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Posts posted by Cruispleuro

  1. To everyone asking me about my Detron receivers, almost half of them are from Desecrations. I've only actually seen the Harvester maybe about 30 times, not 54. Also, I spent about 90 hours solid on Harvester hunting with four marked party members. During the double resource event I also got 4 receivers from one kill but I sold three since it was my first Harvester kill. Most of the time I farmed for Harvester was during spring break, whereupon I was bedridden and had nothing else to do anyway. 


    For OP, a general rule of thumb that I use is if I get over 100 prime parts in a mission that offers 1 per key, I buy the part with sold prime part plat. For survival rewards I usually go 'til 100 hours of straight survival before I'm inclined to buy the part with sold prime part plat. At that point, you really have earned that one single prime part, since the least common items (those unique to T3 survival) have about a 6.7% chance of dropping (1/15). After 100 hours, you have only a (3.66E-471)% chance of NOT getting the reward if you only count the 15 minute rewards. At that point, you really have earned getting that prime part. 

  2. At this point just sell T3 survival keys to buy the part from someone else. Also, 




    Some other runs of bad luck from me were using 238 T3 caps for Ember Prime systems, my current 1680 waves of T3 def for the Lex BP, and the approximately 85 hours spent since U13 hit on finding the Rhino Prime chassis, which was released right after my 36 hours spent getting the Mag Prime Systems. RNG will be RNG.

  3. Wow, I'm surprised this thread is still going. Also;


    I wouldn't say mastery but our weapons should feautre some sort of cosmetic difference per forma amount.

    I support this so much. In the old days (before Mods 2.0) we got small glowing dots on our melee weapons to signify mods. I wouldn't mind a version of this being re-implemented to show formas achieved.

  4. So with the new changes to Energy Vampire and Absorb, my clanmate and I began dinking with different builds. First off, a few realizations from me. 


    1. Absorb is pretty much a slower version of Link nuking, since it only takes about 10 energy to throw down Castanas, use Absorb and detonate both for massive AoE damage. 

    2. Absorb, which previously was amazing already, is now even better with the convenience of being able to move in and out of it at will.


    So, we made a combo build for infinite ODD missions. This build doesn't really require formas (Maybe for Nyx), but could use them for safety purposes. 

    Trinity: Energy Vampire, Stretch, Intensity

    Nyx: Fleeting Expertise, Streamline (2/5), Stretch, Overextended


    With Nyx's Absorb in use, Trinity can keep it going indefinitely with a mob hit with Energy Vampire. Once all the enemies spawn, Nyx can explode the Absorb. The only danger would be if aggression somehow went off of Nyx, in which case she can just explode again. Synergy can further be improved if Trinity brings a weapon to charge up Nyx's Absorb. 


    I rate the changes to Trinity and Nyx 10/10 for the purpose of defense missions, even with the change to Blessing. 

  5. Yeah, I like her. Good for mobile nuking, and buffing fire damage guns. Also, Accelerant is a nice, reliable CC ability that scales with weapon damage, which is always nice. I don't really use her 1 and 3 abilities though, so I don't have much insight on that. 

  6.  No, PVP now is literally a game of who shot first, went on with some friends the other day and 1 bullet was all we needed.

    I have sort of come to the conclusion from this thread that over all, we need a new stat other than Mastery.

    This, for both comments. PvP is who can hit a moving target with the strongest, most farmed-for modded gun. I support a new stat other than mastery, although it'll probably never be implemented sine it's not paramount to gameplay unless it's used for a reputation system or something, which would be a bit off, but who knows.

  7. Besides, mastery rank is not an indicator of how good you are or how much time you spent in the game. None of the stats really are. 

    There are a few stats that are a pretty good indicator of skill and gametime, with the exception of the stat named Skill, oddly enough. Gametime literally measures time spent in missions. Accuracy, mission completion %, cipher time, headshot kills, individual weapon stats (headshot kills/total kills for snipers maybe) are possible indicators for game skill. 


    TLDR: If you really want to show off your experience in the game then go PVP. That is the only true way you can show your superior skills to those you wish to impress.

    PvP skills =/= PvE skills. The current PvP barely possesses any amount of cooperation with your teammate, if at all. I've got a good 800+ hours in this game and have never touched Conclaves, but I offer ample help and advice in order to "show off" my experience. 

  8. Yeah, that is one of the main ideas of this all, it would be a means of people having their experience recognised. I mean currently I have 519 hours (and have been sitting on M15 since 398) which could be a lot of hours, but then I just went onto my friends list and one M15 had 790 hours, another is sitting pretty one 1594 hours. I am no where near the level that they are which is were I think there should be a system to recognise this, and this is a solution which came to mind. 

    Well at this point why don't we just get a badge that changes color/material based on playtime? I wouldn't mind getting a shiny gold badge to acknowledge how much of my life has been wasted on this game. I mean, I've already got a copper skull badge to show off already. 


    What about people who already put forma on? Such as max ranked players? They would probably go up a rank.

    If we were retroactively given mastery for formas, I would gain a significant amount for it. I've got an 8-forma Banshee and three or four 6-forma weapons, and numerous other 2-4 forma warframes alone, not to mention all the other little silly things I've wasted formas on (working on an 8-forma spectra).

  9. I don't really see this as viable. Even with a miniscule amount of mastery being added per rank, people can still get 5+ formas per day with affinity boosters and dark sector grinding. However, this does raise a point. A possible solution would be a secondary stat, similar but not equal to mastery rank, which levels up based on formas completed. While this would be wholly unnecessary and likely wouldn't happen, that's the only way I can think of incorporating forma progress into a stat. 

  10. From what I've heard, it's because it was speculated to be an event weapon that was released prematurely, and therefore rushed onto the market. As we've seen with previous event weapons, they don't have much choice with color options either. Honestly, I myself don't know, but that's what I've heard. 

  11. Good point. Do you see them kill anything with those weapons? 

    When I use my loadout (Valkyr/Tigris/Castana/Dragon Nikana) I tend to not get any experience because I can't actually get a single kill by myself unless I'm using a max ranged Link Trinity. 

  12. Use a weapon that will deal a decent amount of damage without any mods, meaning don't use any crit-reliant weapons (Soma, Synapse, Amprex, non-Vectis snipers). I've found that since the Specters don't necessarily need to reload normally, low-clip weapons such as the Tigris and the Vectis work extremely well. 


    Edit: Also, equipping random secondary/melee weapons, sentinel/sent. weapons and using auto-install maximizes your conclave rating much easier. This edit is also to post a video of the Tigris used by a specter. It might be a glitch though, and could be nerfed/fixed in the future. 


  13. Ah, that's not bad then.  It's weird that I can remember the days when scraping together 1k to upgrade a mod was hard though.

    I never had a problem with 1k. However, I remember farming Vor for Cronus bp and credits since all missions gave only 1k, in order to get my first sentinel. Good days man. 

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