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Posts posted by Angelid

  1. 17 hours ago, (PS4)Nurolkel said:


    I honestly feel like Amesha was the WF Trinity needs to be :crylaugh: (bit of jk here, but still, it would be interesting to see some of hte mechanics on a wf)

    12 hours ago, Marekthejester said:


    I agree completely with this. I play a lot of League of Legends, and quite frankly I was so happy when they added in the damage blocked for shields stats, as well as the vision score mechanic (If you don't play league, then you should know a lot of the Supports job is keeping many big objective spaces out of the fog of war with things called wards, which your vision score goes up if you use them well). I wish we could have something like those for WF, like a number for 'different enemies CC'd' or 'health returned to allies'.


    12 hours ago, Datam4ss said:


    Honestly, it's the only reason I play her anymore. Unless I am hunting Eilodons or planning for a Raid, there's no reason to play her, other than for fashionframe. FeelsBadMan The fact you just 'pass by' without getting called out for no damage or bad play as a trinity being your highlight of playing her is one of the supporting evidence I have that she's basically an invisible that keeps you alive... You don't care when she's there, but when she is and she's not doing her job, most rage.

  2. 20 hours ago, Kayll said:

    Lots of my play time is on Trinity, played her ever since the beta, shes kind of fallen off over the years since other frames and new additions to the game have kind of stepped on the toes of what made her special, would be nice if she was updated just a bit to make her a little enjoyable.

    Thank you! This is exactly what I am talking about.
    @Ada_Wong_SG , @Dr.Wuzzah I understand 'it's what you signed up for', when it comes to a 'team player that only heals and gives energy', Kayll says it perfectly right here. No, they never had to change Nekros or Excalibur or Hydroid, but they did to make them more enjoyable, and I believe they can do the same for Trinity.

  3. 22 minutes ago, Dr.Wuzzah said:

    What??? As it stands she is one of the most requested frames for most group activities. Definitely has an identity, one that you might have grown tired of, but it exists.

    Also @Ada_Wong_SG well said. Perfectly highlights what both Oberon and Trin bring to the table. Also agree with the well of life suggestion, cause the ability is redundant unless you haven't unlocked blessing.

    'One of the most requested' is not what I am trying to say. Yes, she does her job very, very well. But the fact it's so requested yet so boring and non-interactive feels awful to play. No one wants to be the trinity of the group, unless they are some damn-dedicated Trinity mains (shoutouts to them and their perfect timed heals at some points :surprised:)

    And I don't mean her identity as the community sees her, I mean an identity to the game-world as a whole. She is an outlier of a system full of lore and interesting stories. You can take any other frame and tie them back to an event, or a series of events, or a person in the lore, or something like that. So many warframes, especially the last ten or so released, have some awesome lore and an identity tied to them. The only other one I can think of that might fit this category is Loki, as he doesn't have any specific lore bits on him, but at least he is cohesive and interactive with his skills and rewards his skilled play, on top of if you actually want to feel like being a ninja, you play ash or him (depending if you want multi-target damage or a good form of CC/disarm).

    Trinity has neither of those. You have to be 'rewarded' by the mission and game itself, not by feel or how the skills work with one another. You have to be praised by your teammates because of how needed she is, "omg we couldn't have done without a trin".

    I guess what I am trying to say is this:Trin does really well to the point someone HAS to play her in high level missions, but feels so bad to play no one really would play her casually. Her Identity within the universe is lacking, as I see nothing more than a doled up warframe, where as many warframes have such personality and fun gameplay with their mechanics.

  4. 44 minutes ago, Datam4ss said:

    Actually Trinity can be the edgy emo self harm who kills everyone by hurting herself... but I don't think that playstyle is particularly fun.

    An actual laugh for that one, thanks for that. xD But in all honesty, can you feel a personality coming from Trinity? The only one I know of is the lobster tail meme among the community, and that's it-- and that's not even a personality trait, it's a feature of her frame...

  5. 2 hours ago, EinheriarJudith said:

    you dont need to be an ev trin to spam blessing. lets not forget our other armor strippers. mag and frost oh and ash. again im not arguing his place i like that oberon is different from trinity because when i dont want to play trin i can play obe or harrow.

    This the problem right here. There is no legit reason to play her. Her niche is so narrow, she fulfills no fantasy as a video game character that is supposed to fill a power fantasy, and even then the bar is so low, she has no style to her play. I love to play support characters, but she feels... So non-interactive with the world around her. I can play Harrow and feel like a priest punishing the sins of Grineer, I can play Titania and feel like a fairy kicking corpus ass. I can play Inaros and feel like an immortal... But Trinity... There's nothing. No identity tying her to this universe.

  6. 58 minutes ago, EinheriarJudith said:


    Yes, Trinity can do one thing really, REALLY well. 

    But if you really want to get down to brass tax, an Oberon can give far more Cc, heals, and Damage reduction in the form of armor far better than Trin can. The way the math works out, the armor is far more effective than 75% damage reduction could ever do. 

    I'm not asking for a complete rework, although that would be my ideal. At the very least I want to see her skills (or ,skill descriptions in game) be updated to the standard of quality that the rest of the frames are. She's got a lackluster heal (her 1) that no one bothers to use, an energy pulse that all other forms of energy is balanced around (it feels like), a very limited form of damage reduction based on enemies AROUND her (how is she backline wih this????) And an ult that, for all intents and purposes is the best and possibly only good thing about her. She has no skill curve, its just whatever buttons you happen to press. Also, I'd like to note: her damage reduction does nil for sheilds, the only thing it counts towards is HP, same with armor. DE has already stated they are planning damage 3.0 with these tweaked.

    I'm going to agree to disagree with you here. I just want to see my favorite frame get some love, especially after the fixes to many now prime warframes that have had a cohesion update of some kind, except her.


    1 hour ago, Datam4ss said:


    I'll put some of your ideas in the original post, thanks for the ideas and support!

  7. 1 hour ago, Kayll said:

    Well of Life is completely worthless, any "priority" target is immune to the CC now,Blessing is better in every way, and no one is every going to look at their HP, stop what they are doing and look for the floating green guy that probably doesn't even exist in 99.9% of groups with a Trinity in them.
    The move just needs to be changed into something else entirely... I can't think of one time I casted Well of Life and said "Phew good thing I have this skill!".

    I don't think OP wants them to be changed into a front line warframe, simply changed so they have a more active playstyle instead of standing there casting EV over and over.

    Exactly! Your last line says it completely.

    10 minutes ago, EinheriarJudith said:

    heavy gunners, napalm, corpus tech, bursa etc. these are priority targets and they are not immune to CC. if he wants a more active playstyle he has options. changing a frame because its not active enough for you is ridiculous.

    when im playing trinity i dont spam EV. i maintain link heal people when they need it and shoot or melee using what ever i bring. EV spam is a player problem not a frame problem. learn some self control.

    If you think 'spamming EV' is a thing most players don't do, then fine. I understand where you are coming from when it comes to how different playstyles of Trin go for. But my questions to you are this:

    Why play Trin if you want to CC bombards and heavy gunners? Many frames have a FAR BETTER CC than Trinity's 1 or 2. Trinity: 'Oh look, I can CC two targets! And sometimes give HP and most of the time give Energy. ... If my line of sight doesn't hit another target, then I have to wait to recast it...' Rhino: 'I can CC everything around me, make myself literally immune to a set amount of damage, and if that fails, I can just ragdoll those bombards and heavy gunners anyway-- then boost my speed. Yay!' Why bother healing anyone when you can pick them up with literally any other frame who can survive the damage she can't? Nekros: 'Boop! Your up with half your hp :D' anyone other than Trin or (sometimes) Nova: 'YAY now I can use my skills to keep myself alive!' Trinity: ' ; o; TFW you don't have enough energy to cast Link AND Ult'.

    My point is, @EinheriarJudith , is that literally ANYONE can do almost ALL of her jobs better and ten times more quickly (and safely) than she can. Even her burst heal isn't worth hek when there's a well built Oberon on the team, who gives BOTH a burst heal AND a huge amount of regen, assuming he has enough energy to keep it up longer than just a few seconds. And many of the healing alternative frames have at least SOME armor. Yeah, I understand Trin is supposed to be a backline healer, but most backline healers in other games can actually be in the back line. The range of her EV (not the cast, the pulses) means she has to be close to the action, and most maps are so small and you have to keep moving so much you can't actually turtle up unless you have a team built for it.

    Most frames have some kind of armor and damage shed (or regen), or do a crapton of damage, or can just shed aggro (See stealth frames) or collect aggro for your other teammates. Trinity has a weak damage mitigation that she can give to others granted she has enough time and energy to do so. (75% for others, 92.5% for herself) She has a burst heal that actually has a cap to it, believe it or not (You can only see this on high health built warframes, such as Nidus, Inaros, or Nekros in some cases), and whatever else she has is lackluster or so niche you hardly ever want to take her anyway.

    As far as EV goes, she only ever gets used in raids. Eidolon hunts its near useless because you can't cast it on second-form little guys or on the big guy at all, and only when you manage to happen across grineer do you actually get a full use of EV. So please, tell me when you would use Trin over any other frame, and I can tell you who would fill that role better. As a base frame, YES, she has the best heal in the game. But if we include builds and mods available for most of the community, she is outshined by every other frame for any other role she tries to sit in.

  8. 9 hours ago, Datam4ss said:


    Sorry I missed your post!! Castanas Trin doesn't even work, as her ult isn't actually dictated by how much she heals anymore (even though it says it does, this I have tested unless they patched it since 22.10.0, I'll check again just in case), unless you mean via her Link-- but at that point you may as well play an actual damage frame, as that does more damage than Link Trin can really do. Other than Eidolon fights and Raids (or Trials if you want the correct term) Trinity's usage is Nil. It's rare in a day I will see her used by a pub-er other than if someone new, is leveling the frame/prime or if some seriously dedicated player is just having a fun moment of nostalgia (I do this once in a great while).

    These are the QoLs I'm talking about, you have some fantastic ideas. I like how EV turns into an aoe that debuffs targets and allows allies to leech off them, though it's pretty close to what Harrow does just not based on his location. I love the interaction of Link + blessing, as well as EV + blessing, too! It would reward players for casting in an area near their allies, and not just under affinity range.

  9. 33 minutes ago, Borg1611 said:

    I've played every frame in the game. Harrow is drastically different than what I suggested (like there's no meaningful similarity at all beyond the fact that there's a connection in using a weapon, though he requires kills to get energy and has a charge up mechanic) and I actually hate his energy mechanic (which doesn't even function in situations where you're not getting kills). I find Harrow to be a boring and terrible support frame, he's better as a solo frame just to buff your own weapons. He does serve a purpose in Eidolon hunts, though half the harrows in pubs pop their 4 after the shields go down instead of a limb and you end up getting hit by it anyway...

    My suggestions build off Trinity's existing theme, but modernize her since she was created a long time ago and is very outdated. She would become a more versatile support and useful in more situations than she is currently, even if they nerfed her group energy restoration. 

    I honestly hate that I can't get energy for myself when everyone else is better at getting kills with Harrow. 'Lul just headshot' I can't line up a shot in less than a half second (the time it takes for most weapons and frames to kill any enemy in the game). And I agree that she needs to be modernized. Harrow doesn't do well if you can't aim (or don't choose to melee everything), which I understand skilled play is rewarded with him-- but he has such a steep learning curve if you already have difficulty actually shooting things in their weak points in less than half a second. Contrast to Trinity, her learning curve is as flat as Kansas to a flat-earther (and the harrow bits was still assuming you had enough enemies to get energy back for, if you want to include Eidolon hunts).

    I love the idea for an Energy vampire/leak, I wonder if it could be considered a toggle, that has two different 'modes' instead of putting vampire on her passive-- one would leech energy from nearby enemies as you have her passive, the other to leak energy to others (just for the sake of balance I doubt both could be active at the same time).

    @EinheriarJudith This is why I want to talk about Trinity, I don't want to play Harrow. I want to play the warframe that drew me into this game in the first place-- at the moment she just feels awful to play. If you have any insights on how to make trinity better, by all means, post. If you're going to say 'Play x frame', I really just don't care. This is about trinity, no one else.
    @Neightrix I agree completely, I am not asking for nerfs tho (unless that was directed to someone else), I just want her to FEEL better. Any kind of cohesion or interplay in her kit would be fantastic-- hek, even a QoL change for her ult just to be able to do as it says in her ability screen ( It does not, in fact, give more damage reduction on % health healed, but is based on her strength). Literally anything that shows the devs are even looking at her would be enough for me.

  10. 29 minutes ago, Dr.Wuzzah said:

    And how can you prove that it's not just a small portion of the community that feels this way?

    Hard to take any thread seriously when you see stuff like "Rhino needs a buff" on the forums. But otherwise I'm sure your preposition for trinity has some merit.

    That is why I put this up in the first place, I would love to get other people's opinions on the subject. I've been playing since the beta days, and she hasn't been changed at all for a very long time (if you don't count the affinity range change on her ult and the line of sight change on her EV). Even when I first started playing her, I felt her as spammy and terrible to play as with pubs because (unfortunately) the mentality behind healers in pubs is just 'why you no keep me alive wtf'. Which she's good at, I will say that. But she got boring, very very quickly, and currently I never get bored of any other frame like I have her. No even my friend who's played nekros his ENTIRE playtime (he's also been playing since beta) says she's as bad as old Nekros.

    I just want the conversation to get to the devs, to hear what they have to say, at the very least. yes, it kinda sounds like I'm saying 'plz buff trin' -- but really that's just an ideal outcome.
    Also, if you would like, I have a friend who's messed around with Oberon a ton (he has FIVE different frames just for the different builds of oberon) and if you like I can get those builds from him so you can see a few different angles on those, assuming you haven't done it already (PM me if you want more on that).

    I thank you, though, for posting! I'll try to get a bit more info in the original post as far as examples and evidence for how I feel Trinity is lackluster. :D

  11. On 2/20/2018 at 11:11 PM, EinheriarJudith said:

    if you don't want to play a backline healer don't. one cannot expect trinity to vanguard like oberon or harrow. trinity is quite strong in the things she does. boost duration of link and we are good to go. if i want to play damage dealing healer ill pick the other obvious choices.

    My issues with her don't stem from being a back-line healer, as much as it might sound like.

    The biggest problem I have is the fact that DE went and looked at Nekros for the same things that Trinity now currently suffers from-- un-fun spam tactics that don't reward anything other than that one playstyle, and if you have the very difficult to obtain setup (for newer players at least) the Link builds. There are other Niche builds that are fun, but for the sake of high level missions or 'Try harding', you don't use anything other than those two builds.

    If they made her a backline healer that actually rewarded the player for keeping people alive, or at least didn't punish you when you couldn't, I could see it working out. But the fact I have to be relegated to 'making sure the team stays alive and (in the case of Eidolon hunting) the Lures don't go down' if I play her makes for boring gameplay and has the difficulty much higher than it should be, simply by arbitrary means.

  12. On 2/16/2018 at 12:41 AM, AcceptYourDeath said:


    I agree completely! It's why I was very sad and annoyed that they looked at, of all people, Ash (for the second time!). I understood he was a little lackluster for damage and the fluidity was a little lacking-- but seriously!? 'Oh look who's doing too much damage- or not enough'... -sigh I won't reiterate my post, but Trinity should have been the top of their recent list of changes to warframes, with as much attention they were giving to them.


    On 2/16/2018 at 3:41 AM, Kayll said:


    It's a lack of consistency and counter-productiveness in her kit I honestly want addressed. I would love it if they just made her a 'stand back healer' like many mmos generally have. But Warframe, in general, kind of disallowed that, which is why she needs the bit of tankiness-- at least, she did, though now-a-days many people can handle themselves or just do the job of shedding damage for allies better (cough inaros/harrow cough). The worst offender to the counter-productivity is her passive. She's supposed to keep everyone alive, and she can't exactly pick anyone up fast enough in a firefight (especially higher levels), regardless of if it were five seconds, four seconds, or even one second. Honestly, I would love to see a warframe version of OverWatch's Moira for what trinity could have been (for anyone who doesn't know, Moira is a healer/damage dealer that can do one or the other, with her ult doing both as a huge "imafirenmylazar" beam, as well as a secondary resource for burst healing that replenishes far faster when she actually deals damage).

    I do like the idea of an insta-res, I have seen it thrown around though there would have to be a huge cost for it (most of your energy or perhaps most of your own hp or something). Also there's been plenty of talk of the literal pool of life, I'll add your name to the list for that if you'd like :)

    Thanks, guys, for the suggestions, keep it up! Hoping this catches a dev's eye someday.  -Hopes beyond hope :thumbup:-

  13. On 12/13/2017 at 9:47 AM, Etomb said:

    I've always thought Trinity was fine; maybe in need of EV being reworked.

    1- Shoot bad guy for health. It's a hp fill up station. I see no problems there.

    2-Meant to be balanced by its limited range, however really isn't. Especially with range mods on. Maybe make it so that the enemy directly feeds energy only to those who have directly hurt it. Like ability one, except in bursts.

    3- Keeps Trinity on her feet, since there aren't any powerful offensive abilities to help kill stuff before it hits you too hard.

    4- Meant to save lives; its main function is not damage resistance. That is there to keep your heal from being meaningless; granting a buffer while people remove themselves from whatever situation they got caught in.

    You forget her passive, the one second off (base 4, for her 3) timer for picking up teammates.
    The reason I bring this up is that at most she still only gets a 92.5% (or somewhere close) damage mitigation with both her 3 and 4 active at max strength for both (both having hard caps at 75% ea). Most warframes with similar damage reduction goes up to 95%, and even then most of them can't stand still for three or more seconds taking a huge amount of enemy fire in high level missions (On top of the fact she's THE most fragile frame in the game compounds this to the point it's very unlikely you can actually pick up anyone for your passive to be useful).

    My issue with trinity isn't that she isn't fine-- Pre-rework Nekros was fine too, but they reworked him to not be so button spammy-- and on that logic she should have been touched up LONG ago.

    Sorry it took me some time to respond, I had to deal with some things before jumping back into Warframe.

  14. Is there any chances that Trinity is going to go into review at some point in the future, or if she's even brought up in the conversation? Many old warframes have been reworked to reduce redundancy, improve spamming, and given so many QoLs. Many can do most of her jobs better, the only real niche she has is to spam her EV to allow everyone else to spam too. She's got terrible gameplay, and isn't rewarding to play in the slightest, only punished when she doesn't do her job correctly or even mistimes an ult. Please tell me she's at least brought up in discussions!!

  15. 1 minute ago, Autongnosis said:

    Ahhhh gotcha. Well basically the "support" part of Tronity nowadays is to allow your team to ignore efficiency :crylaugh:

    Seroously though, as far as i've been able to there is just no way to go out of those bounds. You either work as a caster that gives DR and energy doing nothing more than assuring your team stays up and has energy, or you play as a badass tank. 

    There is just nothung else on the plate. It's basically impossible to do anything else with her because you have absolutely nothing to work with. No cc, no buffs to speak of etc. The only wonky thing is to feed shields to an Harrow for his Penance. 

    I am going to PM you my forum post, if you haven't found it already among the recently replied to in this forum, just for the sake of showing that there's people who care. I want some changes to trinity. At this point they could make almost anything change and it would work for the better for her...

  16. 1 minute ago, Autongnosis said:

    Try this:

    Aura Growing Power

    Exilus Cunning Drift

    Blind Rage max, Primed Continuity,  Narrow Minded max, Stretch, Primed Flow, Quick Thinking, Abating Link, Vampire Leech. 

    Works wonder. You get the full 93.75% DR from Bless and Link, complete armour strip from Link and a constantly renewable pool of 19.2k overshield based EHPs through Vampire Leech (on top of the 36k base EHP pool). 

    It's a bit harder than your standard Trin build to manage since you need to watch energy and overshields on top of the usual timers, but it's incredibly powerful and is nearly undying even in the worst conditions. 

    You can also pair it with high burst guns with no status since armour is already out of the way. IE, stuff like the Brakk does insane amounts of devastation on that build. 

    Bummer part is you cannot change any mod or the whole thing crashes on itself. And it's a bit forma intensive (think you need 5 or 6 to fit this one on top of the usual Bless trin and EV trin). 

    This is honestly what I call the "Selfish Trinity" Build :crylaugh: The problem I have with it is that it's trying to do something she wasn't designed to do, at least as far as I feel. You have to remember, she has been out a LONG time, and she filled a niche that no longer needs to exist IMO (caster healer). She needs her own play-style specifically aimed at that. Not this... mess of a frame that has to spam and doesn't get rewarded, only punished, if she's not built 'correctly' or doing her job.

    I just hate that she can't work 'out of the box' like Harrow, Nidus, Octavia, and Nezha (All of them being at least slightly supporty IMO).

    I guess my question to you is this: Why would I do that, when I can play Nidus and still never die and be effective at healing in a safe area, AND buff an ally giving WAY more power strength and make them more effective?
    Trinity is the "I want my team to scrape by and try to survive" vs the others "I want my team to be effective at what they do" supports. :/

  17. Energy is one of the things I think is not only a hold back on a number of frames that have huge costs to begin with (Almost anyone with a toggle), and some others have ways of giving themselves and sometimes others energy other than with rage (Nidus, Octavia and Harrow jump to mind), but lets not forget Trinity. She's a staple for Energy for ALL the wrong reasons IMO.

  18. 4 minutes ago, Frankdark said:

    Do not forget Adding Damage Reduction from Armor ( even if it´s not much it should be around 20% )
    And the Hard cap of 95% ( so minimum form 100 Damage is 5 )

    Trinity only has 15 armor, including her prime. Her armor only gives her just over 4% damage reduction based on the formula found on the wiki.  [http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Armor] That's nowhere near the 20% you think it is. And it's one of the reasons why it's annoying that trinity can't even reach the dmg reduction cap for all frames of 95%, not even for herself, let alone her crew at 75%. The only way she gets armor for her self is with 1 augment (dropping HP orbs on death of a marked target) and Health Conversion (+300 armor on HP orb pickup, lasting some-odd amount of time and stacking up to three times I think).

  19. Most of the prime weapons are usually just better stats over their original counter-parts. Very few and far between, only very recently in fact, have we had anything beyond stat changes at least for weapons. All prime warframes usually get two stat increases (Trinity has one, for her shields) and the weapons listed earlier (by Fishyflakes) are the only weapons that have their own passives that are new on top of any stat changes that might be there. They are exceptions to the previous formula as far as I know.

    As far as volt goes, you probably saw a different build of mods between the two volts you observed; increased range would allow his ult to travel further from him. There are no stat changes on any of the prime abilities, the only thing that is effected other than base stats are the model changes and changes to some particle effects (Trinity Ult, Volt Ult, Rhino skin, Mag ult... you get the idea).

    So other than passives (and regardless of them), it's just generally a good idea to get the prime over the non prime versions if they are available.

  20. I honestly agree, and I have done the math as well. Blessing and Link both combine, though multiplicative to one another.

    .25 dmg multiplier (75% from link)
    x .275 dmg multiplier (72.5% with Blessing)

    You're taking 6.875% the damage you would have been, for a total of 93.125% damage reduction. It's unfortunate how it works but that's how it is.
    It's honestly why I don't play trin much anymore mate, though I am looking for changes to her. Help me in my endeavors!

  21. On 11/25/2017 at 2:28 AM, Biddion said:

    My two cents as a regular Trinity use:

    Take the lockdown effect from Well of Life and combine it with the damage of Energy Vampire. The name needs to change but augment can remain the same.

    Energy Vampire should get the levitation effect from Well of Life, grant energy to nearby allies, no damage would be applied to the target, but if the target is killed prematurely, no more energy is dispensed, but Trinity is refunded the initial cast energy.

    Link and Bless seem fine to me, but if changes are needed, Link could be a toggle, while Bless' effect could diminish over distance.

    Alternatively, instead of granting energy, EV could just raise a squad's efficiency, or Trinity's passive could be to raise efficiency by so much.


    I like the idea of Well of Life and Energy Vampire becoming one ability, though I wonder if it could be toggled between two (or even three, for her namesake) modes; it would free up a slot for a completely new spell / ability!

  22. Another idea that I came up with earlier today would be to make her 2 (Energy Vampire) one of either three things:

    1. )  Make EV inversely affected by duration mods. IE 250% duration would make her EV pulse faster and be shorter overall in time by 2.5x; this would remove the need for both builds [EV and Link/Blessing] only to work independently, and have both worlds at once.

    2. ) Make EV affected by duration mods as per live, but also give more pulses of energy, one for each additional 25% duration on her from mods. IE 200% duration would give 8 pulses instead of the usual 4. (currently, 200% duration gives her 4 pulses over 18 seconds, unless the target is killed; then it releases all of the rest of the pulses at once)

    3. ) Make EV unaffected by duration at all, and make it an even duration, currently 9 seconds at max rank, and make duration cause more pulses in that same time frame (IE 200% would make her pulse 8 times over the usual duration, instead of 4).

  23. 1 minute ago, (PS4)psycofang said:

    Rather than lift an enemy into the air why not place a stationary healing aura on the ground, stationary as not to encroach on Oberons mobile healing, that cuts status affect timers in half. 

    Lavren has a similar idea of making an area kind of like a sacred healing spot by either targeting the ground or dropping something at her current place.


    3 minutes ago, (PS4)psycofang said:

    Her 2 could still function the same but a few changes

    -the ability now has an echo effect which every pulse from the primary target now causes up to X number of mobs to also emit a weaker pulse and take damage.

    -primary target pulse is weaker

    -primary target pulse does NOT give trinity energy

    -weaker echoed pulses DO affect trinity and think of it more as a slight refund than a full net positive +.

    -killing the target WILL give trinity energy equal to half the remaining pulses

    -the pulses cannot be sped up or slowed down

    -the enemies that emit an echo pulse cannot be affected by a new echo

    This will encourage trinity to cast it in crowds to give everyone the best energy return and wipe them out so she can also fight instead of mashing a single button over and over.

    I like this a lot, it would make her a bit more of a CC frame. Though the idea of it spreading sounds like it would be a lot more particles than needed, I wouldn't mind if it was kind of like a water-ripple effect, where the first one pulses the rest of the enemies around it with strengths dictated by their distance to the target (IE another pulse can be really strong near the original target, but much weaker the further out it goes).

  24. 12 minutes ago, Ada_Wong_SG said:

    1) Well of Life pulses out HP like EV pulses out energy to nearby teammates.

    2) Vampire Leech Augment allow overheal of HP from WOL up to +1200 HP for everyone.

    3) Bless cure all teammates of all Status Proc and instantly revive fallen teammates, kubrows and revives dead sentinels.

    I do like the idea of an overheal mechanic for HP, that's not something that's in warframe currently! though the devs shouldn't have to make a completely new mechanic, it isn't out of the realm of possibility (look to the recent changes to Mirage dropping a crystal, for example, is what I think the level of complexity would be, other than some new UI changes to show overheals for HP).
    The changes to Well of Life might be a good idea. On the other hand, it would be just another heal that no one has to worry about but Trinity. I'll put this up there for others to see though, and get the ideas out there. :) Thanks!!

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