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Posts posted by AVSManfred

  1. ?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Lett

    OK so to put it short, while flying towords ramparts from front if you don't fly over entierty of the cover  you can get stuck like that, happend to me alredy quite few times, and it;s either a lot off tiem wasted trying to use movement to push Khal out of rampart hitbox, or restart of mission which is also a waste of time,/unstuck command don't work (hoensty ever since Empyreon the utility of unstuck command became questionable for me considering how many obvious stuck situations it can't handle) so yeah it's extremly annoying especially considering it's basically only in boss arena it can happen so  basically having to start mission  from scratch while on the very end of it

  2. Ok, I'll just point out with Echos of Umbra the main reason why I wouldn't want to see it... to put it short  Sacrifice strongly implied that Umbra was unique as an autonomous Warframe, and even Ballas himself considered it a "Miracle" that it worked allowing more Warframes to have the same autonomy feature would ruin the story of this quest, and in all honesty, it was probably best quest in the game since 2nd Dream

    Also on the melee weapons, as I said before in the suggestion thread I think that even if we give them weapons made out of Void energy we still would need some sort of physical focusing item for the energy like amps, focusing the energy into solid shapes rather than into different forms of ranged attacks

  3. 56 minutes ago, Slayer-. said:

    What's wrong with it, it's the same layout as what you use in the star chart, I just use a keyboard and normal mouse, what controls are you talking about?


    DE shrines are still bugging out, and enemies not dropping the last red piece to pick up leaving no enemies to kill.

    it doesn't use the same layout, even once the melee is equipped (you have the option to use block) you still need to use the quick melee key to perform attacks, while the regular attack button is used for "quick shot" which is extremely awkward, as it moves main attack button out of the mouse

    • Like 2
  4. 5 minutes ago, Vectorman_ said:

    Relax people, you're testing Soulframe's alpha test first hand! Feel happy working for free, spending the time of your lives to find bugs because the DE doesn't want to have a test team to find and fix most bugs before releasing an update that has nothing to do with Warframe!joker-movie-everything-you-need-to-know-

    death is perma CC...

    The worst part is that with what they showcased of Soulframe it might be actually true... and if so it means Soulframe gonna be dead on arrival... and it's not even funny

    • Like 2
  5. 9 minutes ago, Thicondrius said:

    yes I had written it too ... 2 days ago. but not giving any communication is not respectful I think. absolute silence is not good for player communities we already had other examples, I say maybe they could say something ... anything


    At this point, I'm wondering if maybe they're not busy saving their asses in the eyes of Tencent after Duviri was a major flop of an update after all Tencent might be willing to bet on long-game plans but I think they're not unwilling on pulling the plug on studios that have a consistent track record of generating losses

  6. 11 hours ago, Thicondrius said:

    wow another day without update I am really in breaks! Elden Ring still wins and warframe as always over the years forsce a good hype and interest then dies soon after for the bugs and frustration that the game still ... a ... time didn't make it.


    seeing how they also moved the update to NW moving it into another Noras mix(a.k.a. intermission 3 episode 6...) maybe they have plans to release one bigger fix then

  7. 18 minutes ago, master_of_destiny said:

    So, the reason I asked this is not to squelch the idea.  The reason I asked this is to take it through to the end.


    A few years back people were already pointing out the vaulting sucked...and we should have a reliquary where some resource could be traded for a relic to get vaulted primes...because 1 then 2 at a time wasn't seeing enough when we have dozens that could only show up every few years.  Veterans were fine because it was grind and done...but it sucked for new players.


    Flash forward and we get relics dropping.  Flash farther and instead of filler relics we get aya (to buy filler relics).  I go back to the basic request of not diluting an already bonkers reward pool, which is a viable ask.  I don't want to see aya disappear...but if it was a guaranteed objective 2 drop in spy missions only it'd allow for aya to exist, but not pollute other drop tables.  I use the spy missions as only an example...not as a fully formed answer.



    Regarding DE...yeah, player investment is eroding.  That said, if a new player was told it'd be 4+ months of grind to have the good equipment they'd probably just leave day one because the reward to ask is so...unbalanced may be the right word.

    Personally, I feel like the entire relic system needs something comparable to Lua Plasma  for Voruna or Gem store for Citrine, an RNG bypass that lets you cut down on how much time you spend counting on RNG to give you the one thing you want, doesn't give you it for free, but also doesn't ask you for premium currency, with how many relics there is in the system relying on them is just a nightmare of RNG driven insanity

    And yeah player investment is eroding because DEkeep trying to force players more and more grind for fewer rewards, only accelerating the burnout effects of their boring gameplay formula, also I think a lot of new players fairly quickly learn from others of how much negligence towards veteran players DE keeps displaying, and a lot of them might realize it's not worth playing game long enough to ram head 1st into this wall of negligence themselves so they quit early, after all, there is a reason why successful live service games have their "new players experience" figured out on launch and then further additions are for the grizzled veterans that are spending heavy hours in the game

    • Like 3
  8. 38 minutes ago, Thicondrius said:

    exactly, but it takes capable people and they have to want it ... back in the day they said they were a small studio and couldn't invest in servers, today? I think some servers could put them up so we would end it with the problems of migration etc.

    Yeah, they already upgraded their database servers so not like they can't afford servers to run parties on them, also it would force them to  rework their  unstable net code into something much more usable too

    • Like 1
  9. 12 hours ago, DeweySalt said:

    I think part of the problem might be that DE is straight-up not capable of programming complex mechanics that would make activities more interesting. For example - raids, one of the most complex activities in the game were removed because DE couldn't make it stable.

    For a while, Eidolons filled the itch for an activity that was actually mentally engaging. You had to work with a team, have the right build, and know what you were doing to complete Eidolons optimally. Then in Angels of the Zariman, DE introduced new arcanes that basically made Eidolons push-overs. What you once needed a team to accomplish could now be done faster in a boring solo farm.

    I think DE is and will always be interested in whatever will make them the most money in the short-term. Long-term health of the game be damned.

    I honestly think they are like all the new melee mechanics made for Duviri show they do, the problem is that the core gameplay, this "game of numbers" keeps undermining more complex mechanics because it keeps giving us ways to just power through the complexity, this is why I say that core gameplay needs to be revisited and reworked,

    With Trails(I know people call them raids but raids were much older things) one serious issue is that DE did an abysmal job at explaining what has to be done to progress the mission, so figuring everything out was a painful process and then also the kind of punishments for slightest mistakes (like insta-killing most of the team because one person didn't stand on right pad) were adding to the frustration factor... so yes they were complex but in a frustrating way, also "Law of Retribution" had really lackluster ending of its story with literal cartoonish "villain escapes but will be back", while Jordas Verdict supposedly killing of Jordas for good kinda removed one of the most interesting characters DE made in a while from the story (i mean in all honesty during the ending of Emissary Nightwave series I was kinda hoping to see that it was Jordas behind this whole cult around infestation and that he made a new  body for himself out of the cultists)


    Also, there were builds to solo Eidolons way before the Angels of Zariman update

  10. 32 minutes ago, Felsagger said:

    I want this game to be good. But when the game doesn't give me what I want, I find another that does exactly what I am looking for, AVS. 

    Somehow we outgrow games and needs harder challenges. Everything has an expiration date of interest. 

    Except the "go play another game if you don't enjoy this" is exactly the reason why the games community is dwindling, because a lot of veterans got tired of being said that and eventually followed this advice and what it did for the game? on Steam alone  game went from consistent top 3 of most played games to not even being able to go back to the top 10, the Warframe Twitch directory is yielding numbers that are a joke compared to even its low times before veterans started leaving, and a lot of content creators are deleting their Warframe content to just get rid of this brand to their name, the game went from an Indee juggernaut to an obscure footnote

    Also, let's not forget that Warframe being a "game as service" model kinda relies on player retention, and with how DE failed to keep veteran players' interest, and with Duviri being yet another attempt at picking up new player interest, it starts looking like serious desperation on their side, but problem is, your new players will become veterans at some point too, so you should ask yourself a question why not focus on them instead?

    And yeah I do play other games, and fairly frequently, but they just make me see even more how much potential is in Warframe, potential DE could tap into if they finally decided to do what they had to do years ago and just made the core gameplay more interesting than just "game of numbers"

    Also, other games can offer me a more challenging experience but Warframes lore is such a unique thing that I can't get from other games, even if DE's reliance on the obscurity of timeline and cryptic descriptions of events slowly gets to the level of absurd matching Souls games when it comes to storytelling

    To quote Alad V "Market forces dictate that you need to evolve or die" and i want to see Warframe evolve, but what we saw so far wasn't an evolution, it was just just series of attempts on deviating fro mcore gameplay srather than trying to evolve it

    • Like 5
  11. 2 minutes ago, Felsagger said:

    That is a valid critique. I do agree with it 100 percent. 


    But you know, this game is not aimed at skillful players, dextrous players that have a set of motor skills, quick thinking on tight situations and quick reaction time. This game is aimed at all types of players, the good one AND the worst ones. Do you know why? The numbers. DE needs numbers of players despite what kind. 

    Sweaty players never was the intent target population of this game. This is why such critiques will continue to happen. This is a game aimed at a greater number of players, not at specialist players with high skills. 

    Let me put it in simple terms. If the ENEMY is NOT brain dead, warframes would be killed at their first mistake if the enemy has military accuracy. In my opinion that would be scary and fun. 

    And that's the issue I see in a lot of discussions about introducing difficulty into Warframe, way too many people treat difficulty like an 0/1 switch, it's a spectrum, even if Warframe is meant for more laid-back players you can make it more difficult without having to make it like "hard like Darksouls" (tho as someone who played games like original Contra, Dark souls sounds fairly tame compared to 4 hits and you have to start entire game over like most of these games are)

    Also, it doesn't seem like DE catering to the "lowest denominator" have yielded any serious results, like the games player base is shrinking consistently and Duviri is yet another of many updates that are catering towards "new players", And the problem is without escalating difficulty repetitive content that Warframe relies on leads to boredom, and prolonged boredom leads to tedium and burnout, the reason why players with many hours spent in-game were 1st to complain about it but seems like now the sheer amount of content combined with the bad reputation of sheer grindiness seem to keep even new players from getting really invested into the game

    Also considering all the mechanics that used to be in the game (stamina for the limited sprint, self-damage of explosive weapons, cracked windows on corpus ships forcing a bit more careful aim to not have to hack to close them) imply that initially the game was targeted at more serious players, and only over time DE started to bend the knee to the  casual crowd that wouldn't be bothered to display any hint of thought when playing game at all, watching all of these being carved out of the game one by one reducing it to a difficulty comparable of a mobile clicker

    Again I don't want the games' difficulty to go to the level of games like Contra or other arcade games when 1 hit means death, but I just want the game's difficulty to be more than just these damn numbers, we have great movement system with Parkour (tho I wish we still had wall runs rather than these silly jumps even if unlimited) we have stealth options that are undermined by how inconsistent detection by enemies is with their AI, making it really work only with invisibility, we have so many things that could make for a fun "easy to learn hard to master" experience if we had more work put into them instead of the main focus being the numbers

    • Like 3
  12. 2 minutes ago, Felsagger said:

    I sometime miss when people write down core gameplay. What is this core gameplay that happens on many of these conversations. What is it. I don't understand fully what this means. 

    I think that core gameplay has to do with A.I. military accuracy. 

    I think that core gameplay has to do with enemies varieties with the capability of doing serious damage. 

    I think that core gameplay refers to the ability of enemies use pylons to cancel warframe abilities/tenno abilities. 


    Honestly don't know. How the term is used. 

    Ok to explain it, the main issue with Warframes core gameplay is that, AI is brain dead, and most enemies have a very limited move set to put against us, and instead of making these better DE decided to compensate with scaling on enemies' stats and just the sheer number of enemies being thrown at us, but because we have no scaling of stats on players we were given instead of the system to compensate for compensation, and because both of these are focused on pretty much pure numbers it leads to the biggest issue the game had since the beginning the long time, that it's difficulty boils down to  just homework on numbers, and with how DE kept adding more mods and kept making more powerful weapons (only starting to hold back around some time after Nekros PA and people ridiculing them for Tigris prime having more slash damage than Sancti had total damage) now both meta builds using mods, and the kind of numbers scaling puts on enemies in really far levels leading  to kind of numbbers that would be apropriate for an RPG game but not for 3rd person shooter, but AI is equally dumb across all these levels, so really combat has no dpeth to it, and instead it all boils down to numbers

    Hell even in Duviri with all the fancy parry and counter techniques the option to just mindlessly spam melee is still viable and undermines its entire innovation because of these core issues

    • Like 5
  13. 7 minutes ago, Felsagger said:

    I get what you are saying.


    The reason DE overextend artificially the grind times is:

    1. Make people pay for short cuts.

    2. The rate of content consumption of the Player is greater than the rate of DE's content production. moreover when they are running two projects that are GAAS games. (A double whammy)

    yeah but both issues could be mended by reworking core gameplay that it would hold players interest on it's own, but with combat system having all the depth of a puddle after rain, and alll "dificulty" being in the numbers behind enemy scalign and mod system, it makes for boring expiriance, somethig nthat needs to change but De kept refusing to do so, instead resorting ot making grind more and more time wasting.... there is a reason why Warframes playerbase have been eroding consistently

    • Like 4
  14. 16 minutes ago, Felsagger said:

    That's 100 percent true. 

    But this is how DE conceive the carrot and stick motivation. They appeal to the psychology of the superlative. They appeal the grandeur of big red figures for an impression and hence interest of farming and grinding. DE has good psychologists in their repertoire. 

    Problem is that DE's formula has been falling apart recently with DE asking for more time investemnt with grind for increasingly less, like we used to, i think best example of it is that we used to  get weapon blueprints that needed just recources to build, later we got parts system moved from Primes to regural weaposn too and now we have blueprints for parts that have their onw recource demand too... not sure if there is any better example of this thant that

    • Like 3
  15. 24 minutes ago, DeweySalt said:

    I'm going to be blunt: this is a horrible suggestion. With how different UE5 is from the Evolution Engine, the game would basically have to be rewritten from scratch. While that might sound nice to users not familiar with the reality of game development, a rewrite at this stage would take YEARS to complete. Small indie studios fall into the trap of thinking "a rewrite will solve our issues" far too often. Most of those studios either fall into irrelevancy far before the rewrite is complete, or the rewrite only helps minimally/not at all. 

    However, I do agree that DE needs to alter their current development strategy. It's clear that their current modus operandi results in bug-ridden updates without fail. I'm not going to speculate on what the issue is internally, as only the developers inside DE truly know why it's so difficult to make the game stable. But something needs to change.

    I feel like we might major overhaul of Warframe anyways, mostly due to the fact of how much De put themselves into the dead end of the "game of numbers difficulty"  by years of neglecting other aspects like enemy AI and move sets or a better progression system that "get your 1st meta build and you're good to go"

    3 hours ago, Felsagger said:

    You have to make sacrifices. 

    But that's the real problem there. Old hardwares halts the progress of Warframe. I am sorry if this sound harsh but the more technology advances, the more people will ask for the current trend. Besides a PS5 is a moderate low end rig. If my memory doesn't fail me there are 32,966,912 subscribers to the game. Now the total number of PS5 is estimated in 32 millions. 

    I know that Warframe is a GAAS F2P experience. It is multi player and all that but let me show a video here where the graphics are right now in the industry. Keep in mind that the PS5 a low end rig is affordable to many people. 

    And THIS IS NOT Unreal engine 5. It is DECIMA engine. 

    Believe me. People are going to bring in the cash for a good looking stable game. People are going to transition because they want Warframe look like this. As I said, if we want progress then we have to make sacrifices. It doesn't come for free. Old hardwares can't do this. Old players of Warframe would do anything to stick with the game and make the transition. 


    That's a  great solution and literally TAKING CARE OF BUSINESS. A permanent testing team is necessary for this type of GAAS F2P game. I know that DE wants to save money but again quality of life in the game and robustness in the experience makes old players invest and stick with you ten more years. We want this game reach higher at least the current standards we have in the industry. 

    Maybe my approach is not the best, but I want to see those graphics ramp up with what we have right now. Maybe I'm asking to much, maybe. 

    It's not the tech that holds Warframe back, it's bad game design, one that veterans have been calling out for years but no one listened to them, the core gameplay force every mode into the same "game of numbers" formula every time and it's the main reason why people get burnt out on the game so much when you see that across all levels and factions, enemies are all the same dummies that can just run and gun and sometimes toss a grenade, and the only thing that really changes are numbers on their health bars this leads to boredom, and having to do a lot of boring missions to grind for all these  stupidly low % drop chance items leads to tedium and burnout, there are games that are much older than Warframe that on the gameplay level hold up much better than Warframe

    And again, graphical fireworks are not the way to save the game, how many graphically impressive games have failed to a bad gameplay design recently? Anthem, Avengers, Forespoken, hell looks like Redfall is about to join this list too, so no we don't need a bigger focus on graphics, it's already bigger than what we need, we need DE to finally rework core mechanics of the game

    Also on the  permanent testing team yeah it would be good but it would be much smaller than the regular community on test servers, and a lot of bugs that get brought out when updates launch are often do get found out by the fact that a lot of  players means that low chance bugs will occur to someone, also again, players are much more experienced at how to break game they played for years than testers that might be playing this game only when told to during test sessions

    1 hour ago, Voltage said:

    This development strategy has lead to a successful studio that just churns out dollar signs. Why spend way more effort than necessary? The only people who would be pleased by such a change are the currently invested. New players wouldn't appreciate or even notice a difference if we're looking at it from their perspective.

    Just look at the Forums. The only people who really know what they are talking about with feedback relative to how well Duviri could be working (or many other aspects of the game for that matter) are the boomers who have something to compare to. New players weren't here when Plains of Eidolon launched, ESO launched, Fortuna, Deimos, Nightwave Series 1, or The Second Dream. We know DE can do better, but the average player after a few weeks of bugs may just think Duviri is a solid update.

    I'm noticing issues with Duviri that stem from the same design flaws found with The Jordas Verdict. And it ends up just like this:


    Yeah the fact that I could get away with the same melee spam as in the core game with the occasional rollout of the fight to heal, undermining all the fancy parrying and countering

    • Like 1
  16. Just now, Felsagger said:

    I'm going to respectfully critique and suggest solutions about the game. 


    DE it's time you update your engine to Unreal Engine 5.2. I know this is an intense change of pace but you could hire a team for the transition and clean the code of the game entirely. I know this is a player assisted model but the state of the updates makes us have many equivocate opinions. However full fair play of these updates takes FOUR YEARS after launch for a full stable experiences due to the large amount of systems that interacts with each other. 

    1. Focus on PC and next generation console. (Drop the cell phones, Switch, PS4, XBOX 1, among others). An old saying still holds true, less dog less fleas. 

    2. Hire private play testers. That helps you clean the essential bugs the first try. "You don't have a second opportunity to make the first impression". 

    3. Transition towards Unreal Engine 5.2. The engine is scalable, practical and well known in the industry. Makes easier the association with other developers. 

    4. I don't want to sound harsh but try making the code of the game more robust. It needs a full revision (Code Inventory). Hire a team that are experts cleaning coding among other things. Evade the TECHNICAL DEBT. This is the first enemy that literally destroyed 343i. 



    Honestly not sure if transitioning to the new engine, and probably forcing another ramp-up in minimal specs would do DE much good, considering the game isn't a new hotness  that people with top rigs would jump onto, majority of the Warframe community still plays the game on older hardware (and amount of reports of the new visual engine giving players issues shows  the transition like that would lock a lot of players out of the game)

    But I do agree that we would need to take time to rework the game code to don't be such much of a hot mess full of bugs as old as the game itself, and more of pre-launch testing of new updates, but here I would see permanent test servers being a better solution, as players have a better idea what to look for than some outside testers

    • Like 3
  17. 2 minutes ago, Kitsushadow said:

    Actually, the control scheme that comes up shows the right mouse button to prime the options, and then the left mouse button in combination that triggers the quickfire command. If you don't use the right mouse button for those options, they're not supposed to cue up. The proof is in the pudding. The initial release, before the first hotfix, worked exactly as shown. The mouse-melee function worked properly, and if you wanted to use quickfire, you held down the block function, and then tapped mouse1. Ever since the first hotfix, it's been broken.

    strange, when i go to drifters cave and approach training dummy it does show me my quick melee key as attack button for melee, not the normal attack key

  18. Just now, Kitsushadow said:

    Drifter's mouse-to-melee mode is still broken. Tapping mouse 1 still causes the quickshot, even without mouse 2 being pressed. Considering I use mouse-melee, and like using melee mode a lot, this makes Warframe's Duviri mode unplayable until this is fixed.

    it's not a bug, it's the controls scheme... but definitely needs to change cuz it's awkward to use

  19. So for bug, Bishamo hawk arms and legs for Drifter donn't change lights color to one picked in color scheme

    And from less of a bug and more quality of life thing, can we change way how using melee work on Duviri ? having to use quick melee key to attack and having quick shot after normal attack button is cluncky and annoying

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