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Posts posted by Detheroc

  1. Now i know that the flat amount of standing you get from doing syndicate missions doesnt count on the daily limit, but what about the rep you gain from killing enemies in those missons? I think that gain shouldnt count towards the cap, too. This way, we wouldnt be able to use the best map to grind all over again, but to be forced in a specific tileset and specific mission and get the most out of it.

  2. because the ignis still destroys and doesnt need a buff only with mirage or ember

    FTFY. And thats not a reason. Just because some frame makes the weapon useful doesnt mean its good. What if i want to use Ash with Ignis? Right, its not viable, unless i have tons of ammo restores.

  3. I thought we (warframe community) made it clear in so many posts ive seen that the combination rare stances that drop from rare enemies is absolutely disgusting. Yet, High Noon drops from Broodmothers. I have never seen a Broodmother drop any mod at all, and during the event i had like 300 on my counter. Its the same problem that Crimson dervish has. Rare drop chance, on a rare enemy. Please put only uncommon stances on rare enemies and rare stances on common/uncommon enemies. This would cause way less headache, considering that stances shouldnt need to be grinded in the first place (But ok, we cant have that).

    Tl;DR: Let rare enemies drop uncommon stances and uncommon/common enemies drop rare stances.

  4. Mesa is a damage dealer frame, yet has easy 95% damage reduction ability. What? Ember got her Overheat removed because "It made a damage dealer frame too tanky". Then whats this now?? Either remove shatter shield OR give Ember Overheat back, but not half-half.

  5. Miasma: Toxin/corrosive/elemental damage,

    instant damage when casting finished

    Slowly kills enemies

    Kills may not drop anything(not sure if this is fixed)


    Radial javelin: Multihit

    Punch through

    Slash, puncture, and impact damage

    Only attacks enemies within a certain range(3m-20m away, too close won't hit)

    Does drop resources if killed

    Physics FTW!

    I like radial javelin more, much more effective and interesting.

    Saryn Miasma is the way stronger nuke ability if you put on minimized duration with Fleeting expertise and Transient fortitude. All damage will be dealt in one tick, all 1500 corrosive damage. Corrosive damage type is way stronger than the base physical damage types, atleast for Grineer/Infested/Void. The only, and i really mean only downside it has to RJ is the range being 10 metres lower. Saryns ult is the strongest nuke in-game.

  6. All i have left to do right now is get reputation, and it gives me reason to play. But as soon as the cap hits (for me its 36k each day), my reason to play left, so i quit, even tho i really wanna continue. I think the cap is a bit harsh for players that cannot play each day, 7 days a week and/or dont wanna play at one day, so they lose so much standing by this cap. My idea would be instead of a daily cap, a weekly cap, i thought something like 200k. This would solve issues for players that only play on weekends aswell as players that spend 2-3 hours each day playin. I reach my cap after 2 wave 40 T4 defenses, and usually wanna continue, but i cant, since Im a player that needs targets to work towards.

    TL;DR: Change daily standing cap to weekly standing cap and increase the maximum standing cap to around 250k per week.

  7. I think DE doesn't like leaks.

    With all the recent leaks, im almost certain they "leak" on purpose to fire up the hype. It has happened so so many times in the codex, even nyx prime got "leaked" somewhere.

    Topic: I think its absolutely dreadful. As far as i know, DE was planning to prime every Warframe that came before Vauban first. What happened to that? Just dump that, because Nova is popular and will give more money on prime access? Older warframes have a right to be primed first, might aswell prime Mesa right now!

  8. Main problem with the synicate weapons is that for a minor increase, you have to use new forma and new catalysts, have to level it up again and again, and i think that effort and material cost is not worth the bonuses, unless you are an extreme min-maxer and have nothing better to do anyways. Sure, this would mean that they wont give mastery anymore, but comeon. Mastery isnt everything, infact, it is quite nothing.

  9. This looks to be correct as per Build Notes:


    Find Mutalist Beacons through Infestation Outbreak rewards.


    Currently have eyes glued to new Outbreaks, as that's where they can be expected (as a reward like Fieldron/Detonite/etc is now).

    Thats not good. Any outbreak that features those coordinates will be gone in no-time, like Catalyst/Reactor invasions. Please let those missions have a fixed 1 hour running time, or even 2 hours. As it is now, they will be done in roughly 10 min.

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