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Posts posted by 5H4DE

  1. 7 hours ago, DrakeWurrum said:

    I am actually confused as to why enhancing the grid slot doesn't reduce the avionics cost. This would match our usual potato systems on warframes/weapons/companions. It seems redundant to let us upgrade the avionics, but then we also upgrade the grid slot to push up the numbers...

    Well that's exactly why, instead of reducing cost it pumps up the numbers, I don't have a problem with this to be honest, but if avionics can be capped then any grid points that would push it above that should instead just reduce cost.

    • Like 2
  2. I don't like how fast the Revolite is eaten by repairs, it can get to the point where in a mission you will be doomed to fail because you couldn't craft anymore to stop the fires.

    I hate how resource drops have to be picked up instead of going straight to your inventory when the enemy dies. The maps are huge, we shouldn't have to fly all over it to get the rewards from killed enemies, please consider making resource drops automatically added to your inventory in railjack missions.

    • Like 4
  3. So you saw something you didn't know about, you googled into it (presumably knowing you'll find stuff you don't know about, a.k.a. spoilers) and now you're sad you spoiled yourself a quest you could've done at MR3?

    Sorry mate but we're too far along and operators are a major part of most people's every-mission experience. Personally, if paired with a low MR I'll check their profile for operators and if they don't have it I try to use them somewhere they can't see me. That said, I only do this with people MR5 and lower, anything higher I just assume they have/know about it already.

    • Like 2
  4. 2 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    Funny enough Exalted Blade is the best exalted weapon by default now. If you switch out the slot used for CO with heat damage you can get some damage that’s almost indistinguishable from its previous damage output.

    But yeah CO needs to be revisited. The other exalteds are in a very bad place now.

    Dunno about Iron Staff, but my Valkyr Talons doing 300k+ dmg on spammable heavy attacks doesn't look too weak. Baruuk's exalted isn't too far off Valkyr either.

  5. 12 hours ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    You lied to me! There is no Gauss helmet in this weeks NW store and there hasn’t been since his release.

    Also, the art team has no control over what Alt helms get put into the Nightwave store. Pretty much because all DE made Alt helms get put in the NW store.

    Maybe he also confused NW Store with the marketplace. 

  6. No kidding, I had to build 2 elevators and 2 long hallways before I could place my Drydock, I guess it's what I get for building outside the dojo whenever possible.

  7. 2 minutes ago, (XB1)Rez090 said:

    That one will only ever be available with plat then. If the helm plat cost is over 100, chances are it will stay plat, under 100 will probably be available at some point in NW. Other helms have not been thought of yet that will be available thru NW.

    Also, not a Grendel owner.

    Dude what are you talking about? All alternate helms are 75 plat; currently all of them have cycled through nightwave. Are you mixing up DE made helms with Tennogen ones or something?

  8. 16 minutes ago, (XB1)Rez090 said:

    I've only run Index twice, both times I was seriously confused on who the enemy was or how the score system works. It's kindda stupid that we spawn at the enemy goal instead of our goal.

    It's not stupid at all it's literally how plenty of other sports games work(soccer/basketball for example). Here's a rundown:

    You spawn at the dropoff you need to defend and invade the enemy to score in theirs.

    You need 100 points total to win a round.

    Every time you score points you get extra time for the round, every time the enemy scores you lose time.

    Reaching certain amounts of points will give you extra when scoring (i.e: if you accumulate 20 points, it will give your team 30 when you score).

    If you let the enemy score too much the round will end in a draw and you lose your invested credits.

  9. 5 minutes ago, (XB1)Rez090 said:

    I'm meaning let them come up with designs that complements Grendel instead of something half baaked.

    You do realise Grendel already has his alt helm available for plat right? That's the one people want in NW shop, the same was with Gauss.

  10. Here's a topic I haven't seen for a long time, and for good reason, searching 5 minutes on the forums would have revealed countless similar threads and how they ended.

    My position on the matter? Mixed feelings, I don't encounter players annoying enough to want to kick them all that often and there's always the chance you get paired with a group of players who feel like pissing off others and kick them 40 minutes into an endless run, or kick them after getting an extremely rare drop. 

    I do have a potential fix for these cases tho, when a player is votekicked, he has 10 seconds to choose one of two options:

    1. Continue mission solo.

    2. Immediately extract with his loot and mission is completed.

    If he doesn't choose anything he gets extracted, no instances of kicking someone who went AFK for whatever reason and them losing all progress.

    If you want someone kicked because they're annoying or a detriment, you won't care that they keep what they got to that point but this will remove instances of people griefing others and denying loot.

    Edit: My apologies if something like this was already suggested, I didn't read the entire thread.

    • Like 1
  11. All of the above are good options, I'll give you something easier:

    Valkyr - strength and efficiency + base duration for hysteria

    Valkyr Talons - modded for Heavy attacks

    You 1-shot Liches with one Heavy attack from hysteria all while invulnerable. Ain't getting simpler and easier than that.

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