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Posts posted by (PSN)rexis12

  1. This ability made sense when Operator wasn't meant to be part of the gameplay loop, and instead just quick in and outs. 

    But now that a lot of content, Zariman especially, requires you to be outta of your Warframe for extended periods of time, it doesn't end up being a fair mechanic. Especially when some abilities barely affect the surroundings and would actually be detrimental in having them activated, as oppose to the intended mechanic of it being a way to prevent cheese like Immortal Gloom or what ever. 

    "Just Park it somewhere else"

    High level enemies can hit you across the the tile set with full accuracy and enough damage to punch through 90% DR. You know this, we know this, don't try to make it some 'skill issue' especially when there are cases of enemies being teleported forward if we the players move far away enough from the enemies. 

    "Use CC"


    Yes good luck CC-ing the Eximus that spawns with Overguard, or the Thrax Units that not only spawn with Overguard but also have diminished CC duration. 

  2. The more I read this, the more I like the changes suggested actually. Especially with the idea of Grineer getting more health because, barring dumbS#&$ like completely separate DR calculations from Demolishers and other special units, that actually turns Slash+Viral into a choice, instead of like mandatory. 

    Especially if the purpose is to bypass Armor. 

    Sure if you Armor Strip, Viral + Slash gets the most bang, but like of course it does. You've reduced their DR to zero and then slapped them with both the elements that they are specifically weak against. 

    Meanwhile, right now if you were to use Corrosive, well I've said before that even at max stacks, you're still slapped with a massive 70-80% DR despite using the 'best' choice.

    With a higher health threshold you need to apply more Slash and maintain the Viral to keep reducing health, especially when going through the Armor as well. Sure this does mean that Corrosive+Viral+Slash is also super powerful, but that's to be expected to have multiple Elements that are mutually exclusive to get an even bigger bonus. Compared to right now where we get like, what, an extra 20% damage from max Corrosive Process to add onto the Viral + Slash. 

    If this works, when facing an enemy you can now

    1. Brute Force the 90% with all the damage buffs you can slap onto them. 

    2. Status Proc them down with Viral and whatever you want. 

    3. Reduce their DR an actual sizable amount with Corrosive Procs, and deal with the rest of it. 


    4. Armor Strip to bypass the DR entirely. 


  3. On 2024-04-27 at 12:00 AM, [DE]Sam said:

    VIP enemies (Acolytes, Bosses, etc.) cannot be completely frozen; they’ll also be immune to the frozen-inflicted Critical Damage increase, naturally.

    Doesn't that completely miss the purpose of wanting the big damage boost on the enemies that have huge amounts of health, and at the same time using the CC to counter the threat of said enemies. 

    Like, I'd like it, but what I'm s eeing is that I can now kill a Grineer Lancer faster, which doesn't really mean much. 

    • Like 4
  4. From what I understand. They want to make Grineer easier to kill, and make the Infested and Corpus harder to kill. The TTK is probably going to be in the middle of a Grineer Unit and a Corpus/Infested Unit. 

    So you'd be killing them faster, with the reduction of Armor making it so that Corrosive gets value with Partial Strip and the damage bonus, meaning you could kill theoretically a bit more faster than if you had full stripped them and killed them that way. 


    Alternatively you could also Armor Strip and Viral Kill them, which... Is perfectly fine because the idea is that it's two different playstyles.

    Not dunpstering one time make the other better. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, 0_The_F00l said:

    complaining about existing Armor dominanc

    Literally just this, I'm not sure how you managed to think I'm complaining about the future changes when my posts was always about the current state. 

    4 minutes ago, 0_The_F00l said:

    One one side you are claiming we still need to build things for Armor mitigation

    For now, we still do. 

    With both those faction specific armor and Acolytes, due to their EHP dwarfing the rest of the faction. 

    Again I've said it before and I'll say it again. 

    "Why am I building for Anti-Armor in the Shield and Health faction?"


    • Like 1
  6. 16 minutes ago, FiveN9ne said:

    Remove armor from the game viral still remains the best. Then come Heat and Electric, which you guessed it, can be paired with viral.


    The current Viral that came about due to them changing the initial scaling of armor while at the same time deleting how Corrosive worked, going from full stripn to partial strip, and Viral, which went from halving your health to increasing damage.

    This cascaded into the current state of armor being so overturned that other options are ignored, because even with the scaling dropping off, it still had more EHP that people shifting from Corrosive to Viral because that was the new Anti-Armor.

    1 minute ago, 0_The_F00l said:

    Did you not read the whole thing ? Armor is getting a cap , 

    Your arguments are in a vaccum which may not be relevant when the actual changes take place.

    I'm surprised you're saying this when my first post:

    4 hours ago, (PSN)rexis12 said:

    I find it funny that apprently we have now 'encourages' diversity when

    Was specifically made to call out the current version of the Armor EHP dwarfing everything and people saying that removing this would remove diversity. 

    My point was always about how currently armor was so strong that it overshadowed every thing else and trying to say that it's okay, just homogenized your builds to always have anti armor, reduces gaming diversity. 

    I never brought up that they were going to change it. It's always been about the current state and how people say that right now it's fine and encourages diversity instead of the opposite. 

    Do YOU get it? 

    • Like 5
  7. 13 minutes ago, 0_The_F00l said:

    You have three weapons , pick one to deal with whatever is the most prevalent enemy you expect to encounter and mod accordingly.

    Pick the other to deal with whatever enemies that are out of the ordinary and mod accordingly.


    46 minutes ago, 0_The_F00l said:

    claiming you need to build all your weapons the same way

    Again my point still stands. 

    Why am I building for Armor for the Shield and Health faction? Why are the builds and loadouts being homogenized and pushed to always have Anti-Armor? Doesn't that cheapen the enemy variety of the game, especially with how absurd Armor is at the moment.

    I remember someone going

    "Why do people only use Viral Corrosive Heat and Slash?"

    And the response should always be

    "Why does every enemy faction in the game have Armor in them that exponentially jacks up their EHP value?"

    • Like 2
  8. 1 hour ago, 0_The_F00l said:

    that has always been the case and players have access to 3 weapons , 1 warframe and one focus school to mitigate such issues.

    "Hey the Corpus is the Shield Faction Right, we should build mostly to deal with Shields"

    "Actually you need to focus one for Armor."

    "But they're Shield focused, wouldn't making it so that we need to build for Armor for them as well negate the enemy diversity and homogenise the weapon builds?"

    "Doesn't matter, have a build for Armor."

    "Ok, what about the Infested. They're Melee focus and take extra damage from Gas, alongside clumping together which helps with Gas. "

    "You also have to build for Armor for them."

    "But wouldn't that further reduce build diversity by forcing all factions needing one specific play style/build being present at all times, while also causing issues with the challeng when the EHP of those faction doesn't match with how much EHP armor does?"

    "What's wrong with you, you have three weapons, just build for Armor."

    "Fine, then I guess for Grineer we also need to build for Shield and Enemy Density to? "

    "No for Grineer just build for Armor."

    • Like 5
  9. I find it funny that apprently we have now 'encourages' diversity when

    1. Corpus Heavy Units have Armor, which require to forgo Magnetic, you know the Anti Corpus element, for either Radiation due to the damage bonus or Corrosive to reduce enemy armour.

    2. Deimos open World makes enemies with Armour their looks, making it so that wanting to actually use Gas to deal with the enemy faction that groups up and attacks in melee worthless, due to needing to actually deal with Armour, meaning you have to build for Corrosive, because Viral doesn't work simply because lol DE. 

    3. Acolytes exist in both Infested and Corpus Steel Path with their Ferrite Armour, which means having to build for Corrosive due to their Armor getting in the way of like the intended resistance and weakness of this factions and instead you get slapped with what is essentially a Grineer Field Boss. 

    You either have to build for Corrosive, Bypass with Slash, or Armor Strip. 


    • Like 4
  10. 11 minutes ago, HunterDigi said:

    Reminder that there's a legendary arcane that increase damage taken per cold stack, a cold stack cap would make that arcane no longer worth its tier.
    Is it really that big a deal to have uncapped stacks for cold? The freezing logic can work with it to keep it the way you guys want without it being capped.

    Lmao that's also one of worser Legendary Arcanes to.

    So it's funny to nerf that of all things

  11. 19 minutes ago, trst said:

    Otherwise we'll remain in the cycle we've always been in where only a fraction of our 13 different damage types ever get considered

    You do know that it's because of armor that only a fraction of our damage types get considered right? 

    Like before Viral was Meta, it was Corrosive and Corrosive Projection that was the Meta.

    And it was due to Armor. 

    • Like 10
  12. Also I just want to say, the biggest issue is that Armor has two, yes TWO DR, that If I recall is Multiplicative of each other. And while yes it's weakness are also the same the DR inherent still reduces damage by 70-80% even after both the 75% Armor Ignore and 10 Corrosive Procs, a level 150 Heavy Gunner has 1309 Armor. 

    Thats 80% DR, even at best circumstances. That's insane, even with the damage increase from Corrosive, a 10k bullet will dealdeal 3750 only. 

    And it keeps scaling up. 

    You know how much armour a level 200 Heavy Gunner has after both the Corrosive Procs and Corrosive Damage? 1622 armour. That's 85% DR. 

    That's a 10k bullet dealing a measly 2625.

    And I haven't even doubled the Armor from Steel Path yet.

    If you wanna know Viral + Slash is so used, maybe don't have it so that even with the optimal Element to 'Counter' Armor, it still blocks EIGHTY PERCENT OF YOUR DAMAGE. 

    • Like 1
  13. Squashing the damage resistance so that Armor EHP doesn't majorly DWARF the rest is going to help your game in the long run.

    The issue is that, due to how your EHP already works, what people consider to be reasonable, is instead actually butt#*!% insane. 

    And people will think it's making things easier, instead of making the status have weight again. 

    My view is this. 

    1. Armor is just Armor. No Ferrite, Alloy, Carapace, or what other variations you have. It's just one type of Armor with it having the same Resistance and Weakness across the faction board.

    2. Armor should either have a fixed value or stop scaling at the point where enemy can get 80-90 DR. So that when it's reduced through Corrosive or other abilities, it actually means something instead of having to full strip for it to matter.

    This makes it so that you have Regular Units and Heavy Units, instead of every Armor Enemy being a Heavy Unit eventually. Again, I want to remind people that a Steel Path Heavy Gunner, which is a basic Heavy Unit has TWICE the EHP than an Acolyte, before DA. Imagine an uncommon Infected in L4D having the same or more than twice the amount of health than a Tank. 

    This let's you actually tailor enemy difficulty to a point where you k ow it doesn't get exponentially harder, which means you can actually Nerf things because you can actually gauge where it min and max potential damage lie and see what is actually overstepping their bounds. Because a Knell with a Tier 5 Red Crit and a Crit Damage Multiplier of 5.6x barely tickles these enemies with how much the DR of their Armor stack, while a Phantasma that deals a fraction of a fraction of the damage but can slap like 100 slash procs can insta gib them. 


    Also in regards to Enemy Shields. 

    Just three things. 

    1. Stop making Shields with special exceptions. All Shields should have the same properties, that means either Toxic goes through Shields or they don't. Don't make a mechanic that then gets ignored for stronger units, which makes us ignore that mechankc entirely due to it being not worth it on the chance we fight those units. 

    2. If they already have Shields, no Armor. The reason is that chances are after this there's going to be a change in what method of enemy is EHP is going to be the best, and slapping on two of them will just have us use what's only effective on one, like how people just bring Rad or Viral-Slash to deal with Corpus Armor units, not giving a S#&$e about Shields entirely. Make it as effect as possible, but make it just have one type of Damage Reduction. 



    No status immunities. 

    No Orb Vallis being immune to Magnetic/Cold/Viral. No Deimos being immune to Viral. No Acolytes not beeing immune to Viral. No Infested Demolished being immune to Viral.

    I want mechanics to work on light and heavy units, so that when a heavy unit or big unit shows up, me usingn the knowledge of enemy weakness actually means something. 

    Because I will always say, that the Orbs, the Kyra especially, enemies being immune to #*!%ing Magnetic Procs, is the worst thing you could because of how that could have been the time to actually reward Status Diversity, but you fumbled. So people just go even harder with the DPS that's already meta. 

    Which is Viral. 

    See how many things are just immune to Viral, because that's just how much the current EHP system has pigeonhole people into having Viral. Maybe not now, but as you do, because having mechanics just fail you because it's the best thing to counter the BS enemy EHP isn't a good feeling. 

    It also just screams you being insecure about your own game mechanics if you have to block it every where you go. 


    And that's it from me. 

    • Like 8
  14. 1 hour ago, Voltage said:

    Came here to find this comment. Void Sling isn't bad, but if you have high mobility and parkour skills, it feels sluggish just using transference, not even mentioning slinging. I find myself ignoring Void Sling most of the time now.

    Void Dash felt like it complimented the pace of Warframe. Void Sling just feels like an "update" to appease the iPhone/Android version of Warframe.

    I just find it crazy that DE had to neuter one of the aspects this game has as a key selling point: movement. Void Dash was not Itzal's Blink or Razorwing Blitz. It was a responsive move set that complimented many Warframes and allowed slower Warframes to make up ground.

    I remember using Void Dash for super quick known down CC. Due to it being fast, cheap, and (almost) universal to give me breathing room. 

    Even though Void Sling is the 'same' it feels so sluggish that I'd rather not bother. 

    • Like 3
  15. "Adapt to something new"

    Oh hey, remember when they decided to add in enemies that are resistant to Viral and Slash, but at the same time literally add in enemies with Armor, which are literally the enemies why Viral and Slash were so prominent? 

    Remember when DE decided that an enemy that could not only turn off CC at a whim, but also have reduced CC effects and then make that enemy increasingly tanky and even made it status immune at the point you would WANT to attack them, thereby tunneling you down even further into the DPS Meta that makes any kind of challenge impossible. 


    I'll believe that DE is 'struggling' to make challenging content when they actually try to design something around content that isn't just "Deal Damage" And "Deal Damage only to this area lmao".

    Honestly if I have to say the worst of this design is Void Armageddon. Where, besides the mandatory Angel at the end, you need to 'defend' the Exodampers but that just translates to you needing to kill really fast or you're #*!%ED. 

    • Like 2
  16. 3 minutes ago, L3512 said:

    Yes being locked to either Condemn, Pillage or Rakta dark dagger is fantastic.

    Or Augur Mods

    Or Arcane Aegis. 

    Or Shield Recharge Builds. 

    Or Topaz Archon Shards. 

    Meanwhile you're stuck with a good 'ol Doom and Grave Spirits forever. 

    5 minutes ago, L3512 said:

    So the abilities aren't great without synergy?

    Her abilities are only at fraction of their value without player input. 

    This is like saying that Renewal has synergy because of Hallowed Ground and Renewal, instead of it being a planned mechanic that arbitrarily limits an ability unless you press another button. 

    22 minutes ago, L3512 said:

    Big deal it's still an example of synergy that Harrow lacks.

    I literally can't believe you can write that with a straight face. 

    • Like 1
  17. 20 minutes ago, L3512 said:

    "That's not really synergy and more planned interactions."

    What are you talking about. 

    None of his abilities inherently get a bonus effect when other abilities are used. You don't get more energy for hitting enemies with his chains, you get it through headshots. Meanwhile to spread Doom in a reasonable radius you need to 2 and 1.

    You don't get the 200% Crit Chance from hitting chained enemies, you get it through headshots which his 1 makes it easier to do while his 3 encourages it due to energy regen. Meanwhile to get the Crit Damage to the bonus you'd want, you need to Doom the enemies and furthermore you need to spread that Doom with Wyrd Scythe. 

    How can you say it's planned interactions?

    20 minutes ago, L3512 said:

    2 depends on his 1 or Rakta dark dagger

    The fact that you already have an option to not use his 1 for his 2 is already better in the:

    20 minutes ago, L3512 said:

    not completely dependent


    You get a marginal Crit Damage without Doom, your Doom targets so few people without Wyrd Scythe, you don't get Armor Strip without Doom, Wyrd Scythe just slows and Primes Viral without Doom.

    I can't understand you seeing an even bigger locking of gameplay than Harrow 2 which just needs shields which you can get through so many other vectors, while Dagath is locked to needing her 3 and 2 or else her whole kit just falls apart. 

    • Like 1
  18. 2 minutes ago, L3512 said:

    example of synergy would be Dagath's 2 in conjunction with her 1,3 or 4 where all abilities are useful by themselves but benefit from interacting

    That's not really synergy and more planned interactions. 

    Wyrd Scythe's slow doesn't benefit Doom or Rakash Cavalry, the Viral from Wyrd Scythe is just general damage increase that you can do with one click of Epitaph and it wouldn't cost ammo. 

    Meanwhile Harrows 1 Locks enemies in place, which means that using his 2 and then 1 negates the damage you'd take, assuming you don't Shield Gate it, while also forcing enemies in an easier Headshot position which recovers more health with his 2, even if it goes over your health and def objects heal only 50 per second lmao, and makes it easier for his 3 and 4 to get their bonus effects. If Harrow was designed like Dagath, you'd need to Chain them with his 1 before you get the Energy and Crit bonus. 

    • Like 1
  19. 2 minutes ago, Prof-Dante said:

    not sure you even played this frame to begin with, based on this answer.

    While her whole kit is basically and effectively "Reduce enemy health by half" With how Doom functions, ultimately the whole point of her kit is to get increased Crit Damage from Grave Spirit which the double Crit Damage on Doomed Enemies emphasises.

    You basically use her to get increased Crit Damage and Reduce Enemy health by 'X' amount depending on how much Strength you have.

    It's not bad, Gyre's whole kit is 'Increase Critical Chance' she's just lucky enough that hers is Multiplicative, while Dagath is stuck is an Additive Crit Damage. 

    • Like 2
  20. Honestly I'd just prefer if ALL his abilities gave cool down reduction, save for his 4 which is obviously his 'Ultimate'

    Make it so that his 1 reduces the cool down on hit, and then further reduces cool down via each finisher you performs. 

    And then have his 2 reduce cool down by like 0.1s for each enemy hit by the pools, to encourage you to spread them around. 

    as fun as his 2 is, it is the outlier in terms of "What does this actually do?" With the rest of the kit. 

  21. Honestly I'm just saying if the end game is for all weapons to be used in the final level, don't hate things like Potatoes and Forma behind both plat and time.

    This isn't the case of 'Make your weapins stronger with Galvanized Mods' because I can farm for a Galvanized Mod or a Steel Path Arcane to build up the weapon I want to. I can't say the same for Potatoes and Forma. 

    'But you can trade Plat!'

    Listen if the challenge progression of the game is literally dependant on:

    1. A premium currency that is only kept afloat by the whales in Warframe that buy every single plat pack/prime access upgrade that let them hoard hundreds of thousands of plat that they can give to others


    2. A Premium currency gained through in game trading with no actual limitation and supervision by the head directors of the game themselves. 

    Then the moment the plat dries up, the game and the challenge crashes.

    I remember when I posted how much Plat it would take to actually make all weapins viable just by unlocking them with slots, not counting potatoes and forma. It was well in the Hundreds of Thousands and the only response to me saying that a game with hundrees of wealons and gating them  behind the currency of the game was

    "Well you  can get 2 extra slots every 5 months, so that's irrelevant"

    • Like 1
  22. Damage Attenuation is just Armor 2.0, where the existing mechanics that they added to the game has resulted in a massive screw up in the balance department so they have to do this weird tango of player damage vs enemy health.

    Honestly wouldn't be surprised to see a "Damage Attenuation" Scaling change to like how they did so for Armor back in the day. 

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