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Posts posted by Glasglow

  1. I saw a few gifs and videos where the Mastery Sigil is glowing, with energy passing through it.


    I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or if I'm missing something, but my sigil is...flat colored.


    What should I do to see it glowing?


    Sigils don't glow on certain frames or colors, you will have to go around different colors and see which one makes it glow.

  2. People who sell for 500, are the people who are trying to sell it for weeks, since the same people keep asking if i want to buy it, day after day.

    Heck, even 250 or 200, is too much for an arcane on a bad frame.

  3. People are just dumb and narrowminded (lel pun intended) , they have the tunnel vision of the embeded meta of the fleeting expertise+steamline and they think that anything that can replace that, is just too good to have around, while in reality, would be nice to have some variation and be able to build all your frames along several different routes, if possible.

  4. "Oh man! I can't recover 150 energy to mash 4 again! CRAP! WHAT AM I GONNA DO?! I HAVE NO DAMAGE WITH MY WEAPONS! ALL THE POWER IS IN THE WARFRAME!!"

    That's all I hear from you and the other people that complain about the Entropy nerf. 

    S. Gammacor, along with Soma Prime, Boltor Prime and Paris Prime all have significant DPS. 

    And I don't understand how this limits your niche build. Just keep using it. Why bother with everyone else? In fact, why are you mashing 4 almost every 4 seconds and use the S. Gammacor for energy regen?


    I think I'm done. Have nothing else to say to these ridiculous posts. 

    Just because you play the game doesn't mean you know it as much as the veterans. 

    Even thought that maybe some people like playing frames like Saryn, Nova, Mag and such? Yeah those are skill based frames. 

    But because i like playing AoE ult frames, doesn't mean that i don't have several sets of fully 4-6 formaed weapons.

  5. i was too good you have to admit

    It was great , but they didn't have to nerf it into the ground and make it unusable trash.


    15% MAX Energy per burst, would have been a reasonable nerf, because you still need to put the Flow mod in, to make use of the Entropy.


    But now, both flow is as useless as before, and people are forced into fleeting expertise/rage builds, yet again.

  6. Wait wat, that was a unranked prime mod for 400p? Well i've seen people try sell it for 250p, but 400 is a new record i guess.

    Always kinda makes me giggle when i see these prices and remember how i bought them all for 30p each.


    As i remember, someone was selling Primed Heavy Trauma for 10p, on the day it was available from vendor, i was like lel, way to waste ducats.

  7. Meanwhile my issues in-game is ranting how dumb most MR15+ players are.


    - MR15+ with a Loki Prime or Nova Prime not using P. Flow and QT and instead uses a maxed Redirection or Vitality is just uber facepalm

    - MR15+ Rhino Prime having maxed Redirection instead of Iron Shrapnel so he could easily renew his Iron Skin

    - MR14 on T4S and he was asking us to run away from Vor instead of just killing Vor quickly before Vor causes some major problem

    - MR18! saying that I shouldn't use speed nova on Kiste even though I'm with a friend that uses a Loki Prime spamming disarm


    Too many to mention really but this is all that I can recall :|


    Last one is lulz, first three are understandable, some people prefer more shield over some utility, personally i use shield instead of sharpnel on rhino aswell, unless you have problems noticing when you run out of iron skin.

    And flow on Loki is not required, since you should be maxed on on effeciency with disarm, while invis loki doesn't require much upkeep.

    Anyways yeah, there some bad players out there even with higher mastery rank, which only means that lower rank players are even worse.

  8. wow i picked up a max ranked Primed Continuity the other day for 500p.

    I guess I should go thank that person

    You really should, because to max a prime mod, it takes about 500 R5 cores or more, and considering that those go for 1P each, you got the value back, without spending the extra 1.5 mil and HAVING those mods available.

  9. If 1200 shields is a joke, then iron skin is a joke.


    Just saying.

    Aye, not sure why people are complaining. 

    1200 shield is the default value, without power mods, it goes above 1200.

    And 1200 ontop is above your shield, so in the end you should be having around 3000 shield, or more in total, and that is plenty to survive and go around with.

  10. no, for how he treated me. I have found this unusually common in the last few months with everyone (not just high to low), and It seems like DE is doing nothing about it. as I said, I am fed up with these poeple acting this way, and getting away with it.

    You have probably never played League of Legends, lel.

  11. Accept this: Higher ranking=People have tried more items before sticking to one, also =They are smarter than you


    I wouldn't care which warframe you chose, but hes right, vauban is better, especially for infested defense, frost is a total jerk in infeseted defense, therefore the shot-block term came into existence.


    I don't really agree with you here tho, I don't like how DE is always catering to new players but the older veterans who put dedication into warframe don't get much but what new people get, this probably explains why he was so mean to you, I too don't appreciate noobs who don't understand how to play. Veterans are found usually ignoring low-ranking players since they aren't as experienced, and new players don't understand our struggle back in old beta, it causes us to depreciate and feel jealous. I'm MR12, and stuck with loki prime, soma prime, vasto prime, and dragon nikana, but that doesn't stop me from getting more weapons, I feel you though, but instead of ordering people of a higher ranking, just accept it and respect them.

    Really bro? You are jealous of new players?

    You are jealous of people who scramble every asset they have to buy a extra warframe slot? While they hate you and argue with you, as why the price you are selling the event mods is so high.

    Is that the people you should really be jealous of?

  12. I have wondered that type of thing actually. By never trading with me tho, I meant because of the system difference.


    Yea, when im in this position I usually will just say no thanks and move on. Its not very hard to laugh to yourself about an absurd price.

    I was reading the chat log and i was asking myself, if that person was trying to recruit you into his religion.

    But anyhow, there are lots of people that do that, half the people that don't agree with my prices, have to try and convince me that i'm wrong and they are right.

  13. I can understand the person being ticked for the higballer prices people want for some things (Yes i'm talking about you , Primed Chamber) , but not sure that wasting time on saying more than "kay thanks" is worth it.


    Not sure why people bother.

    A name like "armedpoop" can put you at a disadvantage from the get-go, perception-wise. I was not trying to insult you or troll. Peace and love and fair trading :).

    What if it explodes?

  14. The fail in this thread is overabundant.


    Shame you can recover energy with procs. May i interest you in large energy restores?

    Here is the thing...they arent FREE D:


    While Blight/Entropy proc was free and gave you 150 energy per proc - you didn't need to use energy restores.


    And i've never see anyone require "Energy Restores" either, as EXP farm requirement, as someone claimed.

  15. I have no idea how you plan to farm infested defense with snow globe.


    On topic: That guy was 100% right, he was just being a **** about it.

    Your solution to people being mean is very bad. Not everybody talks to you nicely.

    Lel, do people really except respect and kindness on the internet? 

    I'm a nice guy generally, but i wouldn't think twice about telling a total random stranger to eat some funnel cake, if he is being ignorant or whatever.

    Honestly, who do you think you are OP? You get no special treatment, and if you want a carebear community, you are obviously in the wrong place, aka the internet in general.

  16. Shield restores now give overshield to you if your shield is full. That's no joke.


    Did you read the update notes?

    Lets be honest, those restores were utterly useless and this change was much needed.

    First of all, they did nothing if you weren't in combat, and combat where you NEED them, is the type of combat where you don't have the luxury of pressing Q and selecting the respective kit, cause your HP is going down fast and chances are you won't survive long enough to put a kit down, let alone benefit from it.

  17. Rakta ballistica would like to say hello.


    seriously if you think people were using the S.gammacor just for the proc you're seriously mistaken,

    that was just the icing on top of the damn weapon.



    on an unrelated note OP should change title from "RIP synoid gammacor" to "RIP syndicate energy regen"

    Can't, doesn't allow title change.


    EDIT: nevermind, just did, lel

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