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Posts posted by ZxpferTH

  1. Well imo


    If someone bragging about playing 2000 hour and never spent a single buck for the game 


    From my perspective if i done that it nothing to be pround of instead i should be more grateful for people that keep spending dollar on this game so this company can live on and make this game better

  2. It's in fact in such a great place that virtually no one is using those weapons any more :)


    Well yeah that pretty funny though i notice that too i farm credit at dsd alot back there when there was 540 ammo almost every game on dsd i found people with penta / orgris


    But like now it really rare

  3. I used to love this gun but i already stop using it for a while now


    Nerf or not i don't really care about it


    But tbh lvl 600 enemy even synoid can't kill them that fast


    But viral proc can so even de nerf synoid to the ground we still have viral for lvl 9999 enemy anyway and they die pretty fast though no matter what level they are

  4. Tried Jupiter DSD 3 times to 10-20 waves... Only got 3 NS. During the 1st run.

    I would go for more but each time we had some problem - buddy leaving, random Mesa killstealing from Hydroid, infested stuck...


    How much wave should I play to get reliable 10-20 NS?


    Actually the best way is to play solo or with friend , use primary or secondary that not syndicate relate ( latron wraith , prime work great) always snipe all ancient you see as soon as possible don't let them get near cryopod or it will slow the whole thing down


    I'm doing only 25 wave lowest i got are around 8-10 ( with booster ) highest around 44 but if u really want to get over with this annoying resource then u should get both booster like me now i can really say goodbye jupiter for good now



    Stand here so u can avoid fire blast from eximus & swarm mutalist moa ( blur your vision ) also u can see pretty much the whole map


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