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Posts posted by LemonEnterprise

  1. So i am not sure if hydroid just got allowed in pvp or something, cause half way through the game this guy pops up, i thought he was excalibur but he looks a bit buffy. Then i check the loadout and i saw this, i thought the bug that allows restricted loadout was fixed? 


  2. Bump

    Our dojos renovation and expansion have completed. On to our forth dojo color atm aswell.

    We're growing pretty quickly. expanded from 20 to 70 members in 2 weeks and still growing and recuiting.

    Im on everyday and most players on and active aswell.

    Been keeping track on the new players that joined our clan and their progression seems to be in a very good form :p *cough too much void mission cough*

    So come join us. Play, progress , and have fun at imperial prime division :)

    Kz could you reinv? I have been doing some test clan lately, but now i need to be back in business c:

  3. After being noticed that i got a squad for pvp i jump right back in but to see that there is no one there but me, i declined the match but it just stays there, and plus i cannot quit my squad. Fix this bug please 


  4. I really do love the current pvp, please do not throw hate comments here. Overall i really enjoy getting really blend in into the pvp, its really fun and being able to prove yourself against other players is really satisfying as well. But there is a current issue about the host, here is a situation 0-2 we got our team to a tie 2-2 and then somewhat host rage quits, it happens too often, something needs to be done soon, either when a host quits the position would be given to the 2nd player who joins the match, its really frustrating to just lose everything you earn because the host cannot handle the situation. And there are too many bugs in the current pvp, screenshots will be added if any appear later on. Here is one of the many bugs i encountered, right after getting the cephalon from opposing team, sliding sometimes become bugged resulting crouching instead of sliding. Sometimes when fighting half way my melee will be frozen solid, resulting in not be able to attack any player. Thanks for reading 



  5. I am not sure where this belong, it might be my clumsiness or maybe just a bug. So i was trying to farm for hyena sigil, got into the game at arrived at the boss stage, intro blah blah then comes the part where i get to kill them but somehow there were only 2 of them? The fire one and the one who posses the ice power, so do the hyena pack spawns in 2 or 4? If this is a bug, i am sorry i posted it at the wrong section.

  6. You will need to craft bp for some quest and yes it is normal for new players to have few planets and quest. The longer you play the more planet you unlock. What? Oh you said how to unlock other planets? Defeat each boss that appears in your current planet that you are progressing. Enjoy your stay here :D

  7. Aftr u finish the tutorial where the lotus tells u to choose ur wep & then save ordis which will then send u to ur liset. Explore the ship and at some point u will need to put in something that is missing from to ship. After u complete all of ur ships part, go to ir star chart and then find the quest named vor prize and tata complete it and u r free to do watever u wan. GL

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