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  1. OK so to put it short, while flying towords ramparts from front if you don't fly over entierty of the cover you can get stuck like that, happend to me alredy quite few times, and it;s either a lot off tiem wasted trying to use movement to push Khal out of rampart hitbox, or restart of mission which is also a waste of time,/unstuck command don't work (hoensty ever since Empyreon the utility of unstuck command became questionable for me considering how many obvious stuck situations it can't handle) so yeah it's extremly annoying especially considering it's basically only in boss arena it can happen so basically having to start mission from scratch while on the very end of it
  2. Ok can't find it in the notes if it this or 0.14 update that changed that but finally Drifter melee controls have been changed, so after pestering for that for so long time to give the credit where it belongs so might actually give duviri chance again
  3. Ok, I'll just point out with Echos of Umbra the main reason why I wouldn't want to see it... to put it short Sacrifice strongly implied that Umbra was unique as an autonomous Warframe, and even Ballas himself considered it a "Miracle" that it worked allowing more Warframes to have the same autonomy feature would ruin the story of this quest, and in all honesty, it was probably best quest in the game since 2nd Dream Also on the melee weapons, as I said before in the suggestion thread I think that even if we give them weapons made out of Void energy we still would need some sort of physical focusing item for the energy like amps, focusing the energy into solid shapes rather than into different forms of ranged attacks
  4. and still no changes to Duviri control scheme... like seriously if you don't want to change it let us change it ourselves by letting us change key bindings separately of main game settings
  5. it doesn't use the same layout, even once the melee is equipped (you have the option to use block) you still need to use the quick melee key to perform attacks, while the regular attack button is used for "quick shot" which is extremely awkward, as it moves main attack button out of the mouse
  6. The worst part is that with what they showcased of Soulframe it might be actually true... and if so it means Soulframe gonna be dead on arrival... and it's not even funny
  7. And still no changes to the Drifters control scheme on Duviri...is it a slight hint that I should invest in one of these overpriced gaming mouses with dozen buttons or something?
  8. At this point, I'm wondering if maybe they're not busy saving their asses in the eyes of Tencent after Duviri was a major flop of an update after all Tencent might be willing to bet on long-game plans but I think they're not unwilling on pulling the plug on studios that have a consistent track record of generating losses
  9. seeing how they also moved the update to NW moving it into another Noras mix(a.k.a. intermission 3 episode 6...) maybe they have plans to release one bigger fix then
  10. Personally, I feel like the entire relic system needs something comparable to Lua Plasma for Voruna or Gem store for Citrine, an RNG bypass that lets you cut down on how much time you spend counting on RNG to give you the one thing you want, doesn't give you it for free, but also doesn't ask you for premium currency, with how many relics there is in the system relying on them is just a nightmare of RNG driven insanity And yeah player investment is eroding because DEkeep trying to force players more and more grind for fewer rewards, only accelerating the burnout effects of their boring gameplay formula, also I think a lot of new players fairly quickly learn from others of how much negligence towards veteran players DE keeps displaying, and a lot of them might realize it's not worth playing game long enough to ram head 1st into this wall of negligence themselves so they quit early, after all, there is a reason why successful live service games have their "new players experience" figured out on launch and then further additions are for the grizzled veterans that are spending heavy hours in the game
  11. Yeah, they already upgraded their database servers so not like they can't afford servers to run parties on them, also it would force them to rework their unstable net code into something much more usable too
  12. I honestly think they are like all the new melee mechanics made for Duviri show they do, the problem is that the core gameplay, this "game of numbers" keeps undermining more complex mechanics because it keeps giving us ways to just power through the complexity, this is why I say that core gameplay needs to be revisited and reworked, With Trails(I know people call them raids but raids were much older things) one serious issue is that DE did an abysmal job at explaining what has to be done to progress the mission, so figuring everything out was a painful process and then also the kind of punishments for slightest mistakes (like insta-killing most of the team because one person didn't stand on right pad) were adding to the frustration factor... so yes they were complex but in a frustrating way, also "Law of Retribution" had really lackluster ending of its story with literal cartoonish "villain escapes but will be back", while Jordas Verdict supposedly killing of Jordas for good kinda removed one of the most interesting characters DE made in a while from the story (i mean in all honesty during the ending of Emissary Nightwave series I was kinda hoping to see that it was Jordas behind this whole cult around infestation and that he made a new body for himself out of the cultists) Also, there were builds to solo Eidolons way before the Angels of Zariman update
  13. Except the "go play another game if you don't enjoy this" is exactly the reason why the games community is dwindling, because a lot of veterans got tired of being said that and eventually followed this advice and what it did for the game? on Steam alone game went from consistent top 3 of most played games to not even being able to go back to the top 10, the Warframe Twitch directory is yielding numbers that are a joke compared to even its low times before veterans started leaving, and a lot of content creators are deleting their Warframe content to just get rid of this brand to their name, the game went from an Indee juggernaut to an obscure footnote Also, let's not forget that Warframe being a "game as service" model kinda relies on player retention, and with how DE failed to keep veteran players' interest, and with Duviri being yet another attempt at picking up new player interest, it starts looking like serious desperation on their side, but problem is, your new players will become veterans at some point too, so you should ask yourself a question why not focus on them instead? And yeah I do play other games, and fairly frequently, but they just make me see even more how much potential is in Warframe, potential DE could tap into if they finally decided to do what they had to do years ago and just made the core gameplay more interesting than just "game of numbers" Also, other games can offer me a more challenging experience but Warframes lore is such a unique thing that I can't get from other games, even if DE's reliance on the obscurity of timeline and cryptic descriptions of events slowly gets to the level of absurd matching Souls games when it comes to storytelling To quote Alad V "Market forces dictate that you need to evolve or die" and i want to see Warframe evolve, but what we saw so far wasn't an evolution, it was just just series of attempts on deviating fro mcore gameplay srather than trying to evolve it
  14. And that's the issue I see in a lot of discussions about introducing difficulty into Warframe, way too many people treat difficulty like an 0/1 switch, it's a spectrum, even if Warframe is meant for more laid-back players you can make it more difficult without having to make it like "hard like Darksouls" (tho as someone who played games like original Contra, Dark souls sounds fairly tame compared to 4 hits and you have to start entire game over like most of these games are) Also, it doesn't seem like DE catering to the "lowest denominator" have yielded any serious results, like the games player base is shrinking consistently and Duviri is yet another of many updates that are catering towards "new players", And the problem is without escalating difficulty repetitive content that Warframe relies on leads to boredom, and prolonged boredom leads to tedium and burnout, the reason why players with many hours spent in-game were 1st to complain about it but seems like now the sheer amount of content combined with the bad reputation of sheer grindiness seem to keep even new players from getting really invested into the game Also considering all the mechanics that used to be in the game (stamina for the limited sprint, self-damage of explosive weapons, cracked windows on corpus ships forcing a bit more careful aim to not have to hack to close them) imply that initially the game was targeted at more serious players, and only over time DE started to bend the knee to the casual crowd that wouldn't be bothered to display any hint of thought when playing game at all, watching all of these being carved out of the game one by one reducing it to a difficulty comparable of a mobile clicker Again I don't want the games' difficulty to go to the level of games like Contra or other arcade games when 1 hit means death, but I just want the game's difficulty to be more than just these damn numbers, we have great movement system with Parkour (tho I wish we still had wall runs rather than these silly jumps even if unlimited) we have stealth options that are undermined by how inconsistent detection by enemies is with their AI, making it really work only with invisibility, we have so many things that could make for a fun "easy to learn hard to master" experience if we had more work put into them instead of the main focus being the numbers
  15. Ok to explain it, the main issue with Warframes core gameplay is that, AI is brain dead, and most enemies have a very limited move set to put against us, and instead of making these better DE decided to compensate with scaling on enemies' stats and just the sheer number of enemies being thrown at us, but because we have no scaling of stats on players we were given instead of the system to compensate for compensation, and because both of these are focused on pretty much pure numbers it leads to the biggest issue the game had since the beginning the long time, that it's difficulty boils down to just homework on numbers, and with how DE kept adding more mods and kept making more powerful weapons (only starting to hold back around some time after Nekros PA and people ridiculing them for Tigris prime having more slash damage than Sancti had total damage) now both meta builds using mods, and the kind of numbers scaling puts on enemies in really far levels leading to kind of numbbers that would be apropriate for an RPG game but not for 3rd person shooter, but AI is equally dumb across all these levels, so really combat has no dpeth to it, and instead it all boils down to numbers Hell even in Duviri with all the fancy parry and counter techniques the option to just mindlessly spam melee is still viable and undermines its entire innovation because of these core issues
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