    So happy coincidence: I looked into my foundry and found the Vulkar AND the Vectis in there already for some reason (login rewards? I dunno the blueprints were just there) and I had plenty of resources for both so I built both! I also picked up the Rubico's blueprint but I was a little disappointed to see it needed Argon (did I mention how much I HATE Argon?) so I built the Vectis and the Vulkar. Vectis feels OH SO GOOD, the perfect zoom, doesn't feel disorienting, but the vulkar feels nice too and probably does more damage. 

    I'll check out the Vulkar with the Syndicate aug sometime soon (I need to find a person willing to sell me one), but Vectis it is until I get the augment. Possibly the Rubico when I have the Argon. Also: the Fieldron requirements for the Lanka are a little steep, so it'll be a while before I build it. 

    Thanks for all the responses!

  16. 3 minutes ago, Kasarian said:

    Rubico without full mods/forma is kinda weaker latron, Lanka is expensive to build (if you started recently) which added with no polarities and charge makes is not good as "starter" sniper and Vectis I can say from experience that it's a good sniper as a "starter" - cheap, easy to use and mod, though If you dislike reloading you might want to pass snipers for now and get bolt rifle or use Lex ^^'.

    I'm MR9 and never really bothered with snipers because I do not like them. I just need something that will get me through a Sniper only sortie. 

    I am beginning to think a Vectis with a reasonable set of mods and a Nova's damage multiplier should do the trick?

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