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Posts posted by (PSN)DesecratedFlame

  1. 51 minutes ago, Jackviator said:

    The more versatile you are, the more tools you have at your disposal, the more you can adapt, the greater your chances of survival.

    I already survive with just one or two skills, even on glass cannons like Nova.

    52 minutes ago, Jackviator said:

    If you only have a sledgehammer, you're going to have quite a tough time when you need to screw in some screws.

    Nails serve the same purpose and a hammer is great for hammering in nails.

  2. 41 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

    I would never say ''Green is the best colour''

    You could, and that is what that game teaches you. It's just the way the English language works. An opinion is still an opinion, even if you don't specifically call it out as one.

    33 minutes ago, Danjal777 said:

    Wow...rude much?

    Rude? How so?

    He isn't tough to use or mod. You just mod for efficiency and spam Reckoning.

  3. 6 minutes ago, SenorClipClop said:

    Are you paying attention? That's why I'm hoping that these new Mods, which trigger additional effects dependent on inflicting a Status proc, will bring Status weapons into great relevance. Notice how none of them increase Status chance, just additional effects through the Status vein of things.

    Except it won't because why would I want to waste time inflicting a status debuff when I can instagib lower leveled enemies in one or two hits instead? Like I said before, it would be one thing if these had an exilus slot, but they don't. They don't exist in a vacuum and will be taking up slots that we already need and use for required and DPS mods.

  4. 15 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

    That sentence should be ''I think blue is the best colour for shoes''. 


    17 minutes ago, SurrealEdge said:

    There isn't any variety with you because no infinite scaling equates to trash. Sorry, but you reply with the same responses every time. Yeah the abilities don't hold up as they used to, but what harm is there finding ways to make them work?

    Rather than wasting time on a skill that does flat damage, you are better off switching to a frame that CCs instead. That's the point.

    12 minutes ago, SurrealEdge said:

    It doesn't hurt to experiment a bit before passing judgement without trying other variations on a frame or weapon.

    Why are you assuming the haven't?

  5. Just now, SurrealEdge said:

    I didn't create a thread wanting infinite ammo.

    That's okay. We can't all be perfect. Variety is the spice of life. or so I am told. :cool:

    1 minute ago, DeMonkey said:

    you're stating outright that these are bad frames rather than voicing it as your opinion

    That's not the way opinions work. If I say blue is the best color for shoes, it is still an opinion, even if I don't preface it with, "I think," or, "IMO."

  6. 9 minutes ago, SurrealEdge said:

    Can a dead body walk?

    I play on planets past Earth, darling.

    8 minutes ago, Jackviator said:

    Yes, from my own testing enemies can and most certainly will start walking out of it unless you have 2 or 3 Magnetize bubbles grouped up at once.

    Thanks, that's what I thought. That makes them basically useless. Until it works like a targeted skill that also works like vortex (sucks enemies together but without knocking them down so vortex still has a point), there really isn't any point to Magnetize.

    If it grouped enemies together, and held them together, then it could be really powerful.

  7. 8 minutes ago, Xaranoth said:

    before finally settling on a solution that most people were happy with.

    Ironically, the solution they settled on was the one the majority of the forums were asking for right from the start. If DE just listened to the community from the start, they could have saved a lot of time.

    The problem with the other reworks is exactly the same. The only real problem is the other items they are nerfing reworking don't have the same number of people using them as vacuum so the backlash isn't as large so DE feels like they can get away with ignoring them.

  8. I am a vet. I remember when abilities were mod cards. Having one or two excellent abilities was all people really wanted for a frame to be good, and that is all they really need.

    4 minutes ago, Jackviator said:

    : Wouldn't it be better to have all their abilities being used on a regular basis,

    No, especially with the way modding works. Why? People pick out one or two skills, mod to maximize it, which usually ends up hurting other skills anyway. DE is making it even more polarizing by making skills even more dependent on certain setups, such as making toggle skills illogically rely on duration mods in addition to energy efficiency mods.

    What makes a frame, "in a good place," is if they serve a role. What single purpose do they fill better than any other frame?

  9. 5 minutes ago, SurrealEdge said:

    The only downside is that it pulls bullet from both sides

    That's a massive downside.

    Also, can enemies still just walk out of it?

    2 minutes ago, AzureTerra said:

    You don't need X Exp in a frame to know its not what you like, you just need to have play them enough to know what they do.


    4 minutes ago, AzureTerra said:


    He is actually really good though. You don't have to like him, but that doesn't change him being ridiculously good to the point of even being OP.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Lindsrhyl said:

    This thread went full retard pretty quickly...

    A cent of mine would be that "Reworks" should be done slowly and with the help/approval of the community (and that, during the rework thinking process). Maybe doing so would allow them to not redo mistakes like Mag's...

    The main things should do is bring a frame up to date without losing the core of their being. That's why reworks like Saryn's sucked. It changed her role.  She went from nuker to melee/debuffer. 

    Ash's sucked because it made him worse will not addressing any of the issues people had with him. They changed his BS to be slow and "tactical" in a fast paced horde shooter. Teleporting to anything with a lifebar is pretty lame versus the free teleport that he used to have.


    5 minutes ago, 0zryel said:

    I wonder if this means we have a lot new players and less vets?

    The toxicity comes from DE being hostile towards vets in everything they change. Hell, even the forum rule system is hostile towards vets since the last changes (e.g. warnings points never expiring.)

  11. 12 hours ago, (PS4)mmcareen said:

    I agree with this idea but they should expire on reset.  You wouldn't have had the booster if you didn't long in that day, so no reason you should be able to use it 2 days later or a week later.  It is a free booster after all, at least then people who long in and leave but come back that day can use it.  If they didn't expire, I'd just stock pile them until a double whatever weekend

    Nah, they should last a week from when they are acquired so people can use them on their "weekend."

  12. 1 minute ago, Doxorn said:

    You are being just plain ignorant. If something is not pushed into your face it doesn't exist. I don't like ignorant people.

    This is also getting very off-topic. I am done with you.

    Nah, bro. I just have a higher standard.

    Get back to me when String Theory can actually be tested.'till then, kthnxbai.

  13. 4 minutes ago, OvisCaedo said:

    But that is exactly what people WERE arguing. The 20% value was being mentioned in almost every post about it,

    I feel 20 percent is the best percentage, but I could live with a lower percentage. The point is a percentage based pick up is the most fair way to address ammo pick ups.

    Make a numbered list of everything you feel I skipped, and I will address them. Otherwise, I just pick out what I think is the core of your argument and address it.

    7 minutes ago, OvisCaedo said:

    I'm not sure I actually would ever trust DE to do so without causing more problems than the base system had

    I sort of feel the same way after all the recent "reworks," but I I want to hope things will get better.

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