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Posts posted by DefectiveMagus

  1. 8 minutes ago, Dod-Regnbue said:

    This happened to me 5 times in a row. It seems to be that if you have 4 people taking N3 Radiants all you get is Lex prime barrel. We then took 4 Intact, got rarer drops.


    As i said,maybe the drop rates or the relic is broken? 

  2. playing some missions for my syndicate and intercept so i can finally get those new relics for nekros prime :D
    all is going great i get the NEO N3 to radiant quality and form a group of 4 people all with radiant NEO N3 and go to do the mission.
    Now here is the fun/sad part.

    As the reward at the end of the mission we get this:

    Yeah funny thing isnt it? :D oh really funny RNGesus really funny.Butt seriously what are the odds of that happening???
    I could understand if its only me so you know,RNGesus love to check out my butt,but no its everybody xD 

    Just to make things clear.Here are the drop list for the NEO N3 relic:


    This is when its in its regular state,and all 4 of us got it to RADIANT and all 4 of us got the SAME COMMON PART :D

    You would think,oh okay they just had orgy with RNGesus but no...he likes to do it again.

    Reward from the next mission,RIGHT AFTER THIS ONE,with ALL 4 RADIANT RELICS:



    With the first mission i thought.Maybe...just Maybe all the planets aligned and all 4 of us got the exact same common drop from a radiant relic...you know plausible but really,REALLY RARE.

    But TWICE IN QUICK SUCCESSION? Thats not plausible :D 


    I am sorry for my language,but i mean its justifiable after this.

  3. Here are some of my thoughts and experiences with her so far.
    First of all there are 2 ways you can build her.One building her for the support role and the other build a all around damage dealing build.
    As far as i see if you want to build her for dmg than you might as well pick any other damaging frame as they do a better job at it,titania does a great job as a support.Which is why im building a support build.

    Primarily you want to focus on the range.That way your 1st ability which is good CC can affect more than 1-2 enemies and so your lantern has a great range.After than you want to be focusing on duration.So that your CC abilities last longer.

    Next thing to take care with is that all of her abilities are target abilities so you wont be able to just press the button and hope something happens and also the buffs from her 3rd ability stack so you will be spamming that a lot.Which is why it is essential to get streamline or some other efficiency mod and she has a ludicrous cast time and she needs to spam her abilities so its also essential that you have natural talent maybe even put on the augment that gives +15% cast time (cant remember name).

    The least of your worries should the power strength as she is a support frame,like trinity.Which i really like that finally there is a another support frame and not just a guns blazing frame with ludicrous abilities.

    Also my opinion on efficiency and flow mod.If you have higher efficiency,why would you put on flow mod? Your abilities already cost less so its the same as having 100% efficiency and a flow mod.

    Both sides have their ups and downs.If you go with streamline than your passive energy regen and energy pick ups will be much more useful but then the eximus units that drain you energy will also benefit more from that.On the other side if you have flow than eximuses will drain your energy slower but you will need to get more energy in other to cast.
    Which is why i prefer to go for only efficiency and another useful mod instead of the flow mod. 



    Sorry for the big rant xD just had to say it.

  4. well in valkyrs story the corpus study the tenno,here is somewhat the other way,tyl regor made a failure that the tenno used to their advantage.

    We already have the steel meridian who i guess are free mind not programmed to kill the tenno on sight so is he,free after they brought him back to life.

    And what do you mean by already done?

    Are you referring to the thing you just said about valkyr or that somebody actually thought of making a grineer as a warframe?

  5. Currently i don't see a point why would anybody make a detonite injector or fieldron with the bp.

    It costs credits and takes some valuable resources like plastids.Its much easier to just do a siege mission 5 times and get 3 of it at no cost while getting the resources and xp from the mission.


    The point is that the detonite ampule and fieldron sample serve no purpose than for making those things,and you can get them at a easier way.

    So it would be nice if it maybe required a lot more ampule/sample and less rest of the resources needed since i got a ton of it and have no use for it.

    Or another idea is that there is some kind of a resource trader that takes the ampule/samples you got and trades you the resources of that faction you traded for.So you could trade like 500 ampules for maybe 2 gallium or you go to the other grineer trader and give him fieldron samples and he gives you neurodes.


    Since both factions want to learn what the other is researching to better counter them so you give the traders the ampule/sample for that.


    And also i have 99,999 alloy plates,so i cant get any more and i don't need it at all,so it would be nice if you could sell or also trade the excess resources you have.

  6. You reminded me,i need to add to his 3rd ability that it drops a blunt if used in the open.

    And it would be interesting that he has somekind of a super gun,like excalibur and valkyr have super melee.

    Since the lower half of his right arm is robotic he would swap it for a trigon! A triple gorgon xD but i dont want to make one of his abilities op.

  7. First part is my rant about how i got the idea.

    The rest is the interesting part.

    also here is the link to this post on reddit,it certanly got more attention there than here



    Every time i go on a siege mission with the grineers i try to stick to the grineer squad (especially the bombard) and try to keep them alive as much as i can,since i cant just leave my comrade to die! :O the best is when i go helping the grineer against the infested,there i just guard the bombards back and he one shots everything :D so i try to keep moving with them like a squad.And sometimes just out of pure boredom i use cover,crouching behind a obstacle and gunning the enemy down.

    Thats  where i got the idea from! :D








    Passive trait:STRENGHT IN NUMBERS

    For each ally unit/warframe  in play he gains bonus armor and weapon damage.


    (I wanted for his passive to make him more intimidating and stronger,but in not sure how i want it to be,maybe instead of bonus weapon damage in % it gives him fire rate or something like that.)





    Gains bonus movement speed and bonus reload speed on next reload or bonus damage on next melee hit.


    (pretty simple and nice skill that allows you quickly run behind cover and reload or to charge in like a grineer butcher and make a slaughter.)

    Reduces the targets armor or shields and all ally units you control are forced to attack that unit.
    (synergies really well with his 4th ability)
    gains bonus armor while near/behind cover and reduces the spread and recoil of weapons,if used in the open it spawns a blunt to use as cover which lasts for a limited duration.
    (this has a area effect so all the rest of the allies gain  this buff too.I don't know how much tricky it would be to implement this ability in warframe but it something that makes the grineer specific to me.Since when im battling against them they keep ducking under cover and trying to flank me using the environment to their advantage so i wanted to do that with this ability)
    respawns all of the grineer units under your control and gives allies bonus fire rate while reducing nearby enemies armor forcing nearby enemies to not return fire.
    (Now this one is the meat of this warframe.Its suppose to look cinematic whit you charging toward the enemy with your comrades sending the enemy in fear cause of your brute force and might causing them to not be able to return fire.At first i thought of reducing enemy armor in a small radius so you can clean up all that are close but that would be dull since his 2nd does that better,so than i thought how else am i going to show that massive power and might the grineer have? well by intimidating the enemy with pure strength :D.It would be similar like necroses terrify except the enemy wouldn't run away and would be able to shoot like a bullet or two so not completely disarming them of scaring them but somewhere in between.)
    His 4th would work that way that he starts the mission with his grineer soldiers (which are colored similar to him) and that they are with him until they are killed.And when he uses his 4th ability it would have a chance to like spawn a heavy gunner instead of the elite grineer lancer or a roller...imagine a army of rollers xD  YEAH also this "warframe" would motivate people to use those spectre aspects they get when they kill the syndicate enemy,since i don't see that being used at all.
    sprint speed:0.9 (maybe 0.8...)
    (the aura polarity would be the same like corrosive projection and hes mod polarities would be 1 that matches vitality and 1 that matches steel fiber)
    (now this is the really tricky part.Since i don't really know how much of a impact 10 hp/shield more or less would have.Since he is grineer of origin he would have a lot of hp and armor and barely any shield.And the bombard has 500 armor so i thought i would give him that much...maybe he can have more.Seeing that ash prime is a stealth frame which you barely see walking or shooting normally has 150 hp,125 shield and 150 armor i don't think it would be all that outrageous if i gave him even more hp)
    Ahhhh....now i suppose i have to make the lore for it.Well im not the best at story telling so ill try to give what i got and hope that you(the community) will try to help me perfect this concept of a warframe :D
    First is the lore from the reddit that the guy just rekt how good it is :D and the second is mine crapy one

    i hope you don't mind, but i thought your lore could be better worded, and since all our lore so far has been perspective based, i thought i'd try my hand at it!

    Tyl Regor sighed, his latest creation seemed so promising, perfect size, muscle structure, half decent intelligence, strong sense of obedience, the perfect grineer, but there was no sign of that beautiful magnum opus of a gene, that would finally eradicate the genetic decay that plagued his brothers. he let his gaze fall.

    'what's this?' Tyl Regor squinted at his data console, thinking it a trick of the light, no, it finally worked! no sign of the faulty genes that made his fellow grineer waste away like rotted fruit! he had done it!

    he laughed with glee 'My lifes work! it wasn't futile! i knew i'd show them! hah aha... hang on...

    he paused, staring at the monitor showing brainwave activity, it seemed, odd. different to any other he had seen, far, far more developed, and slightly... twisted, yes. that was the word.

    Tyl immediately felt his mood plummet, this would not do, no no no, certainly not, he agreed with Ruk on that at least, insane grineer have no place in the empire,

    he flew into a rage, smashing test tubes and monitors and expensive equipment, yet another failure ANOTHER QUEEN DAMNED WASTE OF TIME.

    'RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH' he roared, destroying the monitor showing the brainwaves. 'YOU BLOODY REJECT, WHY DID YOU HAVE TO BECOMETHIS

    Tyl slid to the floor, exhausted, defeated, there was nothing for it, but to scrap the specimen and move on, such a well made specimen would be useful to his queens, but Tyl held himself to a higher standard, yes. he thought, i'll send him away, i'm sure Eris is due for another sweep of infested, i'll send him there. with any luck, he'll be cut down within the cycle.

    the Reject grumbled to himself, his squad was filled with dullards, mindless drones spouting propaganda about 'how gracious and wise the queens were to honor them with this important task' and other drivel that sounded like it was Vay Hek himself singing the Grineer's praises. he had no love for his queens, why should HE be the one risking his hide for some jumped up narcissists with a throat infection?

    nevertheless, he had his orders, and he would carry them out, his squad had come across signs of a leviathan's activities, his mission was to exterminate the infested and so he would. it was strange though, normally there would be hordes of infested following a leviathan, why was it so quiet?

    'SHH you morons, something isn't right' he hissed to his less-than-intelligent comrades, 'Form up on me, orb formation, keep your rotting eyes peeled'

    the mist of silence lifted suddenly, and the horde fell upon them, screams mixed like a devil's choir as grineer and infested filth died alike, numbers meant everything here, and the Reject clearly knew who had the advantage,

    'RETREAT YOU FOOLS, THERE IS NOTHING BUT DEATH FOR YOU HERE' he screamed to his comrades, they were morons but they didn't deserve such a fate, no-one did, stubborn as they were, they refused, wading into the hordes firing left and right,

    'die then, see if i care' the Reject muttered darkly, and ran for his retched life, as fast and as far as he could from the haunting screams, thankfully, they fell silent,

    'oh queens i'm going to die here oh queens oh queens' he sobbed to himself, he had lost all hope for survival, but a sound, a beautiful cleaving sound that normally held fear for his kind, a tenno's blade.

    'A tenno? oh thank god, if i can hide from him, then maybe he can clear a path back to the shuttle.' the reject thought, creeping carefully towards the sounds of death,

    he turned the corner and ducked out of view, the tenno was cleaving through a massive horde, a horde... too large...

    the Reject felt his despair creeping in, if the tenno fell, there was no hope for him, and he would die on this queen-forsaken rock, as his bastard father had sent him to,,

    the Reject felt himself fill with rage, he wouldn't give the mad scientist the satisfaction, he rose and charged forward just as the tenno fell, he leaped over the Tenno's beaten and bloody form, lifting the Skana dropped in defeat, and threw himself into the horde,

    he became a whirlwind of death itself, a charger lopped in half there, an ancient losing it's arm here, runners fell, leapers crushed beneath his boots, none could escape him, when his skana broke, he took up a metal rebar, when that snapped over the monster's thick skulls, he began smashing them with rocks, when they crumbled, he fell to using his massive fists,

    he crushed the screaming welp beneath his foot and ground it's grey matter into a stain on the ground. and fell, exhausted, somehow, against ridiculous odds, he and the tenno survived..

    wait, the tenno!

    he dragged himself towards the metallic form laying crumbled on the floor, it was barely breathing, 'heh, was it good for you too, shiny?' he gasped with a tiny breath, and collapsed,

    'Lotus! i found a ten.... ..e's alive, but barely brea....ing, wait, whats thi.... ..otus, there's a grineer here, what should i do with him?'

    the reject slipped in and out of consciousness, grabbing glimpses of three more tall forms standing over him, tenno, he presumed, well, he had to die some time he supposed, and resigned himself to a merciful death,

    'wait, hunter. i sense something.. different about this one, he is special, not like his fellows. you should synthesis him for the sanctuary, it is the least we can do.' a cephalon perhaps? annoying chattery things... a clean death he was fine with, but synthesis was painful, he knew about how his grineer brothers screamed while it happened'

    'N-no.' he grunted, lashing out with an iron grip on the tenno's hand, 'i will not be subject to that torture, i saved Shiny's life, he owes me.'

    'it's true,' coughed the wounded tenno lying beside him, 'the infested would have had me if it weren't for him,

    the Reject's gaze faded to the Tenno he was gripping, 'like your chatterbox said, i'm special, i didn't mindlessly throw my life away, i saved him, i'm not going to let myself become data in some computer's hard drive. give me another chance.'

    and so they did, the tenno took him in, trained him in the Tenno ways of balance, gave him upgrade to match their speed and agility, and the Reject joined the Steel Meridian, to protect those who could not protect themselves.

    i hope you don't mind, but i thought your lore could be better worded, and since all our lore so far has been perspective based, i thought i'd try my hand at it!

    Tyl Regor sighed, his latest creation seemed so promising, perfect size, muscle structure, half decent intelligence, strong sense of obedience, the perfect grineer, but there was no sign of that beautiful magnum opus of a gene, that would finally eradicate the genetic decay that plagued his brothers. he let his gaze fall.

    'what's this?' Tyl Regor squinted at his data console, thinking it a trick of the light, no, it finally worked! no sign of the faulty genes that made his fellow grineer waste away like rotted fruit! he had done it!

    he laughed with glee 'My lifes work! it wasn't futile! i knew i'd show them! hah aha... hang on...

    he paused, staring at the monitor showing brainwave activity, it seemed, odd. different to any other he had seen, far, far more developed, and slightly... twisted, yes. that was the word.

    Tyl immediately felt his mood plummet, this would not do, no no no, certainly not, he agreed with Ruk on that at least, insane grineer have no place in the empire,

    he flew into a rage, smashing test tubes and monitors and expensive equipment, yet another failure ANOTHER QUEEN DAMNED WASTE OF TIME.

    'RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH' he roared, destroying the monitor showing the brainwaves. 'YOU BLOODY REJECT, WHY DID YOU HAVE TO BECOMETHIS

    Tyl slid to the floor, exhausted, defeated, there was nothing for it, but to scrap the specimen and move on, such a well made specimen would be useful to his queens, but Tyl held himself to a higher standard, yes. he thought, i'll send him away, i'm sure Eris is due for another sweep of infested, i'll send him there. with any luck, he'll be cut down within the cycle.

    the Reject grumbled to himself, his squad was filled with dullards, mindless drones spouting propaganda about 'how gracious and wise the queens were to honor them with this important task' and other drivel that sounded like it was Vay Hek himself singing the Grineer's praises. he had no love for his queens, why should HE be the one risking his hide for some jumped up narcissists with a throat infection?

    nevertheless, he had his orders, and he would carry them out, his squad had come across signs of a leviathan's activities, his mission was to exterminate the infested and so he would. it was strange though, normally there would be hordes of infested following a leviathan, why was it so quiet?

    'SHH you morons, something isn't right' he hissed to his less-than-intelligent comrades, 'Form up on me, orb formation, keep your rotting eyes peeled'

    the mist of silence lifted suddenly, and the horde fell upon them, screams mixed like a devil's choir as grineer and infested filth died alike, numbers meant everything here, and the Reject clearly knew who had the advantage,

    'RETREAT YOU FOOLS, THERE IS NOTHING BUT DEATH FOR YOU HERE' he screamed to his comrades, they were morons but they didn't deserve such a fate, no-one did, stubborn as they were, they refused, wading into the hordes firing left and right,

    'die then, see if i care' the Reject muttered darkly, and ran for his retched life, as fast and as far as he could from the haunting screams, thankfully, they fell silent,

    'oh queens i'm going to die here oh queens oh queens' he sobbed to himself, he had lost all hope for survival, but a sound, a beautiful cleaving sound that normally held fear for his kind, a tenno's blade.

    'A tenno? oh thank god, if i can hide from him, then maybe he can clear a path back to the shuttle.' the reject thought, creeping carefully towards the sounds of death,

    he turned the corner and ducked out of view, the tenno was cleaving through a massive horde, a horde... too large...

    the Reject felt his despair creeping in, if the tenno fell, there was no hope for him, and he would die on this queen-forsaken rock, as his bastard father had sent him to,,

    the Reject felt himself fill with rage, he wouldn't give the mad scientist the satisfaction, he rose and charged forward just as the tenno fell, he leaped over the Tenno's beaten and bloody form, lifting the Skana dropped in defeat, and threw himself into the horde,

    he became a whirlwind of death itself, a charger lopped in half there, an ancient losing it's arm here, runners fell, leapers crushed beneath his boots, none could escape him, when his skana broke, he took up a metal rebar, when that snapped over the monster's thick skulls, he began smashing them with rocks, when they crumbled, he fell to using his massive fists,

    he crushed the screaming welp beneath his foot and ground it's grey matter into a stain on the ground. and fell, exhausted, somehow, against ridiculous odds, he and the tenno survived..

    wait, the tenno!

    he dragged himself towards the metallic form laying crumbled on the floor, it was barely breathing, 'heh, was it good for you too, shiny?' he gasped with a tiny breath, and collapsed,

    'Lotus! i found a ten.... ..e's alive, but barely brea....ing, wait, whats thi.... ..otus, there's a grineer here, what should i do with him?'

    the reject slipped in and out of consciousness, grabbing glimpses of three more tall forms standing over him, tenno, he presumed, well, he had to die some time he supposed, and resigned himself to a merciful death,

    'wait, hunter. i sense something.. different about this one, he is special, not like his fellows. you should synthesis him for the sanctuary, it is the least we can do.' a cephalon perhaps? annoying chattery things... a clean death he was fine with, but synthesis was painful, he knew about how his grineer brothers screamed while it happened'

    'N-no.' he grunted, lashing out with an iron grip on the tenno's hand, 'i will not be subject to that torture, i saved Shiny's life, he owes me.'

    'it's true,' coughed the wounded tenno lying beside him, 'the infested would have had me if it weren't for him,

    the Reject's gaze faded to the Tenno he was gripping, 'like your chatterbox said, i'm special, i didn't mindlessly throw my life away, i saved him, i'm not going to let myself become data in some computer's hard drive. give me another chance.'

    and so they did, the tenno took him in, trained him in the Tenno ways of balance, gave him upgrade to match their speed and agility, and the Reject joined the Steel Meridian, to protect those who could not protect themselves.

    original lore that i wrote:

    After countless and countless testing and experimenting with the new tube men,Tyl Regor finally managed to make a working specimen.The problem was it was defective,not like the rest of the grineers,having increased brain activity and not in full control...
    Unhappy with the result Tyl Regor collected all the data he could from this failure and sent him and a group of grineer soldiers to  investigate infested activity on the far rim of the solar system hoping that they don't come back.
    Unaware of why and where they are going they were only given orders to kill any life there is.
    After scouting out the area they found signs of a infested leviathan,without anything in their way to stop them,they continued their way to slay the beast.
    All of a sudden in a mist of silence they were ambushed by a wave of infected forces.
    Outnumbered and helpless from the toxin spores trap they fell into,the squad was slaughtered.Only the defect managed to escape the infected using the rest of the grineer corpses as a distraction for his escape.
    Badly wounded and alone he had no option but to continue searching for a way out,or a way to well...slay the beast.
    Not much time after that he spotted a lone wounded tenno being attacked by the infested.His mission way to slay all life so he had to do what he was made to do.Attacking the infested with all he could have a grab of be it rocks,metal bars and even the skana that the tenno dropped.After managing to slay the few infested that remained there,the tenno was badly injured too,holding barely onto his life.The defect didn't see him as a threat or breathing for long so he did the only thing the could,salvage what he can and keep the tenno alive so he could use him as bait,as it already so happened with his brethren.After some time(days might be) a couple more tennos came due to the distress signal the left tenno sent.When they came they found the defect lost most of his blood and barely alive,so only thing they could do was end his misery.Thats when Cephalon Simaris jumped in pointing out that the defect wasn't like the rest of the grineers,he was special.The tenno carried him to Simaris so he could research him,immortalise him and put him in sanctuary.After they healed the wounded tenno he  stated that,as Simaris said,He was special.He didn't just mindlessly trow his life away charging at the tenno so he would do his goal.He saved the tenno thus he owed him his life,saying that he could be much more than data in Simarises sanctuary.And so they repaired him,upgraded him whit what they could cause already he could mimic the tennos agility in movement.Whit his new life that he was given he could do anything he wanted,to tyr regor and the rest of the grineers he was a dead man walking,a "failure" so he decided to join the steel meridian to "defend those who cannot defend themselves.".
    Got a few ideas for the helmet trying to not make it look too much like a face but still be iconic like the grineer mask.I dont really think that any of these helmets are badass enough for this badass grineer xD
    So i would really like some constructive criticism for the helmet and body design. :D
    Also im only painting in gray now since im still unsure about what colors should i paint him in.
    Here is how the cover mechanic would work.I mean if we can have a warframe that is influenced by the light in a room why not this?
    I imagined that it would work this way.If you are near the edge of a wall that counts as cover,if you are near some object that is not the wall of the room counts as cover.Now that could get even better if you only worked when the "cover" is between you and the enemy,but that's asking too much already.
    if you stand in the yellow and orange zones you gain the buff,its a duration buff so when you are not in the zone you don't get the buff but the time for it is still ticking and when you go back to cover you regain the buff,and if you activate the ability outside of the yellow zones you deploy a blunt at your position.
    Aaaaaand that's done,sorry if at some parts is sounded maybe dull or repetitive,this is my first lore writing so xD
    I hope those who know the lore better could help me.Im looking forward for any kind of feedback for anything here.
    Also im hoping that it aint like forbidden or something to make a grineer warframe or corpus warframe since as far as i see im the first with this idea.
    Soooo i hope you like it and please comment with your thought so i know in what direction im going.
    What does it need to have to be more apealing to people? so i know what to draw/do next.Should i draw the ability icons and explain how some of them work with images? or give precise stats on the abilities? or draw multiple head designs?
  8. i have always loved to play around interesting and different things in the game and it sometimes proves to be strong and sometimes not,I'm only asking for your opinion to see what other people think of the said guns.

    1.Miter:really interesting look and weapon but doesn't seam to be effective,don't know if it's just me or what but its completely out of playable/useful range by the time you charge your blade you can kill them with any other standard gun,or a bow and arrow.

    2.drakgoon:again awesome everything jet i don't see why would somebody use this instead of other standard effective shotguns other than cause it reminds of the flak cannon from unreal tournament.

    3.glaive:you throw it it might kill 1-3 enemies if they are weak enough and that's it,again no point in doing that instead of shooting them,only good to trow it from time to time just cause you can.

    4.all those throw-able secondaries:like the despair,hikou,kunai...i just don't feel like I'm dealing any dmg with them,i just know you can carry a S#&$ load of them xD

    5.jat kittag,ogris:i really liked the old ogris looks,made it look more robust and intimidating.Both are good...but jet you don't see them often (if at all).I'm very happy with both since when you use them you feel like a badass :D...but i feel like there is more to it to be,would really love to see some kind of a grineer warframe to go with those 2 :D

    These are all the weapons I'm using so i can only say about them,let me know if there are more interesting (and weaker) guns i could use xD

    and sorry for the block of text,hope you didn't get bored reading it.

  9. ive have stoped playing warframe when the archwing update came out and returned now.Read the major update changes but i need help with the smaller ones so here it goes:


    1.Did the stages got harder?

    i remember that it was easier before,don't know if that's cause of the new enemy types or what.


    2.Did any modes got removed/changed?

    back than i had my desecrate cost about 10 energy and i could spam that all day,now i cant do that any longer.Dont know if i on accident deleted/removed the mod that helped me do it or did they change something.


    3.Whats the main selling stuff on the marked?

    i need platinum for the extra inventory space for all the built warframes and weapons i got laying around.Back than i remember that a fully upgraded hp mod(dont remember the name) sold for quite a lot of platinum.I got around 5.5k mods and willing to sell anything for plat,so whats the main thing that sells these days?


    4.Where do you get the modifications to your warframe abilities?

    ive seen it mentioned in the loading screen but don't have the slightest of clue to how you actually obtain them.


    5.What can i do with 2 kubrows? o.oa 

    i saw i have 1 fully leveled kubrow and one lvl 7,does the leveling of different kubrows increase your mastery rank?(don't remember how its called...)what can i do with them?


  10. Im new to the all selling thing here so ill post what i want to sell and you post the price you are willing to buy it for.

    it will be like a auction of sort.




    1. Streamline



    2.Ammo drum



    3.Cryo rounds



    4.Pressure Point












    8.finishing touch






    10.quick return






    1.burning wasp



    2.clashing forest



    3.coiling viper



    4.eleventh storm



    5.fracturing wind



    6.reaping spiral



    7.sundering weave






    1.fusion core uncommon  5

    2.fusin core rare 5

    3.ancient fusion core common 2

    4.fusion core common 2

    5.ancient fusion core uncommon 1

    6.ancient fusion core common 1














    4.energy channel



    5.fire blast



    6.power throw









    9.snow globe



    10.tainted mag






    12.vital sense



    13.Worm hole



    KUBROW MODS(unranked):






    An actual kubrow im selling:



    I will be watching this posts and other posts related to mods so i can check for new offers,also if there is a mod you want and is not listed here ask me if i have it,since these are the mods i definately wanna sell and i have more others that for the right price may be sold.

  11. thank you so much spartan :D i apreciate it.

    and now i see that fusing duplicate mods are also viable so ill put the bonus armor mod in rhino,maxed of course just to be a tank xD and about the selling okay NO to guns i have a recipe for prime loki if anybody wants to buy...i just need to know the sellling price xD

    And by  the way i have a forma recipe and can craft it and i use a orokin reaktor on both volt and rhino so how does exactly forma give you bonus strenght? i see it changes polarity...and that does what to a mod? o.oa and you can "polarize" every mod slot in a warframe?

  12. hello to everyone,i have a lot of questions that i would like to ask and as far as i saw there are not on the wiki so i came here for answers(hopefully)

    1.ive seen people oneshotting entire waves of enemies in the void defense missions with flametrower or other means,

    does that power come from leveling your weapon/warframe to lvl 30,from the actual statisctic of the gun as it is or from some insane mods?


    2.ive seen that there is no oficial market,all is done over the trade chat so i dont know how to price the gear i want to sell when there is no base price for that,i would like to sell my lvl 30 seer gun for plantinum and my lvl 30 jaw sword but i dont know to who and for what price.


    3.what should i do with my common mods? i got like a lot of them,should i just sell them all,use them to power rare mods or are they viable too if maxed out?


    4.are the fusion cores much better at upgrading mods than just using other mods? and how does that work? ive had like different cores with different rarities and levels so which is best for which?


    5.Curently ive only got volt(my starting warframe) and rhino(easiest one to get) are there any warframes that are possibly op in coop? not really looking for pvp since its not the main focus.


    6.I see that in the shop there is like only half of the weapons in the codex are the other weapons won by defeating bosses and special events?


    7.And finallyive been using the scaner a lot so besides knowing what enemy drops what there isnt really other benefits except that if i scan them all?



    And by the way im looing to join a clan,and by clan i dont mean 3 people huging,i mean a working clan so i can contribute and see all aspects of the game.

    Thats all for now hopefully ill at least get some answers i dont and cant know everything now :D

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