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Posts posted by kswong98

  1. We are civilized people, we need to work, need to travel, need to study, and we absolutely can't possibly login everyday to receive the rewards or take the attendance.

    So, DE, will you make it possible to claim login reward from Nexus app?

    Otherwise, I suggest that, instead of restarting the daily reward once a Tenno didn't login for a day or few, why don't just "deduct" the login counter?

  2. So, after a few days of World of Warships I finally slightly understand how the new botanist works.

    But I still have plenty of problem in my mind like best build to survive 60 min T4S, or best room clearing build.

    Well when you look about it, Saryn is really squishy now without the correct build (back then we don't need to put Redirection or Vitality on her since the Miasma would clear away everything before the bullets come flying)

    So I wanna ask for recommendations and builds

    1. Overall build

    2. Miasma build

    3. Survival build (doesn't mean for survival missions, but for being able to survive under heavy fire)

    Thanks alot

  3. Selling Arcane Aura Trinity Helmet.



    Highest bidder wins.


    Starting price: 150P

    Bids end during the nearest 8.00 a.m. [uTC +8.00]



    1. Must be online during 9.00 a.m. [uTC +8.00]

    2. If not, the item will be handled to the second highest bidder even if the highest bidder is not online at the time. (I will contact him/her)

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