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Posts posted by Technologic141

  1. Try it yourself in sortie survival. It is pretty good balanced.

    1) Activate hysteria
    2) Atack enemy
    3) Realise most of enemies have energy drain
    4) Kill them
    5) 40 energy left
    6) Meet nullifier gang
    7) Atack them
    8) You almost die by stored damage
    9) Run far from them with losed healt, zero energy and sentinel dead
    10) Killed by sepping osprey spam
    11) revived by MR5 Frost
    12) Start using weapons

    1) Activate hysteria
    2) Atack enemy
    3) Realised most of them are ancient disruptor and eximus with uber energy drain and dmg reduction
    4) Atack them
    5) You kill one disruptor and two eximus
    6) Energy is gone
    7) In panic Activate paralysis
    8) Ambushed by Tar MoA
    9) Survive with few healt
    10) Killed by mutalist osprey cloud
    11) Revived by MR 8 Saryn
    12) Start using weapons

    1) Activate hysteria
    2) Atack enemy
    3) Bomber/Napalm eximus party is here
    4) Your sentinel is dead
    5) Killing four Eximus napal is slowest that song you listening
    6) Still using hysteria
    7) Be bored by hysteria
    8) Stop for while and enjoying moment how good her bottom look
    9) Back to game revive all fallen teamates
    10) Deactivate hysteria
    11) Start using weapons

                                                                                                                                                                  True story.

    Hysteria is pretty good balanced. Not necessary something change here.
    But bless trinity do almost same thing. Jaja all are invincible and that is good, not nerf here, everything is fine but valkyr oj oj to bad for play because she is invincible and bla bla bla...  
    If you meet MR21 moron how he play on survival in permanent hysteria or similar situation. Of course it make you angry. But its PLAYERS fault! Always its player fault.
    Different players like different styles.
    Don't blame game.


  2. DE did you hear that ? We need primed intruder! ASAP!!! Foundry guy in danger! (sarcasm)
    Honestly dude if you bad in hacking,
    A) join in random group and wait until they do it. Many players do it as well.
    B) If you want do it alone.
     1) Everything put on low, put resolution 1280x720 (dont recomending less)
     2) Take loki with max duration and max intruder (beause with loki it is fastest and easiest)
     3) Go on pluto spy and train how to hack.
     4) After you know how to hack. Go solo and finish sortie, Even if you succes, abort mission and do it again and again until you train it.
     5) When you did it 5x in row without intruder. Job done
     6) If you failed every time, Go and do option A)

  3. Personal experience - All 3 mission takes a hour so its funny. But funny lose if you look at rewards. Specialy 25x and 50x cores reward. It look good but it is a horrible reward after whole time what you spend.
    If you compare what you can win, it's a shame you put it there. You say your self it not that bad 20:1 to win cores. NOPE
    Play triton 15 - 35 cores in 20 minutes, Uranus archwing A rotation is 5x cores in 5 minutes. Sortie 25x cores about one hour (~)
    My drops and thinks
    1) sortie reward 25x cores -- Nah propably bad rng
    2) sortie reward Dera part -- Yeah it was just bad luck
    3) sortie reward 25x cores -- Bad joke after all this
    So far it's horrible.
    4) karak w bp - meh
    5) 25x cores - what a amazing reward again

    This type missions is not for new/middle players but for advanced players with nearly everything maxed. 25x/50x cores is step on smile.
    We need "bad reward" but make one 85x cores. And why this number ? because its not 100 (to much) and not to low to been frustrated.
    But we have Legendary core! Compare 25x R5 vs Legendary core. And is not for fusion but is comodite (about 900p) only fool or rich player use it.
    So personaly i like the concept (restrictions in many forms) but this reward totaly ruin it. Reconsider it De
    PS: This is Constructive criticism. Don't be rude or toxic. ty

  4. Hello dear Players and DE, on start i want to say please dont be rude or toxic. Thank you

    Now i want to say there is problem with Mastery rank because we have
    - Foundry program - excal prime, lato p, skana p - 12,000 MR points
    - Closed beta - lato vandal, braton vandal,- 6,000 MR points
    - unavailable weapons - machte, snipetron vandal - 6,000 MR points
    Together is 24,000 MR points what we never reach it. But it was good because we had nothing to get vaulable that MR long time ago (beta, founder) but now when game evolve we have skins and that is vaulable thing and make some players special. I talking about U 17.12 - "The following Deluxe skins have been re-introduced into the Market and are here to stay!"

    But what to do with founders and closed beta players ? My personal opinion is give them special skins/syandanas because they are specials

    For foundry- Based on foundry type  - excalibur p - Excalibur umbra prime SKIN
                                                              - Nikana p SKIN
                                                              - Kunai p SKIN
    Its fair for all foundry players because they was first founders but chinese version is only for china players. I think SKINs are best option to be separate company but you can "borrow" skins from them.
    Second thing is they will have something new to worth be founder.

    For closed/open beta - Lato v - Closed beta syandana
                                       - Braton v - Open beta syandana
    Special weapons skin wont be good. Syandanas are best because they can use it on any warframes.

    - unavailable weapons - machete - soon or later it come back
                                         - Snipetron vandal - We will se him in future events

    Dont be confused with vaulted weapons theare come back like few special weapons dex dakra/furis (once per year)

    I write this because MR affected game. Skins dont but make you special.
    Personaly me and others max rank players do it for beating game. Because: beat game = max rank. If you familiar with ME, skyrim you know what i mean.

    I know many of founder rejected this because "iam the founder" but look on it from other side. This is not about "must have i want feel like foundry", this is about missing mastery points what affecting game and that is why i ask
    Evolve or Stay ?!

  5. CVpG2oA.png

    Nekros: ...I had to go for it and pray the Gods were smiling on me. I picked up the dice and threw
    two sixes. Caldecott couldn't believe it. My go again; another two sixes!
    Then Lister said: Rimmer, what's wrong...

    Mirage: For God's sake another fan of red dwarf.

  6. Hello guys. Just notice there is option how to change your e-mail but i want to know if this affect whole game or just here on forums. I mean if all payments mails, game login, forum login (just all) will be on new mail or only forum login, main page will change (not all). If anyone do it before please post it here

  7. Honestly this guys have right in few things. But i will be specific
    First there is region, trading, recruiting. (clan,aliance,squad i dont count because there is specific rules)
    Region - mostly players talk about game but sometimes some kid want be "funny" and start spam. Well because he is in rage and i see nothing he go in ignore list. He wont be racist etc. he just did a kid mistake but lot of players will ignore him forewer because they dont know why ignore him (next day) but it must be importatnt and stay with that.
    Recruiting - Same story, Some kid write "pllllls help i want this alert etc." and spam it. What happen? Igonore him but after one mission i forgot if i ignore someone. meh i see him in ignore list and think "he must did something horrible" and go on.
    Trading - Story itself - Every one try ripoff every one. Yea that is work. But sometimes some players are extremly case and they deserve put in ignorig forever.

    Well and that is the problem. One ignore for everything and that is problematic.
    This is like same electric chair for killer and old grandma when she try cross the road on wrong place. But law is law burn them all. NOPE this is not a justice!
    There should be 3 ignoring options:
    1) 30 mins ignore - Ignored player can write you but message is not delivered to you, There is not notification about ignoring - Perfectly for spamers or fool kids until their rage end
    2) Relog ignore - Ignored player can write you but message is not delivered to you, There is not notification about ignoring. Player will be ignored until you relog game (practicaly work like kickbot but for region,trading,recruiting together) - Perfectly for tired/ angry players, They are not bad just they had bad day or something. Ignoring for next play (for most of us next day) is enough
    3) Pure Ignore - Ignored player cant write you message, Notification about ignorig is there. - This is for all these players leechers, racist, trading fools, etc. - If you really want ignore them you will ignore him for everything
    It will be fair because we all can do a mistake, don't forget, we are human after all.

  8. I like this event because this one is about players skills and thinking.
    Popular "MR doesnt matter" work here perfectly (sure few mods and gear work here but still)

    LIke see this in next event but boss will be manic and reward will be Legendary core.
    Hehe that is never happen or ... ?!

  9. After using bastile and duration come to zero, animation continue. I using black color so most visible is on raid picture. How you can see there is not active power, ability is not active but animation is still there. Ofcourse i will get fps drop until we leave area (mostly raid because bastile spam). If you come back to visit area, animation is there until mission end.
    Its random how many animations stay. Doesn matter Host/client, saw this when other players use bastile.
    Propably similar problem like banshee's resonance (speculation)

    Triton Pic1: http://s23.postimg.org/9iiir82jv/Warframe1168.jpg
    Triton Pic2: http://s12.postimg.org/58let3rkd/Warframe1167.jpg
    Raid  Pic3: http://s23.postimg.org/3t6vknlrf/Warframe1155.jpg

  10. There was an issue with multiple drop tables, but this had been rectified.

    Whether these two drop tables exist still, and have different chances, this information is not available, and I doubt DE would be willing to provide it.

    Moved to Players Helping Players.

    I disagree with move in Players Helping Players because this is specific feedback on specific problem on specific platform (PC). Here it is speculation between players and players and moderators cant know answer.

    Now it looks like hiding problem until new update come and everyone forgot about it.

    This is not about insult DE!

    I just want know: "Buy egg or farm egg for rares types/patern/colors " "its equal?"

    Only who know answer is DE, will see if they answer.

    If you decide keep this in PHP, then lock this topic. There is no valid reason keep this topic opened until DE answer.

    For all comentary (moderator too). I apology guys i know you want help but ill write " Please response directly from Digital extremes (No moderators) " For reason only DE staff know answer. If they answer its up to DE.

    And how you see this topic is edited by moderator now "(no moderator)" was removed and Subforum is PHP.

    I have original picture post so there is no speculation. On other way devoid is good one so he do it because he want answer.

    Only big issue i see there is nothing like "Edited by (PS4) IIIDevodiIII" or "Edited by moderator"

    Stay safe guys

  11. I want clear answer about this: Please response directly from Digital extremes
    Is there two different RNG calculation between purchased egg and farmed egg (rares patterns or rares types) ?
    If yes i stop farm and start buying eggs and sold old kubrows.
    If no i never buy eggs and continue with buying stasis pods and expand kubrow family.
    You dont lose my platinum support but i want know where is true.

    Based on this: U17.8 log - Due to an error in Kubrow egg type generation many players hunting for Chesa Kubrow have been unable to obtain the breed since the release of Chesa without purchasing the egg from the Market.

  12. Can you in future add option to make rules in duels?
    Example: Yesterday we play duels with rule: no mods on weapons and frames. But some players always cheat and use few mods because they want win (like everyone). I overwatch this fights but there is not option how check or restrict them. On other side most of players respect that rule so no need to rush.

    Simple rules:
    warframe - mods on/off
    Primary - mods on/off
    secondary - mods on/off
    Melee - mods on/off
    Melee stance - on/off
    Sentinel/kubrow - allowed/restricted

    Default will be everything on/allowed.

    I am familiar with fair play rule posted in wiki but point of this is specific rules.


  13. This whole topic is not about OP valkyr but about broken players ego. Most of players say "god mode" one of you say he play 60 min permanent hysteria. Sure for players MR16+ with maxed mods you can make all frames OP (yes mag too). But for all other players with low mods, MR, skill its blessing. They can handle fight with high MR players in events or endless game modes. They no longer watch dead camera and wait until "PRO" MR 16+ end they run. With other frames where they cant survive, with valkyr they can and after 17.5 buff they can help kill few bad guys. I see positives here. Sure if you play like id1ot with permanent hysteria and scream "iam the master" its your fault. Dont blame game, only yourself.

    And why its about EGO? Because i know why haters hate new hysteria. In hard game some of MR15+ did mistake and fall in revive. Some low MR0-7 guy with valkyr revive him, but after few sec. he fall again and revived again by valkyr. When they go extraction zone same story. In this moment MR15+ guys became angry and think "iam the law, iam the PRO, this is bulsh1t, Histeria is F*****g OP" then go here and scream for total nerf. Some players just cant hadle how they look when they play with low MR and they are revive him more that once.
    I know exactly know how bad i feel when i deal tons of damage but they reviving me.

    Hate histeria/ valkyr? Dont play with her! its simple. Just dont nerf another frame because your EGO can hadle it.

  14. Please turn it into a sleek thin cloth piece like the rest of the flowing pieces on her skirt.


    The bulb thing looks like its about to pop and spawn a bunch of infested babies or something and clips awefuly with syandanas.

    If you dont like her skin, play with regular trinity and keep trinity prime only for MR.

    If you want play with trinity p anyway, deal with it. We like it.

  15. After catching target (red mark) will spawn extraction mark (green mark) but they show directly extraction zone.
    Link: http://s4.postimg.org/f888cjrdp/Warframe1122.jpg
    Happend randomly on all captures missions but not in void.
    For new players can be confusing where they must go.

    Edit: Similar problem in archwing MD (mars)
    Link: 1) http://s29.postimg.org/c5jrt55g7/Warframe1124.jpg
             2) http://s16.postimg.org/4g4bj2ob9/Warframe1125.jpg
    Concetrate on yelow mark and satelite position.

  16. Worst about kubrow are AI and Loyalty system.
    A.I. - in corpus excavation (triton) he stay at place even if he hitted by Sapping Osprey and die. If you try help him you die too because reviving  is so long and another osprey drop another granate (That little flying thing is stronges corpus enemy)
          - In burning map (invasions) he/she always step on fire and burn
          - In all maps always stucked in animation when try run trought the wall (only reset help him)
          - also killed by infested bees and that infested what drop that mess on floor (dont remeber name)
    Fix opinion: 1) quick fix is invulnerbale by all AoE effects, 2) Long fix is total AI rework

    Loyalty - This is the worst thing on kubrows. If he die bacause he is stucked somewhere you never go back to save him
                 - Now you go check and you have only 60% dmg bonus, If he die again you will have 20% dmg bonus also risking loose loyatly if i forget.
                 - Soo you must wait so long to replenish on 100% again and He die again -> wait to get 100% dmg boost... again
    Fix opinion: completly remove loyalty. Change it in % healt lose (based on incubator segment). example:" kubrov die = -10 dna stability. (-20 without segment)" DNA stability reduce healt and that is true punishment if they die in mission but you can quickly heal them by dna stabilizer. DNA stabilizer is buyable from market. If you dont have credit -> stasis and credit farm. If you have toon of credits you can use your favorite kubrow all day/night without fear you can lose dmg and loyalty.


  17. Only way how to bypass RNG -> Trading, Trading = platinum economy
    Tons of players never buy plat (school players) but they play every day and sell parts cheaper that Prime acces
    Another group are players what work but they wont spend all their money in game.
    Last group are Prime access players and they spend all they money. They are real P2W
    And about drops?
    When Nova p come out i farm it in every free time but chassis never drop ->i use trading - buy chassis
    Even worst rng with volt p -> trading - buy chassis + bp
    Ash p -> i have all part in 3 days. Lucky RNG
    Trinity p -> got bp + system in 6 runs but no helmet/chassis after 3 hours of playing -> I dont wait for it and use trading - buy missing parts
    RNG its not fair but economy must move. If we all had good drops we never spend money and money is fuel for Free2Play

  18. This is sad. We scream for valkyr buff so long. Now when she is strong as other frames and can be useful in survival and hard events, you scream for valkyr nerf. Ridiculus!
    For god sake people dont play like idiots with permanent hysteria.
    Use warcry + your favorite weapon (ripkas, venka, scindo, whatever) and enjoy it like melee frame. When you get low healt use hysteria for regen. Done.
    Valkyr is good only for Survival and specialy vs infested. Never saw valkyr in defense, excavation, interception, Mobile defense. (Capture and exterminate dont count because doesnt matter what frame you have.)
    Same with Mag. She is great vs corpus only (queen of excavation)
    What nerf next ? What about Trinity and her 99% bless in raid ? It is okay if whole team have dmg reduction so high and team barrely notice enemy fire. Nope! Because all of us using it, its ok. 
    If you angry becase hysteria its god mod (and it is)
    Dear DE give her 99,99% reduction. Everyone will be happy because it will be reduction not god mode and she can die by one hit by 5126lvl nullifer. And that its not OP. coughtcoucghtsarcasmcought

  19. How U17.5 say - Fixed Nullifier bubbles not properly stopping Nova’s Molecular Prime, Rhino’s Stomp or Frost’s Abilities.
    I understand fixes but globe dissapear when nullifier randomly run at you is pretty bad.

    How it work: https://youtu.be/d6XViTo3Pg4

    You dont have chance to avoid him (specialy in excavation) because he runs directly on you in mob. If you have luck and saw him, you must run like Forrest Gump to avoid globe reset.

    Consider change it back - You cant make snow globe in nullifier buble. But builded globes stay untouched.


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