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  1. so far have had issues with this specific riven challenge "kill X dargyn pilots before they hit the ground" i had been able to complete this previous patch, but havent had this challenge until after dagath update so i dont know if that has to do with it. first one no matter what i tried i could not get this challenge to progress. i have done these before and understand you need to break the dargyn, then kill the pilot as they are falling and before they hit the ground. i was attempting this naturally as i had done in the past and was not able to progress. got tired of doing exactly what i was supposed to and not counting for the full day cycle. used my last riven cipher to decode the riven, as the abysmal luck would have it, the very next riven challenge is the same but this time i need to be sliding as it happens. attempted naturally again and would not count progress. attempted the "cheese" where you use Titania's lantern or Nidus's larvae and neither worked either. (i have a clip of the dargyn pilot stuck 20m in the air from lantern, then did enough damage and slid as the timer ran out, and still did not count it) i got the exp/ damage numbers in as the timer ended as he was still in the air and everything. what is going on? how do i finish this challenge?
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