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Posts posted by kswong98

  1. All and all Titania is an awesome frame, but there are several issues here.

    For Lantern, the rag-dolling is too much, the targets either flies away too fast or it just flies out of the boundary, rendering the ability useless at sometimes.

    For Razorwing, the Archwing control is very sluggish, like the old Archwing and I know the DEVs said that they will implement old Archwing control system on her. Secondly, her speed in Razorwing is rather below average, almost slower than a sprinting Warframe.


    Maybe a little bit fix?

  2. 8 minutes ago, Kotsender_Quasimir said:

    there never was any proper endgame* and the removal of incentives to go hours into endless missions (further) exposed that fact. good!

    now for step 2...




    (*spamming single buttons in a sewer for hours was neither fun and least of all challenging...)

    Lol sewer camping is so not challenging

    That is so old

    6 minutes ago, Warfoxzero said:

    I liked the change to the void. It made the main map solar system more lively. I think it's better to have players spread out instead of congregating in a few select areas. It makes the game more alive imo. 

    I would agree on that, partially, people would just click on the Alert tab and click on void fissure mission, they wouldn't really know where were they going

  3. Truth to be told, ever since the Second Dream, everything in this game changed, in a bad way. Cinematic quest was awesome, but the story wasn't.

    Operator system was ok, since the frames can be revived. 

    Frame? Aren't they supposed to be some armor covering the operator?

    Well let's get into the topic, regarding the recent update, Specters of the Rail.

    It brought about a huge change to the game (again, in my opinion, a bad way).

    It changed the Void, something we used to know as the "Prime Parts Farming sector". The idea of letting us to choose the reward we want is totally superb.

    But did DE forgot something? The introduction of this new system almost destroyed the thing we know as "end game". Void Survival or Defence or Interception was one of the main reason we play the game for hours (admit it you peasants). It was fun, challenging and we did it mainly for the rewards (not always promising though), the main reason we grind Survival and Defence or Interception for hours and waves was mainly moved by the Prime rewards.

    Now, no more? No more rewards that worth our time grinding Survival, Defence or Interception missions?


    DE, please return that feature to us. Some Tennos may not agree with me, but I believe, Aang can save the world.

    Lol no, I believe that a lot of veterans out there would be in consensus with me.

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