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Posts posted by Kalarual

  1. 1 hour ago, rune_me said:

    You can't make decisions base on how your players wants to play the game, if your players don't agree on how they want to play the game. That's nonsensical.

    Half the playerbase was happy that Ember got nerfed, the other half hated it. Half the playerbase wants maiming strike nerfed, the other half is threatening to quit if it gets nerfed. Lots of people loved that the lato vandal was made available to the everyone, lots of the people who already had it got upset.

    There is no unified playerbase in warframe. On almost any topic it is split in two. If one group says "nerf maiming strike" and another groups says "don't nerf maiming strike" then it is actually impossible to "listen" to them and make a decision based on their input, because their input cancels eachother out. It really is as simple as that. The Warframe playerbase is not a hivemind that wants the same thing. Hence, no decision can be made from the developers side that will make everyone happy. So of course DE have to just make a decision - either nerf maiming strike or don't - based not on what the community wants (because the community can't agree on what it wants) but on what they want themselves.

    If people are really gonna quit over this nerf then they weren't worth keeping around anyway. What a stupid reason.

  2. 8 hours ago, Grimmstyler said:

    No.. If they do nerf Maiming.. Then they should just nerf critical chance for all weapons

    So nerf all weapons effectiveness over one mod people may or may not own? okay. This isn't a nerf to maiming strike. This is a fix, if anything, making weapons unable to hit through walls. Which face it, why would a weapon be able to do that logically?

  3. The problem is that people are sitting for over 14 hours a day furiously farming parts. Khora isn't going anywhere. That's why you're frustrated. Have you tried relaxing and taking it easy? It's not my or DE's problem YOU decide to burn yourself out trying to farm all her parts at once. You have an option to buy her. Plat is easy to make. Really easy. You don't want to pay? Then enjoy the grind, cheapskate. That's all there is to it. Yes, this instant gratification mindset is sickening, as mentioned earlier.

  4. On 24/04/2018 at 1:44 AM, Duduminador said:

    Trying to farm this frame is making me feel quite simply, numb, towards Warframe.

    I've got  a total of 6 chassis, 3 neuroptics, 2 systems, 5 Grineer settlement scenes, 5 Grineer sealeb scenes, 9 Corpus Ship Freight scenes, countless relics I have no use for, hitting the focus cap in 5 runs and doing countless others just trying to get the blueprint.

    These aren't the real numbers of my drops tho because at several momments I was so angry with not getting blueprint that I started quitting/aborting on 9th zone losing a few chassis and neurotpics (which I actually don't need anymore) . Aside from relics, at some point the rewards become meaningless because you really aren't getting anything at all, most of my runs end up being done when the focus cap has already been hit and I've got every other reward except Khora's blueprint.

    So in other words, possibly bugging out the run for everyone else because you were pitching a fit.


    The frame JUST came out and people are already crying with their sob stories on how they are gonna quit the game etc etc etc the droprate is too low wah wah.

    "I want the frame and I want it NOW NOW NOW!" I am honestly glad it's a low droprate, cause I don't want to be flooded with a ton of useless khora pieces after I've already gotten her, and  the fact I got her makes me feel I earned it. Earn your frame or buy it. That is all there is to it. DE doesn't need to, and shouldn't, coddle to your every demand. They already give us enough.

  5. 3 hours ago, LSG501 said:

    I'm actually getting to the point where trying to get a khora part is making me not want to play the game after each try...

    I've managed to get 3 chassis, all the captura's, a couple of fake eidolon shards (completely pointless at 5k) and I've lost track of the number of relics I have. 

    So now every time I go in I have to basically do 6 rounds before I potentially get something I'm actually there for, so for every attempt of getting a part for Khora I am now wasting 10 minutes, due to the stupid requirement to do two levels per reward, before I even get onto the rewards rotations where the items I need drop.... Yeah I just love all the benefits of having everything in one game type and spread over all 3 rotations...  while I might have had to do different maps for say harrow, at least those other maps were different so we had some variation.  

    If I manage to get rotation b's neuroptics it's going to be 15minutes before I get a potential drop.  When I put it in writing it makes the grind feel even worse...


    If the game mode wasn't so damn boring it wouldn't be as bad but it's so mind numbingly tedious and even more so if others in the group have wide area damage dealers (ie equinox etc) as there's even less to do. 

    Then you throw in lack of any sort of rewards other than the item that drops at 5 minute intervals, usually a relic I have no need for, and it literally makes it so it feels like I've wasted my time. 


    Simply put, farming for Khora is making me not want to play the mission type, hell it's making me not want to play the game... DE, IMO you've misjudged this one and you need to sort it quickly rather than sticking your head in the sand like you did with hema.


    It's been a few days and you're already giving up. Bye. This community absolutely disgusts me sometimes.

  6. 25 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

    Just rerecord many hours of dialog that will not be needed once the quest is released. Makes perfect business and dev sense.

    Too bad?

    Look out guys we got ourselves a hostile lotus fanboy here. Did you fail to comprehend where I said Permanently? Meaning longer than  just the quest?

  7. Can we just lose the grape ape lookin hologram and get someone better? Like Teshin? He's IMO a million times better and his VA is pretty great. The fact we continue to cling to the lotus and even use her hologram and take orders from it is just creepy. I wouldn't mind permantly taking orders from teshin.

  8. It's making my hands sore to use slide attacks repeatedly in some missions, I was hoping there was anyone who could make a macro for me for auto hotkey to bind a slide attack to my mouse, the side button, mouse 5.


    I've tried setting one up myself but it's got me pretty confused. I am not computer savvy.

  9. I forgot.... People think they should be rewarded for failing.

    I am not asking for a reward genius, I am calling a ONE DAY LOCKOUT if I fail once in an arena I can not see ANYTHING in despite the settings tweaking I have done bad game design. When did I ask for a reward? Oh, that's right, I didn't. Go be a troll elsewhere.

  10. Agreed, I never had problems either.


    What you could do is lower brightness, and lower your graphics. Try Turning off display setting to such as Motion Blur, and Bloom.

    Yeah, I assumed it was bloom and already turned it off.

  11. The tests are @(*()$ easy, if you cant do them thats a good indication that there is something, wrong practice some more. And you don't lose anything even if you cant do it for a whole week.

    My aim is fine. I just can't see them. At all. Some kind of graphic effect is turned on and it makes the room overpowering. It isn't brightness. Ever play a game and the NPC and character you play as seems to have glowing skin? Well, the room was like that. Except x1000.

  12. Try lowering your brightness? That maybe your issue and not the games. I've never had problems seeing enemies or it's your eye sight

    Well, yeah, my eyesight is notoriously bad. When I say it was bright I mean all I saw was a big white bright as hell blob   and vague shapes of what looked like enemies. Other stages the brightness is just perfect. My brightness was set at 50%

  13. There currently isn't enough content to get to that Mastery Rank and I think even with the best of luck and boosters that it would be impossible to get to MR30 in a day and a half. What you mean by level 30 is probably your Warframe or one of your weapon's levels which contributes EXP to your Mastery Rank.


    I don't know why DE never explains this to new players. Then again MR is not really that important right now except for a few weapons, WarFrames, trading and swag rights.

    it says Saryn Rank 30. I am not sure what that means really. My primary is level 30 and my secondary too, Melee is 20.

    I am using the Braton atm, not sure which weapon would be the best obtainable for me right now.


    I do know one thing though I think that auto parry Mod I had equipped screwed me quite a bit.

  14. I dont understand why some poeple have such a hard time with mastery rank tests, ive been able to complete every one up to 15 on the first try. Am I just that good, or am I on some kind of easy mode?

    "I don't have a hard time, nobody else should either"

  15. Ok, I am level 30, started about a day and a half ago. I start rank one thinking it'd be easy, and I am dumped into a blinding white room I can't see S#&$ in. I literally had to squint my eyes.  I can barely see the enemies, and  they also like to hide. I end up failing due to time out on the first wave. I think, no problem, I can just try again, right? NOPE.


    How is this fair? Lockouts like this is a failure in game design, and an obvious method to drag out content. I hope this gets changed soon or I may quit before I started, because grinding is one thing, but BS time sinks is another. My entire time spent today was pretty much a waste on here.

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