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Posts posted by Amolistic.

  1. I would like to see updates to other kinds of existed modifiers that is currently in the Deep Archimedea.

    Getting bolstered belligerents on mirror defense is the most unfun combination humanly possible with now frames and weapons being completely randomized and allows only a slight bit of leeway (you can give up taking 1 negative effects or bringing 1 melee/primary/secondary/warframe that is not in the requirement), it makes that defending the objective nearly impossible without a squad, which is a huge blow to the fun and challenging factor for no reason at all????? Demanding a hard CC focused gamemode to not use any form of CC to defend is just peak "???????", and you'd thought nukes still work very well at this level. Barely any frames can even nuke well at this level...

    The problem with this is that now mirror defense is a nightmare to play if you just want to solo or say your squad just didn't have good loadouts. How do you even supposed to progress without feeling frustrated when everything is out of your control, even if you passed, the feeling and joy of the gamemode is ruined, scarred.

    Difficulty should be "challenging but fair play", but not something like this, taking away options after options with randomized loadouts. How is it supposed to be fun? Randomized loadouts can be a great potential for challenge, but this ain't it, chief. Some of the modifiers had very good potential and noatble execution and forces diversity and attention to your day-to-day brainless gameplay, but something like bolstered belligerents isn't. It's unfair and frustrating to play around.


    • Like 6
  2. On 2023-10-12 at 6:12 PM, (PSN)haphazardlynamed said:

    DE already addressed this problem

    they took a handful of 'too fast' semi guns, and nerfed their fire rates.

    so its 'fixed' now.

    RIP Burson, Vasto Prime


    Severely L take, fire rate was never important on semis, the dmg is key and everything, all semis requires your hand to be spamming it so that you actually deal dmg, and who thought that 99% of players is going to have auto-clicker for this? The base dmg difference is so important and semis never need any fire rate mods, any semi gun with a 3-5 fire rate/s or below that is healthy for your hand's click tempo, yet still dealing a better dmg.

    As a magnus prime enjoyer, I can tell that you simply only need dmg, onetapping or your hands will be dying with that much fire rate because you gotta "kill fast", just 5mins of me spamming magnus with 8 fire rate and my hand pains.

  3. 8 hours ago, BalaDeSilver said:

    Rhino (the tank frame) still has less armor than Excalibur (the sword frame). Kinda of a pet peeve of a friend that's still not getting fixed :v

    At least armor buffs should still matter a lot for people who don't use any armor mods, which is somewhat common nowadays.

    But we hardcore rhino mains don't use any armor mods anyway. Even if it is 600 or something, you generally don't care much about it.

  4. 19 minutes ago, Crevab said:

    Health: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
    Shields: Base Rank - 170 (from 100) / Max Rank - 370 (from 300)
    Armor: Base Rank - 420 (from 400)
    Energy: Base Rank - 220 (from 160) / Max Rank - 320 (from 360)


    Unless I'm mistake, Garuda Prime is the only Prime to get an energy nerf? but why?


    Also now is the time to make 190 energy the new floor for Primes. Save Ash, Frost, and Rhino I beg of you

    Me as a very hardcore Rhino main find this not so difficult to deal with, just go a lil efficiency and boom ezpz, but tbh, rhino and frost, even if you give them more energy, the problem is that they both are mid or mid-high casters (frost cast more than rhino), you really need efficiency or you will empty your bar like there is no tomorrow, even if your max energy is increased, it only prolongs the inevitable, you only can regen this much.

    2 minutes ago, SDGDen said:

    there's also the fact that DE doesn't and shouldn't balance the game for steel path.


    steel path is basically DE's attempt at countering powercreep to begin with, and the way it scales is *really* dumb (just look at armor in steel path basically giving 99.999% damage reduction to enemies) 


    imho, steel path needs it's modifiers removed. it should JUST be +100 levels. but before that happens, player gear and enemy damage output needs to be balanced significantly better (so those modifiers aren't needed anymore to begin with) 

    hmmm true

  5. 4 minutes ago, TeenieSlasher said:

    It's exactly the opposite:
    Shieldgating is the only survivability tool for anything above base steel path. 

    You can't mod for health and armor, because the enemy damage values FAR exceed what you can achieve, so if you have 50hp or 5000hp makes literally no difference at all when approaching around enemy lvl 1500 and that is based upon SINGLE hits, not accounting for multiple hits. For the very same reason, shield stacking is beyond useless, even if they would buff the shield DR from 25% or 50% to 75% or more. It's all the same, when the enemy bullet damage exceeds hundreds of thousands of damage compared to your measly 1-2k shield/health you could cobble up by sacrificing all your warframe slots for those values.

    And this is what this boils down to:

    Nothing will change at all in the meta, because there are literally no options other than shieldgating to play in those enemy level ranges/level cap. The bottomline is though, all frames with no shield gimmick (speaking hildryn, protea, condem etc.) are stripped by 1 whole warframe mod slot, which are already VERY tight on every frame, because they need to slot in the new mod to revert shield gating to it's current form. 

    Now, before those andies roll in with their argument of "bla bla but only 0.1% of players play this content".

    That is still 0,1% of us that get royally screwed over for no reason at all. There is no compensation for the nerf, no alternate way to go around it, it's just straight up you lose one warframe mod slot across the board and they didn't even care to make the shield gate mode an exilus mod to soften the blow a little bit.

    Shield gating is not the only tool to survive anything above base SP, there is something called CC abilities, one button press and suddenly your survivability goes up, and also there is a focus school called vazarin.

    Shield gating still works, but now i guess you need to rely on CC abilities more, cast more often since ~325 shields regen'd = 1.33s invul, but tbh, shield gating is not really doable alone in high SP, you still need rolling guard or something, and cc abilities too.

    I already see the nerf coming tbh, and I really expect worse, this is far better than I thought.

  6. 25 minutes ago, Drachnyn said:

    Awful changes overall, one shotting archons was literally the only thing interesting about them. The fights are dogS#&$ but instead of making them more interesting and giving them more mechanics you just prevent one shotting them. Terrible decision, do better.

    Bro did you read? They literally said "we don't want oneshot, but we improve the overall killspeed, so that you are INCENTIVIZED to bring different weapons to the hunt."


    the boss fight itself ain't bad, its really ok and staple design, even better vs most of the bosses i see in games, Just the "thing" is quite punishing, at least I don't really need to rely on headshots with very burst weapons or whatever thing, its quite boring as I always have to bring burst weps to the fight with no leeway at all.


    You guys complain about dmg attenuation being shet because it is punishing and have no variety, now in all of a sudden they recognized the issue and resolve it, allows for variety of weapons to shine and now it is an awful change? What kind of double standard is this?

    OH ONESHOT IS INTERESTING. DEFINITELY INTERESTING. Go and touch some grass from vinland saga.

    • Like 7
  7. On 2023-09-19 at 7:49 PM, LittleLeoniePrime said:

    everything that doesn't have overguard dies very fast to how bugged archon vitality is currently

    To elaborate in case y'all were unaware... Archon Vitality doesn't just apply a 2nd same damage heat proc as you're casting it, it doubles the heat procs active on the target making it scale exponentially.

    i tried this a lot, its only normal scaling of thermal's 2x per casting, or I could be wrong.

  8. 21 hours ago, 2old4gamez said:

    I had a blast with it. I was fortunate enough to encounter nothing game breaking, a disconnect here and there is to be expected from a beta.

    The characters I got to play were a lot of fun but felt a little underpowered at first, once I realised that the modding system used was, if not a complete copy, heavily influenced by Warframe things improved in this area enough to tickle the power fantasy itch. A few days in, running defence with a mixed team of Descendants was an absolute blast.

    There were enough choices character wise to keep me busy and I had a lot of fun learning the mechanics of each. Having said that, Viessa, my starting character clicked with me most, loved her kit.

    Weapons felt great and sounded amazing, (my first scout rifle stayed with me the whole time because it just sounded so damn good). As above, modding and upgrading weapons was a bit of a mystery until the Warframe connection was made, after than, no issues.

    The big downside, hopefully just due to this being a beta, outside the quests the in game missions were admittedly a little lacking. A map\region once cleared was a sterile void that would benefit in future from random encounters to keep players engaged. More mission types and better availability would also definitely help in this respect.

    I won't go as far as to say I'm hyped for the full release as there are many unknowns such as monetization, mission types and endgame content that are still unclear, monetisation being the biggest concern. (If the devs introduce anything that constitutes pay to win I won't be touching this with a bargepole but as there is no mention of a PVP mode, yet, this may not be an issue). 

    Having said that, I really enjoyed the time I spent playing, so call me optimistic.


    At the end of the day it's going to be F2P. people will have no financial barriers to prevent them installing, playing for a while and making their own minds up.


  9. On 2023-09-22 at 11:50 AM, Heatnix. said:

    Been playing Warframe since... 2015 or so? And I think the best thing about The First Descendant is that I can ask people to play and they wouldn't be absolutely overwhelmed and be driven mad by the inane amount of content Warframe has with 0 guidance to it. The one thing it has going for it is that it seems more linear and streamlined, weird as it sounds, whereas Warframe is now a 1000 headed hydra and you don't know where to start. Friends have tried to join, see the massive amount of game modes, resource names, MR requirements and no real "follow this story" guide and give up entirely.

    TFD is very basic, honestly. If you like shooters, you can enjoy this and get a kick off it. Will it be the best game ever and win multiple rewards? No, the game is just fine. A solid 6, where it stands as "it's fun enough but nothing special" on a scale of 10 where 5 is the medium being "it's just fine".

    Nexon does have some weird tendencies, but I've played Vindictus before for a long time and even though you can pay your way to become better than everyone else, they do release freebies that let you catch up or even out things later on. Not sure if they'd take the same approach, it's hard to tell early on.

    Also yes, boss fights are a lot more fun than Warframe's, it does have that going for it.

    hmm. We both do have that same feeling, it looks ok enough but with high requirements on specs, my potato laptop cant run it nicely so I will just look at multiple reviews, comments and form my thoughts.

    The bossfight wise, I think it is ok imo, the boss is nice, but the environment around it just not bringing the vibe out.

    Tbh, beating warframe in bossfights, which is not a boss-focused game is...whatever.

    But orowyrm do give a sense of "fun" that is not common in many games, boss itself  is not very revolutionary but the vibe it brings is really spot on, thus imo, solid 7.5 to 8/10 boss fight, maybe im just those kind of players who cares more about the vibe and the sense of "Oh this boss is really dangerous"

  10. On 2023-09-21 at 9:16 AM, NecroPed said:

    I highly doubt that purely because it's nexon. Nexon are disgusting, their monetization is disgusting, their management of games is often disgusting, and apparently their management of their staff is even often disgusting. The game looks alright, but it doesn't look like destiny or warframe either, there's not a part of me that believes this is a destiny/warframe killer.

    yeah but some features do look like the devs are serious addicts of warframe and destiny so I think that counts?

    But I do agree its Nexon, gotta be careful.

  11. On 2023-09-20 at 8:59 AM, Sporthand said:

    I installed it yesterday and talked to this guy who says it's better than Warframe and Destiny. I completed the tutorial yesterday. I will spend tonight with this game! 


    Overall, the game is fun to play, and I spent my time 3 hours non-stop yesterday. It's been a long time to feel excited and engaged since I have never felt that while playing Warframe for 30 minutes or less. I will spend tonight with TFD again.



    i watched those, but for me, it seems it will guarantee a success since you are "outright" taking parts of from either destiny or warframe, even previous failed titles like anthem cant run from its referencing.

    But I hardly think I will be a killer for both of the games if you are basically the lovechild of them, would be a perfect side game if you got bored with either destiny or warframe.

    On 2023-09-21 at 9:02 AM, Joezone619 said:

    Even at minimum settings, its laggy, has long loading screens, and on me it kept crashing past the tutorial so yeah, i dont recommend. Keep in mind, I run warframe at max settings with little to no issues.

    hmmmmm, then my potato laptop certainly can't run.

  12. to Robie_Viejo: cool, but its like a raid-like thing so i really don't see much comparison to warframe as warframe is not really a boss-oriented game, maybe much more on destiny.

    But if i take what i see now, orowyrms imo are actually better, visual wise and gameplay wise.

    If it is a destiny thing, it is not even close, destiny have a lot of great raids it needs to compete with.

    (at least from what I see, may differ)

  13. 16 hours ago, Void2258 said:

    The title basically says it all. Due to various decisions about how the circuit works, even when you get your own build for SP circuit, the build still can't work right. (Applies to SP duviri as well but less so since you spend less time using your warframe anyway and it basically doesn't matter for the wyrm fight)

    As an example, I happened to roll Voruna and my exact weapon setup. I thought I was golden. Then I didn't have the right focus school on the loadout I was running before entering the circuit, so that was power and function lost (fortunately I had not just come from eidolon hunting, or my amp might have been trash too if I forgot to change it back manually, since amps aren't part of loadouts). Ok not as good as normal but that's my fault for not checking ahead of time, even though that shouldn't be how a rouge-like work, but it should be ok, right? But then I realized halfway through round 1 that without my pet, I couldn't use equilibrium to maintain my energy (no Synth Fiber to allow me to pick up the health orbs from Lycanth Hunt which is needed to make things work, and my build shield gates so well I never take health damage), meaning I spent 99% of the time just wailing with melee due to being unable to use my skills. I couldn't play my frame EVEN WITH MY NORMAL SETUP AVAILABLE. This is one of my best SP frames and builds, rendered almost nonfunctional by the circuits refusal to let me pick the right school and amp and my not having my pet along (and part of my build being offloaded to the pet).

    So the builds provided by DE are too bad to use, therefore you have to use your built frames and weapons. But even when you do use them, the design of the circuit screws them up, sometimes a bit and sometimes almost entirely. There is simply no way to play the mode well; you are always getting screwed in some way by the design.

    That is why checking your loadout and prepare is an absolutely top important skill needed to be mastered by all warframe players, or even as a gamer, casual or hardcore.

    In the orbiter, you can change your focus school. DE are even nice enough to give you a preview on what you will be using in the circuit or duviri that allows you to prepare, which means no excuses when you are underprepared, like what you face right now.

    It should not be your first time knowing that shield gating and pet does not exist in undercroft if you are deep into endgames like in SP circuit, the builds DE provided aren't suited for endgame content, only like general gameplay+. that is why adapting is key, you cant just rely on one build path if situations like this exist...


    • Like 2
  14. i need some info about the gameplay and environment look tho, since i might consider giving this game a try, but the receptions are mixed.

    As from my view right now, the characters...Oufffff....the least generic Korean fantasy style be like...

    Dont know about you guys' experience though but it seems to be a warframe/destiny killer?

  15. for those who are confused, at the beginning i am stating the issue of the circuit missions, the hard parts of it, what does yhe mission can be, what are the issues you need to face, so frames become important, if i struggle, surely i wont be able to reach past round 5, let alone level cap.

    Is this clear enough?

  16. On 2023-09-18 at 11:25 PM, (PSN)jaggerwanderer said:

    So let me get this straight. You are in SP Circuit for 3 hours complaining about not being able to survive without Iron Skin?

    yo, are you for real or you just trolling? I never ever mention "oh no i cannot survive with iron skin", how does this even come close to me unable to survive, the 20min max undead must be a fake, im just bluffing, 35mil iron skin at level cap jackal laser wall is a scam, right?

    And most importantly, it is not even near relevant to what you said before, your severe misunderstanding, it happens, at most i just laugh at you, and now you try to bend the view and say me "complaining about not being able to survive"????? 

    What is this even related to???

  17. 13 hours ago, Waeleto said:

    Last year, DE nerfed AOE weapons because they can clear the whole room and leave nothing for your squad to do and Grendel got a limit on how many enemies he can eat for the same reason 
    Why are nuke warframes like saryn or thermal thunder garuda still able to nuke the entire room and leave nothing to the rest of the squad ? if DE knows that this playstyle isn't fun for anyone why does it still exist and not nerfed to the ground ?

    Thermal sunder wise, there is one frame who becomes a nuke warframe too, even top tier imo, far more aggressive than garuda thermal.

    Rhino, by just subsuming thermal sunder onto his 1, go to ESO, with a greatly optimized build and boom, wave 14+ like no tomorrow, competing with top ones like saryn mirage volt equinox gyre by being not a dedicated dps frame, even outshining some here, even SP is no match for such monstrosity, bring a heat inherit setup and all of a sudden you nuke like a best of the best nuke frame.

    Should they nerf it? I donno, but high chance, since you can just ask a rhino to buff you while you subsume thermal sunder, and the result not only will be much better, it allows for higher roar%, which only boost the exponential triple dip more, which means...everyone who has a rhino in squad can do it, as long as thermal exist, it is the best helminth choice for a decent nuke viability

  18. 10 hours ago, m_a_r_c_h_ said:

    I guess I don’t know how to use Rhino who dies constantly so I never pick him. Let me clarify, I do great with him and he seems unstoppable until something kills me out of the blue. I haven’t figured out what does it, but is annoying enough that it’s an easy skip for me.

    I do just find in SPC up to levels 1000+ with Loki, Ash, Stalker, Khora, Protea, Nova, Zephyr, Titania, Revenant and of course Wukong. This is in a squad of course since solo takes too long. I think any frame is viable if you know how to play them well.

    For the Jackal, I have no idea why people don’t go into void mode when he shoots his lasers. If you do, you can stay put and it becomes a quick easy round.

    yeah, can understand, everyone has a different experience.

    But my take here are for solo only, my net is not top tier so squad is kinda risky for me.

    And yeah, i agree, pretty much any frame is viable if you know how to play.

    Jackal wise, rhino is the exact opposite, you want to intentionally take dmg so that your skin start to become very high in number you are pretty much undead for at least few minutes, with stalling, that is even more crazy, 4% recover per enemy is no joke, and 3s for the hp to not drop is no slouch either.

  19. 12 hours ago, (PSN)Joylesstuna said:

    Rhinos iron skin starts getting destroyed in seconds at level 1000+ at least for me. I really don't think he's a great pick for long sp circuit missions.

    there is a technique called iron skin charge rolling guard and stomp shenanigans, it scale like infinite throughout the mission. If well done, should you have zero issue to survive after 1000, i even been to level cap before like another tuesday in SP, that is why this essay exist, but learning it takes time, it involves around you counting the time correctly, timing abilities well, and pretty much need you to be very conscious with your actions.

    There is always a misconception of rhino's way of undead being revenant's way of undead. Rhino's way of undead is completely different vs revenant, how undead rhino is strictly relies on how good you are with iron skin charge manipulation, your skin scales with enemy level (enemy dmg), good charge + Rhino stomp reinforcing stomp (optional), rolling guard stalls, you can survive better vs a revenant, but you need to learn it, time it well, execute the rotation well and earn it yourself, it is not free and instantly accessible.

    Rhino needs proactive gameplay, where the enemy is because rolling guard + reinforcing stomp stalling and who does the most dmg and benefit your skin, intentionally take dmg to destroy iron skin intentionally and abuse that charge phase for profit.

    To tank better vs even a revenant in game, you need to sink your time, effort and skill to get it, understand who does a lot of dmg, stall the iron skin well with reinforcing stomp and rolling guard, not just press 1 button.

    But at the end, pick your personal "rhino" tier.

  20. 7 hours ago, (PSN)jaggerwanderer said:

    Iron Skin just generate Overguard. Iron Skin is one of the worse ability to generate Overguard. You can't spam Iron Skin to generate more Overguard like other warframe. Icy Avalanche for example. Shield Gate exist for most frames. If you're dying in SP, you're not ready for SP. Go farm for more gear before attempting Steel Path.

    Yeah, the casual forum way of "You cant survive SP kekw, do better"

    Iron skin just generate overguard? Cannot spam iron skin to generate? Bro really thinks he is playing kullervo, frost and styanax?????

    Wow your knowledge of rhino is really that shallow, do you know that iron skin has a 3s charge mechanics? This is the thing that makes my rhino simply becomes undead for 20min possible. Rhino is the only overguard user that actually scale to level cap because it scales with enemy level, the rest just fell off, result in abusing the 0.5s gate.

    Shield gate benefits rhino more for one reason, he generates shield easily, can maintain shield easily with iron skin. spamming shield gate for 1.3s for other frames is surely fun for your fingers, now with that overguard gate for rhino, shield gate becomes your secondary undead, and back you up occasionally.

    I don't need to flex that i been to SP level cap before. Why should I? Is that really a groundbreaking achievement? Nah. Pretty much any warframe veterans does that with ease.

  21. 12 hours ago, (PSN)robotwars7 said:

    Rhino is pretty great, but he's far from mandatory in circuit: I suppose the major factor is how well-modded your other frames are, but I don't usually get Rhino and if I do, I'll probably use him if nobody else is running DPS or if I'm the only Rhino (no point having 2 since Roar doesn't stack.). otherwise Garuda, Saryn, Mesa and Baruuk if they pop up are usually better picks for DPS without relying on weapons, and if we already have DPS on the squad, I'll run Oberon, Protea or Wisp if they're available. 

    point is, I've used basically every frame in SPC at one point or another and at no point did I think any particular one would be "mandatory".


    Mostly you'd pick frames that can deal dmg yourself because weapons cant really be relied on, but performance wise, it is that, I am not really forcing anyone to go that route, I will still have my fun with octavia when a hard hitting enemies suddenly hitting that ball and everyone around it dies kekw

    but if you really want to dps yourself...you have thermal sunder rhino.

    This thing, this monstrosity, scale like, if not, one of the most insane nukes, because roar and thermal itself already has that exponential triple dip scaling, adding on some decrees like torment twofold, you just got yourself a (triple exponential dip*triple exponential dip), the scaling went so far to the point you start to snatch kills from octavia, but i definitely do no recommend such route, it is just...uninteresting, broken but in the most boring way possible, just spam 1, press 3 every 30s, press 4 for missions needed for it, this kind of gameplay is not really engaging, and makes the run so much more boring if you wish to go longer into the run.

    not every frame is mandatory, there are many great choices, personally would like to pick garuda/nidus for fun because haha ability spam go brrr, just that this strategy is really broken, but exceptionally boring, which is pretty much the rhino way, and i don't really recommend it even after me saying how great it is, sometimes being too efficient kills the fun factor.

  22. 11 hours ago, nslay said:

    OK, here's a second pass of the original post.

    You can go underneath the Jackal and blindly swing a melee weapon around and hit all of his legs. That's what I do sometimes when I'm annoyed with its movement.  You can also use something like Gloom to slow him down. Or if you pick a Decree that adds +Cold damage, Cold procs slow him down plenty too!

    Yeah, this is mostly true. The Eximus (particularly Blitz) and Thrax make this very challenging. CC effects definitely help. I also use Magus Lockdown and Out Of Sight Parazon mod (it's really easy to get Parazon kills on Eximus in SP Circuit).

    Revenant "Pro-Tip", strip the Overguard off Life Eximus and Enthrall it to heal the Defense objective instantly.

    Revenant "Pro-Tio", strip the Overguard off Guardian Eximus and Enthrall is to reduce damage to the Defense objective.

    It can be hard to not kill Eximus by accident later on when Decrees have built up :(

    Similar can be done for Excavators, and you also can use Ancient Healers and Shield Osprey Thralls too!

    IMO, you should extract when enemies can one-shot things like Excavators. It also has implication on Defense objectives. But at least you can't fail it!

    A bit of parkour and dodging goes a long way. A lot of its moves can be telegraphed! Try to jump over the waves... I know it can very suddenly stomp the ground, but you can usually jump over the waves. What annoys me if that it still nullifies abilities in Warframes parked outside of the Jackal bubble while in Operator.

    Use Melee when out of ammo. Melee can be a lot easier to hit the legs if you go underneath the Jackal and swing blindly.  As a Revenant main, build for efficiency and I personally use Energy Siphon since he is not a energy-hungry frame. You will be able to recast Mesmer Skin with Energy Siphon and efficiency even when Energy is scarce.

    Revenant "Pro-Tip": Revenant doesn't need too much strength... certainly not 400%! IIRC, I think 250% strength is needed for 100% Reave health/shield stripping... and you don't really need 250% since Reave can be used to pass through an enemy twice.

    I guess I'll have to give Rhino another try. The Overguard changes messed up my understanding of him.

    1st: yes you can blindly swing the weapons, but melees vs jackal always have one big problem. The way of a melee, meta wise, simply goes for full DoT, the direct hit just isn't going to be notable, without proper circuit decrees it is a no-no, but with unairu, it is doable, just that you might need to spend a lot of time doing so, i tried when my octavia only has my tipedo prime and it does work, just very slow, but at least you dont fail, but...that is with my best melee, as my tipedo prime has a very good riven of cc cd attack speed, which barely makes me red crit and deal 20x crit dmg, if no, i fear it might take more time, but yeah still doable, and you need multi hit combos that can hit well (just your generic top tier stances), slide attacks arent enough, but yeah decrees slow and gloom moment, haha press rhino stomp ezpz


    2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th: about the revenant reave thing, i know this tech, that is the way you generally deal with them, since i do it before with reave rhino, just that you need 407str on rhino to completely oneshot eximus units with overguard on, a pretty hefty amount of str if you come to think of it, workable, but might as well bring primer for viral, this is just for meme, but if you want to recover the old days of reave oneshot after eximus update, this is the only way i can think of.

    but should be workable if you just delete their overguard first, but overguard being overguard, it is very impervious to DoTs (slash with no viral? good luck) and dmg...if you don't really have great weps to haha go brr + decrees (you know, roguelike moment), might have some hard time, especially blitz, he is literally the run-ender if he does the wave slam thing once or twice on your def obj (revenant is my side main when i am bored of rhino, his 1 3 4 funni at times, but that is the old days now...)


    6th, 7th: yeah you can do, maybe extract if you think it is oneshotting is the best way, just my point is that rhino can still hold on the exca if you mod correctly, just like limbo or frost, prob gara if you are pro enough with gara gameplay.


    8th: I undertsand the point, I actively dodge the stomp, i am just sarcasm'ing those rhino and rev mains who thinks they are the world-ender, no one can stop me, standing there face-taking jackal, thinking they wont die kekw and straight up proc'ing that 200s passive kekw


    9th: wow, energy siphon on rev? Rare sight, but i think he is like loki, since you have one ability that needs to be up no matter what, so with enough efficiency, and with like 250 str, 15s undead at worst, with a 175 efficiency, should you regen back the energy with little effort.

    10th: The 400str thing is for comparison, i mostly build rev for str efficiency duration. 250 is enough for reave setup imo, you know, i used to be a rev main, memphisto skin go brrr

    11th: rhino is always the same, just that every changes that is not really targeting him so happens to benefit him the most, fixing his remaining few issue. DE did not nerf this guy for years is simply unbelievable.

  23. 6 hours ago, (PSN)GEN-Son_17 said:

    No one has to explain anything to you because we each have our defined frames. Frost and Loki are my top two, with Loki being one of the most underrated gems in SP, IMO. Irradiating Disarm removes aggro from defense and excav targets while Fire Blast squishifies enemies, removing armor and stopping bullets. Once you get the proc spreading decrees, Loki becomes the lord of the Undercroft, easily pushing an entire team into high levels.

    Frost Prime, with Icy Avalanche, high armor and Grendal's subsume, can protect and take a team just as high as Loki can. Stopping enemies, slowing Eximus units, boosting crit, protecting allies and targets and applying over guard all makes for a very powerful support/defensive/offensive frame. 

    Yareli is another secret weapon in the Circuit. Merulina is not the best here for traversing but she is EXCELLENT as an extra shield gate and damage mitigation buffer, while her bubbles and whirlpool lock down areas, buffs crit and provides breathing room for allies. She is also one of the best Gloom subsume users due to her super high energy pool and its use while riding Merulina. 

    "No one has....defined frames"

    i undertsand, everyone has its own rhino, i just want to show my broken strategy, my topic does not reflect that well and it is my bad.

    (I should really work on my ability to come up a good, relevant topic name)


    Frost is really a good choice, nourish is kinda the same purpose, him and rhino had the lowest energy bar in game yet being caster-type frames, although rhino is not that heavy, only like mid level casting because 4 ability frame, but 2 dur type abilities, 2 cast-type ability, but the result is same, personal fav is go efficiency, since you are a caster...even 850 energy max is not going to save you if you cannot regen the mana back, that is why nourish rhino/frost is a thing, it fixes thier innate issue of not having high energy max yet wasting energy like the end is tomorrow.

    Yareli wise, there is also the 4s invul period, that is wild if you know how to abuse it, because it it the same mechanics of wisp 2 + iron skin charge phase, but 1s longer, can spam if you had the energy, and just unboard again and go onto the board, plus you can get the augment active very fast by just killing one enemy on board, and it last decently long, yareli is always great after the rework, just that many still did not realize it, she gives one of the most crazy buffs to secondary tho, and haha spammable 5 nezha halo go brrrr

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