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Posts posted by (PSN)NeroRedgrave

  1. We just got this build, calm down about wanting the other stuff and enjoy the game. There's plenty to do.


    We do't speek about the regular stuff from updates that came out after our build was released. We speak about the Festive Skins. Skins that only appear once in a year. Plus, this are not the Festive Skins from last year. So the hype about them is even bigger.


    I remember the Valentine Arrow Skins. We never had a chance to get them.


    We only need a official statement from Drew or any other DE Member. Like if they would say something like "Hey guys, as you all know, we didn't had time, to bundle the Festive Skins in the consoles build, BUT we will release a Hot Fix on Christmas for them." all would be fine and no one had to ask again. ^^

  2. we should get it in due time. Most updates do happen on a Tuesday (if i remember correctly) so we might get a hot fix for the Christmas stuff (and maybe nazha and loki skin -fingers crossed XD-) If nothing else we might get a Christmas miracle. Regardless we will get it even if we have chrismas hats on valentines day XD


    ^This. Only a official statement would be nice.

  3. Hey DE,


    thx for rereleasing the Misa Prime Syandana but after watching it ingame, it is so bugged.


    Frome the side it has a strange curved look and on Frames like Loki Prime, it isn't connected to the body itself.


    It is paid content and many people just buy this pack for the Syandana, so I really hope you guys fix this asap.






    After buying it and looked closely to it, the syandana looks like it is designed for floating on the back of a Warframe. There is even an energy color part.


    So maybe it's intended like the little parts on Mag Prime.


    Could someone from DE pls say if this is a bug or not?


    Thx guys!

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