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Everything posted by angel.jpg

  1. Submitted a support ticket. They basically said "LOL your account is locked or maybe your IP is locked, i dunno, maybe wait 1 hour and try again, if that doesnt work wait 24 hours, if that doesnt work, idk it might be your firewall or anti-virus software (for our in-game log in server connection system LMFAO!)" Over 24 hours later still getting this error and still cant log into the game and still have no #*!%ing clue how long my account is allegedly IP banned because their #*!%ing S#&$ email servers dont #*!%ing work. Great #*!%ing game.
  2. Its genuinely insane. I have never EVER played a game with a log in that didn't warn you about account locking AND also didn't tell you the lock duration. WHY is this not visible to you?! And it has always been like this for as far back as I search in forums and reddit threads. WHY was this never changed/adjusted in an update? Why are certain skins in this game $80 while their game lacks basic information at the login screen? I have a lot of questions lmao!
  3. I logged into my account with my laptop at a new location. It said it sent me an email for verification because I'm in a new location. Which, already annoys me to no end when these happen so often with game accounts, but whatever... Last time I had this issue with warframe, the email was sent no problem. This time however, I was never getting an email. I googled about the emails not sending. Seeing a lot of people just saying "yeah the email sending is bugged sometimes". (Great!!) So I am trying periodically every few minutes to log in and hope that I get an email. Hours later and many attempts later and still no email. Now here's the kicker! Not being able to enter a code, because a code was never sent to me? Counted as a failed log in attempt. So now I'm locked out of even requesting an email verification code because I can't log into my account to begin with. Because their email verification system isn't working. Even though I always typed the password in correctly. I've googled this and a lot of people are saying this locks your account for ONE DAY TO THREEEEEE DAYS?! Are you kidding me?! Is there any real solution to getting around this? How on earth do these systems stay in these kinds of conditions? I'm seeing forum threads about this issue dating as far back as 2017.
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