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Posts posted by (PSN)Fac3kick3r_lolz

  1. While I would be glad to slap a fleeting expertise on my 500+ energy Loki and be invisible for a few lifetimes, I have to admit that that would be a bit OP. However, I would like the ability to turn invisible or even switch teleport while knocked down; it would give Loki some added anti-stunlock and would probably be fairly comical as well.



    Does it matter?

    The switch teleport idea sounds promising. but I see the your point on the invis. High energy cost? but this is a very combustable subject so Idunno

  2. My idea is to give Ash, Loki's current invisibility (or something similar)

    and give Loki a toggleable that has no casting animation (could slip into it while knocked down maybe?).

    Anyways these are just ideas and try to be civil and constructive below. Thanks for reading

  3. Boltor and Soma. I don't want some random hipsters boasting on how stupid I am for bringing Soma or Soma Prime... and ruin their day by not doing anything.


    And to be frank, I will not touch Synoid Gammacor, even if it means one weapon away from ranking up on Mastery.

    Get the Synoid Gammacor, lvl it up in spy missions. sell it. Boom got mastery points and never had to use it

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