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Posts posted by Jangkrik

  1. Recently ran out of ideas in coloring my frames, so I went for the tekelu looks in everything.



    Primary: pure black from smoke.

    Secondary: darkest purple from eximus.

    Tertiary: grey from smoke, 7th color from the bottom, far left column.

    Accents: brightest white from smoke.

    Energy: the purple from twilight palette, the middle column in the bottom row.


  2. 41 minutes ago, Xzorn said:

    Only the players who exploit have been banned.

    You can check my profile for multiple 2-3 hour Solo runs and there's plenty of groups doing 5-8 hour runs.

    What kinds of gameplay exploit (other than the ones directly involving money like Tennocon relays) are bannable?

    I have seen people exploiting bugs during events for example and they weren't banned, so this is rather interesting.

  3. On 7/31/2017 at 6:57 PM, --Q--Voltage said:

    Scamming is stealing. Overpricing is not. People in Warframe use the word scamming because they don't want to blame themselves for overpaying on something or selling something too cheap. You accepted the trade and you own it. End of story.

    Ah, pretty much what I meant. However, the word "scamming" has seen very frequent uses that it is almost always synonimous with overpricing. But yeah, I see what you mean.

    However, does deceiving others in trade a valid reason for a report? Being someone who has never reported someone, I don't know whether deceiving someone is a valid reason to be reported (aka, illegal action) or not.

  4. - As far as I know, warframe.market is not officially acknowledged by DE (correct me if I'm wrong).

    - No, you don't become a scammer just because you ignore the price. If, for example, someone posted WTS Ember Prime in warframe.market for 50p, would that make everyone else selling Ember Prime set in warframe.market or trade chat a scammer? No.

    - Not really sure about offensive language in the in game chat, but maybe there's a "toxicity" reason when you report someone? I never reported someone. Feel free to add toxic people to the ignore list.

    - And yes, the trade chat is a free market, you may choose to sell/buy at any price. Scamming is frowned upon but not illegal, feel free to do so as you wish, don't complain if you get ignored though.

  5. 1. How many revives will we have in the plains? Considering that we'll most likely stay there longer than in normal missions, is there any plan to increase the revive count?

    2. What are the incentives for us to stay in PoE other than the shown fishing? More new loots perhaps?

    3. ETA of the update?

    4. What can we do in the day mission portion of PoE, other than (obviously) killing Grineers and fishing? Asking this because I'm concerned that there might be a huge map with little interact able contents (looks at other free roaming games), which I'm hoping will not happen.

    5. Will the Grineer stay in encampment at night or will they evacuate? Will there be any Sentients vs Grineer clash at night?

  6. Nothing will change. Nerf Ember, people will use Equinox. Nerf Equinox, people will use Excal. Nerf Excal, people will go Mesa. Nerf Mesa, there's Nidus. The list goes on. Nerf every nuker and people will use Orthos/Atterax slide spam and other cheese tactics.

    The only thing that will happen is reducing the nerfed frames' viability and I don't think that's a good idea. As long as there's a grind, people will try to do everything as efficient as possible, including WoF spam.

  7. 16 minutes ago, Chipputer said:

    Obviously anything that is more useful in an open area will see more use. I do find it hilarious that you mention the Daikyu as being more useful as though ridiculous Gas builds aren't already a thing on it.

    Daikyu already has the fastest arrow flight speed in the bow cathegory (I haven't compared it to crossbow though), hence it will have an easier time to hit longer ranged enemies compared to other bows and long range engagement should be a thing in PoE.

  8. Why not? Primed infested weapon might not work because why would you attach gold parts to dangling living things? Still, I think infested prime weapon could work perfectly with the lore. There's no saying that the infestation can't corrupt a Burston Prime or any Orokin-made weapon, right?

  9. I'm not really sure if this falls to the UI section.

    Lately, I've been trying to play the ambulas promotional video that Glast sent to my inbox for extra GROFIT  as a ritual to RNGesus to cheer me up during my relic runs as a mercenary fighting for scrap.

    However, clicking the video link does nothing whereas other video links like the ones from Eyes of Blight and Nidus quest work perfectly. I know that this probably isn't that high in the priority list, however, could you guys fix this one please? I'm dying for Frohd's GROFIT.

  10. Seeing as the drop tables are already given to the public, does it mean that publishing datamined information strictly limited to the drop tables is now legal?

    I'm neither distrusting DE nor advocating datamining, but we all know that having both the official drop tables in sync with the datamined one(s) would greatly ease the doubts had by the community now that Void_Glitch is gone.

  11. 35 minutes ago, Prinny13 said:

    Bro, Don't get me wrong but instead of replacing RNG with another type of RNG how about we add cool down to some items so they don't show up that often?

    The cool down on items are daily type, 3 days type and 7 days type, Daily type gets refreshed every day but 3-7 days types you have to wait for the cool down to end before they can obtainable again.

    Daily type includes :

    • Anasa Ayatan Sculpture.
    • Riven Mod.
    • 4k Endo.
    • Forma. 

    3 Days type :

    • Orokin Reactor.
    • Orokin Catalyst.
    • 3-Day Booster.

    7 Days type :

    • Focus Lens.
    • Greater Focus Lens.
    • Exilus Adapter BP.
    • Legendary Core. 

    The list above is based on my preference! 

    I think focus lens and greater focus shouldn't be in the same cathegory. Maybe put lens in 3 days and greater lens in 7 days. Other than that, good idea.

  12. 8 minutes ago, Robolaser said:


    This community has a very strong aversion to any kind of even remotely challenging content.

    No. Jumping to conclusion are we?

    The community has an aversion to challenges that rely on cheap mechanics like one shot kill, invincibility frames, enemies that can't die unless you spend 9999 seconds hitting them, enemy that spawns 20 other enemies to try to kill you, annoying restrictions that makes even regular Dark Souls bosses (regular means the run-of-the-mill ones, not the ones that you see in "omgwtfsohard" posts every once in a while) seem easy such as a Juggernaut in a melee only mission and CoH final part, etc.

  13. 22 minutes ago, Elindiir said:

    I still haven't gotten over my power trip after dropping 800 plat for a riven mod that gives 227% melee damage and 109% crit damage....


    EDIT: I always loved my dragon nikana over the prime for its looks..... I have both, and even a galatine prime, but I still played the dragon nikana...

    I would suggest to refrain from making threads talking about how high some riven dispositions are even though the weapon itself isn't crap. Try to not agitate the community further, the last thing we need is unneeded attention and more nerfs. I'm in the same boat with a DN riven and I don't expect it to be nerfed because "muh balance!" while other contents' balance fluctuate when you look at them.

    4 minutes ago, booty_hunter said:

    No, its just damage creep. the stats are perfectly fine. compared to the Nikana prime all youre losing is 10 base dmg and 5% crit/status and 0.08 atk speed. I would also bring up the fact that Dragon Nikana has 85% block effectiveness compared to Nikana Prime's 60%, but that 25% difference will only be useful in the Conclave maybe. a 5/5 disposition is just stupid with those stats. 

    It might be, but what's the problem? If it's good enough people might eventually start to use it. Then, DE will nerf it due to the higher user base.

  14. 6 minutes ago, RobWasHere said:

    Those were clearly placeholders, but they blended into canon so well that they were untouched. Lancers could shoot bratons p, crewmen boar p, heavy gunner soma p, nully could use vectis p. Butchers could swing single fang p or dakras, not sure what to do with bombards.

    Ogris Prime!

  15. 1 minute ago, cookieknife said:

    do you really think we need another dual sword in the category though? we need atleast one end game machete..

    Actually, Nami Solo and Prova Vandal are already end game with the correct rivens and Cyclone Kraken.

    Even though I agree that we should have an end game one without needing Cyclone and rivens, adding any of them would make it OP because even the rather *useless* Nami Solo and Prova Vandal were made goood with rivens and/or Cyclone Kraken.

  16. 18 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

    It's highly unlikely that if I rolled a die 100 times it would roll a 1 each time. It's not impossible. There is a chance of getting a riven each time you roll for a sortie reward. There is nothing saying you will have a riven that percentage of the time.

    From an "RNG!" standpoint it's normal, but statistically it looks weird. It doesn't have to hit the drop chance percentage (we might be swimming with legendary cores if it does), however 3-4x more ananas for only slightly less than 50% difference in drop chance is rather odd, right?

    Hopefully it's just outliers in the graph despite many people claiming so.

    21 minutes ago, Ceryk said:

    Except it's not, and never will be, a 25% chance at getting a riven because each one is rolled individually. If it was rolled as a category and then a subroll was done to determine the type, then yes, it would be 25% chance. But because they are rolled individually, it will never be a legitimate 25% chance like there is a 28% chance to get the sculpture.

    Interesting. Do you have any reading material or search term regarding the differences between them? Rather interested to read more about the topic. Either that, or you're doing an error as pointed out by the user above me (which I'm pretty sure to happen since that's not how I learned it in school). Will still keep track on it though.

  17. 6 minutes ago, peterc3 said:

    No. That is perfectly in line with the drop rate given.

    Please explain.

    Sure, the distribution might not be as perfect as predicted, but 3-4 times for a drop chance difference that doesn't even reach 50% more than the lower one is definitely not normal, especially if it's collected from a longer period of playing time.

  18. 20 minutes ago, TotallyLagging said:

    25% doesn't guarantee that you'll get 1 in 4 sorties either, at least from my understanding.


    It's just that. 25%. It's like rolling a D4, one side is Riven, you could theoretically roll it 50 times and not get the Riven side.


    I only started getting Rivens again after the update. I never got anything for 2 weeks before the update. Just lens, Anasas and endos...

    Yeah, but when many people (like me and my friends) get 3 or even 4 times more Ananas Prime (28% chance) than rivens (25% chance, 20% before update) from sorties, something is really off.

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