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Posts posted by Cruispleuro

  1. You can play with vortex + perfo bow :D

    Pretty much stuff like this. If you're holding down an area, Vauban pretty much becomes a target-shooter frame. Bastille lays them all out nice and easy in front of you while Vortex compresses them into one spot for easy punch-through kills with weapons such as bows, or multi-target weapons like the Ogris, Torid and Ignis. 

  2. In my opinion, he's good at all of that jazz. He's mainly used for crowd control, as he can lock down large areas with Bastille and Vortex, and can deal significant damage over a large area with Tesla against weak enemies. Definitely a huge plus in any team game. One big bonus of Vauban is that he can run, shoot and reload his guns while throwing out his abilities, which is especially useful if you're covering an extremely large area that requires lots of running and laying down of Bastilles. Keep in mind that Vauban benefits from all power upgrade mods, such as power (damage+ and Bastille enemy hold +), length, efficiency and max energy (he has 450 base at rank 30). His con may be his medium shield stat, which is counterbalanced by his immobilizing abilities. If you're under heavy fire from a lot of enemies far away, chuck a Bastille into the crowd and immobilize them all easily. 

  3. lel 


    1. Calling us noobs does not hide the incompetence you admitted to earlier.

    2. I DO abuse this game's parkour physics to shoot myself around. The difference between me and you (supposedly a master of the art) is that I can adapt to random changes on the fly. This will tie into three.

    3. The timing needed is not NEARLY precise enough to support your temper tantrum. The frames don't have different jump timings.

    4. Calling the sprint boost user an idiot doesn't make your rant any more credible, nor does it sway us to your side.

    5. -10% to your accuracy is not the same as +10% to your speed. Your example should have been +10% to your accuracy. +10% sprint speed is a benefit, your problem is that you're too incompetent to realize that.

    6. It isn't a problem. Stop trying to blame other things for your incompetence.



    >Calls thread population noobs.

    >Can't even deal with a 10% increase in sprint speed.



    Pretty much this. Also, not sure if anyone else has said/thought this, but as far as I know you can't sprint and shoot at the same time, so the sprint speed boost doesn't necessarily mean a -10% accuracy debuff.... At least I don't think it is. Correct me if I'm wrong. 

  4. I agree with this somewhat. My starter was Loki and I felt like I was contributing nothing when I played online. Also, Loki is fairly difficult to play with his low shield stats until Continuity is acquired, which now apparently only drops from Sargas Ruk instead of from any enemy like it was before Drop Table 2.0.

  5. Submitting support for Banshee as best frame. Definitely worth a potato and all the formas I put into her. She's currently my most played warframe, and might have 100k kills by now according to my stats, but I'm too lazy to check. Sound Quake kills everything weak, Sonic Boom + gun kills everything strong. Sonar isn't even necessary until level 50 or so if you're using a good gun, but it's still nice sometimes. I'm currently using a Fleeting build though so it only lasts maybe three seconds, but even so that's plenty of time to kill heavy units. 

  6. Hey guys, I haven't played in awhile and it seems that Grineer Eviscerators instantly kill me, but my shields stay up. Is this a glitch? I've got around 1.1k health and shields each, and the Eviscerators are only level 20 or so. Doesn't seem right to me that they can instantly kill me with one blade. Also, after I use a revive I instantly die again, repeatedly until my revives run out, forcing me to instantly fail a mission from one hit. 

  7. Oh thanks. Just a question, how hard is it to farm constitution?

    It took me about four hundred runs in total to get all of the Nightmare mods, but I've been known to have bad luck in every video game. It took me over 150 T3 caps to get a single Ember Prime part, if that gives any perspective to my luck. In the end, it's all about RNG. And Constitution is easier to get than Hammershot and Blaze, so that's something. 

  8. Dont use absorb.

    Absorb sucks. Chaos4Life

    Chaos is good, but doesn't cover all situations. In ODD, Chaos cannot be recasted until every affected enemy dies, lowering its efficiency in high wave games. Absorb and Chaos can both be used together, and enemies would rather hit the Absorbing Nyx than eachother. Also, it's just more energy-efficient to use Absorb when there's a large amount of high-offense enemies such as Eviscerators and Chargers. 


    Edit: Also, Chaos doesn't give exp. So.... if you're going for that, then Absorb is the better choice. 

  9. well I have one spare slot on my Nyx what mod should I add?

    Honestly, it's up to you. My own Nyx build has one forma and has....


    Energy Siphon

    Mind Control











    Edit: All mods are maxed. My "extra" mod is Vitality, which I switch out for Redirection if I'm fighting non-infested. I only really use Nyx for soloing ODD, and Vitality isn't really needed til wave 35 or so. 

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