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Posts posted by Technologic141

  1. After some testing i realize how this system work and hardly dont like it. 16 relics in 20 min survival for whole squad is stupid. Also if all use radiant version its 1600 traces farm (400 per player) is weird idea of less grind.
    Also i find some post where players saying this system is less grindy. Well no. At last in my case.

    6x Axi A2 runs was one big failure where we mostly get 3/4 aklex bp and one common part. 
    Void traces reward from other relics was average 8 per mission (once 25) even on different maps. (RNG trolling)
    Farm parts with RNG -> sold part for ducats  -> buy relics -> farm traces -> make radiant relic -> get part from radiant relic (RNG) -> start again
    If this is future of baro visits. Not good.

    Also i find only one way how to beat this. Dont play warframe or use wallet and buy it from farmers... Damn i miss old void. 

    Thanks for tips.

  2. Iam confused how itis work on these type game mods? I use example in Interception. In old system (VOID) every round you get reward and if you continue to get second you get two rewards. so you have two prime drops on 2 rounds. Now i just had relic interception when everyone take radiant relic, We did one round and get reward from relic and everyone leave. So with new system you just do one round and from other rounds (second, third, etc.) you will get nothing ? No endless ? Only quick one? Before i waste all baro relics i need to know if i wasting it or that is just new "less grindy™" system. Thx.

  3. On 27. 12. 2016 at 3:47 PM, 40PE said:

    There are a lot of other conversation regarding the grind and time and platinum required in order to get the new "content". I won't get into this. I would like to focus your (DE and hopefully the player community) to a different direction. The market value of these new content.

    -According to Wiki, currently one platinum is worth 0.067 USD.
    -Let me use EUR moving forward since I'm in Europe and not using $ for payment calculation. The above is 0.064 EUR currently.
    -In order to aquire Nidus from the in-game market it costs 225 plat, that is 14.4 EUR
    -If you would like to buy the package for this content it is 660 plat, costs 42.24 EUR
    -With the above what you get is a new warframe, some extra look and weapons.

    Now compare the above content and its price to some other games, especially the ones that is on sale currently. I made some winter sales recently on uPlay and Steamstore:

    -The Division and the Season pass, with 50% discount plus 20% additional discount (from Uplay points) for 35 EUR
    -Bought Batman: Arkham Night for 9.99 EUR
    -Dying Light Enhanced edition (game with the season pass together) for 19.99EUR

    All of the above are full games, with months of content to play out (especially Division, when you do the full story and really spend time to look around like me and find all the little secrets).
    Now compare the 42.24EUR worth of content to any of the full game prices like above and what you get for it. How many hours I will play these games and not "grinding". All of these are bringing new experience to my gaming hours for months to come.

    But when I would spend 42 on Nidus and the weapons I would probably;
    -need to level them up (quick as a couple of hours tops with a couple of forma or I would just use some catalyst and reaktor and thats it)
    -would fiddle around a bit to check how the frame is working, use its abilities and enjoy the weapons a bit. I would give one or two days _tops_ until it will get boring to use these weapons and frames. Not necessarily because the new abilities are boring, but the gameplay content didn't changed so defense, exterminate would get grindie and boring fast -again-.
    -I get no other new content, no maps no gameplay changes (except abilitiy usage if you really want to count that as game content)
    -No bugfixes for old issues like most of the game expansions bring if you buy some expansion (and spend EURos for example)

    I personally would like to see some non-grindie content that would take me a couple of days (preferably weeks) as a story forward in Warframe. New areas, new gameplay modes, challenges. That doesn't include only an hour -or two- long story only. That doesn't force me to do hours of grinding and days of research in order to move through the story/content.

    I'm asking DE and the user community. Do you feel that comparing the content the platinum price is really on pair with other game prices on the market?

    This game is great but Extremly Overpriced. Before it WAS Canadian company what invent cool stuff with combination futuristic and ninja combination so it was special and players was happy they can contribute in new developer. Now? This company is chineese money machine corporation based on stric Rules.
    For example: nitain - almost everything need nitain, nitain cant be farmed its only alert reward based on RNG (telurium (pre-nitain grind) rare content it was farmable in archwing anytime we want), Kavat - 10 scans, one scan cost 5 plat so 50 in total (kubrow egg cost 10 p), Void before - one key = 4 players ->recruit channel -> one minute to get full squad -> play, Void now (relic system) - one key = one player + based on void traces (farm needed) + based on random planet in random time. -> Long Time in recruit channel to find same players with same goal -> play
    So this game is Changed from Grind to Win (play to get content) to Pre-grind to grind to high change grind to Win (pre-farm necessary stuf to make stuff with better chance to get stuff you want)
    So answer is not worth if you now compare content / value of experience. You play this game to make you satisfaction (collector, friend runs, just get new stuff, etc.) but now we are only fashion frame and not more. So its Extremly expensive even with 75% discount. This game is no longer offer Co-op space fighting but its more like Second Life when we showing our stuff to others so they can jealous and vice versa.
    Before it was co-op when you will happy with other players what can take practicaly everything they like and Play. Now its better do everything solo or worse forcing you to make separate group of 4 campers with simulor what sit on one place and grind until they are satisfied from visual orgy. Great for newbies, nightmare for veterans

    New Mass Effect incoming what give us another space experience and lot of angry players forget this non-coop friendly game and move there.
    Maybe after lot of players leave they will notice "there is something wrong! Why everyone leaving?!"

  4. Haswell With DDR3 when Kaby lake and Ryzen on DDR4 is almost here? You should wait for them and their prices (kaby lake 6. january , ryzen (looks like january)
    Also Gpu is damn weak. At last save some money and buy GTX 1070 (best price per power) with concessions in some games or save money for gtx 1080 (no compromise but high price)
    you can also wait for VEGA Relase (lowering prices on nvidia products) but that could take very long (propably Q2 2017).
    Be patient that few day rush its not worth.

    If you need rush, buy
    CPU - Intel Core i5-6600 (3,9Ghz on boost) if you dont overclock (if yes buy with "K" (4,5+Ghz possible) on end with OC motherboard, good cooling and also depend on silicon lottery)
    GPU - Zotac Gtx 1070 AMP Extreme has 5 year warranty (in EU check this on their web site for other countries) and good cooler, alternatives MSi gaming 1070 X or Asus ROG strix 1070 OC
    ram/mainboard depend if OC or not OC
    based on FHD 60+ fps
    *OC = Overclocking
    *FHD = Full HD
    *UHD = Ultra HD

    ps.: If you want UHD 60+ Fps prepare you wallet for rape

  5. 2 minutes ago, Diggerx said:

    These mods currently work off of your unranked stats, not your rank 30 stats, so they work with the 100 health/shields Atlas has when unranked (300/300 for Odonata)

    No no. 300hp +150% = 750hp,, 300shield +120%= 660. its bug other mods work normaly (for exapmle intensify is +30% and give 30%, etc),
    Its just a report for devs

  6. Archwing odonata base healt and shield is 900
    - Enhanced durability +150% -- game value 1350 so its +50% ,, or game value should be 2250
    - Energy inversion      +120% -- game value 1260 so its +40% ,, or game value should be 1980
    All archwing share same multipler

    Warframe Atlas have base health and shield 300
    - Vitality         +440% -- game value 740 so its +146.666 periodical% ,, or game value should be 1620
    - Redirection  +440%  -- game value 740 so its +146.666 periodical% ,, or game value should be 1620
    All warframes share same multipler

    So its a confusing UI bug or someone forgot decrease values after changes

  7. Quest was fine. But that hype around Titania make this quest ridiculous in many ways. After hype you realize is just new frame and quest is normal (not good, not bad just average).
    I hope some part of devs make more normal quests for the rest of "old" warframes because its still better fun and it give some piece of lore to the game.
    Including old unused mechanic (flover scan what i never did before) is good way how to learn at last something and not just rush to boss.
    Also recomend play all quests Solo because in group you never enjoy it.


  8. Honestly everyone think tenno=good, rest=bad what if it different?
    Tenno was warmachines what know one thing. Murdering. So they serve the orokin empire but later they lose control and atack against orokin empire.
    So empire make decision to destroy them all BUT Natah betray everyone and hide brainless murder operators and some warframe suits.

    Now Natah (know as Lotus) give use money, gear and infinite grind to make her stronger. One day when she get enought power she call herself "Emperor" and give us order to slaughter and wipeout everyone who refused to obey (its actually happening).

    There is only small group of sentiens (rebelion) what trying to stop lotus and their followers. They have Master Tenno (know as stalker) who realize the truth and try punish tenno crimes agains space. Now he have his acolythes.
    But they are losing their fight.

    Seems like joke? Looke what is happening here
    - Lotus jobs - kill everyone, everywhere, everytime
    - Lotus rewards - more weapons, more stuff to build more weapons, more stuff make stronger warframes
    - Tenno job - kill, slaughter, wipeout, murder = profit

    - Sentiens jobs - scan enviroment, warframes, etc., they do nothing until you attack them
    - Sentient reward - hunhow gift for stalker so he have chance to beat us, Gear for acolythes
    - Stalkers job - Punish crimes and murdering -- He never attack innocent, revenge boss murders (no boss kill= no mark), He REJECT kill operator when he have chance because he/she was defendless

    If you think about it, somethink smell with lotus and her work

    Only true HERO is Stalker who do what he must to tennos who deserve it. Also is only one who can speak and have more powers from different warframes.

    So on end there is no good/bad but only sides
    First side: Lotus = new emperor of blood
    Second side: Sentients = rebelion against lotus
    Third side: Umbra = not implement yet (looking forward to lore)

    Take a time and think about it. You realize there is somethink wrong with warframes and what they do.

    PS:If you disagree dont be toxic. thx


  9. 18 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

    Fixed the Sense Danger Kavat Mod always displaying bright pink enemies.

    You forget say that "Fix™" include
    - enemy is no longer visible behind obstacles/walls
    - marked enemy is barelly visible with this white aura
    - range was decreased
    - mod become useless and change it with other mods

    This important changes should be included in change list. Thank you

  10. On 13. 8. 2016 at 3:47 PM, NightElve said:

    i quit Warframe yesterday at MR 21, any games you guys can recommend?

    If you mean PvE - Left 4 dead 1/2 (play on custom servers), WoW
    if you want PvE and F2P - Firefall, Defieance, Warface (recomend)
    if you want singleplayer - mass effect, s.t.a.l.k.e.r. , AC, crysis, half-life, (practicaly anything you like)
    if you want directly same as warframe - there is nothing like this (and that is sad because DE will work harder if there will be similar game)

    Bonus: If you remember NES - Yie ar kung fu, Battle city, Contra,

  11. 4 hours ago, Master-Nachash said:

    I myself am almost a three year "veteran" but I recently made a new account. Wanted to start fresh because of the new star chart and other changes because I lost my feel of immersion for the game. But all is well, I'm actually enjoying Warframe a lot more than pre-SOTR now I've had my fresh start.

    Anyway. I've noticed a behavioural habit over the last week or so since playing on my new account. High ranking players, especially founders, talking down to and actually bullying the little guys. 

    I just pugged a Lith fissure Corpus sabotage run with two pretty new guys and an MR21 founder. 

    He started complaining because we didn't delay closing the fissure to get more traces, but he wasn't doing it in a constructive way, wasn't advising us, was just like "seven traces, oh you really know what you're doing don't you" something along those lines anyway, with a load of clapping emojis.

    To which I responded "if you want to farm traces, hit people up on recruit instead of pugging it and complaining when you come across people who wanna do quick runs."

    All I got back was some more clapping emojis, then we extracted, I left the squad, and I got a very cryptic message from him saying "you've just been reported by three players."

    I asked why.

    And surprise surprise, "This user is ignoring you."

    So on top of not being constructive in his criticisms and attempting to help whom he perceived to be a bunch of newbies, he didn't even bother to let someone know what they were doing to be reported so they could refrain from doing whatever they were doing again.

    I already know I didn't do anything wrong, and he was just trying to spook me, but that's not the point. Especially with all the rumours circulating because of he-who-shall-not-be-named. It's pretty sadistic to try and scare a low ranker newbie into thinking he's gonna get in trouble for something he didn't even know he did.

    I know people will say "there are some bad eggs, but mostly high ranking players are cool with low rankers", but I dunno. I've been receiving a lot of flak over the last week, a lot of passive aggressiveness.

    You practicaly wrote what is happening in all online games.
    But on other hand what do you expect from high rank player? He goal is get all posible bonuses for reduce grind for later farm. Low rank job is finnish mission and lear how to play. For high MR it was wasted time. Low MR profiting from his op gear so it was easy farm.
    So its matchmaking fail because its even possible.

    It will help if there will be MR limit on public channels MR0-5 MR6-12 MR13+ after you reach 13+ you can play with any rank 13-30 but there is players what start scream how MR doesnt matter (offcoure if you make another account and you know everything about game or how they dont want move from MR7 until earth explode and bla bla).
    If he report you-> you report him for isulting-> put him in ingnore->move on. You have proof about innocence. Someone on zendesk send "we investigate this" and that is all. Nothing happend.
    Becuse IF something happend and someone say it on reddit. Ppl start send false reports and this game will move in sh1t.

    Best choice is play with same rank players if it possible (Low Mr with Low, High MR with High. Its fun and you have similar strengh so its balanced (until you met that unicorn MR7 with 2000hours)

    Be a Man and pass it. If newbie get scared and leave, SO BE IT. He is too young (violation of EULA) or too weak (violation of human nature) he/she should stay with singleplayer until grove up (physically or mentality).

    Have a nice play

  12. It doesnt matter if lore is fine or not with any frame
    any prime acces = wallet rape
    Money > everything else
    Without money = no game

    That is the bussines. After U30 (Full game) you will find everything primed/umbra with correct lore.
    Dont worry if it will be necessary they change it and add quest for valkyr parts, switch skins or dont do nothing. Just wait and we will see.

  13. On 15. 7. 2016 at 9:47 PM, (PS4)IIIDevoidIII said:

    Because that was the decision back then. Decisions change. See: PvP

    And next time when i write something about Excalibur umbra prime/ founders / anything special it will be deleted by Correct decision™ because "...Its not become avaiable." Done. /lock /delete
    I say this long time ago but by "decision from above" it was removed.

    Give special items like syandana and armor so lato/braton vandal owners have deserved special stuff and will be on eyes
    - Braton v - Open beta Armor
    - Lato v - Closed beta syandana

    Give Founders
    Disciple, Hunter, Master, Grand master - Founder sigil
    Hunter, Master, Grand master - Excalibur umbra prime skin (Similar or same skin like your daughter company in china release it) (for excal prime)
    Master, Grand master - Special Founder armor (for Skana p)
    Grand master - Special syandana with "Founder" on it in orokin language (for lato p)

    Make All game gear recycle over and over (events/prime vault)

    Fashion frame is all about now and its true endgame.

  14. 17 hours ago, Yaerion said:

    I'm for the return of these weapons.

    The only argument against would be their meaning (i.e: 'i was there in the closed Beta'). I would understand this feeling, and a special skin to show this fact would fix the problem. A special wonderful skin for closed beta owners of these weapons, to display on their Lato and Braton families, which means that yeah... There were there. They fought aaaaall these battles. :)


    My stance is the same for Founders items. I am one of them, and I would be ok with people getting those items in the future, against a whole set of exclusive ornaments for us Founders, to be able to display our contribution to the game on those items, but also with other frames (Founder Syandana / Armor Set / Animation Set with special visual effects? Well, the kind of things you can equip on other frames and look like... heh... a Founder).


    /my opinion.

    I cant belive my eyes. I wrote this exactly in november and i was instantly locked by "!!!-name-!!! moderator" and deleted because "...Its not become available!" Done. Go fu*king away.
    Now everyove saying it and its absolutely fine... Hypocrisy on the full line.

  15. With Win 10 you have 100% sure compatibility with all NEW software and hardware for a long time but issues with old programs, hardware and posible big brother overwatch.

    With Win 7 there will be a deadline like with win xp but you have currently compatibily with all programs and hardware (old and new) and zero big brother overwatch.

    So its more about what you want do with your pc (like upgrades or software changes)

    If you have 5 year old high end pc with Win 7 dont change it. It will give you only more problems.
    If you have new high end (1 year old) pc, update it on Win 10. It give you advance in future upgrades/software
    If you HATE posible big brother overwatch stay with Win 7 and block updates after SP1.

    I personaly had same issue (5 months ago) when i buying new PC and my decision was stay with Win 7 because its pefectly stable in LAN with Win XP, Vista, Win8 (zero problems on Company network)
    After testing win 10 to win 7/xp we have many DC without valid reason and client programs mostly dont save data to main pc. Also old printers cant recognise Win 10 on network. So we changed it back to win 8 and everything work fine.
    So i cant recomend it for home/company network until you have Win 10 -> Win 8/10 and new perifery hardware

    So like before its only up to you and what will you do on your pc and network.


  16. We have 17 archwing weapons so DE consider now is time to pay for slots. Like them consider nerf breeding, credits, affinity, syndicate points, frames, raids for better FUN™ so breeding cost 50p for kavats (300 scans for 10 dna scans) compare 10p for kubrow egg (5-8 runs on earth) , credits without booster (80p) is a bad joke, affinity without booster (80p) is awful and also it affect focus and sydicate points, frames changes = vomit, raids - spam gear to win (FUN™)

    Isn't smell like P2W now?? Nah pretty sure its Balance®
    Dont be bother with it. 12p for two slots its cheap compare to other stuff. Just sold something rare on trading and buy it before they rise up price for slots.

  17. For me was "The end" U18.3 what affect my favorite part of the game LoR/LoR nm (trinity/mirage changes) and valkyr "rework" (read nerf).
    It was broken before but it was fun. After that changes it was turned in frustration and i move to other game.
    Now i come back only for kavats and void change.

    I must say its better now because ill start the game, do sortie, 2 (void) runs, end game. So for playing in short period is great but for players what play it whole day it can be bad and without chalenge (no longer longplay).
    So for now just wait or change game. i think they add more game mods in U19 (war within) and in that moment you can go back in warframe.

  18. Just in short
    Star chart its great but add more zoom + wsad movement for better orientation and more info (i have no idea where is extractors, invasions, etc.), add icone" ! " near maps names where are alert/sorties/Tears

    Market is confusing even if you want buy stuff with plat. I was want buy kavats starting pack + incubator segment - starting pack was on top but i dont find incubator segment i try it find 10 minutes but it wasnt here or its hide or i dont know so i reconsider it and wait 3 days until dojo finish it.

    Credits - not sure if its bug or change but whole world dont give us credits (sorties/regular maps), play 20minutes to get 1500credits doesnt make sence like play sortie and obvious reward (60k credits) is in dust.

    Honestly it look like you copy it from Warface they have similar shop setup


  19. After you leave new rail by using "x" on your ship game will stuck on knee animation
    Link: HERE

    After you press ESC to menu and ESC again to close menu will fix you to normal.
    Star chart dont show sigils
    Liset - Front sigil
    Star chart - Front sigil missing


    Host migration reset requirements for rail.
    There was host migration on wave 20 but we did 25 waves. Rail count only 5 waves after host migration.

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