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  1. The only weapon I’ve found it bad for is Occucor. As it’s a little too ammo inefficient and if you’re not getting the necessary rate of kills with it, you’re going to find yourself reloading and having to build that buff up again.
  2. He needs a new 2 and his 4 needs a massive rework and buff.
  3. I hate how they’ve become more plentiful in terms of variety, but they still require 21 of a single one to max out.
  4. Well the Greeks definitely weren’t shy about sexuality. You’d think that they at least would have had vast documentation on the stuff. If you pull up Joan of Arc I’m going to slap you. The claim she was non-binary because she wore men’s armor (literally the only thing realistically available to someone of her social status at that time) is beyond ignorant. And that’s the problem with trying to retroactively assign this stuff to history. You’ve got people so caught up in the movement and the ideology that they’re incapable of perceiving things outside of that context.
  5. Life exists on a bell curve. The majority is the norm. What I don’t like is people today acting like the people on the ends of that curve are right at the top of the bell. Pretty sure we can label anything that prevents you from functioning normally can be considered a defect. Be it physically or mentally.
  6. Kind of a false equivalency dontcha think. Slaverys a relatively modern invention. What you’re suggesting is that somehow all the gender ideology stuff flew under the radar for 5,000 years of documentation.
  7. Hasn’t been a problem for the last 300,000 years of our existence.
  8. And now the modern approach is to do the same thing to young kids that already fit in? Simply on the 0.01% chance they may be trans? Because the ever reducing age of suggested affirmation is deeply concerning. And the approach people are taking with it even more so. The idea of going and telling a bunch of highly impressionable kids that don’t even have proper communication skills yet this incredibly complicated ideology. It will only lead to misunderstandings and someone going through something they never actually had to. The kid I mentioned earlier who’s mother is pushing him through transitioning despite fully admitting he isn’t actually trans was 6 years old when I talked to his mother. I don’t care what scientific data you pull up. Nothing justifies doing that to a kid. You know what you call Chimeras and Intersex? Birth defects. A screw up in the biological oven. It’s an unfortunate circumstance, but by no means should their existence completely deconstruct our understanding of human biology. We don’t create new gender identities for every two headed baby, do we? Also Intersex people will usually either identify as strictly male or female. So while putting them through surgery as early as possible isn’t the best way to handle it. Surgery is ultimately performed eventually. I fully recognize that gender dysphoria is a condition. But I also feel that the currently accepted treatment does far more harm than good. Why change the body? Why make their existence more difficult by making them an easy subject of judgment? And the response is always, “Well you shouldn’t be judging them. You need to validate them so they can be happy”. And my response to that is “Any form of happiness that requires the validation of others is not true happiness”. I cannot support any cause that would give such an obtuse response to questioning as “You don’t need to understand it, just accept it”.
  9. Mini reworks aren’t really new. DE’s done them since Vauban. They did it for frames they knew weren’t popular, but didn’t really want to invest too much time into them. So they buffed them a little and hoped it was enough. It usually never was.
  10. Except we’re not learning anything new. We’re just ignoring biology, putting psychological states over biology, and claiming that’s the only important aspect of a persons identity. Language changes for convenience. Deciding that “man” and “woman” are now words that effectively mean nothing and are just labels we can assign ourselves with our own definitions (that usually involve using the words themselves. Which invalidates those as definitions) is not convenient. Have you seriously never taken a step back and looked at how insanely complicated the gender ideology is? And that’s the thing we’re supposed to treat as absolute normal? Something we’re supposed to all just inherently understand? It’s not. And quite frankly I find it completely redundant as Mammal biology is binary. So there’s literally no practical reason to be something outside “man” or “woman”. Which just makes me question why we’re all even entertaining all of this in the first place.
  11. Not once did I claim I was the victim. Ok so you don’t care that a child is being put through treatment to affirm the gender that the mother herself claims he doesn’t have? You think we shouldn’t care about the wellbeing of others and whether or not they are receiving the appropriate care? Isn’t that kind of contradictory to part of your movement? You’ve done nothing but make me out to be something completely different from what I myself am presenting myself as. It’s people like you that make me not what to support the movement. You’re only focused on what YOU want. What YOU think is right. With zero regard for others perspective. I don’t have any gay friends. But if I did. They’d sure as hell be far better people than you.
  12. Except there’s a big difference between being left handed and identifying as something outside your biology. The latter has direct ties to sex. Which has direct ties to relationships, which makes it far more complicated.
  13. I never said to attack the rest of the community. Thats you putting more words in my mouth. I’m saying the community should be under more scrutiny and people should stop crawling out of the woodwork to defend them only literally everything, good or bad. I have no reason to make it up. Be kinda dumb for me to fabricate a story just to give me motivation to not support something. You’re the one rushing to anger. I’ve been calm this entire time. I’m starting to think all your criticism of me is just you projecting. I feel like a movement that’s trying to completely change our use of language and perception of biology do actually affect me. As it affects everyone. Which is why it should be presenting itself better than just pulling new things out of the blue, saying they've always existed, and telling everyone they have to validate it. I mean we already saw that they aren’t being 100% honest when they went from having like 70 different pronouns to going “ok, people really couldn’t keep up with that. Let’s just clump them all together into they/them”. Despite the fact that that actually invalidates all the individual identities those pronouns were for.
  14. Don’t put words in my mouth. IDK how tf you jumped my refusal to entertain people’s self perception to lying about the Holocaust. I’m not going to share what I’ve seen on a video game forum. That’s crossing a line and will probably net me a warning. So I’m not doing it. The closet I can get is I literally talked to a mother who was bragging about forcing her son to go through changes despite the fact that there was no medical evidence for her to put him through that. When the actions of the bad apples are enabled by the rest of the community simply due to the “accept everything and don’t ask questions” mentality. Then it becomes a problem.
  15. But doesn’t it still have the projectile that bounces between enemies?
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