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  1. This here, so much. Look, Void Armageddon was the first and only of the Zariman void nodes that needed the extra attention desperately, but somehow Flood/Cascade took it away again. And I really don't wanna complain about the Omnia fissures, it's a nice addition, and I thought they'd be just standard missions like the other fissures, but they are not and that's super neat. For instance we can now farm the Lua Thrax Plasm that way. Thanks. Actually appreciated. But why in the origin system spanning hedge do we then get Void Flood/Cascade which we both can play in bounties and go to C rotations already, when Void Armageddon is the only mode that in bounties always boots your bum out before C, even though you need something from C? Oh, and the entire rest of the drop table is kind of irrelevant too. Aaaand the thing we need from C is 10%. Aaaaaaaaaand if we miss that 10% it's not even endo, not even relics it's... the lowest type of focus lens. Could've also just been a single credit for late endgame players at that point. I mean, for void's sake, does the cheapest Hespar blade BP need to be 200p before we kinda acknowledge that the grind for it misses the mark a little? And if you don't fix the bounty, then an Omnia fissure would've done it. But no...
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