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Posts posted by (PSN)deadbeef001

  1. I'm currently having fun with Excal Umbra focusing on melee only. Thus far the most I enjoyed was Kogake prime and currently Rakta Dark Dagger. I like the in your face fighting style and with the dagger I found I rarely have reason to switch to exalted blade.

    Gonna try the zaw dagger builds mentioned.

    Also tired of meta builds atm........except for Onslaught....

  2. 54 minutes ago, NirutiHunter said:

    I don't mean 0% damage, it's that it takes too long to kill a group of enemies. (sry can't post pics, can't play warframe right now)

    Tigris ain't really the best choice for killing groups of enemies imo

    ...and you should invest in a good secondary

  3. On 2018-06-26 at 4:08 PM, DatDarkOne said:

    I use Assimilate Nyx for when I know I will need to tank something.  Add in the Final Harbinger sword/shield for mobility with Guardian Derision to have the best tank in the game period.  :clem: 

    sssshhhhh...lmao when all tanks go down and Nyx the last standing

  4. 38 minutes ago, Chewarette said:

    I didn't even try. But I got killed by something (not rollers for sure) while I was in a Limbo's Cataclysm, so maybe something is just buggy here.

    Hahaha, damn rollers man - as soon as I went into operator mode the rollers came charging.. They formed ferrero rocher pyramids round my operator and frame.

    Overall - the game was a lot buggy last night, and I mean a lot. Current crop of updates didn't do it good imo.

  5. I built regular Limbo even before finishing  the quest and was quite salty when I ran the quest myself just to complete it.

    So imo - you can build regular Limbo from bp's again as you do get bp rewards for helping out players with their Limbo quest.

    Unless it has been changed  of course as that have been some time ago.

    I follow @Hecking_Birb advice myself although I do own a lot of regular frames albeit having the prime variant - vauban, rhino, trinity, mirage, etc. All depends how much I have invested in a frame.

  6. Yeah well, not only irrational but imo glorified hatred.

    I was in an Ambulas sortie once, me nova, a limbo and can't remember the other frames.

    Unfortunately I was speed nova and y'all know how that panned out ........ Have to say I was roflmao the whole time but expected a lot of hate coming my side.

    To my surprise... the poor limbo was flamed and blamed for failing the sortie.

    Goes to show.....

  7. 14 minutes ago, rand0mname said:

    Very few things that require a certain degree of effort and preparation are easy. This is a part of their charm?

    ^ I tend to agree with this but.....

    I dislike any mode or fight which requires a specific meta/loadout/setups to get through and which is in high demand in pugs.

    That include raids, eidolons, onslaught, etc.

    I'm at my happiest killing low level scum and the few solar chart bosses here or there just so the stalker knows I exist. And it's damn fun seeing noobs meleeing Sargus Ruk in his invincible stage.......or teabagging Banshee resonating quakers when that was still a thing.

    Sorry, I have simple tastes.



    Quoting from the wiki....

    "Equinox requires a unique method to craft: Tenno must forge both the Equinox Night Aspect and Equinox Day Aspect in the Foundry – each of which requires its respective Neuroptics, Chassis, and Systems – before the Warframe itself can be built. Component and Aspect blueprints are acquired by defeating Tyl Regor at Titania, Uranus; the main blueprint can be bought in the market"...

  9. On 2018-05-09 at 1:01 PM, (PS4)Eluminary said:

    That guy is nothing compared to a guy I know on ps4 he wanted to see how far an mr0 could go...




    He has messaged me a few times about it this is the first time I actually looked at his stats, he's gone way further than I thought.  he is the king of Mr0 he even has a hydrlyst kill

    lol,.. I remember him, he used to challenge everybody to a duel for plat and they cried everytime coz they lost against an MR 0.

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