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Everything posted by Blazeninja45

  1. How can this bug be reproduced? -When attempting to complete the "level 30+ defense without objective taking damage" the riven challenge is failing when I place energy restores it will say the riven challenge failed, it has happened repeatedly today. Reliable steps that cause the bug are the most helpful thing to us! If your steps aren't 100% reliable, how common is the issue? (every mission? once a week? seen once ever?) What was happening before the issue started? -nothing can occur even before the defense objective is triggered Can you provide your build and game settings? -current game version as of 8/22/23 game settings don't affect this issue. What kind of squad were you in? Solo, host, client? -solo Can you share any images or a video of the bug? -attached below Video of gameplay before things break, leading up to the problem is especially worth a lot! NVidia's Shadowplay feature or OBS's Replay Buffer feature can be useful to capture these sorts of videos. Making sure the issue still occurs in the game's current version is important so that we can be sure we aren't chasing old issues. -not relevant on the current build as of 8/22/23 If you get the crash reporter, Please do not ignore the text box, and put in any information that you can think of about what was happening in the game at the moment you crashed. If you are writing about a problem where you got the crash reporter, pasting the "WAR number" that it showed you (it looks like this: WAR-12345678) can help us tie things together. -the game does not crash https://www.xbox.com/play/media/GP3GX3A3RL
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