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Posts posted by (PSN)BlitzKeir

  1. 1) UI oversight, you should post that in feedback.

    2) Actually a good suggestion. Interception is tedious to solo even for an MR24 without cheese tactics. Doable, but tedious. (Looking at you, Xini tower C.)

    3) It may kill momentum when Stalker pwns you, but I think that's the point. It's a (seemingly) insurmountable obstacle for you to fear, and eventually overcome, and be greatly rewarded for it. Granted old Stalker is clumsy af. An update would be nice but don't hold your breath.

    4) Hit squads are more of a balance issue. Normally they scale with mission level but the minimum spawn level is 35, which is a problem for newer players trying to grapple the syndicate system. A tip for ancient healers: healer buffs do not stack, and healers cannot receive healing from another healer. If you're Excal, radial blind and go to town. If you're Mag, Magnetize them and aim for the top of your bubble. If you're Volt, distance yourself and drop a shield and aim for heads while casting 1 or 4.

    5) It's really not that difficult, you just have to learn new shortcuts. But allowing 1 failure in the quest is reasonable. Now Fortress spy, that is some MGS2 S#&$. Personally, I love it.

    6) What Grin said.

    7) Krill is bad, they'll rework him eventually. Assuming they don't abandon old bosses completely in favor of new Sentients, which are inarguably superior as bosses.

  2. 59 minutes ago, (Xbox One)RDeschain82 said:

    I'm really assuming they skipped Zephyr because she needed a rework? But I really can't forsee them skipping Mesa for Equinox if the pattern holds true.

    Since 2014, Christmas has broken Prime release order for a popular frame out of the three oldest non-Primed frames, without breaking the M>M>F>F gender pattern. The only exception so far is Trinity, who was skipped in favor of Nova in Christmas 2014. This isn't strange given the pattern we have now, but Trinity was continually passed over until Christmas 2017. Three females late.

    So the rules we have for Prime pattern now are:

    • ...pattern of Male>Male>Female>Female.
    • ...oldest non-Primed in current gender rotation.
      • Vanilla frames considered to have released simultaneously.
    • ...(for Christmas) most popular out of three oldest non-Primed instead.
      • Cannot break gender rotation.
    • ...screw Trinity(?)
    • The above only remains true as of November 2013. Prior to Ember Prime, no pattern existed.

    So skipping Zephyr didn't break the established pattern. But Mesa is extremely popular and would bring in a lot of revenue for DE. So Mirage was a strange pick. The only explanation I can think of is DE forewent profit in favor of re-popularizing a frame seldom used now. I guess that's... charitable of them? I'd still have preferred Mesa.

    Anyway, if the established pattern holds true, the next four will be Zephyr>Limbo>Chroma>Mesa. So expect a Zephyr rework by June.

  3. Clan overhaul, and (hopefully) a reason for alliances to exist. There's no interaction between clans apart from trading and conversation.

    More endgame content like Teralyst, and a system for that loop to plug into. Teralyst is the first real boss in WF, but that means it's also the only real boss.

    A crunching of top-end weapon power so lv80 isn't roughly equal to lv10. (Rebalancing around lv100 was shortsighted, DE. There is no lv100 content.)

    Redesign of old enemies, from unique animations to new abilities. Ideally more emphasis on group tactics (e.g.: elite lancer hiding behind a shield lancer). Commander unit having visible effect on group formation and tactics, instead of bullS#&$ unavoidable stun. (None of this will happen, but a man can dream.)

    7 minutes ago, Vs-Anna- said:

    i want my

    >Mesa prime 

    Hate to break it to ya guy, but next is Zephyr, then two males. Us Mesa fans will have to wait till 2019...

  4. 11 minutes ago, (PS4)XxDarkyanxX said:

    The defector dies to the most meaningless hit while you as a warframe has yet to take a single point of damage.
    So technically the only difficulty increase is over something you have little control over, and that is the AI pathway and their decision making.
    If they decide to run into a puddle of sticky poison, then I'll be damned.
    If the last defector stand still as he's getting pulled by ancient, the group is just torn in two and in order not to fail the mission you need to back-track 10-30 meters whilst the rest of the defector gets their behind kicked, which results in just about the same.

    Am I mistaken, or didn't the event scale defector health as the mission progressed? I don't trust my memory. I know several things changed in the generic version of the mission, if this was one of them then that's really questionable.

    I won't deny the mission has problems. The initial PC launch was a mess, some of the bugs were never adequately fixed. I just find the general flow of defection really enjoyable, when it is working as intended.

  5. 9 hours ago, TotallyLagging said:

    just fix the dumbass AI and everything's k


    i personally only hate defection because holy s**t i've done this 200 times back in the event i'm so sick of it

    I have a friend who feels the same way. He was one of only four high-ranking members in his Moon clan to participate, and his clanmaster tasked him with carrying all of the unable players to 70+ rescues to push the clan score. He ran the mission at least 200 times over the course of a week. Now he refuses to touch it in sorties.

    Personally, I think it's the most well-designed and interesting mission type in the game, if buggy. It's certainly the most challenging. I enjoy it a lot and wish there were more incentive to play. But I'd probably hate it too if I had to carry so many people during the event. Ghostlife4eva.

  6. 2 hours ago, xcenic said:

    Plz STOP

    Just stop

    This is cancel 

    Pure cancel. Just stop spaming the Umbra word every 2 minute. Just plz.....plzzz stop. 

    Is just a skin.

    What are you talking about? Hardly anyone discusses Umbra anymore. Discussion is only flaring up now because of The Sacrifice.

    And it's not a skin. I would prefer a skin over a new frame, but there is a mountain of evidence to the contrary, including a statement from Steve shortly after TennoCon 2016: "Umbra won't just be another frame with slight stat differences [...]" The leaked Umbra Excal frame in the PC version. The original Chinese version being a separate frame. Leaked documentation showing that what Umbra is conceptually has changed at least twice in the last two years. If ever DE had determined Umbra should be a skin, it was only for a brief period toward the beginning.

  7. To expand on what LorcSephiroth said, Warframe.Market is for all platforms. Each platform has its own section. You will only see posts from the platform whose section you are currently viewing.

    Prices vary because platinum is scarce on consoles. We get market discounts, PC players get plat coupons. 75% plat coupon gets you 1000p for $12. This means PC has far more plat in circulation, so prices are higher. Since in-game market prices are universal, this means the trade market is healthier than console. Because of how poor the PS4 trade market is, players tend to horde plat. There's also the rarity issue: all that prevents you from grinding out what you want is an access wall. So once you progress to a certain point, there's no real reason to buy. Rare mods also become more common over time. Primes are devalued for a long list of economic and social reasons. The real money right now is in rivens, but it's a briarpatch and good rivens don't come around every week.

    But that's all economics. If the qwerty is too cumbersome, use the Playstation app for second-screen typing. Press Triangle to bring up the chat filter, and add keywords to see posts for the items you're interested in. You can add "wtb"=ON if you're only selling.

    To link an item in chat, type the name in brackets, like this:

    [Hydroid Prime]

    To link a riven, type:

    [riven mod]

    ...and then select the riven you want to link. Linked items are not case-sensitive. Not all items can be linked.

  8. Due to carrier errors with my phone, I was unable to upload this yesterday. Sorry.





    Again, this build can probably be improved with set mods. It's possible for the build to function with Fleeting Expertise instead of Streamline, but the duration of FC will fall to 4.7 seconds and I find it difficult to operate reliably in that margin. While GP is active (which with Mutalist Cernos is always) Polarize removes 780 armor. Note that this build requires Zenurik to function. My preferred weapons are heat/corrosive Pox (for the odd enemy that escapes FC>Polarize) and radiation Mutalist Cernos for Magnetize amping. Use whatever melee you prefer. I've seen very good results with Venka Prime ground finishers on Magnetize targets, but I prefer Zenistar for giggles.

  9. Fracturing Crush is necessary if you want to take her to lv100+. You'll need at least 160% strength to cap it, but I recommend higher. FC>Polarize at 210% strength (Intensify, Transient Fortitude, Growing Power) can completely strip lv180+ enemies. You'll need Zenurik and good energy maintenance because FC builds can't afford efficiency.

    Pull can help with energy maintenance, but it's hard to work into an FC build, which is the only Mag build that would really benefit.

    Magnetized Discharge is the aug most players point to as being good, but it's really just insurance for failing to kill your cast target, which you shouldn't have trouble with if you're an FC Mag.

    As for Shield Polarize, if you're in a Corpus/void mission, it's very good. But I haven't found it necessary and it's difficult to work into an FC build.

    As for Magnetize itself, Mara, Lanka, etc are fine but if you really want to push Magnetize, focus on radiation status weapons. (Don't use AOE weapons, they do not affect Magnetize damage.) My personal recommendation if you're going to high-level is radiation Mutalist Cernos. You can consistently push Magnetize in excess of 1.6mil using enemy damage at lv150. (After the proposed Damage 2.5 changes, this probably won't work with Mutalist Cernos due to puncture proc scaling. Torid and Pox may suffice.)

    Note that FC>Polarize will fall off at some point past lv200. You will need an additional cast of either FC or Polarize, and that's where you really start having energy issues. Not that anyone goes to lv200 these days. I can forward my build later if you're interested, but be aware it hasn't been updated since POE. Can probably be improved now.

  10. 4 minutes ago, Yperkeimenos said:

    I don't see why DE shouldn't fix self procs. It would add a little bit quality of life for Lenz users and to be honest , self inflicted status effects when there is no blast, sound more like an unintentional oversight rather than an actual game mechanic.

    It's intended. They didn't want to completely remove the self-damage weapon hazard. I might be wrong about this, but if memory serves: originally shooting a teammate would trigger the blast. They patched it so that allies trigger the AOE proc instead.

    If you accidentally proc yourself, you can use operator CC/invis to wait it out. But like motorfirebox said, getting some air helps to avoid accidental self-injury with launchers in general.

  11. 16 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

    It's seriously not fun trying to play this game when the ping is over a second and changing to a lower ping also lowers the number of players that show up for teams, not to mention it doesn't stop the issue. 

    My understanding was that your ping limit setting only affects outgoing host searches, and not players joining you. Is this incorrect?

    There have been numerous cases where setting ping<100 did not prevent me from matching with bad hosts. As a console user, this is really odd because the only potential hardware difference is ethernet/wifi. I can only assume the code is at fault.

  12. 50 minutes ago, CaptRiker said:

    have all those mods, many times over.. if that's all that drops.. screw hunting the acolyte :P

    Those are the drops from the one you were fighting.

    Several Acolyte mods are considered critical to the majority of builds, such as Blood Rush, Weeping Wounds, Bladed Rounds, Laser Sight, Shrapnel Shot, etc... Nano-Applicator is less popular but enables certain shotguns to reach 100% status when normally they couldn't. Lot of people still swear by Maiming Strike. Guided Ordnance is great on weapons like Prisma Grakata and Supra Vandal. The only genuinely bad Acolyte mod is Focused Defense.

  13. I hear the term "power fantasy" used to describe games constantly. It's kind of frustrating, because that's not why I play games. Combat is fun when it's done well, but for me, it's not about domination or getting stronger. It's about the dance. Going toe-to-toe with someone on level with you, fighting on the razor's edge. Winning isn't the objective. It's literally a dance that happens to end in death for one side. Few games reach this state for me. They're either trivial once you learn the gimmick, or outright unfair. One example of that dance I'll always fondly recall is Pan from Castlevania: Lords of Shadow. That was a fantastically paced fight.

    But combat isn't the thing I enjoy most about my favorite games. Combat is there to create a sense of danger. What I really enjoy is exploration. That mountain in the distance, with creatures too strong for you to survive in your current state - what's up there? The dragon circling that distant desert - is it friend or foe? The kingdom neighboring your homeland - what is it really like? Sadly, this sense of curiosity isn't the focus of open-world design. Visually distinct and striking vistas become harder to produce consistently as the environment gets bigger.

    I only came to realize in the last year the tie that binds all media I enjoy most from games to film to music: loneliness. It's why I love Dark Souls and Dragon's Dogma. It's a treacherous world and you aren't wanted. Not just the people, but it seems as if nature itself is unconsciously trying to keep you out, pushing you back to the safety of a castle or camp. The further you venture from safety, the more weary you become. That feeling of isolation makes games extremely enjoyable to me.

    And then I hear the term "power fantasy" overused by media and competitive gamers, and roll my eyes a little. Games are like books and film. Everyone wants something different from the experience. It's why some criticize gaming for being so narrow, despite the potential of the medium. We have so many genres but they all focus on violence. Sure, combat is fun, but it shows just how young gaming is that the industry is hooked almost exclusively on the gladiatorial aspect.

  14. 2 minutes ago, BornWithTeeth said:

    That would be an excellent and elegant way of handling it!

    Oops, I screwed up in my description of the second method. :facepalm: But thank you for saying so.

    What I meant to say is that bleed damage would scale from 0~35% based on proportion of slash to total IPS distrubtion, with slash mods further pushing the value, even potentially over 35%. Under this system, Argonak would deal 16.1% bleed damage per tick. With Fanged Fusillade, it would rise to 35.42% per tick.

    To be honest, I'm not super enthusiastic about this approach. On paper, it sounds elegant. Building for bleed wouldn't just be a matter of stacking crit, and those lesser slash mods (Jagged Edge, Sawtooth Clip, even Rending Strike on low puncture weapons) would serve a purpose. But on the other hand, some weapons would be harder to build for bleed. Tigris Prime has no modding flexibility, and Sancti Tigris (my preferred variant) would no longer be able to keep up with its counterpart. You could also argue that you are just being forced to use an extra mod for the same level of effectiveness, so some would see Fanged Fusillade as "mandatory".

    There are other ways to perform this conversion that don't nerf so aggressively, but it would make building for bleed very complicated. Algebra is fine, but I'm not so sure about doing logarithms and calculus to spec my weapon lol.

    Another way to do it is to scale from 0~35% based on proportion of slash to final modded damage (including elemental). This wouldn't be ideal, because some frames can add elemental damage to weapons.

  15. 10 hours ago, BornWithTeeth said:

    They told us that Slash procs will now be calculated based only on the weapon’s Slash damage component. They have not mentioned anything about increasing the multiplier to compensate, and that leaves two possibilities:


    The first is that the multiplier is staying at 35% of Slash damage, and that everything is having its Slash potential nerfed.

    The second is that the multiplier is being increased to above 80% of Slash damage, which would mean that everything is having its Slash potential nerfed...except the Tigris Prime, Nikana Prime, Galatine Prime, and Atterax, which functionally stay the same or even receive a buff. 


    Neither of those is a good balance pass.

    Those are two ways to interpret it, yes. Many have been worried about slash nerfs since Damage 3.0 came up. But there are two other ways to interpret it.

    My initial interpretation was that the modifier is the IPS spread. Slash would be determined by the %slash in IPS spread, as opposed to the current flat 35%. (Scott said something which strongly suggested to me the modifier would become flexible, but I am unable to locate the line that gave me this impression. Sorry.) So Argonak would deal 46% of its base damage per tick, but Destreza would deal only 7% per tick.

    The other possibility is that it scales from 0~35% based on proportion of slash to total IPS distrubtion. Not just base damage. So you could increase bleed damage with slash mods.

    Either of these would be acceptable in my opinion. Based on DE's phrasing in devstream 103 ("We have a Christmas smash of the status system." "We're taking a hammer to that meta.") I kinda doubt the first method.

    Honestly, even if slash ends up getting cut overall, I can't form a proper opinion without seeing the elemental changes.

  16. Just now, Valor said:

    Well, his example was drastic, but he's not far off. Tigris Prime for example is 80% slash, so after the rework its procs will be 20% weaker.

    Scoliac is only 70% slash, so its procs will be 30% weaker.

    Endura is a status monster, but it has 70% puncture and about 25% slash. This means that its slash procs will be nerfed by a whopping 75%

    Where are people getting the idea that conversion scales from 0~35% of base damage based on IPS spread? I didn't see anything in the Workshop or devstream that indicated that. This seems like a really wild assumption to me.

  17. A lot of people are missing an important detail in the Dev Workshop.


    "We are also making a change in how a proc's associated damage output is calculated - before, a Slash proc would scale based on the weapon's total base damage output. Now, all procs will be calculated using ONLY the damage type of the proc that is being inflicted. Players may feel encouraged to focus their weapon builds around certain damage types in order to consistently inflict powerful procs, or go for raw damage across several damage types to inflict multiple procs at once!"

    I want to ask DE about this directly, because their phrasing in the devstream and Workshop have not been completely clear. But the underlined text indicates to me that slash will be based on total slash damage on the weapon, not base. If that's true, the problems a lot of people are concerned about go away. The status system will be blown wide open, and there will be a greater level of customization. Munitions loses some of its awesomness (Amprex and Lenz). But most notably, melee weapons which hinge on bleed procs in their stances will be hurt by this (Destreza).

    If I'm wrong and bleed conversion is based on base slash, some weapons will suffer. I'm of two minds on that. On the one hand, there are lots of ways to deal with armor. Some frames can remove it completely (Mag, Ash, Banshee, Oberon, Hydroid). Corrosive procs and Corrosive Projection are effective as well. People are overly reliant on the bleed meta, in my opinion. I think I could live with it, if elemental status get some meaningful way of combating armor. Toxin comes to mind.

    Here's what I keep coming back to. What we want is "endgame", right? Challenge at a high level of play? But our weapons are too powerful. We utterly stomp even the toughest enemies to the point where they only become a threat when they are one-shotting us. Would it really be such a bad thing to crunch down the level of enemies we are routinely expected to fight? The counterargument to this is bleed isn't actually being nerfed, the number of weapons that can benefit from it is shrinking, with some benefiting even more. But I think it's still a point worth considering.

  18. Bounties cycle at specific intervals. If you return to Cetus and the bounty isn't marked completed, then it cycled while you were in the mission. Imagine if you started the third sortie mission right before the daily reset, and completed it a few minutes after. You'd see the new sorties when you returned to your ship. Same thing.

    Bounties are repeatable, but only for the rewards. Not standing.

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