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Posts posted by HolyDonut3

  1. Oh boy, 300% more finisher dmg....can you immagine excal + ash combo? Blind + bladestorm ftw =D. Now those 2 frames may see a new light in future comps for massive dmg.


    It doesn't work that way. Radiant Finish enables Excalibur and his allies to perform counterattack finishers on blinded enemies, which gain an additional 300% damage in addition to their usual damage bonus.


    Radiant Finish increases only counterattack finisher damage, it does not increase all "Finishing" damage on blinded enemies (abilities like Bladestorm and Tentacle Swarm gain no benefit).



    Crimson Dervish: Coiling Impale's finisher prompt


    Ash: Blade Storm

    Hydroid: Undertow, Tentacle Swarm

    Valkyr: Hysteria's stealth attack

    Trinity: Energy Vampire damage ticks


    Slash b Slash Proc

    ↑ hide


    I fail to see your point. Radiant Finish doesn't increase finisher damage from those sources. It increases the finisher damage dealt by counterattack finishers, and that's it. 

  3. *snip*


    I don't think the Radiant Finish augment does what you think it does. It allows Excalibur and his allies to perform counterattack finishers on enemies, and those finishers get an additional 300% damage bonus in addition to usual finisher damage bonus.


    It does not increase all "Finisher" damage dealt to them, so it doesn't affect abilities like Bladestorm or Tentacle Swarm. Savage Silence does that, not Radiant Finish.

  4. why?

    i mean it's a very optional mod.


    besides you run this so called "endless" survival. what's the point in Vitality there if mobs will oneshot you anyway. Don't see a logic.


    also - i find QT/R/Flow combo obsolete, the goal in long survival is not to take damage at all... just a thought.


    ahhh yes btw. "Finisher" is a damage type, not a move. Just a thing for you guys to consider.


    This augments allows Excalibur to perform counterattack finisher moves, it doesn't simply convert his melee damage into finisher damage on the blinded enemies, if that's what you meant?

  5. I don't follow.


    What he is saying is that the finisher animations are too slow, it's far easier and much faster to simply shoot the enemies instead of slowly killing them one by one with finishers.


    And I agree. I don't think the mod is really worth using, I can just shoot the blinded enemy in the face instead of bothering with a slow animation.

  6. It appears that the assassin sigils, along with the boss sigils, now have a 100% chance to drop the first time you kill the assassin or boss. Afterwards, they no longer drop the sigils for that player.


    This is supported by the fact that several raids have all resulted in the G3 sigil dropping every single time, and also the Zanuka and Stalker sigils being much more common recently (because the first encounter with them results in obtaining the sigil) .

  7. im awere of that now, the problem is key farming, if DE really want to "reduce grind"  they should do something like this




    but if the nodes are always available (meaning no keys requiered) overfarming will happen, but if those nods are under the control of an aliance...




    and thats fun


    I believe locking prime items behind pvp would be a very bad idea.

  8. Correct me if I am wrong, but wouldn't an Overload build allow you to continuously buff yours and your teammates shields, which is an ability held only by Trin and Mag at the moment. I think more than 5 minutes of testing is needed before we declare it useless. At any rate we will see soon enough if it joins the pile of useless augments or rises above like greedy pull, iradiating disarm and pillaging swarm.


    It seems to have a very short range on the shield restore ability for teammates. In most cases you'll just boost your own shields a bit, teammates are nearly never close enough to gain any benefit. The team has to be in near hugging range for it affect them.

  9. Oh gosh, it's terrifying in Conclave. It one-hits anyone who steps into its zone.


    And how exactly is this relevant at all to PvE? I don't give a damn that it murders everyone in PvP, I want it to be good in PvE.


    Being good in PvP doesn't compensate for the ability being weak in PvE.


    Electric procs are core to the game system and as such are not affected by ability-adjusting mods.   Also keep in mind that Overload is not a DoT but 3 (technically 4 at close range) pulses of electric damage with 100% proc chance.


    While each pulse does have a 100% electric proc chance, enemies already stunned by an electric proc will not have their stun duration refreshed when another electric proc hits them, if the first electric stun hasn't expired yet.


    So enemies do suffer an electric proc for every pulse, but in practice only the first pulse actually stuns them, the other pulses do not.

  11. Duration mods don't affect it in any way. IIRC they don't even increase the duration of the electric dot and certainly not of the electric stun.


    This is correct. Power duration doesn't affect Overload at all, positive or negative. If this changed, Overload would become a much better ability.

  12. I think Overload would be perfect if it was affected by power duration. More duration would result in more pulses and more electric procs for a longer stun. It could also treat Electric Shields in the area as electronic devices for additional damage, if you use the energy to set up multiple Electric Shields first.

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