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Posts posted by Technologic141

  1. Only few players play for real fun.
    Rest play only void for two reason - Ducats and Trading
    You dont win nothing on sol system but every void give garbage prime parts (Ducats) or if you have luck then give you something rare (Trade for plat).
    Because DE change ducat price there is no longer Nyx System quick ducats farm = Spend more time in void.
    And if low rank player use trading he can have full prime set for 40-50p (ridiculous) = No reason play on sol system anymore now he/she want only prime frames + vauban
    U13-U15 was the best. Now we must wait until U17 come with new revolution.

  2. You must really have a lot of money to burn. 

    Also, not everybody earn income just to buy plat.

    Also again, don't feed DE too many ideas.

    You don't get it.

    Its solution to guys what don't have time to grind or rich players what don't want grind.

    If you don't have plat or don't want spend it. Start collect ducats.


  3. This thing have a simple solution.
    Make Trader stuff buyable for platinum.
    Example: Prisma dual cleavers 490 ducats + 200k credits -- take forever to grind
                    Prisma deal cleavers 325 platinum (regular cost 225) -- fast as possible

    You think is to much ? NOPE! if you have work, wife, kids you dont have time to grind but you have money what you can spend.
    If you buy 4300platinum it cost 200$ (50$ if you have 75% discount)
    Now you have three options
    1) Grind to get ducats + credits
    2) Buy weapon/mod on trading from farmers (cheaper)
    3) Buy directly from Trader (expensive)

    Heureka. Now if you say "this is to much, dont have time, etc." its your problem but you have option.
    I don't understand why DE won't implement this after ducats reform.

    Lets hope DE read our feedback.

    Btw. Real problem is Forma, Cores and evil sicarus on rotation C

  4. It show me different system.
    pic 1: http://s8.postimg.org/aihvg0knp/image.jpg
    - only bigpoint and more options (more options do nothing)

    pic 2: http://s3.postimg.org/6ysxkye1f/image.jpg
    - when i press buy its show me this (ill try all of them)

    pic 3: http://s15.postimg.org/7ygmugfsr/image.jpg
    - when i write it directly, it find nothing

    Edit: I do not use steam, but thanks.


    Edit 2: Solved. Switch to BIGPOINT and then buy pack show me paysafecard option.


  5. Hello i want to ask if other players can use paysafecard method for buying platinum? I was try it and i cant find it ( with this new system). It is a bug or it was removed?
    Ill try: Firefox    - I dont find it
             iexplorer - can't log in warframe website (what a surprise)

             chrome   - same problem like firefox

    I bought via paysafecard before, so it's not a problem of the country.

    Any ideas ?

  6. Problem after last hotfix 16.6.1. We played random game (i am played archwing) when red text come, we wait when is LIVE and go to extract. Game bypass 10 sec countdown and put you back in your ship with screen where is last reward, but it was old reward (I was played syndicate before so i see syndicate seeds). Technicaly you lost all reward, affity, etc.
    Many players say same thing. If this happend after long raid players will be very angry.

    Remove/Fix this thing because its major gamebreaking bug.
    Give us system like "/unstuck" , we can't play until we restart game. Force quit system is just wrong.

  7. I play normaly on 64bit , DX9. After i switch to 32bit DX9 game download small update (about 9 MB). I was test 32bit and work good. After ill go back on 64bit game it happend this:
    1) On loading screen i write name+pass and game write "internet_runtine_error" (no screen) after 4x try game start.
    2) Start red veil survival. Game come to end and show ingame reward but after that game stuck on this picture 1. There is no loading progres and after 5 min i kill warframe.x64.exe in taskmgr.

     Picture 1: http://postimg.org/image/moyld9igj/

    3) Start game normaly. There i notice i get all progres (syndicate points, reward, etc.)
    4) Start stephano (uranus) first game (4 round -> end)  with no problem.
    5) Stephano again 1 round, host migration after one guy extract. Rest play on 4 round, then extract and then happend this picture 2. There we see, i am only player in game (i chose extract) and rest is out. There is no enemy, no movement just this screen with frame in basic animations, after 30 sec ill try "/unstuck" after next 10 sec game switch to screen in picture 3.

    Picture 2: http://postimg.org/image/6gcszqew7/

    Picture 3: http://postimg.org/image/6ru0wxsw3/

    And there is no loading progres again, so i am use kill warframe.x64.exe and start game normaly. I go look and i have all progres (affity, loot, etc.)
    Everything start after i test 32bit version (This version go normaly) and game download this small update about 9 MB.
    My PC is AMD build (cpu,gpu,motherboar).

  8. Its same sh*t like new particle. Do you like the old system with no problem? nope! Change them.
    There is many bugs whats need repair. nahh. Shields need new animation... etc.
    First they need fix major bugs, after that new graphic improvement.
    I hope U17 will be one big service pack becouse new frames/weapons is fine but gameplay is getting worse.

  9. core:                OK
    Frinedly Fire: This game dont have concept to play with friendly fire almost in any mission (small coridors,
                             troling players, lag killing, ultimate powers (nyx, rhino) etc.
                             Its good if will be only possible in HARDCORE and with rule if someone kill each other more
                             that one = mission failed.
    Nekros:           OK
    Daggers:         Look cool for steath/finnisher but still low damage.
    Rakta:              N/a
    Conclave:       Make PvP system with XP, Maxed XP frame can play on Pluto Where winner can win Conclave void key.
                             Conclave Void key is only place where you can play for your items. (you can buy key from marked) 
                             People will want be trained by masters in dojo (finnaly players use them more that dojo lab).

  10. After lot of testing i find playable solution. I try DRAGON advice and its work for CPU but GPU give me only 15fps (25 when iam join in team) so i try switch off adative ex. and ambient Oc. but nothing change (no idea why)
    *   I played before on ,1280/720, DX9, GRAPHIC: MAX
    ** This maybe help only DX9 players .
    First: you must switch to DX11 -> Display settings -> everything turn on/max (dont forget runtime tessalation) -> Relog -> everything turn off/low -> quit
    Second: switch in DX9 -> Display settings -> Everything turn off/low -> quit
    Last: Switch to DX10-> Display setting -> turn off/low: High Dynamic Range, Adative Exposure, Ambient Occlusion, Particle System Quality - Low, Shadow Quality - Low, Anti-aliasing - low (FXAA) -> relog -> Display -> Turn on: High dynamic range ->play

    Dont foget keep play on DX10
    This has been tested on U15.15 , Catalyst 14.12, warframe x64
    Worked for me. With this i can HOST again with 80% cpu/ 30+fps stable (Not in Excavation), JOIN is about 45+ fps
    I hope DE fix this new graphics for low end computers in future.

  11. Hi. I dont know its bug or not but, last alert (loot detector) we play defense when g3 come to us. One guy disc. and one join before they spawn. After they spawn i use radial disarm (without that synd. mod)  on other enemy but in this momet they atack the pod. I try to teleport them ( i had low lvl weapons) but they atack pod again until they destroy them. its that normal? i never see this before. I dont read all updates soo thx for answer.

  12. Hello guys i have little question. Its possible forced shut off that particle system 2.0 ?
    Before this i run graphics at max with 61% cpu usage in team play. Now i have 100% cpu usage when i play solo on middle settings.
    Now i am forced only join to team. When i am host, its unplayable.
    Thx for any advice
    pc: Full AMD build (motherboard,gpu,cpu)

  13. Same here. Play with mesa in T3S. Big lag on 41 min = dead. After revive Stucked on this 0,0 healt. No rewards after finish. Iam ok with AFK but no rewards if you dead ? Now you see problems. This will only punish normal players, not leechers.
    Btw. if any leecher use makro for movement AFK is bypassed. If you give us votekick after 1 min when player got 0% damage to enemy. We all be happy and you have cheap solution. thx

  14. If you wanna enjoy your bow and daggers in corpus missions... forget it. Nullifier Crewman have always active his shield. 6x bow with cernos (serration , etc. maxed) to destroy his shield. After first shoot become alert and stealth is gone. Can you change this thing? I think. If they activate shield after they notice players. Its been cool. Thx

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