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Everything posted by CRiSiSiDENTiiTY

  1. And just to postface this thread in the hopes of avoiding people misunderstanding a non existent desire to be critiqued. This is not an original concept, the idea is seen and implemented in countless video games. One such example is the most traded item in path of exile, the Tabula Rasa.
  2. Do you mind elaborating on "bad and lazy" ? I don't see it myself with damage attenuation in warframe making enemies that DE designates one shot proof preventing the trivialization of content they don't want trivialized and literally every other enemy in the game getting one shot by the player. Power creep doesn't exist where damage attenuation does. So in your opinion what, other than a blunt vague contradiction with no reason or logic is bad and lazy? Edit: Oh never mind you're the guy posting 2d.png and ripping anime art and presenting it as concept quality and professionalism. I actually don't care what you think is lazy. This thread is simply an idea for a video game character, not a weak attempt at art or self validation.
  3. Wow you have a lot of forum posts, are any of them not as buzz kill as this one? holy... That's a rhetorical question by the way, I'm not looking to spend the next six months explaining to you how fun is not absurd, or how this concept would change nothing relative to what is currently achievable in Warframe. As you will literally contradict everyone, over literally anything from whether or not people "deserve a founders badge" to "I don't see frogs or deers having a place in the game"
  4. Cool! I'm glad to see i was correct in assuming that someone in the warframe community had probably wished they had a custom warframe at some point XD
  5. Hello, I've come to the forums to give the developers a warframe concept that would sell like hot cakes that I've ruminated about hundreds of times. I think a warframe with no inherent stock abilities attached to it, that can have 4 helminth abilities subsumed onto it simultaneously would be very cool. Even cooler than that would be one that could subsume ANY four warframe abilities onto it simultaneously not just the currently available helminth subsume abilities. Like a frame that you could build to your specifications, the creative possibilities are endless. Maybe one with four variations that each individually specialize in Health, or Shield, or Armor, or Energy. Maybe with the aesthetic (platinum skin) that took on sections of the donor frames aesthetic dependent on what abilities you subsumed into said frame. Patent pending, will negotiate ownership of the copyright for a max ranked melee duplicate arcane, just kidding. If you think this is a cool concept upvote or whatever this forum does to get some developer attention. That is all, carry on.
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