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Posts posted by LemonEnterprise

  1. I think it gonna take some times. Hong Kong has been under the western influence for a while. But only until recently that mainland China opens itself to the west. Also, compared to other nations, China probably has the most oldest and continuous & enduring history and cultural heritage. It's a source of pride but can also be an obstacle.


  2. Brb, gonna play galaxy metal space suit warriors frame.

    so is pw really gonna buy de? tats wat everyone i saying i need clarification, i dun wan to get lockboxes and stuff from mission and then use plat to open it to get btr stuff, i also dun wanna buy fuel using plat for my carrier.AND i also dun wan item durability cause we are ninjas. we shape our own tools :v that reference thoQErflo5.jpg

  3. Warframe is called star armor in china.


    It's important to keep in mind that not everyone likes the same kind of idea, some like the idea that it is them/a human in a powerful suit (kinda like guyver!).  Some people like to think they are robots.  Chinese players prefer to see it as a human in a suit, the robot or whatever idea would be a huge turnoff.


    They sell the product to the audience, that's how you are successful.  China is a very hard nut to break but if you do it's incredibly loyal and massively profitable.   Truth is it's in everyones interest that it does well in China, more profits = more updates, better support and more longevity.


    I've seen large numbers of games launch in China and flop, Rift/FFXIV etc but if you can do it right you it's a money fountain.


    I also play Tera and that game is making incedible amounts of money, a successful Chinese release helped a ton.  So it will not only be around for a long long time but will also get massive updates for many years too.

    ^he is right, their players are loyal and that could mean warframe community could double or even triple. i guess :1

  4. I hope Warframe have a separate server for china, or I will have to switch server to avoid those toxic players.

    Tbh,all games is pay to win in china. I can foresee Warframe being ruined by them, moving the decimal place on the market now to right by 1.

    F***, I just started to love this game. >:(



    *phew what a relief right?

  5. perhaps

    "Interstellar War Armor" or something would be closer (for the official name).


    There is even a chinese wiki page!


    Realised that there are quite a few different names...

    you got it right but here is a better explanation. *pst i study chinese no joke. Direct translation btw

    戰 means war 甲 means armor or some sort 神 means god and 兵 soldier.

    so it will it be war armor god soldier :P

  6. Did everyone just got kicked out from the server or is it just me? Login failed please check your info. Anyone else getting this?

    *edit nope just my bad got dced :P

  7. So i have been going through some of the forum post and wik, and i found out that there was going to be 3 end game project. By my guess 2 has been completed? Solar rail & syndicate, so now there is only focus(mechanic) left. I have been wondering if the end game content has been finish so will warframe? I mean today is only its 2nd year so i guess i got it wrong but can someone clarify what they mean by end game content.

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