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Posts posted by PikeOrShield

  1. While destroying most of my dojo to build from the ground up, I found a bug that occured when I tried to destroy the grand hall I use as a spawn room. The UI told me there were child components I needed to destroy and marked my reactors.

    I managed to destroy the room by making another room my spawn room.

    The UI should tell players to switch spawn rooms, not destroy their reactors.

  2. 10 minutes ago, RX-3DR said:

    The limitation is there to control the maximum travel distance a player can achieve to lower the risk of players warping their way past every threat and ignoring them with Railjacks. If you want charges, they would need to reduce the distance of each blink to maintain that initial design reason. If this was about improving the usage for combat, that would not be an issue. But I doubt it is, it's always only about travelling faster from the player's perspective.

    This would only be "faster" by two blinks at the start if you start at 3 (it could be adjusted so you start at one). Each blink would require 3 seconds to come off cool down and those seconds should not overlap. If you burn all three at once, it's a 9 second wait for all three of them to come back, but you can chose to use them as they come back individually every 3 seconds.

  3. Why this would be good:

    - Increases player freedom in how they utilize blink in combat and while traveling

    - saves our hands from having to mash shift every 3 seconds when flying great distances


    For anyone who doesn't know, all archwings now have Itzal's blink built in. It's activated by tapping shift and has a 3 second cool down.

    Tracer, from Overwatch, also has a blink ability, but has 3 charges that can be used in quick succession or spaced out. Once a blink is used, a three second counter starts that refreshes that charge. Charges used during that countdown are queued behind it and have their own 3 second countdown.

  4. Why this would be good:

    - Increases player freedom in how they utilize blink in combat and while traveling

    - saves our hands from having to mash shift every 3 seconds when flying great distances


    For anyone who doesn't know, all archwings now have Itzal's blink built in. It's activated by tapping shift and has a 3 second cool down.

    Tracer, from Overwatch, also has a blink ability, but has 3 charges that can be used in quick succession or spaced out. Once a blink is used, a three second counter starts that refreshes that charge. Charges used during that countdown are queued behind it and have their own 3 second countdown.

    • Like 2
  5. Full disclaimer, I think Vectis Prime is one of my most used weapons.

    Rubico Prime is a really good weapon, but I find the Vectis Prime to be much more usable in most missions since it has a reload of .85s compared to the Rubico's 2.0s. This also helps with maintaining combo. When fighting Eidolons though, I prefer the Rubico since burst is more important than sustain and it's scope bonus is not headshot dependent.

    You don't need Primed Chamber for the Vectis to work well; Vectis rivens are much more common and generally better.

  6. 3 hours ago, ixidron92 said:

    Even if you give them a massive buff to guaranteed status, why would anyone use them? You can do the same with 60/60 mods and get extra dps.

    If melee Prowess was +120 or greater, I could see some builds dropping two dual stats for Primed Fever Strike or other high value mods. It's also a good way of getting the elements you want while having a high status chance. Ex: wanting corrosive+heat on a shotgun instead of corrosive+blast and getting 100% status without a riven.

  7. Melee Prowess is currently +15% status on melee weapons. Buffing it to +120% or +150% could make it more usable.

    It would give high status melee weapons more flexibility and freedom in modding since the dual stat mods would no longer be mandatory.

    • Like 6
  8. 54 minutes ago, (PS4)Double991 said:

    I know you mean well but stuff like this only gets the crazies riled up about nerfs.

    Thanks. I was hoping for some build discussion, but got "this is a bug" and "well obviously". Stuff like this is not mentioned on the wiki, discussed on Reddit, or talked about by YouTubers very often. I just want more people to know so they can have more fun with different builds.

  9. 9 minutes ago, Numerikuu said:

    I'd be surprised if it is. Stadia is basically Ouya 2.0 but much worse imo.

    Yep, I'm not really confident that it will stick around and become very popular. I'm holding off for at least a year to see where it's going.

    However, if it does stick around, Warframe games will be hosted server side and there will be no more host migrations or peer to peer lag (which would be amazing). Stadia is also going freemium some time next year, and since Warframe is also freemium you can stream onto a phone or toaster laptop for free (as long as you have enough data).

  10. 30 minutes ago, (XB1)SixGunLove said:

    Oh I know my Redeemer. I'll crit slash and ignore armor. Honestly, who gives a S#&$ about status. Crit and heavy attack will delete anything up to 165 in 3-5 shots. That and your still procing status if you build for straight crit/hvy attack anyway.  Also Lichs ignore status as well as many other enemies. I will delete that 135 in about 2 shots bub. 

    Ah, so you aren't just misinformed, you are a liar. Heavy attacks from the Redeemer prime cannot proc slash (which you would have known if you were not a liar).

    Stop lying to strangers on the internet and play the game.

    oh i KnOW My redeEmEr. i'LL crIT sLAsH aNd iGnoRE ArMOR. 

    Pics for proof

    Build to reach 100% status:


    Normal shots at 12x combo and 100% status:


    Heavy attack at 12x combo and 100% status:


    Note that the only thing that procs is blast and impact.

  11. 7 minutes ago, (XB1)SixGunLove said:

    Status is dead, Crit is king once again. Moding Redeemer Prime for crit and heavy attack is the best way to go. Throw Corrupt Charge on there, build for Crit and heavy attack, The End. 

    Oh, so you don't use the Redeemer Prime I assume? Status is very much not dead on the Redeemer prime.

    Raw blast damage (which is what the heavy attack on Redeemer Prime is) hits a brick wall against armor unless you're running full CP. 100% status can give you 3+ corrosive procs to strip that armor. Condition Overload becomes +360% (two for blast, one for corrosive). I've tested for raw damage as well, but it falls off too hard on armor. Not that it would be a problem for you if you stick around in starchart stuff.

  12. When you fire off a single shot from the Redeemer Prime, the pellets don't hit at the "same time" (but fast enough that it seems concurrent). This means the pellets can apply status effects that benefit the other pellets fired in the same shot. Some benefits:

    • One of your pellets procing corrosive reduces armor for the rest of the pellets
    • This can be used to trigger Condition Overload so a single shot can benefit from the mod
    • each pellet contributes to Berserker, and can give you 3 stacks in one shot


    Some evidence and examples:

    ****Tests were conducted using the first shot of High Noon's forward combo on the back (no body part multipliers) of a lvl 135 Corrupted Bombard.****

    Using a hybrid build with 100% status, we can see the flux in damage from ~44 damage on the low end and ~200 damage on the high end due to the corrosive proc. You can also see Berserker gaining full stack instantly.




    Adding Condition Overload to the build shows us that procs from the attack contribute Condition Overload damage to pellets. Unlike other melee weapons, the Redeemer Prime does not require status before the first hit to benefit from Condition Overload. This pushes the damage for later pellets from 200 to 922.





    Redeemer builds can be very tight and mod spots are competitive. If you have to choose between a Pressure Point variant or Condition Overload on a status build, choose Condition Overload. Blast counts as 2 procs (the status effect and knockdown) putting you at +240% and Condition Overload still works even on the first shot, so don't worry about having to status a target up before blasting them.


    The featured build is pretty good and requires 0 forma. It can reliably oneshot (headshot) a 120 Corrupted Heavy Gunner with the heavy attack out the gate with no combo. Normal shots will one or two shot basic enemies. Stance is up to personal preference. If you liked Redeemer Prime for its heavy attack before melee 3.0, consider giving it a try.

  13. 9 hours ago, NeutuoS said:

    They can be traded only once, so, these 'slaves' are very fortunate.
    Anyway, my pokedex is almost filled, thanks to those selling me these slaves.

    "Gotta Catch 'Em All!" just became a lot darker.

  14. 15 minutes ago, Dragazer said:

    well assuming you got a heavy attack build going, you'd have killing blow to cover for that along with its charge up speed. 

    If I had to choose between Sacrificial Pressure and Killing Blow, Sacrificial Pressure would win out every time.

    Assuming it's a crit heavy attack build, I would take the +137.5% for normal and heavy attacks over the +120% for heavy attacks and use Amalgam Organ Shatter for the speed instead (over normal organ shatter). Amalgam Organ Shatter and Killing Blow wind up reduction does not stack linearly, and adding the second one only shaves off .1s for most heavy attacks.

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