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Posts posted by Murderrrr

  1. The sense of entitlement is strong with people.

    It's free stuff. When people start complaining about free stuff, it shows the problem to be the people, not the free stuff.

    The fact that this extremely simply point does not sink in just proves my point.

    There is nothing to FIX. Nothing is BROKEN. Also, saying that I should "stop embarrassing myself" is non-nonsensical.

    "should give more blueprints for potatos or some plat a bit more occasionally"

    Se that? That's exactly what I mean. "please give us more free stuff that normally costs Plat for no reason other then the fact I think I deserve it, for simply logging in the client for exactly 10 seconds and disconnecting.

    There is no need to "play the game", the reward is given on CONNECTION. You are rewarding people doing NOTHING.

    Not everyone logs on and disconnects after getting the login reward. Experience as a reward is indeed pathetic, especially since it's less than 3k. These rewards are supposed to make people look forward to logging in everyday.

    Maybe you feel as if the system is fine but it seems like the vast majority disagrees. The system isn't broken but it NEEDS improvement. I never looked foward to logging in because I know for a fact that I'll be getting exp or if I'm lucky, I'll get a useless bp.

  2. Armor will soon have the support needed for 'defaults'.


    Here is where we are at with this, coming to you on 16.4:


    Right now, on the PUBLIC build, I change my Targis Prime Armor colours and there's no easy going back. There's no defaults to restore to.




    Right now, on the TEST build, I changed my Targis Prime Armor colours and there is now:


    - Restore each individual Tint to default

    - Restore all to default




    This is the end result after I restored each Tint to default, it allows me to retrieve the original artist's choices:



    What about the bigger problem? Dark coloring schemes on the Targis prime armor doesn't look good at all. Black looks grey, and gold looks musky. All the colors look over-faded with the exception of Tint 4. Other than the color white, none of the colors on the frame seem to match with the armor, making it hard to match both. It honestly looks terrible now when its colored other than white, it needs to be restored like how it was when it initially came out. I made a thread regarding this issue a while back: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/427433-targis-prime-armor-fading-colors/#entry4741927 Please update this thread and let us know when this will change. 


    EDIT: I heard the Targis prime armor had the PBR texture update. Why does the new texture look worse than before? I know its an opinion, but i bought the armor wanting it to look exactly the way it was displayed. I don't want my armor looking a few shades lighter than my frame. If this can't be changed, there NEEDS to be an option to change between the two textures. One with PBR, and one without(how the colors looked when it was initially released). 

  3. They've added an orokin colour palette, which seems to have some gold colours in it.


    What do you guys think? Gold enough to make it prime again? or not?


    The tenno palette was more than enough to make it gold. However, the texture is still TERRIBLE! DE needs to change it back how it used to look, now every color looks faded and ugly. 

  4. Blame PBR. It destroys all dark color schemes.  Really I have no idea why DE thinks this "retexturing" is a good idea, seeing as it looks terrible now


    I agree, it looked fine before but now every color is a few shades lighter. This makes it look weird and off compared to the frame. 

  5. The pieces of the Targis Prime Armor doesn't seem to correspond with the actual color. i.e, When black from the pack smoke is applied, it looks more grey than jet black. It just looks off when the frame is black but the armor is slightly grey. The fading color makes it difficult to pick the right color that matches the frame. The leg pieces has some weird white lines too. Please fix?




    (Jet black on both armor and frame, but armor looks grey)




    (Looks more grey when exposed to light)

  6. coders life,


    patch a bug


    patch --->


    two new bugs


    patch two bugs


    patch ---->


    four new bugs


    patch four bugs


    patch ----->


    you get where im going here?


    This 'bug' is far more worst than I have seen. Some people(including myself), cannot join squads because of host disconnections. This means we can't even play with others unless we try to host with the slow loading some of us have since u15. Where im going is, this should be one of the top priorities to fix. 


    The guys who fix things like netcode and connection issues are not the guys who made Mesa and all those new guns. Content does not in any way slow down the fixing of connection issues. 


    My bad for wording it terribly. What i meant to say was the problem only gets worst as more and more content gets release. Take update 15, and mesa for example. U15 made many of players load extremely slow which affected dramatically to hosting, now with the new Mesa update causing players to not even able to join any squads. 

  7. How is this Host connection problem not fixed yet? I have no idea if its on my end or DE's, but as far as i know, others are experiencing the same problem and we were fine before the Mesa update. I hope they are actually trying to fix this problem before they start to release new content. That may sound selfish, but rather than letting these problems continuously harass players and ruining our gameplay, I'd much rather have this fixed than any new releases. 


    On a side note, yes, some of you may say this is only affecting a small portion of the Warframe community. However, we contribute to the game as much as anyone else and deserve some priority to maintain the stability in our gameplay. Not much point of playing when every game is a solo match. 




                                            - - - - - - - - UPDATE - - - - - - - -


    Read more threads, then tried to disabled direct x10 and optimized @ game launcher settings. Seems to be a temp fix for now, but surprisingly enough, i can actually join squads without slow load times!

  8. I submitted a support ticket close to 4 days ago and have yet to receive a reply. After the mesa update, i cannot seem to join ANY squad whatsoever. I've tried a numerous number of times, but still no progress. My connection is perfectly fine, same goes with my pc. Its fine when i try hosting. However, after U15s huge update, i can no longer load properly. It takes literally 20-30x to load than before. Hosting is basically impossible without everyone disconnection mid way loading. It is also very inconvenient to go in game then re invite others every time i want to run with a squad. I've tried various methods to fix this problem, such as optimizing cache and shutting off the router. Nothing seems to work! There has been other players who've been experiencing the same exact problem, but for the sixth time, no one has an answer.  


    This problem is substantially losing Warframe's enjoyment for me because im basically solo'ing every mission . Not only is it ruining my gameplay, but making me lose interest. I'd appreciate any help if possible, especially if any DE's have an idea to the solution.


    Thanks in advance!  

  9. Hello everyone i am just doing this topic to know if i am the only one that is getting some freacking long loads on the game, specifically when you are joining a game and the game like freezes a few minutes and when it finally start loading it loads a little and the a message pops out and says: "Connection to the host lost" or "Session unavailable". someone else getting this kind of problems (started after Archwing Update to me)? if so any solutions? 


    Same thing happens to me. I posted threads about this before, though NO ONE seems to have a valid answer, or even a answer at all. The problem is only getting worst especially after the new Mesa Update. I CANNOT join any squad even when it says there are 30 active. It wasnt as bad before the Mesa update, but now its impossible to play with a squad. "The Connection with the host has been lost" message appears every time i try to join a squad both manually and invited. I have to host in order even get a squad. However, I load so extremely slow that everyone dc's by the time i load in. This is one of the major problem thats making me lose interest in Warframe. Why bother playing when i can't even join squads with extremely slow load times. The problem might be on my end, or possibly theirs. On a side note, my pc is pretty decent. These problems never occurred before Update 15. 


    This sucks even more because i cant to the event with anyone but myself, due to the fact that it is impossible for me to join a squad. 

  10. Already made posts about this but no one seems to have a valid answer. Prior to U15, my loading was completely fine, I was also able to host with no problem. Now, after u15, it takes forever to load in and out a game. Everyone crashes when i try to host due to the extremely slow loader I am. I've heard mixed opinions on optimizing the Warframe cache, so i was quite happy that the new 'Warframe Look' update made it happen. However, the long process of optimizing didn't help at all. Still unable to host properly and slow loading. On a side note, my pc is overall decent with 6GB ram and a stable internet connection. I do get a maximum 30 fps on Warframe though. I know that is terrible, but its still playable. 


    Anyone have a solution to this?

  11. Yes I do, and you haven't mentioned that the games that have currency you can purchase usually have a way to earn it in game, at a much slower rate but its still there, in WF someone has to buy the plat.


     Again not even the point, It was the outrageous cost of items, I paid a lot of money to be a FOUNDER, not for flimsy items that DE thinks it's cool to charge people out the rear for. So yes I'm a founder because I thought I was supporting game development, and you think DE is going great with these prices, yet again they had to sell the majority of their company, so how supporting do you think it is to charge that much that maybe 2% of the player pop will pay? I'm complaining because I don't want to see the game fail. As for influencing mastery rank? haha-hahahaha-haha, yea at the mastery im at one weapon or two doesn't really do anything at all, most players top out at 17 founder or no, and im not even that high because all the players I played with in the beginning ditched the game, as did I for a long while.

    The Founders program was to support the game earlier on for development. This doesn't, however, mean they are in a stable condition financially. According to websites, they made a little over $1 million from the founders program and not to mention it was a year ago. We do not know how much money it takes for them to run their development, so we can't assume that they are set. They already posted threads about selling part of their company in order to expand Warframe, I also don't see failing changes since then. Selling a percentage of a company isnt always a bad thing, in this case, it might as well help expand Warframe to wider communities in Asia.  




    I don't see your point on prime packs. There are already cosmetics that can be purchased with plat in game, if you want the prime ones then BUY IT! If not, simply ignore it. Remember, cosmetics dont affect gameplay so it is only acceptable that they charge real money through that loop. Also, please don't act like you are obligated to buy prime packs. No one is forcing you, only YOU make it seem like you have to buy every single prime pack/accessory in order to look 'cool'. If you/someone can't afford to buy it, then don't. I'm sick of the people who complain about exclusives being too expensive and/or being made available in game. This just DEFEATS the purpose of the word EXCLUSIVE! Don't want the frame and weps that can be obtained through gameplay? Then buy the $50 prime accessory pack.  So what if they charge a lot for them? This is to prevent EVERYONE from having them, thus making it exclusive, just like your founders pack. 

  12. I've got hundreds of Neurodes... I have zero Mutagen Samples though.

    Maybe I should run something other than Akkad and Xini constantly?


    I have thousands of mutagen samples and only 2 neurodes now, if only it was the opposite.

  13. You're not farming correctly then.



    i really think people of Mastery 9+ have more than 150 of those


    I can recall the time i have 40+ neurodes, but making formas and weps can take up lots of them over time. I'm not doubting anyone who has 150+, good for you if you do but i'd love to see pics. 

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