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Posts posted by NearlyDedicated

  1. Okay, so here's my input: 


    PS4 should get an exclusive Excalibur skin, lato skin, and skana skin. They don't have to be orokin-themed; perhaps obsidian? Basically, each platform has its own version of Excalibur/Lato/Skana prime. 




    A quest on all platforms, which delivers the lost mastery to PS4 members only

  2. Lol, give them the most useless, one mission, no cinematic, nothing special quest XD


    Seriously though, what's the deal with mastery ranks? I am MR16 but I might as well be MR8 because it makes no difference >.>

    It's an aspect of the game. Anything that separates one group from another and affects the gameplay is a bad idea. Whether you like it or not, mastery is an aspect of the game. I'm not even asking for exclusivity; just a quest that will allow you to receive the lost mastery.


    Your response is kinda childish, by the way. What's wrong with giving them a quest for mastery? I can't think of one problem.



    just give PS4 players founder pack and do not allow PS4 to PC migration.


    PS4 players get a chance to get a pack that ended befor the PS4 even came out, DE can get more money to develop the game (or hopefully get a bigger PS4 dev team)


    This isn't going to happen. Sony won't permit it.




     Please remember to keep things civil.


    Complimentary reminder for the community, myself included.

  3. I'd like to see history and lore behind units; where they came from, how they originated, how they were implemented into armies, where they are typically found because of faction strategy, etc.


    Edit: I guess that the last part would require units spawn in specific areas under specific locations to begin with. This is something I'd like to see implemented. 

  4. Lol, for once PC players get an exclusive and all hell breaks loose. Console players have had exclusive content within games for years and not one of us has went on a rampage about it, but here they are.


    Seriously, exclusives should stop! That's it, just stop because it doesn't help anybody; this feels like kindergarten all over again -.-"

    Other games are an outside factor; we're talking about Warframe, not your entire game library. I'm not going on a rampage; I don't think PS4 should have exclusives. But bringing up other games will only start a flame/console/pcmasterrace2014 war.

  5. How about a minigame called Warframe. Basically you log in, and you're in this ship -- suddenly you realize you're a badass space ninja with a Katana and sh*t. Then, after many hours of playing, you realize the game boils down to RNG, so you pray daily to RNGesus. You want to please RNGesus. This is his swamp. 


    But finally, after 1000+ hours of grinding for items, RNGesus flies away with Ordis and his Loki prime gear. It's all ogre now, mocks redtext.

  6. This has been debated; basically, the community is split 50/50. It's definitely not meant for console, despite what some think. I prefer the new to old. (Let it be known I'm a PS4 player signed into my PC acct on the forums).

  7. -snip-

    This is, by far, the most sane idea I've come across. 


    Then don't play a gimped version of the game.

    Gimped? I actually enjoyed the PC version of the game; I'd far rather have constant updates and glitches than few-and-far-between updates with no glitches. It gives a chance to be involved with the development, rather than being fed a finished product.


    Yes, I know that Sony is in charge of when updates go out -- not DE. So the situation is null. But the fact remains - I would much rather have a "gimped" version. I'd play on PC still if my computer could handle it.

  8. From what I've heard, PS4 players had a week long window some unspecified time before the PS4 release.






    For what?


    For people not being Founders? Everyone had their chance, including PS4 and XBone players.

    See above. PS4 Console players never had a chance for founders items.

  9. I think prime exclusives would be terrible. (IM A PS4 PLAYER SIGNED IN ON MY PC ACCT ON THE FORUMS).


    Why add fuel to the fire? What I would like to see is compensation of some sort; perhaps an easier way to get a specific item? That way it's not exclusive, but consoles have an easier time.

  10. Almost certainly entirely the players fault.  The harpoon is dodgable.  Additionally, it functions as a knockdown proc, and anti-knockdown mods will resist it and the pull.  The other attacks are all range limited, and we have guns.

    Agreed. There is at least half a second before the harpoon launches, during which time the arm is reaching out. A simple reflex side-roll makes quick work of ancients. 


    Mods are thoroughly provided to make resistance to ancients easy.

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